Principall Planet Cojoyned Mens 

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Principall Planet Cojoyned Mens


Signifier Joyned Names

Mercury Mars Matthew

Moon Mercury Simon

Sun Jupiter Laurence

Mercury Sun Clement

Mercury Saturn Edmund

Jupiter Sun John

Saturn Venus William

Mars Sun Robert

Mars Sun Peter

Mars Anthony

Sun Mercury Benjamin

Jupiter Saturn Thomas

Sun Roger

Sun Phillip

Saturn Sun George

Sun Saturn Andrew

Moon Sun Henry

Moon Saturn Nicholas

Jupiter Sun Richard

Sun James

Sun Stephen


Mars Mercury Katherine

Mercury Mars Sun Christian

Saturn Moon Venus Joane

Venus Saturn Isabel

Saturn Sun Elizabeth

Saturn Sun Julian

Moon Mars Sun Mary

Moon Venus Ellin

Venus Mercury Agnes

Sun Mercury Margaret

Sun Venus Alice

Sun Mercury Edith

Sun Venus Maud

Sun Jupiter Lucy

Sun Anne

Jupiter Rachel

Moon Nell, Ellenor

all manner of QUESTIONS.


Some moderne Professors, have endeavoured to give aprobable conjecture what Christian name the Thiefe is of, or party enquired after, whether man or woman. First, they consider if the Planet who is principall Significator of the party enquired of, whether he be angular or no, and then whether he be in aspect (it matters not what aspect, good or ill) with any Planet or Planets: if he be in no aspect, then in whose Dignities he is, and from hence they make their mixture; for example; let us admit Mercury to be Lord of the 7th, and Significator of a Maids Lover.

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and he in aspect, or in the dignities of Mars, I shall then have recourse on the Table before, and there I find in the first line over against Mercury and Mars Matthew, I shall then say the man’s name is Matthew, or of a name equivalent in length, or same number of letters: for my part I never use this way, nor yet have much credited it; yet I beleeve, were it well practiced we might find out very pretty conclusions, and goe neer to find the very name, or somewhat neer it.



Whether the Thief be out of the house or not.


If both the Lights behold the ascendant, or he be in their owne houses, the Thief is one of the Family, the Lord of the 7th in the ascendant, idem; the Lord of the 6th in the 2nd, it is a Servant; if either of the Luminaries behold the ascendant, it is no stranger; Sun opposite to the ascendant, it is an overthwart Neighbour; the Lord of the 7th beholding the ascendant with a friendly aspect, idem.



A Stranger or Familiar.


Sun and Moon beholding the ascendant or the Lord of the ascendant in the 1st, or joyned to the Lord of the 7th, it is one of the house, or one that frequents the house; the Luminaries in their proper houses, or in the house of the Lord of the ascendant, the same; in the Triplicity of the Lord of the ascendant, a Neighbor; in the Terms of him, a familiar; Moon in the 9th in Conjunction, Square or Opposition to Saturn or Mars, brings back the Thief; without fail if they be Retrograde.





If the Sun and Moon aspect the Lord of the ascendant, and not the ascendant, the Thief is knowne to the owner; the Significator of the Thiefe strong in the ascendant, noteth a Brother or Kinsman; Zael, Lord of the 7th in the 9th from his owne house, it is a Stranger; Sun and Moon beholding each other, a Kinsman; the Lord of the ascendant in the 3rd or 4th, accuseth thine owne household-Servant; this I have oft proved true by experience.

all manner of QUESTIONS.



Ruled by the Lord of the Seventh house.


The Lord of the 7th in the ascendant or 4th, noteth one of the house, or of the household, or frequenting the house, and is in the City or Towne, and is one whom the Querent least mistrusteth, and one which will hardly confesse the fact.


The Lord of the 7th in the 2nd, noteth one of the household, or an acquaintance (if is be in a Masculine Signe,) but if it be in a Feminine Signe, it is his Wife, perhaps a Sweetheart or Mayd of the house, and is within the power of the Loser, or some of his house, and may be recovered by money.


The Lord of the 7th in the 3rd, one of the Kindred, Brother, Sisters, Cozens, or his onely Fellow by way of service, or some Neighbour often in his sight, or his Disciple, Messenger or Servant, &c.


The Lord of the 7th in the 4th, it is his Father, or some old Body, or of his Fathers Kin, or one dwelling in the Heritage or house of his Father, and the Thiefe hath given it to his Wife, or the Woman to her Husband, or it is the good man or good Wife of the house, or else he is a Tiller or Labourer of the Land for the Querent,


The Lord of the 7th in the 5th, the Sonne or Daughter of him, or the Sonne or Daughter of his Cozen or Nephew, (if the Sign be a masculine) or of the household of his Father, or else his very Friend.


The Lord of the 7th in the 6th, A Servant, a Disciple or Labourer to the Querent, or one conversant with some Churchman, a Brother or Sister of the Father, a sick body or unsteadfast, or grieved person.


