Тема 8. Социально-политический портрет США 

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Тема 8. Социально-политический портрет США



Цель: развитие навыков и умений монологической и диалогической речи с элементами рассуждения.


- способствовать развитию коммуникативных навыков на базе специализированной лексики,

- систематизировать имеющиеся знания по грамматике,

- совершенствовать умения просмотрового чтения,

- способствовать межпредметным связям в рамках учебной программы.

Учащийся должен знать:

- терминологию темы и использовать ее в речи;

- полную фактическую информацию, содержащуюся в текстах лексической темы;

- правила употребления модальных глаголов.

Учащийся должен уметь:

- понимать содержание представленных текстов,

- аргументировано представлять свое высказывание по текстам лексической темы,

- оперировать различными видами речевой деятельности (монолог, диалог)



Тема 8.1.Законодательные и исполнительные ветви власти.

Грамматическая тема: Предлоги места и времени.


Study the words and the word-combinations.


an amendment — поправка, изменение

vest with power — облекать властью

dual — двойной

a branch — отрасль

adopt — принимать (закон, резолюцию)

assign — назначать (на должность)

become permanently disabled — полностью утратить дееспособность

resign — уходить в отставку

a treaty — договор, соглашение

ratify — ратифицировать

possess — владеть

a tax — налог

coin —чеканить

an appointment — назначение

the House of Representatives — палата представителей (в конгрессе США)

remove — смещать (с занимаемого поста)

expire — истекать (о сроке)

evidence — доказательство

draft — проект, законопроект

approve — утверждать, одобрять

a trial — судебный процесс

the Chief Justice — председатель Верховного суда США

a judge — судья

the jury — суд присяжных

inauguration — торжественное вступление в должность

install — официально входить в должность

a participant — участник

a rostrum —

an oath — клятва, присяга

proclaim — провозглашать, объявлять


I. Give Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions.


to adopt;

to take part;

the highest executive power;

to improve taxes;


to make rules.



ІI. Match the English expressions with their Russian equivalents.

1. government a) законопроект
2. elect b) власть
3. bill c) назначать
4. power d) правительство
5. assign e) выборы
6. elections f) выбирать


III. Read and translate the text.

The USA. Legislative and Executive Branches of Power.

The United States of America is a federal union of 50 states. Its basic law is the Constitution, adopted in 1789 and the amendments to it. Besides, each state has its own government. Thus, all governments in America have the amendment character of both Federal and state Government. The basic principle of all American government is the separation of the three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. Each branch of government holds a certain degree of power over the other, and all take part in the governmental process.

The highest executive power in the United States is vested in the President of the USA, who is elected for a term of 4 years by electors of each state. As a head of the Executive Branch the President must carry out the government programmes adopted by Congress. He recommends programmes and laws to Congress and requests money for federal government operations. If a president “vetoes” or refuses to sign a bill passed by Congress, his veto may be over-ridden by two-third vote of both Houses of Congress. The President appoints federal judges ambassadors and hundreds of governmental official, and assign duties to the elected Vice-President. If a President dies, resigns or becomes permanently disabled, the Vice President takes his duties until the next elections.

Congress, the legislative branch of the federal government, is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives. There are 100 senators, two from each state. One third of the Senators are elected every two years for six-year terms of office. The Senators represent all of the people in a state and their interests.

The House has 435 members. They are elected every two years for two-year terms. They represent the population of “congressional districts” into which each state is divided. The number of representatives from each state is based upon its population.

The main task of Congress is to make laws. The US Constitution also gives Congress the power to improve taxes, to make rules for trade with foreign countries and states, to coin money, to organize the Armed Forces, to declare war. Another power possessed by Congress is the right to propose amendments to the Constitution whenever two-thirds of both Houses shall consider it necessary.

Under the Constitution US Senate has some special powers not given to the House of Representatives. The Senate approves and disapproves major Presidential appointments of such high officials as ambassadors, Cabinet ministers, and federal judges. The Senate must also ratify, by a two-thirds vote, treaties between the USA and foreign countries.

