If the Querent Shall be Rich or Poor. 

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If the Querent Shall be Rich or Poor.




It’s first necessary for more exact judgments in this question, that you examine the Diurnall motion of the Planets, which I finde here to be as followeth:


Viz. Saturn moveth in 24 houres, 2 minutes: and is therfore slow in motion.

Jupiter 13 min. Ergo, he moveth more in 24 houres, than his middle or meane motion: which is 4 min. 59 sec. is reputed swift, as you may see fol. 61.

The Diurnall motion of Mars is 35 min. this being more than his middle or meane motion, which you see in page 65., is 30 min. 27 sec. He is reputed swift.

Diurnall motion of the Sun 57 min. 00 sec. being lesse then his mean motion; he is slow.


Of Venus 1 degr. 13 min. very swift

Of Mars 1 degr. 44 min more swift

Of Moon 11 degr. 54 min. slow


In the next place I am to examine the fortitudes and delibities of the Planets: by the Table of essentiall dignities, page 104, and the other Table of Page 115. I doe this more willingly that young Learners may better understand the use of both these Tables, which they will frequently have occasion to use,


True place of Saturn is 15.19 Sagittarius, Essentiall dignities he hath none in that degree of Sagittarius, where he is, as you may observe by the Table of essentiall dignities, page 104.


Saturn—His Accidentaial Dignities   In the 3rd House 1 Free from Combustion 5 Saturn—His Debilities   Peregrine 5 Retrograde 5 Slow in Motion 2 Occidentall 2

all manner of QUESTIONS.


  Jupiter- His Fortitudes He has no Debilities, either Accidentall or In Exaltation 4 Essentiall, yet some In the 10th house 5 Detriment it is unto him, Direct 4 being in Square with Mars, Swift in Motion 2 though the aspect be Free from Combustion 5 Platick.
  Mars In Those Degrees of Libra he is in, has no Essentiall Dignities.   His Accidentall Fortitudes In the Asc. 5 Direct 4 Swift in Motion 2 Free from Combustion 5 In Conjunct. with Spica Virgo, or within 5 deg. 5     Mars--Debilities Debilities In Detriment 5 Peregrine 5 Occidentall of 2 the Sun 12  
SUN His Fortitudes, Essentiall and Accidentall In his owne house 5 In Mid-heaven 5     Debilities Slow in motion 2  
  VENUS Her Fortitudes In the 11th house 4 Direct 4 Swift in Motion 2 Occidentall of Sun 2 Free from Combustion 5 Conjunct with Regulus, viz. within 6 degrees. 6         Debilities of Venus Peregrine 5    




  MERCURY—His Fortitudes   In the 10th house 5 Direct 4 Swift in motion 2 Occidentall 2 Free from Combustion 5   Debilities   Peregrine 5  
MOON—Her Fortitudes   In the 10th house 5 Increasing in Light 2 Free from Combustion 5 Debilities   Slow in Motion 2 Peregrine 5



Part of Fortune as you may observe, page 145, in Scorpio hath 5 Debilities, and as it is placed in our Figure, shall rather be admitted to be in the 2nd house, then in the 1st; and hath therefore but 3 testimonies of strength, which taken from 5 Debilities, Part Of Fortune is found weak by 2 testimonies: and though Part Of Fortune is some minutes more than 5 degrees removed from the Cusp of the 2nd, yet were it absurd to think it had signification in the 1st.


The Testimonies of all the Planets Collected

Into One, Stand Thus.


Saturn Weak by testimonies 8 therefore Unfortunate

Jupiter Hath Fortitudes 20 no imbecillity

Mars Strong as having 9 Dignities:


subtracted from


Sun Hath Dignities 8 0

Venus 18 0

Mercury 13 0

Moon Hath 5 0


Part of

Fortune Hath Disibilities 2 0


all manner of QUESTIONS..



you must ever consider, whether your Planet have more Fortitudes or Debilities, and having subtracted the lesser number from the greater, make use of what remaines, whether they be Fortitudes or Debilities, and so judge.