The Lord of the 7th in the 7th, his Wife or Lady, or an Harlot, or a woman that useth to be suspected for such matters, or a Buyer or Seller in Markets; if it be a feminine Signe, the Taker is an utter enemy to the Loser, by some cause formerly happened between them, and dwels somewhat far from him, and the things are in his custody still, and hard to be recovered. [This must be warily understood.]


The Lord of the 7th in the 8th, a Stranger, yet seemeth to be one

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of the household, or one of his open enemies, or of his neer Kinswoman, for some cause of offence done, or some evill disposed person (and of the Livery of the Man) and he useth to come to his House, and either is kept by him, or else doth some servile acts, as a Butcher or Labourer doth, otherwhiles to kill Cattell, and it seemeth the thing lost will not be had againe but by either faire words, or dread of death, or by reason of some threats, or else the thing is lost by some Man absent, the which is not now had in the minde at this time, but seems to be quite forgotten.


The Lord of the 7th in the 9th, an honest person, a Clarke, or a Church-man, and the Thiefe is out of the way or Country, a Disciple, or Governour to some Master of some priviledged Place, or a poore vagrant person, hard to be recovered but by some religious person as aforesaid.


[I ever finde it to signifie one lodging in the House, when the thing was lost, or using the House.]

The Lord of the 7th in the 10th, a Lord, or Master, or Governour in the Kings House, or of his Household; or some Lady or Gentlewoman, if the Figure be Feminine, & e contra; or some crafts-Master; usually its some person that lives handsomely, and is not necessitated to this course of life.


The Lord of the 7th in the 11th, a Friend or one knowne by some service done; or of the household of some man of the Church, or Neighbour, or Servant in the place where the Querent hath some Lordship, and is put in trust, or is of the Household of the Querent his Mother, and by such a one or his meanes to be recovered againe.


The Lord of the 7th in the 12th, a Stranger, envious a false person, and inthralled, incumbered or oppressed with poverty, and hath no riches; wherefore he hath visited many Regions, as some Enemy or Beggar doth, and he joyneth in it; judge his quality by the Signe and Place, and commix all these with the other testimonies of the Signes and Planets.


Whether the Thiefe be in the Towne or no.


Behold the Significator of the Thiefe, if thou find him in the end of the Signe direct, or seperating from Combustion, or applying to a Planet in the 3rd or 9th House; say, he is gone or

all manner of QUESTIONS.



going out of the Towne, for the removing of the Significator out of one Signe into another, denoteth change of Lodging or removing; if it be a superiour Planet, the rule is infallible.


If the Lord of the ascendant and the Moon be not in one quarter but above 90 degrees asunder, it noteth departure, or a great distance betwixt the Goods and the Owner; but if they be in angles, and applying to Planets in angles, it noteth no farre distance, especially if the Moon and the Lord of the ascendant be in one quarter.


Distance betwixt the Owner and the Thief.


[These judgments best agree from the Country.]

If the Thief, viz. his Significator, be in a fixed Signe, account for every house betwixt the Lord of the ascendant and him, three miles; in common Signes, every house betwixt the ascendant and Thief, one mile; in movable Signes, for every house betwixt the ascendant and the Thiefe, account that so many houses on the earth are betwixt the Loser and the Thiefe.


If the Signe ascending be a fixed Signe, for every house give three miles; if a common Signe, then for every house give one mile; if a movable Signe, for every house reckon one halfe mile.


If his Significator be in an angle, he is still in the Towne; in a succedant, not far off, in a cadent he is far gone.


Where the Thief is.


[These are still for the Country.]

Moon in an angle, at home; succedant, about home; if in cadent, far from home,


The Significator of the Thief in an Angle, in a house; Moon in an angle, in his owne house; in a succedant, he is in Closes; Moon in a succedant, in his owne Closes,


The Significator of the Thiefe in a cadent house, he is in a Common; Moon in a cadent, in his owne Common, or that which belongs to the Towne he lives in.


If the Signifier of the Thief be within thirty degrees of the Lord of the ascendant, then is the Thiefe neer him that lost the

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Goods; if within seventy degrees, within the Towne or Parish of him that lost the Goods, the more degrees betwixt them, the farther off they are from each other.


If the Significator be in a Square aspect to the Lord of the ascendant, he is out of the Towne; if the Lord of the 7th be strong, & in an angle, the Thief is not yet gone out of the Town or Parish where the Theft was acted; if he be found weak in an angle, he is gone, or departing.





[It sometimes holds true, the Lord of the 7th in the ascendant, the Thiefe brings the Goods home willingly.]

If the Lord of the 7th be in the ascendant, tell the Querent the Thiefe will be at home (before him) or before he get home, probatum est.


If the Lord of the 7th be in the 7th, he is hid at home and dare not be seen.

If the Lord of the 6th be in the 1st, or 2nd with any of their Lords, the Thief is of the house of the Querent.

If the Lord of the ascendant and the Significator of the Thief be together, the Thief is with the Querent, probatum est; the very truth us, he cannot be far from him.


Towards what part the Thief is gone.


