prajā-saṁyamano yamaḥ 

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prajā-saṁyamano yamaḥ


iti devaḥ sa āpṛṣṭaḥ

prajā-saṁyamano yamaḥ

prītaḥ sva-dūtān pratyāha

smaran pādāmbujaṁ hareḥ

Thus being questioned, Yamarāja, the controller of the living entities, was very pleased and replied to his order carriers while remembering the lotus feet of the Lord.

Just by hearing the name of Nārāyaṇa from his servants he was pleased and beganto remember the Lord.

|| 6.3.12 ||

yama uvāca

paro mad-anyo jagatas tasthuṣaś ca

otaṁ protaṁ paṭavad yatra viśvam

yad-aṁśato 'sya sthiti-janma-nāśā

nasy otavad yasya vaśe ca lokaḥ

Yamarāja said: There is a Lord of all moving and non-moving beings superior to me, whose portions create, maintain and destroy this universe, in whom this universe exists like cloth with interwoven threads, and by whom all people are controlled like oxen tied by the nose.


You are great offenders! What nonsense you are speaking! Hear the truth. There is a controller superior to me, though you think I am the controller. He is superior to all the devatās as well. I am the lord only of those who moving beings who commit sin. But I am his servant. He is the Lord of all of us. Who is he? Within him exists the universe, like a cloth with threads woven lengthwise and crosswise. From his expansions, Viṣṇu, Śiva and Brahmā, arise creation, maintenance and destruction. All exist under his control like a bull with a rope in his nose.


|| 6.3.13 ||

yo nāmabhir vāci janaṁ nijāyāṁ

badhnāti tantryām iva dāmabhir gāḥ

yasmai baliṁ ta ime nāma-karma-

nibandha-baddhāś cakitā vahanti

As one ties up bulls by a rope, the Lord binds people to the words of the Vedas emanating from himself. All the people, bound by the chains of names and actions, offer tribute to the Lord in fear.

This verse elaborates. Vaci refers to the Vedas. All people are bound by the chains of names such as brāhmaṇa and actions such as sacrifice.


|| 6.3.14-15 ||


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