The Antiscions of the Planets


    Saturn in 14 41 Cap. Jupiter 12 29 Gem. Mars 13 48 Pis. Sun 26 50 Tau. Venus 4 26 Tau. Mercury 12 15 Tau. Moon 10 53 Tau.     Contrantiscions   Saturn in 14 41 Can. Jupiter 12 29 Sag Sag.. Mars 13 48 Vir. Vir.. Sun 26 50 Sco. Sco.. Venus 4 26 Sco. Sco... Mercury 12 15 Sco. Sco.. Moon 10 53 Sco. Sco..    


If the Querent Should be Rich or in a Capacity

of Substance without Marriage.


Herein first I considered the generall disposition of the Planets, and found that the Major number of them (especially the 2 Fortunes) were swift in their motion, well posited in houses, no manner of wayes in a violent way, or by a forcible aspect afflicting each other.. I also well considered that Venus Lady of the Ascendant. was neer to Cor Leonis, a Star of great vertue and influence, the Moon increasing in light, Jupiter almost culminating: From hence I collected thus much in generall, that he should subsist in the Common-wealth, and live in good ranke and quality among his Neighbours, etc.. (quoad capax) according to his calling..


Secondly, whether he should be rich or not? In resolving this Question, I considered, that the Lord of the 2nd is posited in the Angle of the East, and that the Lord of the 2nd, viz.. Mars is Lord of the Part of Fortune or Dispositor thereof, and is neere Spica Virgo in 18 degrees of Libra.. Then I observed that Jupiter a generall Significator of wealth, was in his exaltation and Angular, casting his Square Sinister very neer to the degree ascending, which Square in signes of long ascensions, we usually repute a Trine. I also found the Moon separated newly from

The Resolution of



Sextile of Mars Lord of the 2nd, and significator of the thing demanded, and immediately after separated from Conjunction of Mercury, then instantly applying to the Conjunction of Venus Significator of the Querent, transferring thereby both the vertue and influence of Mercury and Mars to the proper significator of the Querent; and the Moon is also disposed by the Sun and he is strong and powerful, and as she has a generall signification in every Question, so being no wayes unfortunate she promised the Querent much good.. Lastly, I considered that Part of Fortune was in a fixed sign and in Mars his own termes: from all which testimonies aforesaid, I judged that the Demandant would aquire an Estate, and have a competent future in this world, but attaine it with labour and care, because it is signified by an Infortune; so to the day hereof he hath; but because Mars Lord of the 7th (which is the house of Women and Wives) hath the most materiall signification of the thing demanded, viz.. Wealth and Riches. I advized to marry, and acquainted him, that without Marriage he should nothing so well subsist.


By what Meanes, or how attaine Riches.


Herein you must consider the Planet or Planets promising Wealth; Mars in our Scheame being Lord of the 2nd house and of Part Of Fortune is the Planet we must principally consider; for in the 2nd house you finde no Planet, as he is Lord of the 2nd and placed in the Ascendant, he intimates an estate to be got by the Querents owne industry, and because the Significator of the thing demanded is posited in the Ascendant, it argues that an estate or increase thereof would come somewhat easily or with lesse labor then expected, but Mars being an Infortune something lessens that point in our positure at this time; and as Mars is Lord of the 7th house, and thereby signifieth (Women, etc.) I acquainted him he would marry a Woman who would produce him a good fortune, and it fixed, and more then he could very well looke for; which I judged first by the Lord of the 7th his being in the Ascendant.. and neer so eminent a fixed Starre; as also because Venus who is Lady of the wives house of substance, viz. the 8th, is so well

all manner of QUESTIONS..



fortified.. I afterwards considered the Moon was Lady of the 10th house (which signified his Trade) that she was transferring the light and nature of Mercury and Mars to the Querent; wherefore I advised him to diligence in his profession, and that he should thereby attaine a very good or competent Estate.. He hath, as he informs me, had a good fortune with he Wife, both Money and Land; and for his Trading it has been very good; for Jupiter in the 10th is a certaine and infallible argument (according to naturall causes) that the Querent shall have plenty of trading, or exercise a gainfull Profession..



The Time When.