[These things shal be more fully explicated in the succeding sheet, If you would know to what part he is fled, after he is gone out of Towne, behold the Planet that signifies his going out of Towne, and in what Sign he is; and if he be in a fiery Sign, say he is in the east part of the Towne or Country; if he be in a watry Signe, he is in the North; if in an Ayery Aign, he is in the west; if in an earthly Signe, he is in the south: Behold also in what quarter of Heaven he is in, and judge accordingly; if the signifier be in the west, he is in the west; the east part os from the Mid-heaven to the ascendant, &c. mix the signification of the Signe with the signification of the quarter, and thereafter judge, preferring the Signe before the quarter, onely making use of the quarter to ballance your judgment when other testimonies are equall.

all manner of QUESTIONS.



Which way the Thief is gone.


Behold the significant Planet, in what Signe he is, and also the quarter, and accordingly judge; others judge by the place of the Moon; others behold the Lord of the 7th, and the Lord of the hour, what Signe and quarter they are in, and if they agree, then they judge thereafter; others regard the Significator to whom he doth apply, or render his power; others by the Lord of the 4th, I alwayes judge by the strongest, either of the Significator or the Moon.


[The peculiar quarter of heaven every Signe naturally signifies doth follow hereafter.]

If the Significator of the Thief be in a fiery Sign, he went east; earthly, south; ayery, west; watry, north; see what angle Moon is in, there is the Thief; in no angle, look for the Lord of the house of the Moon, to that part he went.


See what Signe the Lord of the 7th is in; if in Aries, eastward; in Taurus, in the South against the east; and so of the rest,


Of the house of the Thiefe, and the mark thereof.


If you will know the quality of the house the thing lost is in, and the Signe and token thereof, and in what place the thing is, behold the Signe the Significator of the Thief is in, and in what part of heaven he is, and say in that part of the Towne the thing is; if it be in the ascendant, it is in the point of the east; in the 7th, just in the west; in the 4th, just in the north; in the 10th, it is south; and if it be between these angles, judge accordingly; as south-west or north-west; give the place of the Sun to be the house the Thief is in, and the place of the Moon to be the door of the house; if the Sun be in an Orientall Signe, the house is in the east part from the Master, or from him that lost the Goods.


The Door of the house.


To know in what part of the house the Door is, behold the place the Moon is in, whether in the angles, succedants or cadents, and judge as it is said in the parts of the house, the which part is

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taken of or from the Signe the Moon is in one way; if the Moon be in a fixed Signe, say the house hath but one door; in a movable Signe, say the door is high above the earth, and it may be there is one other little one; and if Saturn have any aspect to that Signe, the door hath been broken and after mended againe, or else it is black or very old.


[Or is well bard with Iron.]

If Mars have any aspect thereunto, the gate or door shall have some token of burning or fire; and if Saturn and Mars have a friendly aspect to the same Signe, the gate is Iron, or most part of it, or a good strong one; and if the Moon have small light, the house hath no door opening to the high-way, but opens on the back part of the house.


Tokens of the Thiefe house.


If the Moon be in Square, Conjunction, or Opposition to Mars, the door is burned with iron, fire or candle, or hath been cut with some iron instrument; if the Moon be in Trine or Sextile to Mars, say the door of the Thiefs house is mended with iron; if the Moon be but newly encreased in light, his gate or door is part under the earth, or under a Bank-side, or they goe downe by a step, Moon in a fixed or movable Signe, he hath but one door outwardly, in common Signs more then one.


[Or men goe down by steps,]

Moon in a fixed Signe, the gate is under the earth, viz. if in Taurus, or the house standeth on the Bank-side, if in Aquarius; Moon in movable Signs, the gate or door is above the earth, and a step to go up in to it (probatumn est.) or one ascends somewhat in going into the house.


Moon Infortunate, the gate is broken, and note what part of heaven Moon is in, that part of the house the door standeth in; if Saturn aspect the Moon with Conjunction, Square or Opposition, the door or gate is broken downe, old or black; if with Sextile or Trine, the door is mended againe.



Of the house where the Thiefe remaineth or dwelleth.


Behold the Signe wherein the Signifier is in, and in what part of

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Behold the Lord of the terme wherein the Significator of the Thiefe is, and by him judge the estate of the Thiefe; if an infortunate Planet be in a fortunate terme, he was of a wilde stocke, and now is in good state: If a fortune be in the terme of an infortune, say the contrary.



If he carried all with him,


Behold the Lord of the 7th and 8th, if the Lord of the 7th be in an Angle, he was willing to have carried all away, but could not; if in a succedent, and the Lord of the 8th with him strong, he had all; if both the Lord of the 7th and 8th be in cadent Houses, he neither carried it away or had it,



The distance of the thing from the Owner.


[These rules are much followed by those that practice in the Country.]

Behold how many Degrees are between the Significator and the Moon; and whether the Signes be fixed, movable or common; in fixed Signes account for every Degree a Mile; in common Signes so many tenths of Miles; in Movable Signes so many Rods. How many Degrees betwixt the Lord of the 7th and the Lord of the houre, so many thousand Paces betwixt the Querent and the Fugitive.


Looke what distance is betwixt the Ascendant and his Lord, such is the distance betwixt the place where the thing was lost and the thing it selfe.


