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Unit 2. Basic Types of Information SystemsСодержание книги
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Exercise 1. Think and answer: What are the main activities of a manager in an organization? Exercise 2. Study the list of IT terms below: Active Words and Phrases:
Exercise 3. Read and translate the following text into Ukrainian paying attention to the terms in bold: 1. Basic Types of Information Systems Over the last several decades the management of information and, thus, of computers and information systems has become increasingly more important to the attainment of an organization’s goals. Information is the life-blood of an organization. Most activities performed by managers in an organization such as problem identification and solution, control, and decision-making are based on information. Managers need to receive accurate and timely information to accomplish these activities effectively. Computers and information systems permit information to be acquired, processed, and distributed efficiently. They enable businesses to gain a competitive edge because accurate, timely, and more complete information allows better decisions to be made. Most organizations change as a result of both internal and external influences. Computers and information systems provide the means to gather and manage the appropriate information to keep pace with change. Changes in the marketplace, availability of resources, economic factors, and a host of other considerations force managers to reevaluate their goals and objectives. Computers and information systems help them gather and manage the information required to do this quickly and easily. The integrated circuit, a combination of miniature transistors and circuits on a tiny silicon chip, has been important in developing the rapid growth of information systems technology. This industry can be divided into three major segments: communications, data processing and office automation.
One useful way to represent how an organization can employ information systems technology is to think in terms of three basic kinds of information systems: transaction processing, management information, and decision support systems. The data for these systems are organized into well-defined collections of data called files or databases. 2. Transaction Processing System A transaction processing system captures the data necessary to update existing records whenever stored data about the fundamental business operations of the organization must be changed. A transaction is a unit of work that is elemental from the organization’s point of view. For example, in an order-entry system, a common transaction is entering a new order. For an accounts-receivable system, a common transaction is entering a customer payment. The transaction processing system edits all input to ensure that it is accurate and complete. For example, a customer-order transaction is rejected if it contains an invalid account number or if the product code of the item ordered is missing. Valid transactions are accepted for further processing and invalid transactions are identified so that they can be corrected. 3. Management Information System A management information system accepts valid transactions from the transaction processing system to update the contents of the database. The management information system can draw the data from the database and process it to provide management with information. It can be used to identify opportunities for improvement or to help determine alternative courses of action. The database may contain a massive amount of details (e.g. three years of customers’ orders for a big company may require millions of records). The database is protected against loss of its original contents by creating copies of the database and/or the original transactions used to update it. Thus the database represents a vast storehouse of facts of significant value to the entire organization and is often referred to as a corporate database (e.g., the corporate-order database). A corporate database is used by many different organizations for many different purposes. Special subjects of the corporate database may be combined with other data to meet specific user needs. This collection of special-purpose data is often called an application database (i.e., a database created for a small set of users for a specific use). 4. Decision Support System People use decision support systems (DSS) to access the application databases to get the key facts needed to help make decisions. The decision support system may be fairly simple and straightforward, merely producing some type of printed report containing information useful to managers. On the other hand, the decision support system may be a complex system that models some business situation and allows managers to simulate what will happen under different conditions. DSSs contain a set of related programs and data to help with analysis and decision-making in an organization. At a minimum, DSS includes a database relating to the types of decisions being made, the capability to state problems and questions, and modelling software that can test alternative solutions. More powerful modelling software such as Integrated Financial Planning System (IFPS) and graphics software are often included. Although different levels of management benefit from decision support systems, they are used by tactical management for creating models to assist in analysis and decision-making. A DSS can present several solutions for one problem. It permits the user to enter, retrieve, and analyse data in an ad hoc manner. The user does not have to rely on the systems department to change the program, create new relationships among existing data, enter new data, or analyse the data in a new way. As a result, information is available almost immediately. A DSS does not make decisions for users, but it does support them in their decisions. A manager then uses his/her judgement, intuition, and experience to reach a decision.
There are numerous DSS applications in business organizations. Some of the most important and widely used applications are in financial planning, manufacturing, mergers and acquisitions, new product development, plant expansions, and sales forecasting. In financial planning, banks use DSSs for budgeting and analysing of changes in money market rates, financial regulations, and interest rates. Manufacturing firms use DSSs to study the impact that different combinations of production processes, and machine capacities have on production costs. Exercise 4. Study the Supplementary list of words below. Supplementary list of words
Exercise 5. Match the term with its definition.
