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Yamarāja Instructs His Servants


Chapter Three

Yamarāja Instructs His Servants

|| 6.3.1 ||


niśamya devaḥ sva-bhaṭopavarṇitaṁ

pratyāha kiṁ tān api dharmarājaḥ

evaṁ hatājño vihatān murārer

naideśikair yasya vaśe jano 'yam

The King said: Hearing the statements of his servants who were obstructed by the order bearers of Viṣṇu, who controls the world, what did Yamarāja, whose orders were thwarted, say to his servants? 

In the Third Chapter, the servants of Yama relate to Yama how the servants of Viṣṇu disrespected him, and Yama teaches them the astonishing power of bhakti. Though Yama was disrespected by the servants of Viṣṇu and his own servants, he did not become angry but rather repented that he had not taught his servants about Viṣṇu. The Third Chapter confirms the statements of the servants of Viṣṇu through the mouth of Yamarāja. It was mentioned in the last chapter that the servants of Yama told their master what had happened. (SB 6.2.21) Yamarāja asked and they replied. Parīkṣit then asks about this. The servants of Yama were obstructed by the order bearers of Viṣṇu. Thus Yama’s order was thwarted.

|| 6.3.2 ||

yamasya devasya na daṇḍa-bhaṅgaḥ

kutaścanarṣe śruta-pūrva āsīt

etan mune vṛścati loka-saṁśayaṁ

na hi tvad-anya iti me viniścitam

O sage! Previously it has not been heard from anyone that the punishment of Yama can be avoided. I have concluded that, other than you, no one can eradicate this doubt.

O sage! From no one (kutaścana) has it been heard previously. Etat should be enam.

|| 6.3.3 ||

śrī-śuka uvāca

bhagavat-puruṣai rājan

yāmyāḥ pratihatodyamāḥ

patiṁ vijñāpayām āsur

yamaṁ saṁyamanī-patim

Śukadeva said: O King! Their efforts thwarted by the servants of the Lord, the servants of Yama informed their master, the lord of Saṁyamanī.

|| 6.3.4 ||


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