Looke how many Degrees the Signifier is in his Signe, and so many Miles are the Cattle from the place where they went, and in that quarter or coast where the Lord of the 4th is.



How farre the thing is from the Querent.


Behold the Lord of the Ascendant and the Ascendant, and see how many Signes and Degrees are betwixt the Lord of the Ascendant and the Ascendant; and if the Lord of the Ascendant be in a fixed Signe, then give for every Signe (betwixt him and the Ascendant) foure Miles; and if he be in a common Signe, give for every Signe a Mile and a halfe; and if he be in a moveable Signe, give for

all manner of QUESTIONS.



every Signe (betwixt them) halfe a Mile, and the overplus of the Degrees, according to the Signe the Lord of the Ascendant is in:

As for Example;


A Question was asked, and the 7th Degree of Capricorn ascended, and Saturn in Scorpio foure Degrees; so there is between the Ascendant and Saturn 3 Signes, and Saturn in a fixed Signe; therefore I must give for every Signe 4 Miles, 3 times 4 is 12, and there is 3 Degrees more to the which belong halfe a Mile; so the whole sum is 12 Miles and a halfe.



The Place where the Goods stolne are.


[More certainly by the Lord of the 4th. This is where things are hid in grounds.]


If you will know the place where the thing stolne is in; take Signification of the Place from the Signe the Significator of the Thiefe is in, and from the place of the Lord of the 4th House; if they be both in one Signification it is well; if not, behold then what place is Signified by the Lord of the 4th House, and judge by that Signe the nature of the place where the thing stolne is. If he be in a moveable Signe, it is in a place high from the ground; if in a fixed Signe, it is in the Earth; and if in a common Signe, it is under some Eaves of a House; and helpe your judgment in these by the Terme of the Signes, as if the Significator be in Aries, it is in a place where Beasts doe use that be small, as Sheep, or Hogs &c. if he be in Leo, it is in a place of Beasts which bite as Dogs, &c. if he be in Sagittarius, it is in a place of great Beasts that are ridden; as in a Stable of Horses, or such like: if in Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn, it signifieth a House or place of great Beasts, as Oxen, Kine or such other Cattle: Virgo and Capricorn Signifieth a place of Camels, Mules, Horses, Asses, and such like: Virgo hath the Signification of a Barn, or of such places as be under the Earth, or neer to the Earth, or Granaries, such as they put Corne in:

Capricorn signifieth a place of Goats, Sheepe, Hogs, and such like. If he be in Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, it is in the House; in Gemini it is in the Wall of the House; Libra neer a little House or Closet, Aquarius it is neer a Doore that is above a Doore or Gate, in some place on high. If Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, the thing is in Water, or neer Water, and these doe Signifie a Pit or Cistern: Scorpio it is neer a place of unclean

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Water, or where they use to cast out filthy Water, as a Gutter: Pisces sheweth a place alwayes moyst.


The place where the thing lost or stolne is hidden.


Behold the place of the Signifier of the Thiefe, and the Lord of the 4th, if they be both in one Signification and wel agreeing, if not, behold the Lord of the 4th; if he be in a moveable Signe, it is in an high place; if in a fixed Signe, it is on the Earth; if in a common Signe, in a covered place. Herein behold what Signe the Moon is, or whether in the Ascendant or Mid-heaven, or about it, behold the forme or Signe that Ascends with her, and say the thing is in that place which the forme thereof representeth..


Where the Goods are.


Looke to the Lord of the 2nd and his Almuten, (viz. he that hath most dignities there) there are the Goods: if the Lord thereof and the Lord of the 4th be both in one Signe, judge the things to be where they are, and the Thiefe and Theft both together; if they be not together, judge by the 4th, &c.


If the Lord of the 4th be found in a fixed Sign, the Goods are in the Earth, or in a House having no Chamber.


If the Lord of the 4th be in a moveable Signe, the Goods are in a Chamber above another, or in an upper Loft or Room.


If in a common Signe, in a Chamber within another Chamber. If the Goods be found in a fiery Signe, they are East; in an Earthly South; in an Aery, West; in a Watry, North.


[This is, when Goods are certainly known to be out of the House.] If the Lord of the Terme of the Moon be in an Angle, and in a moveable Signe, the Goods are in Closes where are both Corne and G rasse -


If in a succedent and fixed Signe, in Woods, Parkes, or in closed Grounds that lyeth from the High-way-side: if in a cadent and common Signes, in a Common of divers Mens, or Pasture or Meddow of divers Mens.


Haly saith, it was asked him one time when Leo was Ascending and


all manner of QUESTIONS.



Venus therein; and he saith, the thing was under a Bed neer a Robe or Covering; because Venus was in the Ascendant, the which is Significatrix of a Bed, and after these considerations judge.


Lost or stolen in what part of the house.


[The true quality of the place every Planet and Signe doth Signifie, I have exactly set forth from Pg. 57 to page 100.]

If the thing is lost or stolen be in the house, & you would know the place where it is, behold the Lord of the 4th. and the Planet which is therein; if it be Saturn, it is hid in a dark place or part of the house, or in a desolate or stinking place and deep, be it a seige-house or Jakes, where people seldome come.

