hariḥ purastāj jagṛhe 

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hariḥ purastāj jagṛhe


hariḥ purastāj jagṛhe

pūrvaṁ devās tato 'bhavan

Ajita first grasped the head portion of the snake and the devatās followed. 

In order to make the demons take the head portion with poison, the Lord first grasped this portion. The devatās also grasped this portion.

|| 8.7.3 ||

tan naicchan daitya-patayo


na gṛhṇīmo vayaṁ puccham

aher aṅgam amaṅgalam


prakhyātā janma-karmabhiḥ

The leaders of the demons did not like this action of the Lord. We shall not accept the tail of the snake, which is an inauspicious limb, since we have studied the Vedas and are renowned by birth and activities.

|| 8.7.4 ||

iti tūṣṇīṁ sthitān daityān

vilokya puruṣottamaḥ

smayamāno visṛjyāgraṁ

pucchaṁ jagrāha sāmaraḥ

Seeing the demons standing silent, the Supreme Lord smiled, and giving up the front portion, took the tail of the snake, along with devatās.

The Lord smiled. You will die because of the intense poison, since you have such pride. 

|| 8.7.5 ||

kṛta-sthāna-vibhāgās ta

evaṁ kaśyapa-nandanāḥ

mamanthuḥ paramaṁ yattā

amṛtārthaṁ payo-nidhim

After thus adjusting how the snake was to be held, the sons of Kaśyapa, both devatās and demons, began churning the ocean of milk with great enthusiasm, desiring to get nectar.

|| 8.7.6 ||

mathyamāne 'rṇave so 'drir

anādhāro hy apo 'viśat

dhriyamāṇo 'pi balibhir

gauravāt pāṇḍu-nandana

O son of the Pāṇḍu dynasty! While the ocean was being churned, Mandara Mountain, because it had no support, sank in the water, though held by the strong devatās and demons, because of its weight.

|| 8.7.7 ||

te sunirviṇṇa-manasaḥ


āsan sva-pauruṣe naṣṭe


Having lost their valor by strong fate, the devatās and demons were disappointed, and the beauty of their faces faded.

|| 8.7.8 ||


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