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pañcabhiḥ kurute svārthān
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- This universe, situated on one of Lord Ananta's thousands of hoods, appears just like a white mustard seed.
- sa eva bhagavān ananto 'nanta-guṇārṇava ādi-deva upasaṁhṛtāmarṣa-roṣa-vego lokānāṁ svastaya āste.
- utpatti-sthiti-laya-hetavo 'sya kalpāḥ
- sattvādyāḥ prakṛti-guṇā yad-īkṣayāsan
- yan-nāma śrutam anukīrtayed akasmād
- duranta-vīryoru-guṇānubhāvaḥ
- narakā nāma bhagavan kiṁ deśa-viśeṣā athavā bahis tri-lokyā āhosvid antarāla iti.
- The King said: Are these hells places on earth, outside the three worlds, or in some intermediate space?
- In Mahāraurava, ruru animals known as kravyāda torment a person who maintains his body only by harming others by eating his flesh.
- yas tv iha vai sarvābhigamas tam amutra niraye vartamānaṁ vajrakaṇṭaka-śālmalīm āropya niṣkarṣanti.
- rutvā sthūlaṁ tathā sūkṣmaṁ
- rūpaṁ bhagavato yatiḥ
- pravṛtti-lakṣaṇaś caiva
- yathaiva narakān naraḥ
- jānann apy ātmano 'hitam
- nāśnataḥ pathyam evānnaṁ
- Some persons, who surrender to Kṛṣṇa, completely destroy sins only by pure bhakti, just as the sun destroys fog.
- panthāḥ kṣemo 'kuto-bhayaḥ
- atra codāharantīmam. itihāsaṁ purātanam. dūtānāṁ viṣṇu-yamayoḥ. saṁvādas taṁ nibodha me. Concerning this subject, the wise cite the ancient story of Ajāmila. Please her
- mumude jaraṭho bhṛśam
- vikarṣato 'ntar hṛdayād
- tān pratyūcuḥ prahasyedaṁ
- yena sva-dhāmny amī bhāvā
- dehavān na hy akarma-kṛt
- vartamāno 'nyayoḥ kālo
- pañcabhiḥ kurute svārthān
- jātu tiṣṭhaty akarma-kṛt
- pitṛ-sandeśa-kṛd dvijaḥ
- pitryeṇārthena yāvatā
- The Servants of Viṣṇu Speak
- yad yad ācarati śreyān
- kṛtaṁ syād agha-niṣkṛtam
- na niṣkṛtair uditair brahma-vādibhis
- athainaṁ māpanayata
- patitaḥ skhalito bhagnaḥ
- nādharmajaṁ tad-dhṛdayaṁ
- dharmaṁ bhāgavataṁ nṛpa
- dharmaṁ bhāgavataṁ śuddhaṁ
- dharma-ghnāḥ kāmino yatra
- yata-cittendriyānilaḥ
- Sitting in a temple of Viṣṇu, he practices bhakti-yoga, and, controlling all his senses, concentrated his mind on the Lord.
- sadyo vimukto bhagavan-nāma gṛhṇan
- Yamarāja Instructs His Servants
- yamadūtā ūcuḥ. kati santīha śāstāro. jīva-lokasya vai prabho. trai-vidhyaṁ kurvataḥ karma. phalābhivyakti-hetavaḥ. The servants of Yama said: O master! How many controllers of the jī
- You are the one controller and punisher of all living beings including the devatās. You alone decide the happiness and distress of all humans.
- prajā-saṁyamano yamaḥ
- ahaṁ mahendro nirṛtiḥ pracetāḥ
- tasyātma-tantrasya harer adhīśituḥ
- dharmaṁ bhāgavataṁ bhaṭāḥ
- hareḥ paśyata putrakāḥ
pañcabhiḥ kurute svārthān
pañca vedātha pañcabhiḥ
ekas tu ṣoḍaśena trīn
svayaṁ saptadaśo 'śnute
By the five action senses, the jīva attains desired objects. By the five knowledge senses, the jīva knows the five sense objects. Using the sixteenth item known as the mind, the seventeen item known as the one jīva enjoys the objects of the knowledge senses, action senses and mind.
By the five action senses one attains one’s desired objects. By the five knowledge senses one experiences the enjoyment of the five sense objects such as sound. With the sixteenth sense, the jīva, the seventeenth, enjoys the three—the objects of knowledge senses, action senses and the mind.
|| 6.1.51 ||
tad etat ṣoḍaśa-kalaṁ
liṅgaṁ śakti-trayaṁ mahat
dhatte 'nusaṁsṛtiṁ puṁsi
The subtle body of the jīva, the effect of the three guṇas, composed of the ten senses, five sense objects and the mind, produces repeated and unavoidable birth, which gives joy, sorrow, fear and pain to the jīva.
Tat means “of the jīva.” Liṅgam means the subtle body. Śakti-trayam means the effects of the three guṇas. This subtle body produces repeated birth, hard to avoid (mahat) for the jīva (puṁsi).
|| 6.1.52 ||
dehy ajño 'jita-ṣaḍ-vargo
necchan karmāṇi kāryate
kośakāra ivātmānaṁ
karmaṇācchādya muhyati
The ignorant jīva, unable to control his mind and senses, though not desiring to do so, is made to perform activities, and covering himself with actions, becomes bewildered and does not know how to get out, just as silkworm covers himself with a cocoon.
Though sometimes the jīva does not want to do activities, he is forced to do so by the subtle body. Then he becomes bewildered like a silkworm, and does not know how to get out of the tangle.
|| 6.1.53 ||
na hi kaścit kṣaṇam api