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III. Arrange in pairs the words with similar meaning.Содержание книги
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Encode, demand, transmit, obvious, vast, provide, evident, encrypt, link, conduct, send, carry out, require, wide, supply, connect.
IV. In the text of task X find the word derived from the verb to connect. Name other derivatives of this verb. V. Look through the text and find the answer to the question: What does Internet radio provide users with? 1. Internet radio is the latest technological innovation in radio broadcasting. Until the 21st century the only way to obtain radio broadcasts over the Internet was through your PC. That will soon change, as wireless connectivity will feed Internet broadcasts to car radios, PDAs and cell phones. The next generation of wireless devices will greatly expand the reach and convenience of Internet radio. 2. Internet radio has obvious advantages. The potential for Internet radio is as vast as cyberspace itself. 3. In comparison to traditional radio, Internet radio is not limited to audio. An Internet radio broadcast can be accompanied by photos or graphics, text and links, as well as interactivity, such as message boards and chat rooms. With Internet radio, you could conduct training or education and provide links to documents and payment options. You could also have interactivity with the trainer or educator. 4. Internet radio programming offers a wide spectrum of broadcast genres, particularly in music. Internet radio offers the opportunity to expand the types of available programming. 5. Getting audio over the Internet is pretty simple: - The audio enters the Internet broadcaster’s encoding computer through a sound card. - The encoder system translates the audio from the sound card into streaming format. - The encoder samples the incoming audio and compresses the information so it can be sent over the Internet. - The compressed audio is sent to the server, which has a high bandwidth connection to the Internet. - The server sends the audio data stream over the Internet to the player software or plug-in on the listener’s computer. The plug-in translates the audio data stream from the server into the sound heard by the listener.
VI. Define the functions of the constituent elements of the first and the last sentences of passage 1. VII. Read passage 3 and find the key words reflecting its principal information. Give a short summary of the passage. VIII. Define the statements corresponding to the contents of the text: 1. New types of wireless devices for obtaining radio broadcasts will be used in the near future. 2. Internet radio is also used for educational purposes. 3. One of the disadvantages of wireless products is their security system. 4. Traditional radio is limited to audio. 5. Getting audio over the Internet requires special skills. IV. Read the first two sentences of passage 5 and divide them into sense groups. Define the dependency relations among them. V. Translate passage 5 into Russian. Прилагательные и наречия. Признаки распознавания прилагательных и наречий
1 Существительное может выполнять функцию субъекта (с), объекта (о), дополнения с предлогом (дп), определения родительного (ор).
I.Model the following sentences. 1. X x x xed in the x. 2. Xs were xly x in x x. 3. Xs have x x in x x x. 4. X x was xly xed by x x. 5. The x x is a x x of the x x x.
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