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yathā na bhūya ātmānam

andhe tamasi majjaye

Controlling my life airs, senses and mind, I will strive so that I do not again drown myself in deep ignorance.

|| 6.2.36-37 ||

vimucya tam imaṁ bandham


sarva-bhūta-suhṛc chānto

maitraḥ karuṇa ātmavān

mocaye grastam ātmānaṁ


vikrīḍito yayaivāhaṁ

krīḍā-mṛga ivādhamaḥ

Freeing myself from this bondage arising from karma, desire and ignorance, becoming a friend to all beings, becoming peaceful, friendly, merciful and in control of the mind, I will free my fallen self who was trapped by the Lord’s māyā in the form of a woman, just as a low person becomes the plaything of a woman. 


Just as a low person becomes like a captive animal of a woman, I, a brāhmaṇa, have become the captive animal of that woman, māyā.

|| 6.2.38 ||

mamāham iti dehādau

hitvāmithyārtha-dhīr matim

dhāsye mano bhagavati

śuddhaṁ tat-kīrtanādibhiḥ

Understanding the temporary nature of material objects such as the body and giving up the mentality of I and mine, I will concentrate my pure mind on the Supreme Lord by chanting his name and other processes.

Having the understanding that these objects such as body are false, I will give up the conception of I and mine.

|| 6.2.39 ||

iti jāta-sunirvedaḥ

kṣaṇa-saṅgena sādhuṣu

gaṅgā-dvāram upeyāya


Thus becoming detached from material life by association with the servants of Viṣṇu, Ajāmila, free from attachment to wife and sons, went to Haridvāra.

Mukta sarvānubandhanaḥ means “free from attachment to wife and sons.”

|| 6.2.40 ||

sa tasmin deva-sadana

āsīno yogam āsthitaḥ



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