The House of Representatives has a special power of its own. Only a member of the House can introduce a bill to raise money, but it must also be passed by the Senate before it can become law.


IV. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following words and expressions.


палата представителей,


исполнительная ветвь власти,


вносить на рассмотрение законопроект,

объявлять войну.


V. Answer the questions.


1. Is the highest executive power vested in the President of the USA?

2. What does the President of the USA recommend and request?

3. Whom does the President appoint?

4. What is Congress, the legislative branch of the federal government, made up of?

5. Name at least three functions of Congress.

6. What are some special powers not given to the House of Representatives under the US Constitution?

7. Examine the main functions of the legislative and executive

power in the United States.


VI. Complete the sentences using the following words.


The Constitution, the House of Representatives, Federal and state Government, Congress, to make laws, Presidential appointments

1. Congress is made up of the Senate and …

2. The main task of Congress is …

3. The Senate approves and disapproves major…

4. The President recommends programmes and laws to…

5. The basic law of the United States of America is…

6. All governments in America have the amendment character of both...


VII. Mark the statements below as “True” or “False”.


1. The Constitution was adopted in 1879.

2. The basic principle of all American government is the separation of the two branches: executive and judicial.

3. The highest legislative power in the United States is vested in the President of the USA.

4. The main task of Congress is to make laws.

5. One third of the Senators are elected every three years for six-year terms of office.

6. The Senate disapproves major Presidential appointments.


VIII. Make the following sentences complete by translating the words and phrases in brackets.

The (законодательная ветвь) – (конгресс) – consists of the (Сенат) and the (Палата Представителей). Each (сенатор) is elected for six years and each (представитель) for two years, with no limitation on the number of (сроков).

Each of the 50 states elects two (сенаторов) under a system in which one-third of the (Сенат) is elected every two years. A (сенатор) must be (старше) 30 years old and must have been an American citizen for (по меньшей мере) nine years.

The (Палата Представителей) has 435 members. Each state is divided into congressional districts of roughly (равное) population, and the (избиратели) of each district elect one (представитель) to (Конгресс). A member must be (старше) 25 years of age and must have been an American citizen for at least seven years.

Both (палата) of (Конгресс) must (одобрить) bills before they become law. The (Сенат) alone (утверждает) the President’s (кандидаты) for high-level official positions and (ратифицирует) treaties with other nations.



Предлог (The Preposition) – это служебное слово, выражающее различные отношения существительных или его эквивалентов (местоимений, существительных, герундия) к другим словам в предложении (существительным, прилагательным, глаголам).

По своей форме предлоги в английском языке делятся на следующие группы:

а) простые – in, to, at, …

б) составные – into, upon, throughout, …

в) групповые, т.е. словосочетания, играющие роль предлогов – according to (согласно), by means of (посредством), instead of (вместо), in front of(перед).

Предлоги в английском языке подразделяются на предлоги места, направления и времени.


Предлоги места

On - на On the desk, on the wall
In – в, на In the room, in the street, in the tree
At – у, в, на At the window, at the meeting
Near - около Near the door, near the wall
Over - над Over the table, over the sofa
Under - под Under the table, under the bed
Between - между Between two chairs, between the doors
Among - среди Among the students, among them
Behind – за, позади Behind the house, behind them
Across – через, напротив Across the street, across the river
In front of - перед In front of the house, in front of him
Through – через, сквозь Through the window, through the glass


Предлоги направления

To – к, на, в To the park, to the North, to school
Towards – в направлении к Towards the forest, towards the station
From – из, с, от From the fridge, from the North
Into – в (внутрь) Into the pocket, into the room
Out of – из (изнутри) Out of the house, out of the drawer
Off – с(со), от Off the desk, off the wall


Предлоги времени

In – в, через In two days, in September
At – в, у At 7 o’clock, at noon
By - к By 3 o’clock, by midnight
From… till – от (с)…до From early morning till late at night
Since - с Since 5 o’clock, since noon
For – в течение For several hours, for ages
On - в On Sunday, on the tenth of May
During – во время During the lecture, during the break
Before – до (перед) Before the bell, before winter
After - (после) After school, after the break
Till (until) - до Till May, till the end of the year
Between - между Between one and two o’clock



Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps with appropriate prepositions.

