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Upon seeing this act of generous Śiva, the lord of the devatās, Bhavānī, Lord Brahmā, Lord Viṣṇu, and the people in general praised him.


prajā dākṣāyaṇī brahmā

vaikuṇṭhaś ca śaśaṁsire

Upon seeing this act of generous Śiva, the lord of the devatās, Bhavānī, Lord Brahmā, Lord Viṣṇu, and the people in general praised him.

|| 8.7.46 ||

praskannaṁ pibataḥ pāṇer

yat kiñcij jagṛhuḥ sma tat


dandaśūkāś ca ye 'pare

Scorpions, cobras, poisonous plants and other poisonous animals drank whatever little amount of poison splashed from Śiva’s hand as he drank.

The scorpions, snakes, and others, such as dogs and jackals, drank what fell from the hand of Śiva when he drank.


Thus ends the commentary on the Seventh Chapter of the Eighth Canto of the Bhāgavatam for the pleasure of the devotees, in accordance with the previous ācāryas.



Chapter Eight

The Demons Steal the N ectar

|| 8.8.1 ||

śrī-śuka uvāca

pīte gare vṛṣāṅkeṇa

prītās te 'mara-dānavāḥ

mamanthus tarasā sindhuṁ

havirdhānī tato 'bhavat

Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: Upon Lord Śiva's drinking the poison, both the devatās and the demons, being very pleased, began to churn the ocean with vigor. As a result of this, there appeared a cow known as Surabhi.

In the Eighth Chapter, among various jewels, Lakṣmī also appears and Viṣṇu marries her. When the nectar appears, the demons steal it, and Mohinī makes her appearance. Harivdhānī means Surabhi.


|| 8.8.2 ||

tām agni-hotrīm ṛṣayo

jagṛhur brahma-vādinaḥ

yajñasya deva-yānasya

medhyāya haviṣe nṛpa

O King! Sages who the Vedas accepted that Surabhi cow, which produces the necessities for sacrifice, in order make pure offerings of ghee for attaining the path to Brahmaloka.

Devayanasya means for attaining the path to Brahmaloka.

|| 8.8.3 ||

tata uccaiḥśravā nāma


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