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Whether the Disease be in the right or left side or partСодержание книги
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Of the Body of him that demands the Question Or is Sick.
When you finde the Lord of the 6th unfortunate or afflicted above the earth (that is in the 12,11,10,9,8,7 houses) the Disease is in the right side of the Body, and in the upper part thereof. If the Lord of the 6th be under earth, viz.. in the 1,2,3,4,5,6 houses, or vitiated in a diurnal Signe, the Disease is in the superior or fore-part of the body, as in the fore—head, stomacke, &c. If in a nocturnall Signe, the infirmity is in the back part of the Body.
If the Significator of the Disease be in a Feminine Signe, and in Aspect to a Feminine Planet in a Feminine Signe or House, the Disease is in the left side of the Body. I ever finde this generall rule to hold true, viz. if the Lord of the 6th be a Masculine Planet and above earth, the right side of the Sicke is pained. If the Significator be in few degrees of the Signe, the The Resolution of
upper part of that Member is pained or grieved; If the Significator be in the middle of the Signe, the middle part of the Member is distressed, and so the lower part of the Member, when the Significator possesseth the lower degrees of the Signe.
Whether the Disease be in the Body, Minde or both.
You must understand in the first place, that the Signe ascending the Moon and the Lord of the house wherein the Sun is, doe shew the Spirit of Man, and that the Lord of the Ascendant, the Planet who is Dispositor of the Moon, doth denote both the externall and internall Members. Wherefore in giving judgment herein, you may consider if the Ascendant Sun and Moon be all vitiated or afflicted, the Disease is then through the whole Body, or no place is free. If those Planets who dispose of the Sun and Moon, or he that is Lord of the Ascendant, or two of them at least be afflicted, the Disease is in the Spirits together with some indisposition of minde. The reason hereof is, because the Lord of the Ascendant and Dispositor of the Moon are properly the Significators of the Animal faculties and infirmities in Man, or which may chance unto him. As deprivation of Sense, Maddnesse, Frenzie, Melancholly, &c.
If the Ascendant, the Moon and Lord of the House of the Sun are all or but 2 of them impedited, the infirmity rests in the Mind but not in the Body.
If the Ascendant and the Moon be both unfortunate, and the Lord of the Ascendant and Dispositor of the Moon free, the indisposition is in the Minde and not in the Body. This generall rule many Astrologians observe, viz. that Saturn naturally forshews or causeth Melancholy, all manner of distempers from Melancholly, and by consequence the disturbed Minde; wherefore wheresoever you finde Saturn Lord of the Ascendant or of the Houre, or 12th House, or 6th, or if the Moon separate from him, or if Saturn be in the 6th house, or in the Ascendant, or in Conjunction, Square or Opposition of the Lord of the Ascendant, the sick-party labours with some affliction of Minde, or with some vexatious care where—with his minde is more troubled; now the contrary hereof Jupiter effects, for he never oppresseth the all manner of QUESTION
Minde but the Body. If the Lord of the House of the Moon and of the Ascendant are unfortunate by the Sun, or Combust, or under his beames, the infirmity is Bodily.
If that Planet who rules the Signe wherein the Lord of the Ascendant is in, and he who is Dispositor of the Moone be infortunate in their fall, detriment or otherwayes very much afflicted, the Disease raignes more in the Minde then in the Body.
If a Planet in the Ascendant, or the Ascendant, or if the Lord of the House of the Moone be oppressed in the 12th, or by a Sextile or Trine or Opposition of Mars, the Disease is both in the Minde and the Body. A Planet being by nature malevolent, beholding the Ascendant and not the Moone, and together with this, if the Lord of the Signe where the Sun is be afflicted, the party is grieved in Minde, but not sick in his Body. Also, if the degree ascending and degree of that Signe wherein the Moon is be more afflicted then the Lords of those Signes, the Disease ranges more in the Minde then the Body, and so the contrary when the Lords are more afflicted then the parts of the Signes before mentioned. If the Lord of the Ascendant and the Sun be in their exaltations, and the dispositor of the Moon in his detriment or fall, the Disease is in the Body, not the Minde. When the Lords of the places of the Moon and of the Sun be in their detriment, fals, or Peregrine, Retrograde, Combust, and the degree ascending in Square of the Moon; and free from ill aspects of Saturn and Mars, then is the Patient vexed with a tormented Soule. Usually when the Sun, the Lord of the Ascendant, or houre, or of the 12th house are Significators of the party inquiring, these shew a Minde vexed with haughtinesse, vaine-glory, self—conceitednesse, Pride, &c.
