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A sick Doctor, what was his Disease?Содержание книги
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If curable?
What part of the Body was afflicted.
The Signe ascending in the Question is Scorpio, the Chelae notable fixed Stars neer the Ascendant, yet it is not afflicted by the All manner of QUESTIONS
evill position or presence of any evill Planet; therefore I must next look to the 6th house, and see if it be afflicted, wherein I find Saturn in his Fall, who thereby afflicts that house, which naturally signifies Diseases by his unlucky presence; from whence I concluded, that from thence and from that house I must require the part or member of the Body afflicted or most grieved, as you may read page 244.
Aries represents the Head, as you may see page 245. Saturn in Aries signifies the Brest, as page 112. Mars Lord of the Ascendant in Leo doth signifie the Heart.
The Lord of the Ascendant is Mars, and him you find but lately separated from a Square Dexter of Saturn, both of them in Cardinall Signes, Mars at time of the Square in Cancer, which presents the Brest and Stomack: from hence I positively concluded, as to the parts of Body grieved, they were the Head, Brest, Heart and Stomack, and that there lodged in the Brest or Stomack some melanchollick Obstruction, the cause of all his disease and Misery.
From what Cause the Sicknesse was.
Saturn being principall Significator of the Infirmity, in his owne Termes, and the Moon in his house applying unto him, did prenote Melancholly, and such dry Diseases as are occasioned from melancholly distempers, and might abide in the Head and Brest: what Infirmities Saturn naturally signifieth, see page 244. how to make a right mixture, your Physicians best know, and what Diseases man may be subject unto in those parts, and may proceed from such causes as abovesaid.
Mars Lord of the Ascendant was also in the Termes of Saturn, and the Moon out of his Termes, applyed to a Square of Sun, and he in Mars his Termes; so that Choller was a secondary cause of this Doctor’s sicknesse; and indeed when I came to speak with him, he was afflicted with great paine and rumbling in his head, very silent, dull and melancholy, slept very little, had a very dry Cough, and complained of great weaknesse and paine in his Brest, and at the Heart; his Complexion was betwixt black and yellow, as if there was inclination to the Jaundies; he had besides The Resolution of
these, a lingering Consumption and great wearinesse all over him, and in every joynt, for the Moon is in an ayery Signe; and as Scorpio doth ascend, which signifies the Secrets, Stone in the Bladder; so doth also the Moon in Aquarius signifie the Secrets and Diseases therein, &c. so had he difficulty in making Urine, voyded red gravell, and was greatly pained in those parts, &c. Having my selfe little judgment in Physick, I advised him to perscribe for himselfe such Physicall Medicines as were gently hot, moyst and cordiall, whereby he might for a while prolong his life; for the Moon in the 4th in Sextile with Saturn, argues sicknesse until death: He dyed the fourteenth of August following..
Whether the Disease would be long or short?
Saturn being author of the Disease, shewed it would be permanent, or of some continuance, as page 248. for he is a ponderous, slow Planet: besides, the Angles of the Figure are all fixed, the Moon and Sun both in fixed Signes, and in Square, out of Angles, both in the Termes of an Infortunate; Mars Lord of the Ascendant and 6th in a Fixed Signe; all these portend the longitude of the Disease: Besides, the Antiscion of Mars falls neer the Sun, and thereby afflicteth him, being the Luminary of the time.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
CHAP. XLVI. Whether the Sick would live or dye, And what his Disease was?
Judgment of the Figure aforesaid.
The Signe Ascending, viz. Virgo, is in the Figure most afflicted by the corporall presence of Mars, who is partly Lord of the 8th house, therefore from that house and Signe must we require the Disease, cause, and member grieved: Aquarius being the Signe of the 6th, is fixed, afflicted by South Node, and Saturn who is Lord of the 6th house is in Taurus, a fixed Signe, earthly and melancholy, of the same nature and Triplicity that Virgo, the Signe ascending is of; the Moon a generall Significatrix in all Diseases, being afflicted by her proximity to Mars and posited in The Resolution of
the Ascendant, in an earthly, melancholy Signe, together with the other Significators, did portend the Patient to be wonderfully afflicted with the Spleen, with the Wind—chollick, and melancholly obstructions in the Bowels or small Guts, small Feavers, a remisse Pulse; and as the Signe Virgo is the Signe ascending, and Moon and Mars therein, it argued, the sick was perplexed with distempers in his Head, slept unquietly, &c. (all which was true)
I perswaded the man to make his peace with God, and to settle his house in order, for I did not perceive by naturall causes, that he could live above ten or twelve dayes..
