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Some persons, who surrender to Kṛṣṇa, completely destroy sins only by pure bhakti, just as the sun destroys fog.


Some persons, who surrender to Kṛṣṇa, completely destroy sins only by pure bhakti, just as the sun destroys fog.

In the example of the fire destroying bamboo, it is possible that the bamboo can grow up again. Thus even after practicing jñana, sins can reappear. Seeing the dissatisfied Parīkṣit, Śukadeva then speaks about the solution according to the devotees. “Some” here indicates that those who surrender the Vāsudeva are very rare. Kevalayā bhaktyā indicates that this bhakti is not only devoid of karma and jñāna (devoid of expecting material benefits or liberation), but in no way depends on karma or jñāna as secondary elements. Completely (kārtsnyena) indicates that sin is completely uprooted only by bhakti and by no other process, just as only the sun can destroy the fog.


|| 6.1.16 ||

na tathā hy aghavān rājan

pūyeta tapa-ādibhiḥ

yathā kṛṣṇārpita-prāṇas


O King! A sinful person cannot become purified by austerities and other processes to the extent that the devotees who offer their lives to Kṛṣṇa become purified by service to the Lord.


Bhakti-devī should not be used for the insignificant action of pacifying sin. Śukadeva presents the opinion of the learned according to scriptures while criticizing other opinions. The devotees offer their very lives to the Lord. “The Lord may or may not throw me into hell, for committing sin, in order to give me suitable teaching by punishment. The Lord is my goal, I am his.” Offering himself to the Lord, the devotee thinks in this way. He does not perform atonements to avoid hell. He practices pure bhakti. How does completely surrender manifest? One performs service to the Lord.



|| 6.1.17 ||

sadhrīcīno hy ayaṁ loke


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