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Stage I: Отметьте, какие из следующих высказываний, на ваш взгляд, верные, А какие нет. Stage II: проверьте правильность своих ответов, прочитав текст.Содержание книги
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Salt is one of the most common minerals. Chemically, salt is a compound of sodium and chlorine. The common salt we use at hone is produced in many ways: from sea water, or the water of salt lakes, from salt springs, and from deposits of rock salt. Beds of rock salt are found in various parts of the world and are sometimes very thick. Salt springs may be formed by the filtering of water through these beds of rock salt. Most commercial salt is produced from sea water.
Ex.21. Составьте текст из следующих предложений, расположив их в логической последовательности. · Pure water is pumped down to the rock salt through a pipe. · There are salt beds. · The water dissolves the salt. · Wells are drilled down to salt beds. · The brine is evaporated. · The brine, or salt water, is forced up to the surface through another pipe. · The grains are dried and graded. · The grains are formed. · Table salt has a very fine grain.
Unit V. Test Section (1) Выберите правильный вариант из приведенных в скобках. Объясните свой выбор.(or.) (2) Запишите предложение, подчеркнув выбранный Вами вариант.(wr.) (3) Переведите предложение на русский язык.(or./wr.)
1. Sedimentary rocks (originate/are originated) from other types of rocks by the processes of erosion. 2. Sedimentary rocks (are referred/referred) to as stratified rocks. 3. The three main divisions of the earth(are/there are): the crust, the mantle, and the core. 4. Molten magma (contains/is contained) large (quantities/qualities) of both oxygen and hydrogen. 5. Hydrogen is the lightest element (known/is known). 6. The (phenomena/phenomenon) is rather complicated and the process (involves/involved) is not yet clear. 7. Rocks deep in the crust (brought/are brought) to the surface by volcanic action. 8. The component grains of sandstone (there are/are) chiefly quartz. 9. Some sandstones (forms/are formed) from particles of sand by wind. 10. Metamorphism (changes/is changed) the (original/origin) characteristics of the rocks and minerals. 11. (They are/There are) some other (hypothesis/hypotheses) dealing with the (origin/original) of the Earth. 12. Soils usually (contain/constitute) a great variety of minerals. 13. (There are/There is) a great variety of minerals which (comprise/constitute) rocks. 14. The variation of temperature (varies/various) with (high/height). 15. The (mean/means) temperature of surface water on the Earth (vary/varies) from region to region. 16. The earth is (comprised/composed) of three major zones. 17. Earthquakes are geological (phenomena/phenomenon). 18. Due (to/of) its high degree of activity oxygen (occurs/contains) in the magma only in (combination/composition) with other elements. 19. Limestone (consists/includes) of calcium carbonate. 20. Geology is a (science/since) which deals (with/within) the history of the earth. 21. Three quarters of the earth’s surface (contain/consist) of water. 22. Oxygen and hydrogen combine to form water; the (later/latter) is an extremely active agent in the interior lithosphere. 23. (Some/Same) magma crystallizes to rocks (composing/composed) of one mineral only. 24. In (composition/combination) with hydrogen an carbon oxygen forms very widely spread (compounds/constituents) – water and carbonic acid gas. 25. Chemical substances may be (divided/described) into 3 classes: mixtures, compounds and elements. 26. The process is (called/referred) to as oxidation. 27. The winds carry (much/many) sands and dust. 28. Seismic (analyze/analysis) is based on different techniques. 29. Rock is one of the (hard/difficult) materials of which the earth’s crust is mainly (consists/composed). 30. The chief (compounds/components) of the air are nitrogen, oxygen, water vapour and carbon dioxide. 31. (Most/Much) minerals (consist/contain) of the elements (combined/combining) as chemical (composition/compounds). 32. (Mineralogically/Mineralogical) emerald is beryl. 33. Three large groups of rocks are commonly recognized on the basis of their (original/origin). 34. Only about 20 minerals are abundant (constitution/constituents) of the earth’s crust. 35. Rock may come into existence (through/though) the deposition. 36. Specific gravity (varies/various) with chemical composition. 37. In the crust of the earth (there/this) is a great (vary/variety) of minerals and rocks. 38. (They/These) conclusions are (base/based) on X-ray analysis (datum/data). 39. The exact (composition/compound) of this gas is not known. 40. Rock is one of the (solid/solidify) materials of which the earth’s crust is mainly (composed/compose). 41. Green transparent beryl is (calls/called) emerald. 42. The pearl (consisted/consisting) of calcium carbonate is formed within an oyster. 43. (There is/It is) some water vapour in the air. 44. Oxygen (knows/is known) as a stable element. 45. Rocks are solid (natural/naturally) (formed/forming) substances (made/making) up of minerals. 46. The earth’s solid part (is known/known) as the lithosphere is mainly (consists/built) up of rocks. 47. Usually magma (forms/is formed) minerals. 48. The rocks of the crust (are classified/classify) into three groups according to their (originate/origin). 49. Scientific data (is/are) analyzed by (scientists/sciences). 50. (Due to/because) (its/it’s) (high/height) (activity/action) oxygen (occurs/occurrence) in magma only in (combination/composition) with (another/other) elements.