And my reasons were, because all the Significators did promise no lesse then death: for first, Sun who was the temporall light at time of the Quere, and is (sons vitalis potentia) was in perfect Square of Saturn Lord of the 6th in Signes fixed.
Secondly, the Ascendant was extreamly afflicted by the presence of Mars, he being naturally ill, and accidentally almost Lord of the whole 8th house.
Thirdly, the Moon was neer Cauda Leonis, and afflicted by the crosse influence of Mars, in that house which signifies life, viz. the Ascendant
Fourthly, the Moon did separate from the Sextile of Mercury, Lord of the Ascendant, in Signes of long ascensions (which is more properly a Square aspect) and did transfer his vertue to Jupiter Lord of the 8th.
The sick dyed the 28th of July following, Mercury comming to the degree of the Sun in the Question, and therein to the Square of Saturn Lord of the 6th, the day preceeding; and the Moon to an Opposition of the Sun, the Moon that day transiting the degree of the 6th house at the time of the Question, viz. 14. of Aquarius, and Sun the cusp of the 12th.
CHAP. XLVII. Of The Crysis in Diseases.
Crisis is no other thing then a duel or contention betwixt nature and the infirmity; if nature at time of the Crysis all manner of QUESTIONS
overcome the malignity of the Disease, it’s a good Crysis; if the sicknesse prevaile, it’s a pernicious and ill Crysis. Or
C R Y S I S is no more then this, viz. A sudden alteration of man’s body when he is sick, tending either to health or further sicknesse; for when this Crysis is, there’s a sharp fight, as it were, betwixt nature and the Disease, whether of them shall overcome.
Dayes Criticall, Decretory and Chrysmall are all one, and intend no more then a certaine and more sure judgment of the infirmity afflicting, either more powerfully, or in a lesse measure at those times when the true Crysis is.
The true Crysis is best of all taken from the moment of time when first the sicknesse invaded the Infirme; which if it cannot be had, then it may be taken (but not so certainly) from the very hour when first the Water is brought to the Doctor to advise for recovery: but if no Urine come, then when the Doctor first speaks with the sick party, and is demanded by the Infirmed what he thinks of his sicknesse, and what course he would advise for cure thereof.
Every sudden and vehement motion of the Disease may be called a Crysis as Galen saith; or it is, not a locall motion altogether, but an alteration of the Disease.
Or Crysis imports judgment in the Disease afflicting, and which way it will terminate, viz. for good or evil..
Hypocrates will have Crysis to be an acute or swift reportation in Diseases, either to recovery or death: But, say some, in regard there are more Diseases to terminate in health then in death (except pestilentiall Diseases) where the matter and cause is so malignant and poysonous, that nature many times doth not attend a fight or combat with the Disease, whereby it cannot properly be called a Crysis; the definition of the Hypocrates will not well hold, unlesse it be in such Diseases as doe determine in a recovery of the sick party: So some say.
Avicenna, in Canticis, agrees with Galen, and saith, Crysis (est velox motus morbi ad salutem vel ad mortem..)
There are some that have contended, That although in diseases there is a Crysis, yet is it not caused by influence of the Celestiall bodies, but from inferior causes.
