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Прилагательные и наречия, совпадающие по форме, а также наречия, имеющие две формыСодержание книги
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I. Compare the words in bold type by form and meaning, define their similarities and difference. 1. a) The fundamental discoveries in this new science were made nearly twenty years ago. b) Most scientists expect that major developments in the near future will take place in electronics. 2. a) This course of investigation will hardly suit our purpose. b) He tried hard to cope with his new job. 3. a) This implies that new types of calculations and high processing speeds can be achieved. b) A neural network is a group of highly interconnected simple processing elements, designed to mimic the brain. 4. a) These weakly-bound electrons can move about in the crystal lattice relatively freely. b) Invite companies to contact you for a free consultation. 5. a) Most supercomputers have a very large storage capacity, as well as a very fast input/output capability. b) CAD programs perform drawing functions very fast. II. Explain the way of word formation of the adjectives and adverbs. Give their Russian equivalents: a) сompatible, accessible, responsible, visible; b) inventive, sensitive, effective, selective, prospective, relative, intuitive, cognitive, attractive; c) available, reasonable, vulnerable, valuable, detectable, portable, applicable, predictable; d) dangerous, various, malicious, obvious; e) considerably, highly, primarily, accordingly, relatively, hardly. III. Give the Russian equivalents of the following word-combinations. Radioelectronic devices; complex equipment; reliable security; optical connections; remote site; mobile system; wireless channel; effective protection; computational process; modern electronic products; advanced technological process; new diagnostic equipment; programmable functional devices.
IV.Give the Russian equivalents of the following sentences. 1. Usability design session has become an essential component of any web design project. 2. People will definitely look through your product pages. 3. The means are mainly provided by cryptography. 4. For the first few decades of their existence, computer networks were primarily used by university researchers for sending email and by corporate employees for sharing printers. 5. All these issues occur in traditional systems too, but with some significant differences. 6. Link encryption can be added to any network easily and is often useful. 7. There were no significant differences between the two groups in time taken or search terms used. Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий. Сравнительная степень
1 Односложные прилагательные/наречия; двусложные прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на -er, - ly, - e, - w/ двусложное наречие early. 2 Двусложные прилагательные (кроме тех, что указаны в сноске 1), многосложные прилагательные; двусложные наречия и наречия с суффиксом - ly.
Превосходная степень
1 Односложные прилагательные/наречия; двусложные прилагательные, оканчивающиеся на -er, - ly, - e, - w/ двусложное наречие early. 2 Двусложные прилагательные (кроме тех, что указаны в сноске 1), многосложные прилагательные; двусложные наречия и наречия с суффиксом -ly.
I. Find the adjectives and adverbs in the a) comparative degree and b) superlative degree. Name their features. Model these sentences. a) 1. X x x is more xly x. 2. One x x may x xly xer than x. 3. X x is for xer x and x x x. 4. More x x of a x x x is its x. 5. These xs are more x than those xs. b) 1. The x is the most x x x. 2. The x x the most x x of x. 3. The xest x in x x is x. 4. A x x the xest x to x x and x x. 5. Xs are most xly x.
II. In each line find the word-combination a) With an adjective or adverb in the comparative degree 1) a layer; more permanent; the most common; the server; 2) the disk controller; outer space; a thinner layer; a previous layer; 3) the common emitter circuit; a power amplifier; the most powerful computer; more detailed local forecasts; 4) the former computer; upper limit; laser diode; a thicker layer; 5) more easily installed; may easily gain access; relatively easy; d) very easy; 6) other devices; under increasing competition; supercomputer maker; more quickly replaced. b) With an adjective or adverb in the superlative degree: 1) most hard disks; the hardest materials; most materials; 2) the most heat-resistant materials; more computing power; most of the electron flow; 3) smaller electrical circuits; the earliest method; most research programs; 4) newer technology; most personal computers; the nearest telephone switching facility; 5) ever more powerful microcomputers; most notably; easily recognizable; most of the advances; 6) by most definitions; mostly mechanical; for most computational tasks; most widely used. III.Compare the words in bold type by form and meaning, define their similarities and differences. 1. a) The latter procedure is much more complicated than the former one. b) In the later evolution of multichannel fiber transmission systems, two distinct methods of multiplexing data have been introduced. c) Wi-Fi’s latest version is many times faster than DSL or cable connections. 2. a) Another common artificial intelligence application for multiprocessing was chess. b) Home burglar alarms, smoke detectors, and automobile alarms are three of the most common types of warning systems. c) Digital systems are much easier and smaller to design than comparable analogue circuits. This is one of the main reasons why digital systems are more common than analogue. d) Personal computers are now commonly equipped with dedicated video memory for holding high-resolution bit maps. 3. a) Wide-area networks connect computers and smaller networks to larger networks over greater geographic areas, including different continents. b) The largest wide-area network is the Internet. c) Organizations that have large amounts of printed information are working to transfer their information into databases. d) Although in principle these were general-purpose computers, they were still largely restricted to doing tough mathematical problems.
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