Museum Presentation (Theory and Practice, presentation Art, new Scripts and Concepts) 

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Museum Presentation (Theory and Practice, presentation Art, new Scripts and Concepts)


The book is concerned with problems of modern museum presentation and demonstrates multifarious approaches which treat presentation as a specific and unique phenomenon that embodies the essence of museum, serves as the main communicative channel and summarise all the activities of museum as its final result. The problem of multy-functional presentation its scientific and artistic interpretation the synthesis of museum image are the most important problems of actual search.

The museum presentation has been recognized as one of the environmental art forms, the art of museum presentation. The conceptual structure of display and the scripting have also infinitely enriched presentation with a stone of possibilities. Its communicative ability together with its scientific and artistic expressiveness have been leveled up too.

In its turn this twofold character of presentation (as an object and result of scientific and artistic activities) has produced multifarious concepts and opinions, viewpoints anil approaches characteristic of "scientific" and "creative" positions in resolving the questions of displaying.

This collection concerns exploration of those problems. It is intended fort understanding the prospective tendencies in development of the theory and practice in museum display. As regards the content of this volume the series of scientific paper collections of the Russian Institute for Cultural Research including such items as "The Art of Museum Presentation", (1977), "The Art of Museum Presentation" Modern Trends in Architectural and Artistic Decision" (1982), "The Art of Presentation and Museum Facilities" (1985) is continued. The book includes theoretical writings on artistic and scientific aspects of presentation as well as the essays which analyse and generalize from the experience of new display and museum creation.

The book has two parts, namely "Theoretical Problems of Modern Tendencies in Presentation" and "Museum Presentation Experience: New Concepts, Scripts, Realizations".

The first part includes writings of general theoretic character, while the second part presents material dealing with particular museums and displays.

Maistrovskaya M. T. Museum Display: Trends in Development. - P.

The writing cosiders some tendencies in display development with a special emphasis on modern visitor's perception and general stile mends in ant as the whole. The character of modern showmanship and presentation is also reviewed together with the tasks, goals, technical facilities and conceptual ideas of most important projecting trends.

Nikishin N.A. Museum facilities: Signs and Symbols. - P.

The writing deals with the development of the museum language idea, the tokens of which are museum objects. This language is not the only sign system, which is employed in museum. The "sub-languages" of presentation including presentation design are also distinguished, the latter making use of the same tokens as the museum language does but in different meaning. The essence of the notion "museum facilities" is explicated with the help of language theory terms.

Dukelsky V.J. Looking for the museum concept of History. - P.

In this paper the problems of correlation between the patterns of scientific knowledge on the one hand and of the museum presentation on the other are investigated considering the diverse phases of museum development, while analysing particular features of history presentation the author formulates the general concept of "museum historism".

ErmolaevA.P. Shulika T.P Open Design. - P.

Two particular displays serve as an example fen the analysis of display projecting principals, when design is "opened" according to the permanent project development, to the possibilities of a client, to available technical facilities and materials.

Kalugina T.P. Aesthetically Oriented eendencies in Art Museum Display. - P.

Aesthetically oriented presentations like "focused exhibit" aim to emphasize the unique6 particular artistic quality of a museum piece, arid also to produce environment fen deeper emotional experience and taste formation of a visitor. The fulfilment of this task needs the presentation to be relieved of second-duality objects and funned into a masteriiece exhibition. In this case the displaying walls and room also need releiving, The simple correspondence a wall - a picture", "an exhibit - a room" presents the logical limit of this idea, which could be realized at times.

Kaulen M.E. A Museum on a Church? - P.

This essay concerns the lawful employment of church interiors as a housing for museum display, which has actually got an extraordinary importance. The investigation of historical interaction between church and museum, as well as the analysis of church interiors as a musified space and as an object of museum communication provide a basis fort the conclusion that museums-cuurches should be preserved. Most prospective tendencies in church interiors display are also exarllined.

A.Shukurova. Achitectural Collections: The History and Aestheties of Display. - P.

Concerned in this article are the aesthetic principles of architectural projects of XVIII century to the recent displays in postmodern stule. The formation of collections of architectural drawings, models, bilding fragments and plaster casts is exposed in connection with the development of techniques of representation, reproduction, modelling and so on. The author announces her historical survey of architectural collectioning in Russia which now is in preparation.

Galldna E.L. Non-traditional forms of managing ethnografic collections. - P.

The essay is concerned with non-traditional forms of museum work with ethnographic objects and related procedures in museum field. The author notes out the current changes in social function of a museum, as well as the transformation of method and manner in managing the ethnographic material, which takes place before curt very eyes and aims loo increase efficiency of interaction between museum and society. Besides non-traditional activities of open, am museums are reviewed, while the Novgorod Reserve Museum experience is stated as an example.

Chernichko J.A. Natural Science Presentation and a Visitor: Search for patterns of Museum Communication. - P.