Venus argues luxury, a laviscious desire to Women, wherewith both Body and Minde are disturbed. Mercury shews doating fancies, and fearfull imaginations, wheresoever you finde him a Significator and afflicted: as also, that he is stirred to mistrust upon vaine feares, his owne jealous fancies, or upon some flying reports.. Over and above the many Directions formerly prescribed, you must well consider whether the degrees wherein the Lord of the Ascendant, the Sun or Moon at time of the Birth (if you have the Patients Nativity) doe fall to be the degrees of a Signe The Resolution of
when the Moon is 12 degrees from the wherein a present Eclipse is, at time of the sicknesse or neer it, or of some eminent great Conjunction; for I must tell you, these are all unfortunate.
The Signe of the Eclips or of a great Conjunction threatening evil, or the Signe of the 8th House of the yeerly revolution of the World, falling in any of the Angles of the Nativity, especially in the Ascendant, proves very dangerous.
When a Signe ascends upon the first falling sick, or demand of the Patient, wherein the Infortune was in the Nativity, it most fearfully torments the sick party, viz. it shews he shall have a hard fit of Sicknesse. The Conjunction of the Moon with the Sun is a very ill Signe, when there’s not above 6 degrees distance betwixt them, and the Moon not yet passed by the Sun, that is, not having been in Conjunction with him: however, upon the Sun and Moon their being in Conjunction in Aries or Leo, this misfortune is lessened; Sun, she shews little danger..
Of the Crysis, or dayes Criticall.
Sundry Astrologians have handled this part of Medicinall Astrology so learnedly, that I shall onely refere them to their excellent Works, which are publikely to be had; onely thus much I have ever observed, that to find the true Crysis, you must as neer as can be obtained, get the hour wherein the Patient first took to his Bed; which if it cannot be had, then take the hour when first Judgment was required of the Physitian, and rectifie the Moon her motion to that very hour; if the Disease be not chronick, but acute, you shall find great alteration in the Disease and party infirmed, neer upon those times when the Moon comes to be distant from that her first place, 45 degrees; so also when she is 90 degrees from that place; and again when distant 135 degrees, for discovering whether the Crysis will be good or ill, you must note what Planet she is in aspect ithal at those times, whether with a friendly Planet or Infortune. If she be in a good aspect at those times with a benevolent Planet, it doth promise ease, and a better condition in the Disease.. But if she then meets with an ill aspect of the Lord of the 8th or 6th, the Patient will be worse, his paine encrease, all manner of QUESTIONS.
and the Medicine will do little good. I usually observe, and I doe not remember that I have failed, viz. that as oft as the Moon came to Square, Conjunction or Opposition of that Planet who did any wayes either afflict the ascendant; the Lord of the ascendant of the Moon, or when she came to the like aspect of the Lord of the 6th or any Planet that was posited in the 6th, I say, then I did ever observe the Patient to be much distempered, the Disease high, and Medicines given about those times to work little or no good effect; when I observed Moon to come to a Trine or Sextile of the Lord of the Ascendant, or Lord of the 11th, or Lord of the 9th or 10th, I use to pronounce to the Infirmed, comfort and some relaxation or an intervall of ease; so also, when the Lord of the Ascendant came to any good aspect of the Sun (if he has not power or domination in the disease, I found the Patient’s mind much enlightened.)
[How long ere the sick recover.] When I find, that by God’s blessing the sick party shall recover, and it be demanded, When or about what time it is like to be? I usually observe, who is the Lord of the Ascendant, and which of the benevolent Planets he is in aspect with, and how many degrees there are distant betwixt them, in what house they both are in, viz. whether Angles, Succedant, Cadent, what Signe they possesse, whether Moveable, Fixed or Common, and according to discretion and quality of the Disease, so I frame my measure of time; yet ordinarily if the aspect be in moveable Signes, I judge, in so many dayes the party will amend, the more certainly, I determine, if the significators be swift in motion, angular.. If the application be in common Signes, I neither judge moneths, weeks or dayes, but according as I can with discretion frame my judgment, having first observed the nature of the Disease, and possibility of determining in such or such a time, the Ancients did say:
Moveable Signes shew Dayes. Common Signes, Weeks or Moneths. Fixed Signes, Moneths or Yeers. Angles are equivalent to moveable Signes. Succeedant to common Signes. Cadent to fixed Signes. The Resolution of
Together with the principall Significators, consider the quick or slow motion of the Moon, the Signe she is in, and its quality, mix all together, and your judgments will be more rationall: I many times find, when the Lord of the Ascendant moves out of the Signe he is in at the time of the Question, and has essentiall Dignities in the Signe he is going into, the party recovers then, or sensibly feels an alteration for the good in himselfe; and so if the later degrees of a Signe are on the cusp of the 6th, viz. if I find 28 degrees, and the Signe common, I say, the Disease will vary in lesse time then 2 weeks: I might give infinite rules, but in judgment of a Figure or two subsequent, I shall better be understood in the practicall part of it, and deliver the method I always observed; but because, together with what I write, the Reader might have more variety of judgment; and because nothing in this life is more irksome then Sicknesse, or more delightfull then health, I have endeavoured to English the Iatromathematicks of Hermes, much esteemed in all Ages, and here to insert them, as being necessary to the Judgments of this House.