All the Significators either in the Ascendant, or Orientall quarter of Heaven, and 5 of the Planets swift in their motion, promise Substance in a small compasse of time, after the proposall of the Question.. Mars Lord of the 2nd house, and of Part Of Fortune, the principall thing inquired of, being swift in motion argues the same..


The distance of the Ascendant. from Mars being about 2 degrees, did in this way of judgment signifie 2 yeers or there-abouts, as what time he had a Portion with his Wife: Some may wonder why Mars being peregrine shall signifie any good to the Querent. I say to that, he being Lord of the 2nd house and of the 7th, and the promising Planet of the thing demanded, shall as well shew the time When, as also the performance of what he signifies, (but not without some manner of obstruction;) and herein no question ought to be made, as in civill societies of men, the wicked or ungracious doe as well many good offices of love for their Friends, as others better qualified.. In the next place, I observed what quantity of degrees the Moon wanted of her perfect Conjunct with Venus, etc.., I found they were 6 degrees, 27min.; from hence and the former consideration, I concluded, that about 2 yeers after that Question propounded, or sooner, he should sensibly perceive a melioration in Estate by meanes of a Wife, or by his owne proper diligence and industry, and about 1640, which was 6 yeers after the Question, he should have very great trading, and live in excelent repute, have many good Friends and

The Resolution of



Acquaintance, by whose meanes he should improve his Estate: And the reason why I judged augmentation of his Wealth by meanes of Friends was, because Venus is seated on the cusp of the 11th house, which signifies Friendship, etc., for in all Judgments you must warily consider the nature of the house wherein the application of your Significators are, &c.. as also, when you judge in this nature of things contingent, you must measure out the time when they shall happen according to reason, and mix Art and Reason together, and not too much rely upon the generall rules of Art, for Abs te & a Scientia..


Of that Planet or Planets impediting the effecting or

performance of what is demanded in every Question.


It is considerable in all Demands, that you be carefull to know what that Planet is, who impedites the matter, or hinders it, that it shall take no effect, and we may justly call him Strong, Hurtfull, Destroyer, Abscissor, because he onely destroys and perverts the nature of the Question, when otherwayes it would come to a good conclusion: We receive judgment herein from that Planet with whom the Lord of the Ascendant. is joyned, or the Significator of the thing quesited after, whether it be the Moon her selfe, or that she is partaker with the Lord of the Ascendant, or not, or is Significatrix of the thing Demanded..


In resolving this you must consider the Planet unto whom the Significator of the Querent is joyned, or the Significator of the thing required, or the Moon, and observe how that Planet is disposed, and unto whom he is joyned; for if the Lord of the Ascendant, or Moon, or Significator of the matter propounded, is joyned to an evill Planet, evill disposed, without reception; or if he be not ill Disposed, but joyned to an Infortune, and he ill disposed, and receive him not, it prenotes the destruction of the thing quesited..


We understand a Planet to be ill disposed, when Peregrine, Retrograde, Combust, Cadent, from the Ascendant or house of the thing demanded, so that he beholds not the house, or at least the

all manner of QUESTIONS..



Lord of the house, in this nature the aspect to the house is better than to the Lord thereof; so any Planet in his Fall or Detriment, may properly be called Destroyer or Obstructor, or Planet impediting.


Moreover, it the Significator of the Querent, or thing sought after, or Moon, or Planet to whom she is joyned, whether she is a Significatrix, or hath participation in the Question, be joyned to an unfortunate Planet, viz. Retrograde, Combust, Cadent, then observe if Reception intervene; which if therebe, it signifies the perfection of the matter, though with wearinesse and much solicitation: If no reception be, the matter will come to nothing, though there have been much probability of its performance.


If the Planet who receives the Lord of the Ascendant., or the Moon, or Lord of the thing Demended, or the Planet who receives any of them, be free from misfortunes, neither receiving or received, it perfects the matter with facility.


If the Planet to whom the Lord of the Ascendant., or the Moon, or Lord of the matter sought after, be free from Infortunes, and is joyned to any benevolent Planet who is in aspect with a malevolent, and he impedited and not receiving the former Planet, the matter will not then be brought to perfection, or come to any good conclusion.


