Exercise 1. Translate the sentences into English using some, any before the underlined nouns. 

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Exercise 1. Translate the sentences into English using some, any before the underlined nouns.


1) Интересно, почему некоторые дети не любят молоко.

2) Хочешь молока?

3) Я не очень голоден, я не возьму сегодня суп.

4) Дайте мне супу.

5) Вы любите мороженое.

6) Передайте мне салат.

7) Кофе слишком слабый.

Exercise 2. Are the statements true or false?

1. One may think that cheese, eggs, potato, fried bread and a variety of sausages are traditional ingredients of British food.

2. “Go to work on an egg!” is a popular advertising slogan, but for many families the usual breakfast is tea and toast.

3. The word “lunch” is still used but it means either a light meal or that the main meal of the day, dinner, will be eaten in the evening.

4. The cookery books describe supper as including cooked bacon, grilled or tinned fish, salad and variety of cakes.

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences from the text.

1. The children may have a breakfast cereal, such as cornflakes or puffed rice with sugar and milk, or porridge – oat – flakes cooked with ….

2. Leaving for their work, some people will take a snack with them ….

3. Tow dishes are eaten for dinner, ….

4. Typical dishes on a menu might be ….


Exercise 4. Fill in the gap.

1. The midday meal is the … meal of the day for most families.

2. It must … healthy and substantial.

3. Tea, or high tea is the third meal of the day, although some families may have a small … during the later part of the evening, which is called ….


Exercise 5. Tell your group mates about your favourite food.

Text B


We have a three-room flat in a nine-storey building in Ulyanovsky prospect. We live in a block of flats built only six years ago, but it already needs repairing. We live on the last - ninth floor. On the one hand, I like it because we have a nice view from the windows. But on the other hand, we sometimes have to walk up the stairs when the elevator breaks down. Our house has all the traditional convenience – cold and hot running water, central heating, gas and chute to carry rubbish down.

There are three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, a toilet and a hall in our flat. It is a pity our hall is very small. There is only place for a chest of drawers for shoes and a coat rack.

Our kitchen is large. Everything is spick and span in it. There is a gas stove for cooking, a sideboard for keeping the dishes, a wall unit for keeping the dishes, a wall unit for keeping cups and glasses, a fridge and a table with four chairs around it. Our kitchen is rather cosy.

The living room is the biggest room in our flat. It is a large square room with two broad windows. The walls of the room are papered with wallpapers. There is a thick carpet on the floor and beautiful white and blue curtains on the windows. We have a side-board, a cupboard and two big bookcase. There is also a sofa, two armchairs.

My parents’ bedroom is much smaller, the living room is almost twice as big. There are two beds, a bedside table, mother’s dressing table and a wardrobe there.

My room is the smallest. There is a writing table at the window, a bookcase by the left wall and a sofa by the right wall.


A block of flats – многоквартирный дом

A house – дом

A floor - этаж

An elevator - лифт

Comfortable - удобный

A study - кабинет

A bed-room - спальня

A sitting-room - гостиная

A dining-room - столовая

A living-room – жилая комната

A kitchen - кухня

A bath-room - ванная

Square - квадратный

Round - круглый

In the middle – в середине

An arm-chair - кресло

A writing-table – письменный стол

A sideboard - буфет

Wardrobe – гардероб (шкаф)

To listen to the radio – слушать радио

A book-case – книжный шкаф

A sofa - диван

Conveniences - удобства

Central heating - отопление

A gas stove – газовая плита

A carpet - ковер

A curtain - занавеска

A bed - кровать

A picture - картина

Exercise 1. Fill in the gap using the necessary articles.

My brother Peter lives in ….This is … picture of his study. There is … large window in his study. …ceiling is white, … floor is brown, … walls are yellow. There is …writing-table near … window and … arm-chair near it. You can see … telephone and …lamp on … writing table. There aren’t many English books in … bookcase; but there are … lot of … Russian books in it. There is … sofa in … corner of his study.



Exercise 2. Make up questions to the underlined words.

1) There are five chairs in the room.

2) Mary’s mother theaches her children to play the piano.

3) Her parents live in Kiev.

4) Our kitchen is rather cosy.

5) Our house has all the traditional conveniences.

Exercise 3. Are the statements true or false?

1. Our house has all the traditional convenience – cold and hot running water, central heating, gas and chute to carry rubbish down.

2. There are four rooms in our flat.

3. In the kitchen there is a gas stove for cooking, a sideboard for keeping the dishes, a wall unit for keeping the dishes, a wall unit for keeping cups and glasses, a fridge and a table with four chairs around it.

4. The walls of the room are papered with wallpapers.

5. There is a thick carpet on the floor and beautiful red and white curtains on the windows.


Exercise 4. Fill in the gap.

1. There is only place … a chest of drawers … shoes and a coat rack.

2. It is a large square room … two broad windows.

3. My parents’ bedroom is much smaller, the living room is … almost … twice … big.

4. There … a writing table at the window, a bookcase by the left wall and a sofa by the right wall.

5. There are … two beds, … bedside table, … mother’s dressing table and … wardrobe there.

Exercise 5. Tell your group mates about your flat / house.

Text C


There are various ways you can choose to spend your leisure time. The difficulty sometimes is what leisure pattern to take up – there are such dozens to choose from. Most people have taken up a certain number of activities to spend their leisure.

The vast majority of young people prefer outdoor activities to indoor ones. Outdoor games, camping, hiking, jogging, bicycling, observing nature or just taking walks help keep in shape and build up an enjoyable blend of shared activities with friends. Gardening has become a very popular occupation in the outdoors; quite a few of our acquaintances are involved in it.

Some of us equally enjoy indoor activities. These include watching films of different kinds, experiencing theatre and concerts or browsing museums. We like attending various exhibitions as well. Staying in the indoors, one might prefer reading, amateur photography, knitting, sewing, music, arts, reading, or just television, or solving a cross-word puzzle, or something else.

Leisure means freedom from work; it should be filled with all kinds of activities. Sometimes leisure implies recreation – a suitable occupation for the sake of relaxation and and refreshment of body and mind. At our leisure time we may also have a rest. Rest implies absence of activity, or at least leisurely activity. But rest is not just doing nothing. Rest is repair.


To spend - проводить

To go to the country – поехать в деревню

To skate – кататься на коньках

To ski – кататься на лыжах

To play chess – играть в шахматы

To go to bed – идти спать

To lay the table – накрыть стол

To go to the theatre, cinema – пойти в театр / кино

To travel by car – путешествовать на машине

To have an opportunity- иметь возможность

To enjoy - наслаждаться

To have spare time – иметь свободное время

To stay at home – остаться дома

To go for a walk – пойти на прогулку

To read books – читать книги

To watch TV – смотреть телевизор

To dance - танцевать

To sing - петь

To go in for sport – заниматься спортом

To camp – разбить лагерь

To gather berries and mushrooms – собирать ягоды и грибы

Leisure - досуг

The day off - выходной

Hobbies - хобби


Exercise 1. Are the statements true or false?

1. The difficulty sometimes is what leisure pattern to take up – there are such dozens to choose from.

2. Outdoor games, camping, hiking, jogging, bicycling, observing nature or just taking walks don’t help to keep in shape and build up an enjoyable blend of shared activities with friends. 3. Gardening isn’t a very popular occupation in the outdoors; quite a few of our acquaintances are involved in it.

4. Indoor activities include watching films of different kinds, experiencing theatre and concerts or browsing museums.

5. Rest implies absence of activity, or at least leisurely activity


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