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12-я форма неправильного глагола. Список основных неправильных глаголов находится в конце пособия. I. Give the meaning of the following predicates. Use the verb «делать» in the appropriate form instead of «х». Xs; xed; xes; ẍ; xed; xs; xed; x; xes; xed; ẍ; xed; xs; x; xed; xes; x; ẍ; xed; xs; xes; xed; x; ẍ; xed; xes; xs; ẍ; xed; x; ẍ; xes; xs; xed; ẍ; x; xs; xed; x; xes; xed; ẍ; xes; ẍ; xed; xs; x; xed; xes; ẍ; xed; xes; xs; xed; xes; ẍ; x; xs; xed; ẍ; xes; xed; xs; ẍ; x; xs; xed; xes; x; ẍ. II.Restore the Infinitive of the following predicates. Give their Russian equivalents. Beat; got; rang; thought; knew; said; rose; taught; bought; kept; lost; felt; broke; left; wrote; forgot; went; brought; cut; had; built; fell; caught; rang; chose; understood; hid; saw; led; came; shook; lay; fought; spoke; shut; took; stood; met; dealt; cost; did; found; drew; won; flew; told; laid; gave; spent; swam; threw; fed; won; began; drove; forecast; froze; grew; heard; made; sought. III.Compare the forms of the following predicates. Define their similarities and differences: a) 1. Nuclear forces hold the atoms together. 2. This hard disk holds more information than 100 floppies. b) 1. In the 1930s Carmas developed a successful wire recorder. 2. Companies develop commercial websites to sell products or services. c) 1. Two manuals always come with this computer. 2. This computer came with a printer yesterday. d) 1. They conducted another experiment in order to determine the properties of the matter. 2. He conducts research in the field of plasma physics now. e) 1. A system analyst spends much of a working day interviewing people. 2. To complete this experiment he spent much time in the laboratory last week.
IV.Find the predicates and name their specific features. Give the Russian equivalents of these predicates. 1. The researcher carries out the experiments at high temperatures. 2. Many companies introduced new software in the markets. 3. The second half of the twentieth century saw the start of the Computer Age. 4. The computer performs a lot of operations. 5. Bill Gates and Paul Allen wrote an operating program for the Altair, one of the world’s first microcomputers. 6. Nuclear power plants provide clean and cheap energy. 7. The specialists came here for aerodynamic tests. 8. The monitor displays text characters and graphics. 9. The invention of the transistor greatly changed the computer’s development. 10. Experiments require skill and effort. 11. The Internet began in the USA in 1969 as a military experiment.
V. Define which of the words below are verbs. Give their Russian equivalents (see Appendix). Beautiful, realize, misbehave, character, sympathy, rewrite, theory, badly, communicate, organize, advise, useful, lose, energy, basic, dislike, reread, criticize, heartless, economic, accelerate, electrify, specialist, transform, deepen, discontinue, experiment, special, enlarge, method, movement, complex, mispronounce, emphasize, decontrol, height, greatness, regulate, thicken, wide, unimportant, television, disconnect, reproduce, different, overwork, development.
VI. Match each English word with the correct Russian equivalent.
VII. In the text of task XIV find a word derived from the verb to inform. Give other derivatives of this verb. VIII. Arrange in pairs the words with а) similar meaning, b) contrary meaning: a) access, data, main, barrier, machine, information, develop, obstacle, eliminate, expand, device, principal, reduce, entrance; b) different, find, narrow, often, disappear, similar, permanent, seldom, expand, sophisticated, alterable, lose, primitive, emerge.
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