HERMES TRISMEGISTUS upon the first Decumbiture of the Sick.
The heavenly Rayes or influence proceeding and emitted from the seven Planets are multiplied and dispersed into the severall members of man, even whilest the conception in the Mothers Wombe, doth first begin to cleave together: neither verily doth it happen otherwayes when the child first sees the light of this world, but even according to the position of the twelve Signes of Heaven, so doe we assigne the Head to the Signe Aries. all manner of QUESTIONS
The Sensitive Parts or Instruments of Mans Body are thus attributes to the seven Planets.
The right Eye to the Sun, the left to the Moon. The sense of Hearing and Eares to Saturn.. The Braine to Jupiter, Blood to Mars. Smelling and Tasting to Venus. The Tongue, the Weesell-pipe of a mans Throat or Lung-pipe to Mercury.
That member suffers a defect or imperfection, of which either at conception or birth an afflicted Planet had dominion or did Signifie the same.
There are also in man foure more principall and generall parts; the Head, the Breast, the Hands, and Feet.
If the Planet who governth any of those principal parts be unfortunate and ill affected, either at the time of Conception or Birth, the same Planet afflicteth or disfigureth all those parts so attributed unto himselfe, or some particular or principall part of those members.
As when the Sun or Moon be ill disposed or vitiated, either the one or both, the eyes receive prejudice; if Saturn the eares, teeth or sense of hearing. When Mercury is oppressed, we find a defect in the tongue, or stammering in speech. And in the same manner we may apprehend, whether any part of the Breast, Lungs, Liver, Spleen, Heart, or any of the intestines or inwards of the body be corrupted and infected, radically from the Birth or Conception..
In consideration of the Hands and Feet we shall observe, whether the Fingers, Nailes or any of these are unperfect or vitiated by the affinity of some predominating malignant Planet.
To such defects and imperfections as are within the compasse of cure, convenient Medicines are to be applyed, and we must resist the Disease proceeding from the influence of the Planets, by other Planets of contrary nature and power to the Planet afflicting.
To Saturn are assigned such Medicaments as doe coole or refrigerate, extenuate with drinesse and promotes ficcity. The Resolution of
To Mercury such as congeale, are flatuous and windy.
To Mars such as are calefactive, warm and impletive, as unto a Planet being a very sharpe heater and procurator of blood..
To Jupiter and Venus things conglutinating, mollifying and are effective to asswage and cure all Ulcers.
The Moone helps that Planet, or lends assistance to him, be he good or bad, to whom she applies..
To him therefore that would either cure the Sicke or heale the Lame, the position of Heaven ought to be well considered and knowne, set or erected for the houre of his first falling sick, or lying downe; the Planets and their respective disposition and mutuall habit to and among themselves, is carefully to be respected, for without the congresse and influence of these in humane and worldly affaires, nothing is either infirme or sound. No Patient can possibly be cured by the industry of his Physitian, be he never so learned, without the benevolent configuration of the Stars, and happy positure thereof; but he shall either perish, being destitute hereof, or recover and be preserved by their kinde influence..
If the certaine hour of the parties first falling sick cannot exactly be knowne, then carefully take the position of Heaven at that given time when judgment is required of the Physitian: therein observe from whom the Moon is separated, to whom she applies, with what Planets she is in Square or Opposition to, or with whom in Conjunction; if she be in configuration with the malevolents, she intimates the Disease will extend almost to death. But with the Fortunes, the sick will obtaine remedy more speedily: Observe if she be swift in motion, and encreasing in light, or whether both of them happen at once, or neither of them: for if after her Conjunction with the Sun, when she begins to grow great, and as it were, to swell with the encrease of light and motion, she shall then be afflicted by the Square or Opposition of Mars, before she came to Opposition of Sun, and no intervening aspect of a benevolent Planet chance between, she signifies mortall or pernicious Diseases. But if conjoyned, or in good aspect of beneficiall Starres, the infirme Body shall recover, though he were absolutely persuaded he should not live or escape that Disease; but if the Moon be decreasing in light and motion, and afflicted either by the Square or Opposition of all manner of QUESTIONS
Saturn (unlesse presently after Opposition with Saturn the vigor of the Disease remit) the Disease is not curable but Mortall. If she apply to benevolent Planets, the Disease will soone be cured. This is further to be considered, that during the encrease of the Moon in number and light, the Disease encreaseth.. When the Moon growes slow in motion, the sicknesse diminisheth. This ought carefully to be regarded upon the first insult of every Disease..