If it be Jupiter, it signifies a place of Wood, Bushes or Bryers. If it be Mars, it is in some Kitchin, or in a place where fire os used, or in a Shop, &c.

If it be Sun, it signifieth the Cloyster or Hall of the House, or the Place or Seat of the Master of the House.

If it be Venus, it signifieth the place of the Seat of a Woman, or Bed or Cloathes, or where women are most conversant.

If it be Mercury, it is in a place of Pictures, Carving or Books, or a place of Come, and chiefly in Virgo.

If it be Moon, it is in a Pit, Cisterne or Lavatory.


The forme or likenesse of the entring of the house.


[This hath relation as well to any other thing as to Thefts, and may be made good use of for severall Discoveries.]


Behold the place of the Sun, from him is knowne the forme and likenesse of the opening of the house; from Moon is knowne the Sellar, and the place that holdeth the water, or a Pit; by Venus, the place of Mirth, Play and women &c. from the place of the North Node is knowne the place of height, or highest Seat, Stool, Stairs or Ladder to climbe by; and from the place of the South Node is knowne the place the Wood is in, or the house the Beasts be in, or a Pillar in the house; and if Mercury be in a common Signe it is in a little Cell within another Chamber; if he be in a movable Signe, it is within a little Cell that hath another Chamber about it; if in a fixed Signe, it is in a house that hath no Sellar nor other Chamber, as many Country-houses have not.

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And if Jupiter or Venus, or both of them be in the 10th house, the door hath a faire opening; if Jupiter be in the 10th, the opening of the door is neer some Ditch or Pit, or deep place; if Mars be there, neer to the opening of the house is the place of making the fire, or killing os Beasts, or heading; if Mercury be in the 10th, say in the opening of the house, is a place where the Master of the house keeps his things in, viz. his instruments or Tools he uses about his Beasts; and if Sun be in the 10th, in the opening is some Stoole or Seat to sit on, or a bed; if the Moon be in the 10th house, say that in the entring of the house is a door under the ground, or some other necessary thing that a man hath much occasion to use in his house, as a Furnace or Overn, or such like,


What is stolne by the Lord of the 2nd or 10th House.


[More properly by the Lord of the 2nd.]

Saturn—Lead, Iron, Azure, blacke or blew colour, Wooll, blacke Garments, Leather, heavy things, labouring tooles for the Earth: Jupiter—Oyle, Honey, Quinces, Silke, Silver: Venus—white Cloth, and white Wine, Green-colour.


Mars - Pepper, Armour, Weapons, red Wine, red Cloathes, Brasse, Carbuncles, yellow Cloathes: Moon - ordinary and common Commodities.


The quality of the Goods stolne.


[These Judgments are more proper for the Country than City.]

Behold the Lord of the 2nd; if he be Saturn, it is Lead, Iron, or a Kettle, something with three feet; a Garment or some blacke thing, or a Hide or Beasts skin.


If Jupiter be Lord of the 2nd, some white thing; as Tyn, Silver, or mixed with vaines, as it were with yellow and white, or broad Cloath, &c.


Sun signifies Gold and precious things, or things of good value.

Mars - those which be fiery belong to the fire, Swords, Knives.

Venus - such things as belong to Women, Rings, faire Garments,

Smocks, Wastecoats, Peticoats.


Moon - Beasts, as the Horse, Mules, Cowes, or Poultry in the

all manner of QUESTIONS.


Country of all forts; Mercury - Money, Books, Paper, Pictures, Garments of divers colours.


A signe of recovery.


[These are excellent and approved rules, this must be in signes of short ascentions.]

The Moon in the 7th Aspecting the Lord of the Ascendant with a Trine, Venus or the Lord of the 2nd in the Ascendant, Jupiter in the 2nd direct, Venus Lady of the 2nd in the Ascendant, Moon in the 10th in Trine to a Planet in the 2nd: Moon in the 2nd, with a Trine to the Lord of the 2nd: Moon in the 2nd, to a Square of Sun in the 12th: The Lord of the Ascendant in the 2nd, Sun and

Moon aspecting each other with a Trine, Sun and Moon aspecting the cuspe of the 2nd with a Trine: Lord of the 2nd in the 4th, or in the House of the Querent, viz. in the Ascendant.



If it shall be recovered.


To know if it shall be recovered or not: For resolution hereof, behold the Lord of the terme of the Moon, the which is Signifier of the substance stolne to be recovered. If the Lord of the terme of the Moon, and the Lord of the house of the Moon be increasing [To encrease in motion is, whenas lately a Planet had moved slowly, and now encreases his motion, or moves more quick; to encrease in number is, when the day subsequent he is found to have moved more minutes then the day or dayes preceding.] both in motion and number, and free from infortunes; it shews it shall be recovered whole and found, and nothing diminished thereof.


Consider also the Lord of the houre, and take his testimony, as you did from the Lord of the terme of the Moon; behold also the application of the Lord of the Ascendant, unto the Lord of the terme of the Moon, or unto the Lord of the 2nd House; or if that they apply unto him, for when he doth apply unto one of them, or to both, and the Moon apply unto them both or to the Lord of the House, or if the Sun doe apply unto the Lord of his House, and the Moon be diminished in light; I meane if the Lord of the House of the Sun, doe apply to the Sun; for the state of all these doe Signifie that the thing stole shall be found, and especially if the Planet Signifier be in an angle or succedant.


