pañcabhiḥ kurute svārthān 

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pañcabhiḥ kurute svārthān


pañcabhiḥ kurute svārthān

pañca vedātha pañcabhiḥ

ekas tu ṣoḍaśena trīn

svayaṁ saptadaśo 'śnute

By the five action senses, the jīva attains desired objects. By the five knowledge senses, the jīva knows the five sense objects. Using the sixteenth item known as the mind, the seventeen item known as the one jīva enjoys the objects of the knowledge senses, action senses and mind.

By the five action senses one attains one’s desired objects. By the five knowledge senses one experiences the enjoyment of the five sense objects such as sound. With the sixteenth sense, the jīva, the seventeenth, enjoys the three—the objects of knowledge senses, action senses and the mind.

|| 6.1.51 ||

tad etat ṣoḍaśa-kalaṁ

liṅgaṁ śakti-trayaṁ mahat

dhatte 'nusaṁsṛtiṁ puṁsi


The subtle body of the jīva, the effect of the three guṇas, composed of the ten senses, five sense objects and the mind, produces repeated and unavoidable birth, which gives joy, sorrow, fear and pain to the jīva.

Tat means “of the jīva.” Liṅgam means the subtle body. Śakti-trayam means the effects of the three guṇas. This subtle body produces repeated birth, hard to avoid (mahat) for the jīva (puṁsi).

|| 6.1.52 ||

dehy ajño 'jita-ṣaḍ-vargo

necchan karmāṇi kāryate

kośakāra ivātmānaṁ

karmaṇācchādya muhyati

The ignorant jīva, unable to control his mind and senses, though not desiring to do so, is made to perform activities, and covering himself with actions, becomes bewildered and does not know how to get out, just as silkworm covers himself with a cocoon.

Though sometimes the jīva does not want to do activities, he is forced to do so by the subtle body. Then he becomes bewildered like a silkworm, and does not know how to get out of the tangle.

|| 6.1.53 ||

na hi kaścit kṣaṇam api


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