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nirmathyamānād udadher abhūd viṣaṁ


nirmathyamānād udadher abhūd viṣaṁ

maholbaṇaṁ hālahalāhvam agrataḥ



From the churning of the ocean, which disturbed the fish, sharks, tortoises and snakes and afflicted even the whales, water elephants, crocodiles and timiṅgila fish, a fierce poison called hālahala first appeared.


Because the plants offered in the ocean had both poison and nectar in them, first the poison had to be drawn out. Dvirūpa-koṣa says that the word can be written hālahala, hālāhala or halāhala. The fish became disturbed, wondering what disaster was occurring. Unmakara is a big makara.  Timi and timiṅgala are types of fish.

|| 8.7.19 ||

tad ugra-vegaṁ diśi diśy upary adho

visarpad utsarpad asahyam aprati

bhītāḥ prajā dudruvur aṅga seśvarā

arakṣyamāṇāḥ śaraṇaṁ sadāśivam

O King! That most vicious poison spread in all directions as well as up and down. Seeing that intolerable poison with no cure, all the frightened devatās and demons, along with the Lord himself, took shelter of Lord Śiva.

The poison spread in all directions and up and down as well. It spread slowly; otherwise the whole creation would be destroyed.  Prajāḥ here refers to the devatās and demons. Normal persons could not quickly cross the ocean and go to Kailāsa. Seeing this poison which had no remedy (aprati), they became afraid. Having no protection they went to Śiva. The Supreme Lord did not act in this situation because he wanted to give fame to his devotee Śiva, by giving him the half-moon as his head ornament.

|| 8.7.20 ||

vilokya taṁ deva-varaṁ tri-lokyā

bhavāya devyābhimataṁ munīnām


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