Also if the Lord of the terme of the Moon, or the Lord of the House of the Moon, or the Lord of the 2nd house apply unto the



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Lord of the Ascendant, the Master of the thing lost shall recover the same. Also if the Moon or Lord of the Ascendant apply unto the Ascendant, or one of them apply unto the Lord of the 2nd House, or unto the Lord of the terme of the Moon, the thing stolne shall be had againe through inquisition and diligent search.


And if the Lord of the House of the Moon, and the Lord of the Terme of the Moon be both diminished in their motion or number, say the more part is lost and shall not be recovered.


If the Lord of the terme of the Moon, and the Lord of the house of the Moon be increasing in number and motion, and safe from ill fortunes, the thing shall be restored whole and nothing diminished; for if those Signifiers be not Cadent from angles, it Signifieth the things shall be soon recovered; but is they be in angles, it Signifieth meanly, viz. neither very soone nor very late, viz. the recovery.


In what time it shall be recovered.


Behold the application of the two Planets that Signifie the recovery, and number the Degrees that are between them, or from the one to the other, and determine dayes, weekes, yeers, or houres, in this manner; Behold the place they are in, or the place of their application; for if they be in moveable Signes, the shorter time is required, or it shal be in weeks, or in months; in fixed Signes it Signifies Moneths or Yeers; in common Signs a meane betwixt both: helpe your selfe from these judgments: or if the Significator be quick in motion, they Signifie it shall be recovered quickly, or lightly: which Significators, if they be falling from angles, signifieth a time short, wherein the Goods shall be recovered: These Judgements are made properly for this Chapter; you must not judge in other things by these, or by this Method.


Aphorismes concerning Recovery.


The Lord of the 8th in the Ascendant, or with the Lord thereof,

all manner of QUESTIONS.


signifies the recovery of the theft. The Lord of the 2nd in the 8th, denieth recovery.


Saturn also, or Mars, or South Node, signifieth dividing and losse of the thing, and that all shall not be recovered.


The Lord of the 2nd in the Ascendant sheweth recovery, The Lord of the Ascendant in the 2nd, signifieth recovery after long search.

If the 2nd House be hindered or the Lord thereof, it cannot be that all shall be found and recovered.


When the Lord of the Ascendant and the Moon; with the Sun, or the Lord of the 10th, or the Lord of the House of the Moon; or if the Lord of the 7th be with the Lord of the Ascendant, or have good aspect to him; or if the Lord of the 7th be in combustion; or at least the Lord of the 10th, and the Lord of the house of the Moon agree well together, upon such a position it is probable the thing lost shall and may be recovered. When both the Luminaries are under the earth it cannot be recovered,


Whatsoever is lost, the Sun together with the Moon, beholding the Ascendant cannot be lost but will, shortly be discovered.


Behold when the body of the Moon and the body of the Lord of the Ascendant, viz. when one of them applyeth bodily to the Planet that signifieth recovery; the thing stolne shall then be recovered; and if the application of the Significators be by Retrogradation, the recovery shall bee sudden, if the application be by direction, the recovery shall be before it be looked for.


Behold also the Lord of the term of the Moon, if he do apply to the same term, and the Lord of the house of the Moon applies to the same house, or when the Lord of the 2nd applies to his own house: or when any of them apply to the Ascendant; all these do signify the time of recovery.


Look also if the Part of Fortune have any testimony with the Lord of the Ascendant, or with the Moon, because when any of them apply to each other, or the Lord of the house of the Moon to the Moon, there is the time of the recovery in hope; and when the Lord of the Part of Fortune applyes to the Lord of the Ascendant, or to the 2nd house, or unto the place in which the Part of Fortune is, or to the Moon; all these signify recovery: Behold

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also how many degrees is from the planet which signifieth recovery, unto the angle he goeth first to, and the number of those degrees is the time of recovery.


When both the lights behold themselves in angles, it signifies recovery of the thing at length, but with labour and pain; and it signifies more then one thief; if the aspect be a Trine, it signifyeth the lighter recovery.


The Moon in the Ascendant with any Fortune, it signifies recovery: If the Moon be in Sub Radijs, or combust, it signifieth the thing lost shall not be recovered, if it be, it shall be with much pain and labour; Sun and Moon in the 10th, sudden recovery.


If both Sun and Moon be nearer the Ascendant then any other angle, it signifyes recovery of the thing with much trouble, anxiety, strife, bloodshed, or quarrelling.


When Sun is in the Ascendant, the thing stolen shall be recovered, except the Ascendant be Libra or Aquarius; for therein the Sun is weak. The Moon in the Ascendant and Jupiter with her, it shall be recovered.


Of the discovery of the thief, and recovery of the goods.


If the Moon be in the Ascendant, or in a Trine aspect to the Lord thereof, thou findest the thief.

