If he should obtaine the Parsonage desired. 

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If he should obtaine the Parsonage desired.





Judgement upon this Figure.



The Querent is signified by the signe ascending, Saturn therein posited, and Mars Lord of the ascendant in Gemini, an Ayery Signe, and Moon in Aquarius, of the same triplicity. The 9th

The Resolution of



house and Jupiter Lord thereof are Significators of the Benefice.

1. In the first place I finde no Conjunction betwixt Jupiter Lord of the 9th, and Mars Lord of the ascendant, or is the Moon in any aspect with Jupiter.

2. I finde neither Mars Lord of the ascendant, or Moon posited in the 9th.

3. There is no weighty Planet that translates or collects the light of Jupiter (who signifies the preferment) unto Mars.

4. There is no reception betwixt Jupiter and Mars.

5. Saturn is impedited in the ascendant, and by his presence infortunates the question, causing the Querent to despaire in the obtaining it.

6. The Moon separates from a Trine of Mats, and applies to an opposition of Mercury, Lord of the 3rd: which intimated in my judgment, that some neighbour of the Querents, wither with letter, words, or crosse information would wholly destroy the Querents hopes, and that Mercuriall men, viz. Schollars, or Divines would be his enemies: and because I found Venus in Libra and 7th house, opposing the ascendant; I judged some Women would inform against him, or prejudice him in his suit,



By all that hath been collected, I dehorted him from proceeding after the matter any further, as not to be obtained; but the Parson being covetous would proceed further in the matter; and so he did, and when he thought to have the matter absolutely on his side; Behold, a scurvey Letter revealing some manifest truths concerning a Female, dasht the good Mans hopes, &c. exit. The Querent was Saturn and Mars exactly, had wit and volubility of tongue; and as Mercury and the Moon are in Opposition, he under the Earth, she in the 12th, he could never discover which of his Neighbours it was that thus affronted him, nor would he aske me; if he had, it must have been Saturn Lord of the 12th, viz. some Farmer, or dealer in Cattle, living North-east from him about fifteene Furlongs; a covetous repining Miser, Sickly, &c.


all manner of QUESTIONS.




If Presberty shall stand?





Judgment upon the Figure abovesaid.


The angles of the Figure are common, and not fixed, but the Signe of the 9th, from which at present judgment must be naturally deduced, is Taurus, a fixed, stable Signe, and from Saturn in the Terms of Jupiter, who is therein posited, a slow and ponderous Planet; a generall Significator in Religion, Religious Rites and Ceremonies is now standing to Direction; and is departing out of

The Resolution of



his Exaltation, having been a long time Retrograde therein, and now at present impedited by mars: after his transit out of Cancer, he enters the fixed Sign of Leo, and into the Terms of Saturn; but in the first six degrees thereof he meets with severall obnoxious fixed Starres, and thence passes into the Termes of Mercury, who is now in the Signe Pisces his Fall; yet angular, entred into the Decanate of Mars.


We find Venus Lady of the 9th house in Aries her Detriment, and in the 8th of the Figure, but 12th house from her own viz. Taurus, now the cusp of the 9th: and if you observe Venus well, she hath 21 degrees to passe through the Signe of Aries, and these degrees all in the 8th house, ere she get into Taurus where she may possible fix, or at least would; but before she fully gets out of this movable Signe Aries, she first hath occurse to the sinister Square of Jupiter, (The Gentry of England will oppose it.) then of Mars, (Mars Lord of the ascendant of England, the generality or whole Kingdome will distaste it.) all three in the Termes of Saturn: this might have produced some materiall effects, if Saturn had been essentially Fortified where he is, or if Presbytery had any relation to Monkery, or if it had been the first beginning of a Religious Order.


Let us take all the Planets as posited, and there’s not a Planet fixed except Saturn, not any essentially dignified but Jupiter, and he impedited by Mars; the Moon is entring Via Combusta, Mars is in his Fall, Mercury in his, Venus in her Detriment..


We have the Moon separating from Venus in the 8th, then going to be Vacua Cursus afterwards she Squares with Mars, (The Presbytery will struggle hard, and wrangle stoutly.) then with Jupiter: From those configurations we shall naturally frame our judgment, not positive or affirmative, but conjecturall, onely out of a desire that posterity may see there’s some verity in Astrology, and the Clergies just cause to carp at the Art if I lye: and we hope herein, that we shall no more offend in writing the Astrall intention of the heavenly bodyes, (deduced from reasons in Art) then those who daily (pleno ore) and publickly deliver amongst hundreds their conceptions, though repugnant to the opinion of very many now alive. The posture of Saturn in the 9th who is naturally of a severe, surly, rigid and harsh temper, may argue, the Presbytery shall be too strict, sullen and dogged for the English Constitutions, little gentle or compliant with the natures of the generality, and that there shall spring up amongst

all manner of QUESTIONS.



themselves many strange and fearfull opinions and distractions even concerning this very Presbytery now mentioned, that they shall grow excessive covetous, contentious, and desirous of more then belongs unto them, worldly, envious and malicious one against another; that amongst them some Juniors represented by Venus, shall be but of light judgment, wave and decline the strictnesse of this Discipline; that the Elder, represented by Saturn, shall not be respected by reason of their too much rigidnesse, or shall their Orthodox opinions be consented unto.


Saturn is Peregrine, Occidentall, &c. fortified by no essentiall Dignity, or supported with the favourable aspect of either of the Fortunes; there’s Reception betwixt the Moon and him, but no aspect: Mercury Lord of the 10th signifying Authority, is separated and separateth apace from Saturn, as if the Gentry, or supreamest people of this Kingdome, doe in part decline from the severity of the too too austere Clergy or Presbytery, mistrusting a Thraldome rather then a Freedome to ensue hereupon.


[The Souldiery will distaste it.]

If you would know who shall most afflict, or who shall begin the dance, or most of all oppose it? Saturn represents the Countryman, for he afflicting the house properly signifying Presbytery shewes the cause; this in few words expresses, it will not stand or continue (status quo:) Remove Saturn, Viz. Covetousnes, Rigidnes, Maliciousnesse, &c. then there may be more hopes that it might, but yet it will not stand (ita in fatis.)


Three whole yeers from hence shall not passe, ore Authority it selfe, or some divine Providence informe our understanding with a way in Discipline or Government, either more neer to the former purity of the primitive times, or more beloved of the whole Kingdome of England, or Authority shall in this space of time moderate many things now stifly desired: For some time we shall not discover what shall be established, but all shall be even as when there was no King in Israel, a confusion among us shall yet a while romaine: the Souldery then, or some men of fiery Spirits wil arise, and keep back their Contribution from the Clergy, and will deny obedience or submission to this thing we call Presbytery; it will then come to be handled by the Magistrate, and taken into consideration by the grand Authority of the

The Resolution of


Kingdome; yea, and by the plurality of the Clergy-men of England, or men of very sound judgments, it will be contradicted, disputed against, disapproved; and these shall make it manifest, this very Presbytery now maintained, is not the same the Common­wealth of England will entertaine, as a standing rule, for it to live under, or be governed by.


From what I doe find by this Figure, I conclude, that Presbytery shall not stand here in England (status quo) without refining and amending, and demolishing many scrupulous matters urged at present by the Clergy; for if we consider Jupiter as Lord of the 4th, we find the Moon, in plaine language, (after a little being voyd of course) run hastily to the Square of Mars and Jupiter; intimating, the Commonalty will defraud the expectation of the Clergy, and so strongly oppose them, that the end hereof shall wholly delude the expectation of the Clergy.




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