Active Vocabulary (Units 1 – 5) Nouns
A accumulation act action activity age agency agent analysis(es) animal application atmosphere
B background basis behavior branch
C change character chemist chemistry classification climate coal colleague collection combination communication composition concept conclusion constitution construction continent course creativity crust cycle
D damage datum(a) degree deposit development direction discipline discussion distribution dynamics
E earth earthquake ecology effect element employment energy environment eruption event evolution experience expert exploration expression
F fact flood form formation fossil foundation
G gas gemstone generalization geologist geology geophysicist geophysics glacier
H hazard heat hydrocarbons hydrologist hydrology hypothesis(es)
I identification illustration imagination importance indicator interior
K knowledge
L land landscape landslide layer location
M magma mankind material(s) mathematician mathematics matter measurement mechanism metal meteorite method mineral mineralogist mineralogy mitigation modeling monitoring movement
N nature
O object observation ocean oil organism origin
P paleontologist paleontology part petroleum petrologist petrology phenomenon(a) physicist physics plant potential prediction process production project property provision
R range reaction reality reason record region relation relationship remains resource(s) rift risk
S science scientist sea sediment sedimentologist sedimentology seismologist seismology shape soil stratum(a) stream structure study subject substance surface surrounding(s) system
T theory time training transportation type
U use utilization
V value variety volcano
W water way weather wind world
Z zonation zone
A to accumulate to act to analyze to apply
C to call to change to characterize to classify to collect to combine to communicate to compose to concern (to be concerned) to conclude to constitute to construct to contain to create
D to damage to deal with to deduce to deposit to develop to differ from to direct to discuss to distribute to diversify to divide
E to erupt to evaluate to evolve to experience to explore to express
F to find to flood to form
G to generalize
H to heat
I to identify to illustrate to imagine to include to indicate to involve
K to know
L to locate
M to make up (to be made up of) to measure to mitigate to move
O to observe to operate to originate
P to predict to preserve to process to produce to provide
R to realize to refer (to be referred to a) to relate to remain
S to shape to study to subject to surround to systematize
T to train to treat of to try
U to understand to use to utilize
V to value to vary
Adjectives / Adverbs
A active (ly) analogous
C challenging chemical (ly) complete (ly) complex creative (ly)
D different (ly) diverse dynamic
E essential (ly)
F formal (ly)
G general (ly) geological (ly)
I important (ly) informal (ly) interesting (ly)
M major minor modern multiple
N natural (ly)
O original (ly)
P permanent (ly)
R real (ly)
S scientific (aly) seismic similar (ly) specific (aly) static (aly) stimulating systematic (aly)
T theoretic (aly)
V valuable various (ly) vital (ly)
Активный словарь Существительные
анализ, анализы ветер вода возраст вывод выражение (чего-либо) геологический фактор (2 сл.) гидрогеолог гидрогеология гипотеза данные (ед., мн.) действие действительность деятельность диапазон занятость землетрясение земля извержение изменение ископаемые остатки использование (2 сл.) климат коллега концепция кора (Земли) летопись (геологич.) математик математика материя (2 сл.) месторождение мир море наводнение накопление направление наука нефть обсуждение окружающая среда (2 сл.) опыт осадки отношение отрасль перенос поведение поверхность погода поток почва путь развитие (2 сл.) разнообразие разрушение район распределение ресурсы связь связь сейсмика слой (и) -2 сл. событие состав сочетание степень строение творчество теория уголь физик физика форма (2 сл.) характер химик химия ценность цикл
вовлекать (включать) 2 сл. воздействовать выражать двигать (ся) действовать (2) делать выводы извергать (ся) изменять измерять изучать иметь дело с (2) использовать (2 сл.) классифицировать наблюдать нагревать называть находить обобщать обсуждать определять отличаться от оценивать предсказывать производить происходить (образовываться) развивать (2 сл.) разделять разрушать распределять снабжать, обеспечивать собирать (2 сл.) содержать создавать (2) составлять сохранять творить толковать указывать уменьшать последствия формировать (2 сл.) характеризовать
активный важный второстепенный главный действительный интересный научный основной особенный отличный от первоначальный постоянный похожий (сходный) природный разнообразный (2) сейсмичный сложный современный творческий теоретический химический ценный
активно в основном научно полностью постоянно сходно (аналогично) формально химически
Section III. Geological Processes Unit I. The Leading Geological Processes Focus on: 1. общенаучная и терминологическая лексика 2. суффиксы различных частей речи 3. глаголы, выражающие причинно-следственные отношения: to result in, to result from, to lead to, to cause, etc. 4. слова заместители: that; those. 5. «trouble spot!»: source, course, cause, stores, etc. 6. построение дефиниций
Text Study The leading geological processes fall into two contrasted groups. The first group — denudation and deposition — includes the processes which act on the crust or at or very near its surface, as a result of the movements and chemical activities of air, water, ice and living organisms. Such processes are essentially of external origin. The second group — earth movements, igneous activity and metamorphism — includes the processes which act within the crust, as a result of the physical and chemical activities of the materials of the substratum (or mantle) and of gases and magmas in the crust or passing through it. Such processes are essentially of internal origin. Both groups of processes operate under the control of gravitation (including attractions due to the sun and moon), co-operating with the earth’s movements — rotation about its axis and revolution around the sun. Each group of processes requires an additional source of energy. The processes of external origin are specifically maintained by the radiation of heat from the sun. Those of internal origin are similarly maintained by the liberation of heat from the stores of energy locked within the earth.
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