Those who are at the time of their first lying downe are oppressed by the malignant influence of Saturn or Mercury, they are commonly heavy and drowsie, unwillingly moving their diseased Members, stupified or benummed with immoderate cold, or molested with unnatural defluxions: The Disease by little and little stealeth upon the sick party, nor is he easily awaked though moved thereunto: He is silent in speech, fearfull, desires such Plaisters or formentations as are very hot, and inforce heat; they delight to be without light, as to be in darknesse; he sighes continually, and gently drawes in his breath, or sucks it up, or is short winded; the Pulse is swift and painfull; warme things applyed gives them great comfort; they have feeble Pulses; the outside of their bodies are cold and dry whereby it comes to passe, that in curing such people, that the Physitian ought to apply such Medicines as are naturally hot, doe mollifie and constringe.
Who fall sicke upon any malevolent configuration of the Sun or Mars, become disturbed in their Minds, perplexed in their Fancies, are troublesome and very rugged in their deportment; the superficiall parts of their bodies being inflamed with a fiery heat. They are prone to anger, make much clamor or noyse, look peevishly, lye staring, aiwayes thirsty by reason of the roughnesse of their parched tongues; desirious of Wine, cold Drinke, importuning the use of Bathes: no manner of Meat whets their appetite; they freely squander out their virulent language against every man; they have a short, depressed and inordinate Pulse; red rubicund faces, oppressed with fullnesse of body. For recovery of these Men, it conduces much to let Blood untill the fifth day, or prescribe such Medicines as evacuate and Purge the foulnesse of their bodies, and to administer such other Remedies
The Resolution of
as the necessity of nature further requires. What Medicines are agreeable to the nature of Mars are repugnant to Saturn as not calesactive, emollient or mollifying and dissolving obstructions.
Medications which naturally are concurring with Saturn, prove contrary to those of the nature of Mars; as those which are refrigerating or cooling, astringent or binding, and repercussing.
All infirmities or passions, or tremblings of the heart, and such as proceed from the mouth of the Stomack, Diseases and paines in the Arteries, Veines and Joynts, have originall from the evill influence of Mars and Sun.
Continues Feavers, Phrensies, Exulceration and inflamation of the Lungs and Lights, and such like Diseases, draw their originall from Saturn and Mercury; Against such Diseases, Medicines that refrigerate are most proper, of which sort are these:
Nightshade Stone Hematites Allum Coriander Purcel/Egg White Flower of Field-Vine Endive Flax-seed Fruit of Palm Trees Juyce of Poppy Reed The Myrrh-Tree Root of Alkakenge Leaves of Mallows Summach Knot-graffe Pomegranet Fresh Roses Singreen Hypocistis Bull-Rushes Fleawort Cypress Tree Ladanum Lentiles Blackberry Tree Saffron Vine-leaves Acania Potomagitum White Lead Quinces Silver-froth Pirapirastra
Such medicines as are naturally calesactive or hot, are assigned to the dominion of Mars and Sunne; whereof some are as followeth:
Oleum Cyprinum Ongnentum Irinum White Daffodille Cinamon Fenigreek Sweet Marjorum Spikenard Myrrh Cassia Odorata
All manner of QUESTIONS
Bdellium Frankinsence Storax Calamita Ammoniacum Helleborus Ocymum Root Sera Rue/Hearbgrace Pyrethrum Dry Figgs Mirabolans Chrysocalla Cummin Onions Pix Salt-Peeter Garlic Fat Granum Gnisdium Leeks Marrow Staves-acre Raddish Roots Galbanum Stone Asius Chick Peas Flower de Luce Galangal Sea-Salt all things smelling sweet, and being fragrant.
To expulse and recover those Diseases which have their original rise and cause from Saturn or Mercury (which afterwards you shall have discovered by the course of the Moon) such manner of Medicines as these must be administered, which do naturally heat and mollifie. But in repressing Solar and Martiall Diseases, the learned Physitian must apply such Remedies, as by nature are refrigerative, cooling and repercussive.
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