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The sicknesse will continue a great space of time; and if together with her affliction, the Lord of the Ascendant be impedited by the Lord of the 8th, there’s small hopes of recovery.Содержание книги
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MOON IN LEO (CONJUNCT - SQUARE - OPPOSITION) SATURN Those who lye down or first complaine, the Moon being impedited of Saturn in Leo, the sicknesse shall proceed of ill melancholy Blood, the sick will be oppressed with unkindly heat in the Brest, intension of the Heart-strings, with violent Feavers, the Pulse are troubled, externall and internall Heats doe much annoy the sick, sometimes they are taken with a fit of the Stone, or faintnesse of Heart, or Swooning, and if the Disease does continue long, the sick is in danger of the Black-jaundices. Such things as gently moisten and heat, are good for the Diseased; when the Moon comes to the Opposition of Saturn, if the Sextile, Trine or Conjunction of Jupiter or Venus afflict not, many times the sick dyeth.
MOON IN VIRGO (CONJUNCT - SQUARE - OPPOSTION) SATURN The Moon in Virgo afflicted by Saturn, the Sicknesse proceeds from Crudities and evill digestion in the Stomack, and from too much viscious Flegme obstructing the Bowels and Intrailes, pricking or shooting under the Ribs, inordinate Feavers, many times I find the sick afflicted when the Moon is in Virgo in aspect of Saturn with the Wind-chollick, with extreme Melancholly, with the Gout or aches in the Thighes and Feet, &c., things which mollifie heat and dissolve, are most proper for the sick; when the cause of the Disease originally rises from this configuration of the Moon in Virgo, unfortunated by Saturn, I seldom find by experience but that the Diseased continues sick a great while; for Virgo is an Earth Signe and Saturn is Slow.
MOON IN LIBRA (CONJUNCT - SQUARE - OPPOSITION) SATURN The Moon in Libra afflicted by Saturn, the Disease has its originall form some Surfet of Wine, Gluttony, or Meat not fully digested, or too many Venery, the Brest is disaffected, so also the Head, no appetite to eat, a loathing in the Stomack, the The Resolution of
Cough, Hoarcenesse, distillation of Rheums afflict him: I have found the sick party, upon this aspect of the Moon to Saturn, to have been troubled with great panes in the Joynts, Knees and Thighes, and an itching in those parts, they fearing a Sciatica..
MOON IN SCORPIO (CONJUNCT - SQUARE - OPPOSITION) SATURN Saturn afflicting the Moon in Scorpio, the Disease is in Ano or Anglice [Arse-hole] usually an Ulcer there, or the Hemorroids or Piles, or some Exulceration or Bubo, [Anglice] a botch in the Privy-members. I find by experience, if a man or woman enquire upon the Moon her affliction by Saturn in Scorpio, there’s no retention of Urine, the party is vexed with the Stone in the Bladder, or with a swelling dropsical Humour, offending and swelling about their Knees and Legs. As also sometimes they have a Flux, if a man then the Gonorrea; if a woman, too much aboundance of Menstrua’s.
MOON IN SAGITTARIUS (CONJUNCT – SQUARE – OPPOSITION) SATURN Saturn afflicting the Moon, the diseased party is sensibly oppressed with Deflux of subtill, thin sharp Humours, griefes in the Arteries or Joynts, feare of a Feaver, extremeties of heat and cold, many times a double accesse of a Feaver. What mitigates heat gently, and moystens, is good for such people as fall sick under this aspect. I find by experience, that the Moon in Sagittarius, afflicted by a Conjunction of Saturn, doth cause the Disease to proceed from Blood infected with choller and melancholly, and many times by too great paines-taking, or violent exercise, and cold thereupon taken. Upon the Opposition of the Moon and Saturn, for the most part the sick has a spice of the Gout, or some Tumour or Swelling in the Hands, or Thighes, or Feet &c. If Mars have any ill aspect to the Moon as well as Saturn at time of first falling sick, it proves a violent burning Feaver.
MOON IN CAPRICORN (CONJUNCT – SQUARE – OPPOSITION) SATURN The Disease proceeds from Cold and Melancholly, with subtill, thin Distillations, heavinesse of the Brest and Stomack, difficulty of breathing, dry Coughs, the Lungs oppressed, intended Feavers, more pained in the night then in the day-time. Medicines that heat and moysten moderately doe availe in this Disease.