If there be a Trine aspect between Sun and Moon, it signifies recovery. If Sun and Moon be joyned to the Lord of the 7th, or beholding him by aspect, he cannot hide himself.

If the Lord of the Ascendant apply to the 2nd, or the Lord of the 2nd to the Ascendant; if there be any application or translation of light between the Lord of the 8th, and the Lord of the 2nd; or the Lord of the 8th be in the 2nd, it signifyes recovery. Moon in the 2nd with one of the Fortunes, or applying with a good aspect to her own house, or the Lord of the sign wherein she is, sheweth recovery.


The chiefest signes of no recovery are if Saturn, Mars or South Node, be in the 2nd, or the Lord of the 2nd in the 8th, or combust, or when the Lord of the 2nd applieth to the Lord of the 8th with any aspect, all or any of these are signes of no recovery. If the Lord of the 2nd be in his exaltation, there is

all manner of QUESTIONS.



a great hope of recovery, especially if there be any other testimony of the recovery.


The Theft.


[Thefts recoverable or no,]

If the Lord of the 7th be in the Ascendant, the theft shall be restored againe; if the Lord of the Ascendant be in the 7th, it will be found after much enquiry; if Moon be in the ascendant, or with the Lord of the ascendant, it will be found or may be found; if the Moon be in the 5th, with the Lord of the ascendant, it may be had; or if Sun and Moon be in the 5th, and the Lord of the 8th be with the Lord of the ascendant in the ascendant, it will be found.


If the Lord of the 2nd be in the 8th, it cannot be had; if Saturn or Mars or South Node be in the 2nd, it will not be had; if the Lord of the 2nd be in the ascendant, it will be had againe, and none shall know how; if the Lord of the ascendant be in the 2nd, with great labour it may be had; if the Lord of the 2nd be cadent, it will not be had; but if he be in his exaltation, it will be quickly restored; the sooner if Moon apply unto him.


Other Judgments of Thefts.


Lord of the ascendant and Lord of the 7th joyned, it shall be got by searching of the Querent.


Lord of the ascendant in the 7th, or the Lord of the ascendant joined to the Lord of the 8th, or Lord of the 7th in the ascendant, the Thief comes of his owne accord before he goes any farther; very many times I have found it so.


If Moon be separated from the Lord of the ascendant, and be joyned to the Lord of the 7th, he shall be found, viz. the Thief.


The Lord of the 7th joyned to an Infortune in an angle, he shall be taken: the Lord of the 7th joyned to a Fortune, he shall not be taken, unlesse that Fortune be under the Sun Beames, or impedited; if he goe to combustion, it signifies his death.


[I have oft found this true.] Moon joyned to an infortunate Planet, he shall be found; the Moon joyned to a retrograde Planet, he returnes of his owne accord, if he went; if the same

The Resolution of



Planet be stationary, he shall not remove from his owne place untill he be taken.


Whether the Thief shall be knowne or not.


Most Planets in cadents, he shall be knowne: Sun Conjunct, Square or Opposition to the Significator of the Thief, knowne; Sun in Sextile to him, he is suspected, but not openly knowne.


Whether the Thief be suspected of the Owner or not.


If the Thief be in Square or Opposition to the Lord of the ascendant he is suspected, a Trine or Sextile, not; if the Thieve’s Significator be in Conjunction with the Moon, the Owner suspecteth one with him, or using his owne company.


If the Moon be in Square or Opposition to any Planet in the 10th or 7th, say he suspecteth one far from him, except the Almuten of the 10th or 7th house be in Square or Opposition to the Moon.


If Moon have Conjunction or Opposition to a Planet in the 7th, or to the Almuten thereof, the Owner suspecteth him; but if Moon aspecteth another Planet, he suspecteth another, and not the Thief: if the Moon be joyned to, or received of an evill Planet, the suspected is the Thiefe; look to the Lord of the ascendant and the Moon, and take the strongest of them, who if he have received any vertue from evill Planets, viz. separated from them, he hath played the Thiefe; and so much the more being received of the Lord of the 2nd: Lord of the ascendant in an angle, applying or seperating to a Planet in a cadent house, truth is said of him; or Moon conjoyned to a Planet in an angle, especially in the 10th, signifies the same.


Who did the Deed or Theft.


[This where the querent is suspected a Knave.]

Lord of the ascendant in the 2nd, or 7th, it is the Owner himselfe; or Lord of the 2nd in the ascendant, the owner. If Sun and Moon be with the Lord of the 3rd, it’s Owner’s Kinsman; Sun and Moon in the 4th, Father or Mother, or a Friend; Sun or Moon in the 5th, a Sonne or Daughter of the Owner; Sun or Moon in the 6th, a Servant; Sun or Moon in the 7th his Wife or a Woman, Sun

all manner of QUESTIONS.



and Moon together cojoyned, beholding the ascendant, the Owner’s acquaintance; or if either of them behold the ascendant, idem. Sun or Moon in their proper houses, or in the ascendant, the Owner may be justly suspected.

If Sun or Moon be not together, but one of them behold the ascendant, it was one was borne, or formerly lived in the house where the robbery was done, If Sun or Moon be in their owne Triplicity, the Thief retaines him that lost the Goods; they having but a Face where they are, then he is not one of the house, but Kin unto him. [A Familiar of the house.]