1. Good bye! See you … Friday. 2. I got up … 8o’clock. 3. I like getting up early … the morning. 4 I was tired this morning. I stayed in bed … 10 o’clock. 5. We waited … half an hour, but they didn’t come. 6. There was a big table … the middle of the room. 7. What is the longest river … the world? 8. Will you be … home tomorrow afternoon? 9. Are you going … the party on Saturday evening? 10. What time are you going … home? 11. We jumpted … the bridge …the water. 12. You can put your coat … the chair. 13.In Britain it’s expensive to travel … train. 14. Sarah isn’t interested … sport. 15. Barbara plays … the piano well.


Exercise 2. Choose the right variant.


1. … conclusion he said that he was very happy to visit our country.

a) To b) In


2. This book was translated … Japanese.

a) of b) from


3. Will your sister be … home … this evening?

a) in, on b) at, -


4. If we don’t hurry, we’ll be late … dinner.

a) on b) for


5. They jumped … the bridge … the water.

a) off, into b) of, in


6. Some people talk … their health all the time.

a) about b) on


7. Edina doesn’t use her new car very often, she used to go everywhere …

a) on b) by


8. In our country children normally start school … the age of six.

a) at b) on


9. We must hurry! The train leaves … ten minutes.

a) at b) in


10.Last night I spoke … my husband … the telephone.

a) with, by b) to, on


11…. my opinion, capital punishment is really kinder than life … prison.

a) From, in b) In, in c) At, at


12.She knew, of course, that Peter had long been … love …her.

a) with, to b) in, for c) in, with


13…. the end of every other minute he would drop his tools, wipe his shining head, and curse the heat.

a) In b) At c) On


14…. that point, what had happened … me?

a) From, to b) On, with c) In, to


15.It all depends … the way you look … life.

a) to, at b) on, at c) on, for


16.One… them suddenly cried out… despair “Let me go back.”

a) among, for b) between, from c) of, in


17.We drank a toast … the bride and bridegroom.

a) to b) for c) at


18.I want you to tell me … this accident.

a) about b) on c) of


19.You should take this medicine … every meal.

a) across b) after c) in


20. There is something unusual … my husband and his secretary.

a) between b) among c) beyond


21.The book reminded me … a picture dictionary that had belonged … my elder sister.

a) -, to b) of, to c) on, - d) about, to


22. … a long time he remained … the edge … the roof, staring steadily … the ground.


a) -, at, of, at b) In, on, on, on c) For, on, of, at

d) For, on, of, to


23.He was so late…dinner that his stepmother said …him not to enter…the dining-room.

a) to, to, into b) for, -, - c) to, -, - d) for, to, -


24.His father, who was sitting … the armchair…the window, kept looking … him steadily.

a) on, by, on b) in, by, at c) in, in front, at

d) on, by, for


25…. This evening Peter’s father was waiting … him … the railway station.

a) During, -, at b) In, for, at c) -, for, at d) -, for, on


26.It was very good … my colleague to invite me … his party.

a) for, to b) of, at c) of, to d) to, to


27.I have been suddenly called away … business and don’t know when I’ll be back…home.

a) to, - b) for, to c) from, - d) on, -


28.Mary has just lost the keys … her room.

a) for b) of c) to d) from


29.He hesitated … a moment and then he joined … the others.

a) for, to b) with, - c) over, with d) for, -


30.The sole reason … my staying here at all is your poor state… health.

a) of, of b) in, of c) of, in d) for, of




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