Doe you still materially consider if the Planets aspects be without reception, for when they are in reception, things are brought to passe, though with some trouble; ever considering whether any Planet doe cut off the light and vertue of the Significators before their perfect Conjunction with an evill Planet; if such a thing happen, it hinders not, but that the matter may be perfected and accomplished: but if no abscission of light intervene, whereby the malevolence of the Infortune may be taken off, the matter is prohibited, and will not be effected.


You must notwithstanding judge if Reception doe intervene whether it be not by Square or Opposition aspect, for then if a Planet be evill disposed, then the reception profiteth nothing; the lesse when he that is received is impedited: but if reception be by Sextile or Trine, you may confide the matter will be effected; or if the Planet who receives be at that time well disposed, let the


The Resolution of


reception be by any manner of aspect, the matter is performed, be the aspect Square or Opposition; if the aspect be Trine or Sextile, it performes the thing, whether the Significator be received or not; but provided, the aspect be not separated, but applying; if the Significator be joyned with a Fortune not impedited, the thing will be perfected..


If any Planet translate the light or vertue betwixt one Significator and another, and he to whom the light is translated be an Infortune, and impedited, the Question or matter is destroyed; unlesse the Infortune be againe received..


If the Significator of the Querent, or the Moon, and Significator of the thing looked after, be joyned to any Planet who collects the light of both Planets, be he an Infortune or infortunate, he destroyes the matter, and permits it not to be accomplished, unlesse himselfe receive both the Significators; if he receive onely one of them, it matters not, the matter will not be performed.


Consider likewise, whether the Significator of the Querent be in the house of the thing desired, or going to Conjunction of his Lord, this intimates the Querent is going to the thing quesited after; if the Significator of the thing demanded be found in the Ascendant, or hastening to the Conjunction of the Significator of the Querent, it imports the matter enquired of, or thing desired shall come to the Querent, receptions notwithstanding, the Moon and other aspects remaining in their proper being..



If the Querent should continue Rich.


This I resolved by the cusp of the and, which being a Sign fixed, and Part Of Fortune in it, and Jupiter in his exaltation and Angular, and Venus the Dispositor of Mars, and the Moon in Leo, a firme and stable Sign, I judged he would continue in a plentifull estate, and that the riches God should blesse him withall would be permanent; I meane, he would still have a competent fortune, and not be reduced to poverty or want.


The Antiscjons of the Planets could be made little use of in this Figure, because none of them fell exactly either upon the cusp of any materiall house, or with the exact degree of any Planet;

all manner of QUESTIONS.


onely I observe the Contrantiscion of Saturn fals neer to the degree of Jupiter; from whence I judged, no great unity betwixt him and his kindred, or Brothers and Sisters, for you see Saturn personally in the 3rd, and Jupiter Lord of that house, disturbed by Saturn his Contrantiscion, nor did it promise lesse then prejudice by servants, or some vices or blemishes at least in their behaviour, let their outward demeanour be what it will be; for though Jupiter be in his exaltation, yet the foresaid Contrantiscion doth afflict him, and leaves a tincture of Saturn with Jupiter: Here are onely two things of which in the course of his life I advised him friendly of, which materially arise out of the Figure, viz. because Sun Lord of the 11th, beholds Part Of Fortune with a Square Sinister, as also, the cusp of the 2nd house, and that the Sun is Lord of the 11th, which signifies Friends, I dehorted him from engagements, or confiding in Solar men, though of much friendship with him, for all in such cases describe the Planet afflicting, and you give caution enough; what manner of men Sun signifies; see page 71.





Of the THIRD House, Viz. Of Brethern, Sisters,

Kindred, Short Journeys.



Many are the Demands which may be made concerning Questions appertaining to this House; but in effect, the most principall and materiall of them, and which naturally doe arise from hence, concerne the Querents Brothers, Sisters, Kindred, or whether there is like to be Unity and Concord betwixt the Querent and them, yea or no; or if the Querent shall live in peace with his Neighbors, or what are their condition good or bad; or of a short Journey, whether prosperous, yea or not.

The Resolution of





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