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mūrtimatyaḥ saric-chreṣṭhā


mahendro mahad-adbhutam

mūrtimatyaḥ saric-chreṣṭhā

hema-kumbhair jalaṁ śuci

Indra brought a great astonishing throne for her. All the rivers of sacred water personified brought pure water in golden water pots for Lakṣmī.

The word ca indicates that both forms—the form of wealth, and the form dear to Viṣṇu-- were worshipped.

|| 8.8.11 ||

ābhiṣecanikā bhūmir

āharat sakalauṣadhīḥ

gāvaḥ pañca pavitrāṇi

vasanto madhu-mādhavau

The earth collected all the herbs suitable for installing her, The cows delivered five products, namely milk, yogurt, ghee, urine and cow dung, and spring personified collected flowers and fruits from the months of Caitra and Vaiśākha [April and May].

Ābhisecankāḥ means “suitable for installation.” The five pure products of the cow are milk, ghee, yoghurt, cow urine and cow dung. Madhu and Mādhava are the months of Caitra and Vaiśākha. Their products are fruits and flowers. Another version has madhu-mādhavam: the honey produced during the month of Mādhava.

|| 8.8.12 ||

ṛṣayaḥ kalpayāṁ cakrur

ābhiṣekaṁ yathā-vidhi

jagur bhadrāṇi gandharvā

naṭyaś ca nanṛtur jaguḥ

The sages performed the bathing ceremony as directed in the scriptures. The Gandharvas chanted auspicious prayers and the dancers danced and sang.

|| 8.8.13 ||

meghā mṛdaṅga-paṇava-


vyanādayan śaṅkha-veṇu-

vīṇās tumula-niḥsvanān

The clouds in personified form played drums, known as mṛdaṅgas, paṇavas, murajas, ānakas, and vīṇas, and blew conch, gomukhas, and flutes, which made a tumultuous sound.

|| 8.8.14 ||

tato 'bhiṣiṣicur devīṁ

śriyaṁ padma-karāṁ satīm

digibhāḥ pūrṇa-kalaśaiḥ

sūkta-vākyair dvijeritaiḥ

Thereafter, the elephants of the directions bathed the personification of wealth and the chaste form holding a lotus who was dedicated to Viṣṇu, using full pots of water purified by Vedic mantras chanted by brāhmaṇas.

Śriyam refers to the form of wealth. Devīm comes from the root div, meaning “to play.” The pastime of the form of wealth is to distribute wealth and enjoyment. The form with a lotus in her hand is the consort of Viṣṇu, who is dedicated to her husband (satīm).

|| 8.8.15 ||

samudraḥ pīta-kauśeya-


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