The party will still complain of the Head-ach, or paine in the left Eare, or of a Rumbling or Noyse in his Head.
all manner of QUESTIONS
MOON IN AQUARIUS (CONJUNCT - SQUARE - OPPOSITION) SATURN The Sicknesse hath beginning, or is occasioned from too much labour, wearisomenesse or toyling the Body and Minde, want of sleepe and due refreshment of nature: The Malady ceaseth on him unequally, with remission and intension, untill the Moon have past the opposition of her owne place, then if your Fortunes have any good Aspect to the Moone, the sicke is recoverable. I finde the sicke complaining or lying downe under the preceding malevolent Aspect, to be grieved with winde or noyse in the head, with faint fits or passions of the heart; or many times they have either a sore throat, or are troubled with a rising there, and in danger of suffocation.
MOON IN PISCES (CONJUNCT - SQUARE - OPPOSITION) SATURN The Malady its cause, is from cold distillations; the party is afflicted with continual Feavers, oft and continuall sighings, pricking or shooting under the Paps, extensions of the precordiacks and hart-strings. I find the Sicke have surfeited by some extremity of cold, that their throat is oppressed with thicke fleagme, and their brest is troubled with a rotten cough and aboundance of watery matter lodging there.. Those Medicines that heat and gently califie are good in these cases.
As we have treated of such Diseases as may afflict any one upon their first falling Sicke or Decumbiture, the Moon being in any of the 12 Signes and oppressed by Saturn, or indeed by Mercury.. So now we will endeavour to chew the quality of the Disease from the Moon her affliction from Mars or the Sun through the 12 Signes of the Zodiacke.
MOON IN ARIES (CONJUNCT - SQUARE - OPPOSITION) MARS Who fall sick the Moon in Conjunction, Square or Opposition of Mars in Aries, their disease shall proceed from a distempered affection of the Membranes or Pellices of the braine, continual Feavers, no rest or quietnesse. An hot thirsty mouth, extreme thirst, drynesse of the tongue, hot Liver or inflamation thereof, much heat in the Brest, high and sublated Pulses, keeping no order, a Phrensie may be feared, or deprivation of Senses: letting of Blood and such things as do coole and nourish are very helpfull. The Resolution of
If the Moon next after her separation from the Malevolent beames or aspect of Mars doe apply to Conjunct or Opposition of Saturn, and she decreasing in light and slow in motion, there’s small hopes of life; let the sicke prepare for God. I finde, usually the Moon being in Aries afflicted of Mars, the party is almost ready to run mad, or hath some extreme paine or griefe in his Belly or smal guts occassioned by chollericke obstructions..
MOON IN TAURUS (CONJUNCT - SQUARE - OPPOSITION) MARS The party falling sicke, has too much abundance of ill Blood, continuall Feavers, the whole frame of the body obstructed, inflamation of the throat, neck and hinder—part thereof, ach of the bones, ungentle slumbers, but no sleepe, a foolish longing after Wine and cold water. Blood letting and such things as moderately coole or allay heat are necessary. I finde Moon in Taurus afflicted by Mars, the Patient is afflicted with the stranguary, or stone, or gravell in the Reines and Kidneys, with pestilent soare throats, or hoarsenesse, or some malignity there in that member.
MOON IN GEMINI (CONJUNCT - SQUARE – OPPOSITION) MARS Who takes his or her Bed the Moon in Gemini afflicted by Mars, usually shews he or she shall undergo a violent and dangerous Feaver, obstructions; high and inordinate Pulses attend such; the blood is too hot, and a necessity there is of emission of blood. The whole body being neer corruption, by reason of the ranknesse of blood..
I finde those falling sicke the Moone in Gemini afflicted by Mars, to be pained all over the body, the Disease in no place ettled, their Blood extremely windy, corrupted, and what not, some lameness or grief in their Arms or Joynts, and afflicted with the stone or heat in the reines, and sometimes spitting of blood.
MOON IN CANCER (CONJUNCT – SQUARE – OPPOSITION) MARS The Moone afflicted by Mars in Cancer, the Sicke is sensible of great abundance of sweet fleagme in his stomacke, hath too much ingurgitated, or taken some surfeit, oft vomits or desires so to do, with eversion or turning of the ventricle. All manner of QUESTIONS
I finde, usually it is a meer surfeit gotten by riot and excesse, and most that I have seen thus afflicted have been cured by Vomit; many times it turns to a loosenesse, or a rotten filthy cough, sometimes spitting of blood.
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