The possibilities and factors of science museum development are analysed within the framework of original concept-the content of actual social order is formulated with a special emphasis on presentation space problems, on selecting collections fort display, on the work wihh children.

Rozenblum E.A. Thirty Years Later ("Time" and "Space" in Presentation). - P.

The essay acquaints one with the artistic explorations of the author, who is one of the oldest museum design theoretists and authoritative leaden in showmanship. The attempt is made to formulate the understanding of fundamental and most difficult problems of presentation design concerning "Time" and "Space" in display. The complicated relations between those, who produce the presentation, are investigated, as well as the very procedure of its preparing. Author also characteriees certain prospective presentations of importance and particular design schools.

Gnedovsky M.B. The Script for the Joint Memorial museum of Jury Gagarin in the city of Gagarin. -P.

The script is a dramatic framework ton the museum complex in the city of Gagarin, where the finer cosmonaut was born. The memorial scenario which ss connected with the name of Gagarin is developed in a system of displays dedicated to the history of the first cosmic flight. Besides the "cosmic" subject is harmonically joined with the local one. All this provides the opportunity for realizing both traditional laser of historical consciousness development and the promotion of "global" on "planetary" consciousness.

Polyakov T.P. History and Mythology in Display. - P.

The correlation of scientific (or historical) and artistic (or mythological) essence in the framework of display is defined on the example of a particular presentation script. The author analyses the attempt of giving up the division of local exhibition into two pants, namely "the Nature", "The Histony" as well as tee denial to divide the latter into a series of chronological periods and stages.

Egorychev V. V. The Fate of Tsaritsino: Methodology of museum modelling. - P.

The writing is about methodological principals of museum enjoyment of the complex "Tsaritsino" which is a remarkable cultural and historical monument. Its fate poses some actual culturological questions for museum workers concerning cognition of interrelations between Past and Present, East and West, Culture and Civilization in mass and elit consciousness.

Galashevich A.A., Dokuchaeva O.V., Kleyman L.G., Nosova O.I. The Opera House of Tsaritsino Interiors: A Concept of Restoration and Usage. - P.

In the essay a restoration concept fort Tsaritsino interiors and namely for the Opera House is proposed which bases on historical and artistic peculiarities of finis architectural and park ensemble. The suggested restoration of the Opera House and its interior decorations provides possibilities for its usage as a museum and a concert hall.

Polyakov T.P., Strizhneva S.E. Invitation to the Museum: New Permanent Exhibition in the State Museum of Vladimir Mayakovsky. - P.

The authors give the traditional analysis of museum presentation up and propose the integrated literary image of just a new museum of Vladimir Mayakovsky. The main task of the essay is to find verbal equivalents for the plastic, artistic images of the presentation.

Malinkovskaya O.B., Maistrovskaya M.T. The exhibiting activities of the State Pushkin Fine Ant Museum: A Review. - P.

This is the first specialized review dealing with particular exhibition problems of the museum. The imaginary, space and picturesque patterns, as well as the original manner of

displaying which have been employed for sunn exhibitions as "The Age of Enlightenment", "Finnish Painting of 175011900", "Roman Art in Koln", "Masterpieces of West European Painting from G.Thyssen-Bornemissen's Collection", "The Age of Discovery" and others are analysed- The authors also touch on some problems concerning the particularities of art pieces perception in the exhibition and the practice of organizing exhibitinns.

Efremova E. V. The Exhibition experience of the State Tretyakov Ant Gallery. - P.

The author tries investigating the transformation of ideas into real presentations, while the bases fen the consideration is provided by the analysis of presentation activities and the most interesting exhibitions of the State Tretyakov Art Gallery during last: five years. The general principals of display, the methods and museum facilities fort the presentation of the works ofaart are revealed.

Timohin Y. V. The Audiovisual Display ff a oonument: (The Church of the Deposition of the Robe in Moscow Kremlin). - P.

The author generalizes from the experience of display in the Church of the Deposition of the Robe in Moscow Kremlin. Much attention is given In those anchitectural characteristics of this monument, which have been basical for the design of display and the presentation of architectural particularities of the church, its interior decoration and works of ancien Russian art.

На пути к музею XXI века.

Музейная экспозиция

(теория и практика, искусство экспозиции,

новые сценарии и концепции)

Музееведение. Сборник научных трудов.

Ответственный редактор, кандидат искусствоведения М.Т.Майстровская

Зав. ред.изд.отд. Грибкова Ю.В.

Редактор Земскова В.И.

Корректор Вартанян О.И.

Верстка Гордеева Н.Г. Дизайн обложки Круглова М.Г.

109072, Москва, Берсеневская наб.20. Российский институт культурологии МК РФ и РАН

Объем - 28 п.л. Типография МЭИ, Красноказарменная ул. д. 13


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