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jyotiḥ paraṁ yatra rajas tamaś ca

sattvaṁ na yad brahma nirasta-bhedam

O protector of mountains! Your supreme light known as Brahman which is devoid of rajas, tamas and sattva and devoid of distinctions is not known by the devatās, Viṣṇu or Indra.

O protector of mountains! Your light which is para Brahman cannot be understood by the protectors of planets. Since the form of Viṣṇu (vaikuṇṭha) is the Supreme Brahman, it is not a fault if Viṣṇu does not know this impersonal Brahman belonging to him, since it is like knowledge of a flower in the sky. That does not destroy his omniscience. Or the words from giritra to surendra can all be taken as vocative case.

|| 8.7.32 ||


bhūta-druhaḥ kṣapayataḥ stutaye na tat te

yas tv anta-kāla idam ātma-kṛtaṁ sva-netra-

vahni-sphuliṅga-śikhayā bhasitaṁ na veda

Destroying the poison is nothing for you, who have destroyed many places of violence, such as Dakṣa’s sacrifice, the city of Tripura, and the demons Kāla and Gara. You are not even aware that the universe at the time of destruction turns to ashes by the sparks of fire emanating from your eye.


It is not difficult for you to destroy the poison that is now present. The action of destroying this poison is not to be praised, since you destroy all the places where there is violence to living beings, such as Dakṣa’s animal sacrifice. This is too insignificant. Kāla and Gara were two demons that Śiva killed, but also this refers to the poison. It is mentioned in the past tense to express the fact that it is necessary to destroy it. You are not even aware that the universe is destroyed when you glance. Thus destroying this poison will be insignificant for you.

|| 8.7.33 ||

ye tv ātma-rāma-gurubhir hṛdi cintitāṅghri-

dvandvaṁ carantam umayā tapasābhitaptam


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