If Sun or Moon behold the ascendant, and not the Thief, the Thief entred not the house before he took it.

If the Thiefe have any great Dignities in the ascendant, the Thiefe is Kin to the Querent, or a very neer acquaintance. Mars being Significator of the Thiefe, and placed in the 10th, the querent is the Thief, or very negligent.

The Lord of the 7th in the ascendant, he is suspected to be the Thief e.


Whether it be the first fact the Thief hath committed.


If Sun and Moon doe behold the Lord of the house where the Moon is from an angle, he hath plaid the Thiefe more then once. If Part of Fortune or Lord of the 7th be free from misfortunes, or Jupiter Significator alone of the Thiefe, it is the first fact he hath committed.

Mars seperating from the Lord of the 7th, or Saturn Orientall, it is not the first; Mars Significator, he breaketh in [viz. by violence.]; Venus, under the cloak of love; Mercury, by subtilty and flattery.


Of Theft by Astrologie, or LILLIES best experienced Rules.


[Number.] Many Thieves, if Peregrine Planets be in angles. The Significator in a Signe of Fruitfulnesse, viz. Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces; or in a Bycoporeall, viz. Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces; or beholding many peregrine Planets.


[One.] The angles fixed, or the Moon or Significator in Signes of direct ascention which are Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius; or in Signes not fruitfull, viz. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn.

The Resolution of



The Sex.


Masculine, if the Lord of the hour, Lord of the 7th and his Dispositor be Masculine, or if the Dispositor of the Moon and the Planet to whom she applies be masculine; or if the Significator be in the part of Heaven, viz. in the 1st, 12th, 11th or 7th, 6th, 5th, and Orientiall. Feminine, if the contrary to this happen.




Old, or in yeers, the Significator being Saturn.

A man, if Jupiter, Mars or Sun.

Not so old, if Mercury or Venus be Significators.


The Moon for her age, viz. young, she in her first quarter; more man if in her second quarter; and so in her third quarter more aged; in her last quarter of greater yeers.


Where note, the Moon or any Planet Orientall, denotes the Thief more young; Occidontall, more aged. Or thus; observe in what house the Significator is in, give for every house five yeers from the ascendant.


Or observe the degree descending in the 7th house, and give for every degree two yeers.


Or see the age of the Planet to whom the Moon applyes, or the

Significator of the Thief, or consider the day of the moneth the

Question is asked, give for every day elapsed to the day of the

Question two yeers.

The best way, and most sure is, to consider most of these wayes,

and pitch upon the greatest number.



Forme and Stature.


Proportion great, if the Significator have much Orientality, and be in Leo, Scorpio or Sagittarius.

Proportion little, if his Occidentality be much, or the Significator in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.

The upper part of his body is thick and strong, if the Significator be in Aries, Taurus, Leo; his lower parts if in Sagittarius, Gemini, Scorpio.

all manner of QUESTIONS.




If the Significator have much latitude from the Ecliptick, be Retrograde, or in his first station, or in the first part of Aries, Taurus, Leo, or in the last part of Gemini, Scorpio, Sagittarius.


It’s probable he inclines to talnesse, the Moon in Cancer or Pisces, Libra, Virgo or Aquarius give fleshy bodies, and well proportioned.




The Significator having small latitude, or direct, or in his second station, or in the beginning of Gemini, Scorpio, Sagitarrius, or in the summity of his Eccentricity.

Sun beholding the Significator, gives a handsome shape and fatnesse; the Moon Beholding, gives temperature and moystnesse.


The Thiefs strength.


Significator in South Latitude, the party is nimble; in North latitude, slow in motion.


A Planet in his first station gives strong bodies; going out of one Signe into another, weak and feeble.


Where the Knave is.


He flyes, or is running out of one place into another, or removing his Lodging, if the Significators be going out of one Signe into another; or if the Significator be leaving combustion, or the Rayes of the Sun; or if the Thief s Dispositor separate from the Lord of the 1st, and apply to a Planet in the 6th, 8th or 12th.


He flies, or is farre distant if the Significator of the Thiefe and thing sought after be not in one quarter of heaven, or apply to the Lord of the 3rd or 9th, or if the Significators be in the 3rd or 9th.


He remaines.


If the Lord of the 1st be joyned to a Planet in a cadent house, and behold the ascendant.

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A Familiar if Sun and Moon at one time behold the ascendant, or if the Lord of the 1st be joyned to the Lord of the 7th in the ascendant.


Or if Sun and Moon be in Leo or Cancer, or in the ascendant it selfe, or in the house of the Lord of the ascendant, and beholding him, or the Lord of the 7th house in the 12th or 8th, the Sun or Moon in their exaltation, note one well knowne, but not of the Family.


The Luminaries in their Termes or Faces, the party is known to some of the household, but not of the Family; Lord of the 7th in the 7th he is of the Household.


A Stranger.


If the Lord of the 7th be in the 3rd or 9th from his house. Lord of the ascendant and Lord of the 7th not if one Triplicity.



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