The Resolution of
Now if this were granted that Decretory or Criticall-dayes did proceed from inferior causes, then according to divers sicknesses and variety of humours, the severall Criticall—dayes were to be assumed, after a different way in tertians, quartans and continued Feavers: But this, as many learned say, cannot be, therefore it is more generailly received and concluded, that in regard of the great dominion and influence the Moon hath upon inferior Bodies, whereby she doth excite and stir up the humours, that she by her motion doth declare the true Crysis of the disease, and that it is required from the time of the sick parties first falling sick, and her recesse and accesse forward and backward to and from that place or degree of the Zodiack, wherein she was at the exact time of falling sick; or if that time cannot be procured, then as beforesaid, take her true place exactly rectified to the hour of the Patients first asking for advice.. I have hereunto inserted a Table, wherewith if you enter with the place of the Moon in Signe and degree, you shall easily discover when she comes to an Indicative day, when to a Semi— quadrate or halfe Crysis(when to a true Square, when to an Opposition) which is called a full Crysis, and so for all the Indicative and Criticall dayes during the sicknesse, &c.. As for example; let the place of the Moon in the later Figure of the 16th of July 1645. be supposed the true period of beginning of a Disease, the place of the Moon is 15.42. Virgo; because 42 minutes doe almost make one degree, I enter with 16..degr.. under the Signe of Virgo in the 8th column, so that 16.degr. of Virgo is my Radix, or true place of the Moon; over against 16.degr. to the right hand, I find 8.30 over the head thereof Libra, so that when the Moon comes to 8.degr. and 31.min. of Libra, it was the first Indicative day, wherein the Physician might expect how the Disease then would shew it selfe; upon every Crysis or Indicative day, have consideration with what Planet the Moon is in configuration; if with a benevolent, expect some remisnesse in the Disease; if with a malevolent, a bad indication, &c.
Next on the right hand to 8.30, Libra, you find 1 M, viz. when the Moon came to the first of Scorpio, she was then in Semiquadrate to her first place, and this is, as it were, halfe a Crysis, at what time the Disease might more or lesse manifest it selfe according to that aspect the Moon found at her being in
all manner of QUESTIONS.
that first degree of Scorpio. In the next column on the right hand, you see 23.30. over it Scorpio, it tels you, when the Moon came to the 23. and 30.min. of Scorpio, it was a second Indicative day, whereby the Physician might further judge of the encrease or decrease of the Disease: In the next column you find 16. over it Sagittarius, when the Moon came to the 16th of Sagittarius there was then a true Crysis, at what time the Disease assuredly might be more fully discerned in one kind or other, and then, according to the aspects the Moon in that degree had to the Planets, good or ill, so might the Patient or Physician expect a better or worse Crysis: and so in the same continued line or column, you run round the Heavens, ever observing the Moon her comming to those places of the Zodiack, wherein she makes the Indicative or Criticall day, and what Planets she is then in aspect with, and whether in the Figure they promise good or ill: Besides this, you shall observe what dayes she transits the cusps of the 6th, 7th and 8th houses, and how then she is aspected of the benevolent or ill Planets.
The Resolution of
The Table Followeth.
all manner of QUESTIONS.
You must observe, that upon the Criticall day (but especially upon the first Quartill) when Moon meets with the body or aspect of a fortunate Planet, it’s very probable (if the party be ordained for life) that nature will be fortified above the disease; and this her good aspect or application is a good indication of health, and that the Physician now imployed shall restore the sick party to former health by most easie Medicines; but if she meet at that time with the unlucky aspect of an Infortune, it gives the Physician little hopes at present; the Crysis is then ill, and the Physician must more warily proceed, &c. formerly men did repute the 7th, 14th and 21st dayes for Criticall dayes; but in regard that the Moon her motion is sometimes more slow, at other times more quick, the precise day cannot be had without compute or calculation of her true motion; which how to doe, I have given sufficient direction in my Introduction.
In giving Medicines, observe the motion of the Moon, for she
Ari,Leo,Sag, the Attractive vertue is strengthened in the Plhegmatick. Being In: Tau,Vir,Cap, the Retentive is fortified in Sanguine people. Gem,Lib,Aqu, the Digestive in the Melanchollick. Can,Sco,Pis, the Expulsive in the Cholerick.
Moon in Cancer,Scorpio,Pisces, in Sextile or Trine to:
Jupiter Purge Melancholly. Venus Purge Choller. Mars Sun Purge Plegme.
The vertue retentive is stirred up from Saturn, by reason of his frigidity.
Vegetative & Digestive by Jupiter Attractive & Irasicible by Mars Vital & Natural Potency by Sun Appetitive & Concupiscible by Venus Cogitative & Imaginative by Mercury Expulsive by Moon Fiery Signes stir up red choller, viz. Ari,Leo,Sag. Earthly Signes, Black melancholly Tau,Vir,Cap. Ayery Signes, Blood Gem,Lib,Aqu. Watry Signs, Spittle & Phlegme Can,Sco,Pis. The Resolution of
I once intended a more large Discourse of Sicknesse, but Master Booker having promised to undertake that labour, I forebeare.
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