Exercise 15. Make the design of your 

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Exercise 15. Make the design of your


- living-room

- bedroom

- kitchen

V. “Arman’s working day.”

Read and translate the text:“My working day.”

My alarm clock rang at 7.15 as usual. And, as usual, I lay in bed for another ten minutes. Then I got up, made my bed, washed, and cleaned my teeth. Then I went back to my room where I dressed myself and combed my hair. In half an hour I was ready for breakfast, my mother usually makes it for me. After breakfast I put on my coat, took the bag and went to the University.

I like to go to the University by bus, it takes me twenty minutes to get there. When I got off the bus I walked to my study. I don’t want to be late for the first lesson so I came to the University a few minutes before the bell. I left my coat in the cloakroom and went upstairs to the classroom.

Classes begin at 8.30 and they are over at 16.30 in the afternoon. I usually have four pairs a day with short breaks between them. But yesterday I had three pairs, so I came home earlier and had dinner.

After dinner I had a short rest, read newspapers, made some telephone calls. Sometimes when my group mates and I go to the library after classes we go to the canteen and have dinner there. Then I did my homework. It usually takes me three hours to do the homework. As a rule I have very little free time on my weekdays. But when I have some spare time I help my parents about the house.

Eight o’clock is supper time in our family. As usual, we all got together in the kitchen, then went to the sitting-room and watched TV, read newspapers and books and discussed different problems. Twice a week I play volleyball with my friends in the evening. I am a member of the University volleyball team. So, yesterday I went to the sport club, which is next to my house and played volleyball. At about 11 at night I went to bed.

Active vocabulary:

a working day(week-day) – рабочий (будний)день – жумыс күні;

to take a bus (tram, trolleybus) –ехатьавтобусом (трамвайем,троллейбусом) – автобуспен(трамваймен,троллейбуспен) жүру; to walk – ходить пешком(прогуливаться) – жаяу жүру

to wash – умываться – жуыну;

to have a rest – отдыхать – демалу;

tomakeone’sbed – заправлять постель – төсек жинау;

to have a break – иметьперерыв – үзілісалу;

to make a telephone call – звонить – қоңыраушалу;

to clean teeth –чиститьзубы – тіс тазалау;

to do homework – делатьдомашнеезадание – үйтапсырмасынорындау;

to comb (brush) one’s hair – расчесываться – шашты тарау;

to play volleyball –игратьволейбол – волейболойнау;

to wake up – просыпаться – ояну;

a groupmate – однокурсник – группалас;

to get up – вставать – ұйқыдан тұру.

Answer the questions to the text:

1. When did Arman’s working day begin yesterday?

2. What did he do when he got up?

3. Who makes breakfast for him?

4. How long does it take him to get to the University?

5. When do his classes begin and how long do they last?

6. How many pairs had he yesterday?

7. What did he do after dinner?

8. How long does it take him to do homework?

9. What did he do in the evening yesterday?

10. When did he go to bed yesterday?

Exercise 1. Learn the words and expressions. Mind the pronunciation:

cloakroom to dress

canteen to get off

spare time to be late

pair to be in a hurry

classes to have an opportunity of doing smth

Exercise 2. Learn the poem:

Our Day.

Breakfast in the morning, Supper in the evening

Dinner in the day, When the sky is red,

Tea comes after dinner Then the day is over

Then comes time to play. And we go to bed.


Exercise 3. Write the dates and time:

A.- on weekdays; on Sunday; on the 7th of November, but in January, in 1914.

-at 5 o’clock, at half past three.


5/IV-1834; 6/VIII-1913; 7/XI-17O1; 31/XII-1525; 8/1-1812; 7/X-1919; 9/V-2004.

B. 11.50 – It is (It’s) ten minutes to twelve.

9.05 – It’s five minutes past nine


3.15; 10.45; 4.58; 6.11; 7.23; 8.30; 12.00; 5.55; 11.35; 9.40; 13.10; 14.25.

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences. Use at, on, or in + the following:

the evening about 20 minutes 1492 the same time the moment 21 July 1969 the 1920s night Saturdays the Middle Ages 11seconds

0. Columbus made his first voyage from Europe to America in 1492.

1. If the sky is clear, you can see the stars __________.

2. After working hard during the day, I like to relax __________.

3. Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon __________.

4. It’s difficult to listen if everyone is speaking __________.

5. Jazz became popular in the United States __________.

6. I’m just going out to the shop. I’ll be back. __________.

7. “Can I speak to Dan?” “I’m afraid he is not here __________.

8. Many of Europe’s great cathedrals were built __________.

9. Ben is very fast runner. He can run 100 meters __________.

10. Liz works from Monday to Friday. Sometimes she also works __________.

Exercise 5. Answer the questions:

1. How many days are there in a week? Name them.

2. What is the first day of the week?

3. What is the last day of the week?

4. Is Tuesday the second or the fourth day of the week?

5. How many days are there in a month (year)?

6. How many months are there in a year? Name them.

7. What is the first month of the year?

8. What day (date) was it yesterday?

9. Which month of the year is April?

10. What was the last year?

Exercise 6.

A. Complete the sentences with during, while, or for.

0. I went sailing _ d _ u _ ri _ n _ g _ my holiday.

1. We met ______ we were at university.

2. We lived in Zanzibar ______ two years.

3. We’re going away ______ two months this year.

4. It is very hot ______ the day.

5. ______ we were waiting, we saw some old friends.

B. Write at, on, in, or ✗ (nothing).

0. I get up _ a _ t 6.30 a.m.

1. The meeting’s __ Monday.

2. Why didn’t you come to visit me __ last year?

3. We’re seeing them __ next week.

4. Let’s go on holiday __ August.

5. My birthday’s __ 5th March.

Exercise 7.

Сөйлемдегі бос орынға at, on немесе in, демеуліктерін қажет болса қойыңыз:

1. He works …. the morning every day.

1. We had holidays... July.
2.... the 25th of March I met my future wife.
3.... last year they had a baby.
4. I should be there... 6 p.m.
5. I met her at the station … 6 o’clock.

Exercise 8.

A. Complete the sentences using the Past Simple.

0) They play volleyball every week. – Yesterday they played volleyball.

1) My working day lasts eight hours.

2) Do you often get letters from your friends?

3) Does he do well in English?

4) We discuss a lot of questions.

5) They don’t often stay at the office after 6 o’clock.


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