Exercise 6. Comprehension check. Say whether the sentences are true or false: 1. A transaction processing system accepts valid transactions from the management information systems. 2. A corporate database is like a vast storehouse of facts required by several organizations. 3. The decision support system can produce only a printed report useful for managers. 4. Invalid transactions are accepted for further processing. 5. A database created for a small set of users is called an application database. 6. DSS makes decisions for tactical management. Exercise 7. Here are the answers. Make out the questions. 1. Transaction processing, management information and decision support systems. 2. To ensure that it is accurate and complete. 3. They are rejected. 4. To identify opportunities for improvement or determine alternative courses of actions. 5. By creating copies of the database. 6. To help make decisions. 7. To simulate what will happen under different conditions. Exercise 8. Speak about basic types of information systems. How can they help to achieve the organization’s goals? Exercise 9. Translate into English. 1. Tипи інформаційних систем Iснує декілька типів інформаційних систем, які задовольняють різні інформаційні потреби людини в організації. Операційні інформаційні системи, які ще також називають іноді системами обробки торговельних угод, записують та керують торговими угодами, щоб надати інформацію менеджерам, які виконують повсякденні організаційнї функції. Адміністративно-інформаційна система надає інформацію менеджерам для використання її у вирішенні проблем, контролюванні, прийнятті рішень в ситуаціях, що добре структуровані та формалізовані. Система підтримки рішень — інтерактивна інформаційна система, побудована на наборі взаємозв‘язаних даних, вона допомагає користувачу вирішити проблеми.
Інформаційна система маркетингу включає в себе збирання подробиць про щоденні угоди купівлі-продажу, керування та контроль ринкових операцій і планування купівлі і продажу та стратегій на майбутнє. Інформаційна система маркетингу має справу з існуючими продуктами і ринками та їх плануванням. Щоб дістатися цих цілей, вона спирається на системи купівлі-продажу. Система купівлі-продажу записує інформацію про щоденні угоди купівлі-продажу, наприклад: ім’я покупця, коди виробів, розміри замовлень, адреса, куди слід відіслати рахунки та де розвантажити продукцію. Інформація записується з використанням системи обробки угод. Система купівлі і продажу має бути пристосована до обробки великого обсягу інформації і таким чином є ідеальною для комп’ютеризації. 2. Операційна система Коли новий комп’ютер виходить із заводського конвейєру, він не може робити нічого. Щоб змусити його працювати, апаратне забезпечення потребує програмного забезпечення. Чи ми говоримо про прикладне програмне забезпечення, таке як «обробка тексту» чи електронні таблиці? Частково про перше. Проте пакет прикладного програмного забезпечення не взаємодіє безпосередньо з апаратним забезпеченням. Між прикладним програмним забезпеченням та апаратним забезпеченням існує інтерфейс програмного забезпечення – операційна система. Операційна система являє собою набір програм, який знаходиться між прикладним програмним забезпеченням та комп’ютерним апаратним забезпеченням. Найбільш важливою програмою в операційній системі є програма, яка головним чином зберігається у пам’яті і таким чином, сприймається як резидент. Керуюча програма контролює операційну систему у цілому та завантажує у пам'ять інші програми операційної системи (що називаються нерезидентами) з дискового запам'ятовального пристрою тільки у разі потреби. Listening comprehension: Computer languages Exercise 1. Listen to the conversation and answer the question: What do the acronyms mentioned in the dialogue mean? ASCII Algol Algorithm PROLOG FORTRAN A.I. Exercise 2. Listen to the dialogue once again and translate it sentence by sentence orally. Unit 3. Expert Systems. Office Information Systems. Exercise 1. Answer the questions below. Who can be called an expert? What qualities do they require to solve a problem? Exercise 2. Study the list of IT terms below: List of active terms
Exercise 3. Read and translate the following text:
1. Expert Systems An expert system, also called a knowledge-based system, is a type of application program used to make decisions or solve problems in a particular field. It uses knowledge and analytical rules defined by human experts in a field. It is called an expert system because it depends primarily on the knowledge of human experts. It functions like an expert in a discipline, solving problems that require knowledge, intelligence, and experience. Expert systems are a key part of many decision support and executive support systems. The two major components of an expert system are a knowledge base and an inference engine. A knowledge base contains the accumulated body of knowledge of human experts in a particular field. The knowledge is a combination of data and rules to be applied to the data. The knowledge base is the most important component of an expert system. The performance of an expert system is a function of a size and quality of that knowledge base. The inference engine is the software that applies the rules from the knowledge base to the data provided by the user to draw a conclusion. A number of commercial tools are available to build expert systems, making it unnecessary to create such systems from scratch. These tools are known in the industry as shells, or expert system shells. Most shells contain all of the components of an expert system except the knowledge base. Thus, buyers need to add only a knowledge base to create their own expert systems. Many businesses have been using knowledge-based systems to provide quicker and easier problem detection as well as assistance in problem solving and decision making, thereby improving productivity and reducing the costs of operation. They are used in offices, hospitals, research laboratories of various types, industrial plants, manufacturing shops, repair shops, oil wells, and the like. 2. Office Information Systems In the past 20 years computers have exerted a powerful effect on the office environment and the way in which offices operate. Computers and communication technology made possible the concept of office information systems (OISs). An office information system (OIS) helps knowledge workers manage the preparation, storage, retrieval, reproduction, and communication of information within and among business offices. A knowledge worker is a person who creates, processes, and distributes information. In the Information Age these activities are the predominant tasks of most business workers, making an office information system extremely important to the efficient management of information in today’s business world. An OIS makes the production and flow of information more efficient, cheaper, and faster. OISs incorporate a variety of technologies. Word processing is the most widely adopted of all the office technologies. Computer technology has also changed the way data are processed, stored, and retrieved in a business office. Computerized equipment automates and in many cases separates data-processing activities from general office activities. Most of a company’s records are now stored electronically in separate data-processing departments. Some records need to be stored for many years; electronic media take up much less space than traditional file cabinets. OISs link data-processing departments electronically to other department offices, permitting secretaries, managers, executives, and others to access relevant data and information while remaining at their desk. 3. Executive Support Systems Executive is usually synonymous with strategic or top-level management. An executive has the responsibility of setting long-range planning goals and a strategic course for an organization for the years ahead. An information system that caters specifically to the special information needs of executives, such as managerial planning, monitoring and analysis, is called an executive support system (ESS).
