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pravṛtti-lakṣaṇaś caiva


pravṛtti-lakṣaṇaś caiva

traiguṇya-viṣayo mune

yo 'sāv alīna-prakṛter

guṇa-sargaḥ punaḥ punaḥ

O sage! The symptom of material enjoyment is taking repeated bodies in the material world with the object of receiving happiness of Svarga, for the person who is not freed from māyā.

You have described in the Third Canto the symptoms of material enjoyment. Traiguṇya-viṣayaḥ means “having the goal of happiness on Svarga.” There is repeated birth by the guṇas for the person who has not destroyed prakṛti, who is subject to saṁsāra.


ye tv ihāsakta-manasaḥ

karmasu śraddhayānvitāḥ

kurvanty apratiṣiddhāni

nityāny api ca kṛtsnaśaḥ


With minds attached to this world, with faith in prescribed duties, they perform kāmya-karmas and nitya-karmas to the fullest extent. SB 3.32.16


|| 6.1.3 ||

adharma-lakṣaṇā nānā

narakāś cānuvarṇitāḥ

manvantaraś ca vyākhyāta

ādyaḥ svāyambhuvo yataḥ

You have also described the varieties of hellish life that result from impious activities, and you have described [in the Fourth Canto the first Manvantara, which was supervised by Svāyambhuva Manu.

Yataḥ means “in which.”

|| 6.1.4-5 ||


vaṁśas tac-caritāni ca





jyotiṣāṁ vivarāṇāṁ ca

yathedam asṛjad vibhuḥ

You have described the dynasties and characteristics of King Priyavrata and King Uttānapāda, as well as the islands, varṣas, oceans, mountains, rivers, gardens, trees, and the condition of the earth and the luminaries in the sky and the lower planets, with their divisions, characteristics and dimensions, just as the Lord created them.

You have explained the islands just as the Lord created them. You have explained the situation of Bhū-maṇḍala and the luminaries such as the sun with divisions, characteristics and measurements, just as the Lord created them.

|| 6.1.6 ||

adhuneha mahā-bhāga


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