An ESS incorporates large volumes of data and information gathered from the external environment of an organization, i.e., from sources outside itself. That information is used in conjunction with the information generated by management information systems (MISs) within functional areas (e.g., marketing, accounting, production, etc.) of the organization to accommodate the specialized information needs of executives. An ESS plays a vital role in summarizing and controlling the volume of information that an executive must read. An executive assigns values to the various sources of information from which data for an ESS are drawn in order to place emphasis on most important sources. Thus, ESSs can be tailored to meet the specific needs of each executive in an organization. Exercise 4. Study the supplementary list of words below. Supplementary list of words and phrases
Exercise 5. Match the words with their definitions:
Exercise 6. Insert the necessary prepositions. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian: 1. An expert system depends …… the knowledge of human experts. 2. The inference engine applies the rules …… the knowledge base …… the data provided …… the user. 3. …… the acceptance …… computers and communication technology, the whole concept …… office work and the business workplace changed …… the 1980s. 4. A business often needs to create duplicates …… documents …… distribution …… users who require that information. 5. Office information systems are extremely important …… the efficient management …… information …… today’s business world. Exercise 7. Open the brackets using the present or past participles. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian: 1. MYCIN is an expert system (using/used) to diagnose infectious diseases and suggest possible treatments. 2. The system was (developing/developed) by the scientists of Stanford University. 3. It was a knowledge base (containing/contained) expert knowledge about diagnoses. 4. Each rule has a probability figure (associating/associated) with it to indicate its level of certainty. 5. MYCIN’s performance is almost as good as that of physicians which is (indicating/indicated) that this technology has practical business application. 6. EMYCIN is an expert system shell and is (marketing/marketed) as a shell to be used with other knowledge bases. Exercise 8. Answer the following questions: 1. What is an expert system? 2. What are the two major components of an expert system? 3. What does a knowledge base contain? 4. What is the inference engine used for? 5. What is an expert system shell? 6. What is the purpose of office information systems? 7. What kind of technologies do they incorporate? 8. What role does an executive support system play? Exercise 9. Translate into English. 1. Експертна система Експертна система — це тип програми, що використовується для прийняття рішень або вирішення проблем у певній галузі. Людина-експерт в цій галузі вкладає в цю програму свої знання та аналітичні здібності настільки, наскільки їх можна формалізувати. Два головні компонени інформаційної системи — база знань та інтерфейс. Оболонка інформаційної системи складається з тих самих компонентів, що й експертна система, окрім бази знань. Офісна інформаційна система використовується для того, щоб допомогти робітникам інтелектуальної галузі керувати підготовкою, сортуванням, відновленням, копіюванням та обліком інформації в офісі та між офісами. Людина, яка створює, обробляє та розповсюджує інформацію, називається "фахівцем в сфері інформаційних технологій". 2. Вилучення інформації Вилучення інформації – це проста фільтрація великої кількості необроблених даних для вилучення корисної інформації, яка надає підприємствам конкурентної перевагу. Ця інформація складається із виразних шаблонів та трендів, які вже наявні в даних, але до цього не були помічені. Найбільш популярним засобом, що використовується при вилученні інформації, є штучний інтелект. Технології штучного інтелекту намагаються працювати подібно до того, як працює мозок людини, роблячи обґрунтовані здогадки, навчаючись за прикладом та використовуючи дедуктивне мислення. Деякі з найбільш популярних методів штучного інтелекту, що застосовуються при вилучені інформації, включають нейронні мережі, кластеризацію та дерева прийняття рішень. Коли дані, що необхідно вилучити, визначені, вони мають бути очищені. Очищення даних позбавляє їх від інформації, що повторюється та від помилкових даних. Потім дані мають бути збережені в однорідному форматі та в необхідних категоріях або областях. Програми з вилучення даних можуть працювати з усіма типами зберігання даних, від великих баз даних до менших баз даних на робочому столі та плоских файлів. Великі бази даних та вітрини даних є методами зберігання даних, які включають архівацію великої кількості інформації таким чином, щоб легко отримати доступ до них, коли це необхідно. Якщо процес завершено, програмне забезпечення для вилучення даних робить звіт. Аналітик розглядає цей звіт, щоб побачити, чи необхідна подальша робота, така як зміна параметрів, застосування інших програм з аналізу даних, чи навіть видалення даних, якщо вони непотрібні.
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