Of Servants fled, Beasts strayed, and things lost. 

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Of Servants fled, Beasts strayed, and things lost.



The Signifier of the thing lost is the Moon, wherefore if you find the Moon applying to the Lord of the Ascendant, or to the Lord of the 12th from the Ascendant, or to the Lord of the house

The Resolution of


of the Moon, the thing missing shall be found againe; [this principally concerns Cattle strayed] but if the Moon apply to none of these, nor abide in the ascendant nor in the 2nd house, the thing lost or miscarried shall not be found: if the Lord of the house of the Moon be in the 3rd, or in a Sextile to the Ascendant, there is some hope of finding the thing againe, during that aspect with the degree ascending: And againe, if he separate himselfe from the Lord of the 12th, 8th, or 6th house, and apply unto the degree of the house of Substance, (what aspect soever it be) there is hope to find it again; or if the Lord of the house of the Moon do behold Moon; but if you finde these Constellations contrary, judge the contrary; if the Moon be fortunate by any of the two Fortunes, the thing that is lost chanced into the hands of some trusty body, which keepeth the same, and would fame restore it againe; or if that Fortune apply to the ascendant, or behold the same, or the Moon behold the ascendant, that faithfull person will restore the same again to the owner.



The place where the thing is that is lost.


The Signifier of the place where the thing is at time of the Question, is the place of the Moon according to the nature of the Signe she is in, for if the Signe be Orientall, it is in the east part; if it be Occidentall, it is west, &c. Behold also the place of the Moon in the Figure, for if she be in the Ascendant, it is in the east, &c. if the Lord of the house of the Moon be in humane Signes, it is in a place where men use to be; if in Signes of small Beasts, as Aries and Capricorn it is where such kind of Beasts be: Also, look to the Moon, and see if she be in a fiery Signe, it is where fire is; if in a watry Signe, where water is &c. if the Moon be with the Lord of the ascendant in one quarter, and there be not between them more then one Signe, the thing lost is in the house of him that lost it, or about it; but if there be between more then thirty degrees, and lesse then seventy degrees, the thing is in the Towne where the owner is, but if they be not in one quarter, it is then farre from the owner.

all manner of QUESTIONS.


How the things or Goods was lost.


If you will know how in what manner they were lost, behold from whom the Lord of the Ascendant did last separate, and if he did separate from Saturn, the cause of the lost thing was through forgetfulnesse of the owner, who knowes not where he laid it, or it is forgotten by reason of some cold or sicknesse which afflicted the loser, especially if Saturn be Retrograde, if he be separated from Jupiter, or in the house of Jupiter, then through fast or abstinency, or ordering of Lawes, or by his excesse of care of governing of things, or managing the affaires of the house, or else by some trust put upon him that carried it away or mislaid it. [This was Frierly Astrology and supposes somewhat lost in an Abbey or Nunnery.]


If he be separated from Mars, or in the house of Mars, it was lost through fear, or by some hidden passion, provoking the loser to anger, fury, fire, or for emnity, or upon a quarrell. If from the Sun or his house, then by the meanes of the King, study of hunting or pastime, or by meanes of the master of the Family, or a Gentleman. If from Venus or in her house, then by drinking, Cards or Dice, or making merry in an Alehouse or Taverne, or by pastime, or singing and dallying with women, &c. If from Mercury by reason of writing, or sending, or dictating of Letters, or going on a Message: If from the Moon, or in the house of the Moon, it was lost by too frequent use, and shewing the Commodity of thing lost, or the party made it too common, or some Messenger, Widdow or Servant lost the same. If the thing lost or missing be a Beast, and not a thing moveable, the signification in knowing the place, and the state thereof, is as the said significations of things not having life, but that it is needful to seek whether it fled away of it selfe, or some other drove him away, whether it liveth or no? and to find the cause of the death of it, if it be dead.



Whether it be stolen or no.



[This concerns Cattle.]

If you would know if the Beast fled away by it selfe, or some body took it, behold if you find the Lord of the house of the

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Moon seperating himselfe from any Planet, say then, that he fled away of his owne accord; but if the lord of the house of the Moon be not separated from any Planet, but that another Planet is seperating himselfe from him, say that some one or other took it and fled away; but if the lord of the house of the Moon be not in any of these two we speak of, behold what you see by the positure of the Lord of the 2nd house, and judge by him as you judge by the Lord of the house of the Moon, and her separation; and if you find of these two no separation, say that the Beast is still in his place, or neer it, and that he fled not away.



Whether it be alive.


If you will know whether it be alive or not, behold the Moon and if you find her in application to the Lord of the 8th house from her, say it is dead; and if you find no such thing, behold her Lord, and if you find him applying to the Lord of the 8th house from the Moon, say likewise that it is dead, or it shall dye very shortly; but if in none of these you find application, take the signification from the Lord of the 8th house after the same manner.



Whether the thing missing be stolne, or fled of it selfe.


[Stolen.] If the Significator of the Theef be in the ascendant, or giveth his vertue to the Moon, or the Moon to him, it is stolen, or the Lord of the ascendant to the Significator of the Thiefe, or the Signifies of the Theef apply to the Lord of the Ascendant by Square or Opposition, or the Moon by Conjunction, Square or Opposition, or the Lord of the house of the Moon, or her Terme, or the Lord of the 2nd house, or Part of Fortune or his Lord, or if any Planet be in the Ascendant, and give his power to the Signifier of the Theef, or the Signifier to him by Square or Opposition, if some of these constellations be not, it is not stolen, except there be an Infortune in the Ascendant or 2nd, or the Lord of the house of the Moon, or her Terme be infortunate, or the Part of Fortune or his Lord, or the Lord of the Ascendant, or the Lord of the 2nd house be infortunate, these signifie losing.


[Not Stolen.] Or of you find the Lord of the house of the Moon

all manner of QUESTIONS.


seperating from any Planet, it is fled of its owne accord; if he separate not, but some other from him, it is driven away; the like in either by the Lord of the second, if he be in no such state or position, the thing abideth still, and it is not stolen.



For Beasts strayed, or Fugitives, or any thing lost.


[If found.] The Significator is Moon, wherefore the Moon applying to the Lord of the ascendant, or 2nd house, or the Dispositor, it shall be found, otherwise not; Moon in the Ascendant, or her Dispositor in a Trifle or Sextile, gives hopes to find it; the Dispositor of the Moon seperating from the Lord of the 6th, 8th or 12th, and applying to the Lord of the Ascendant, or to the degree of the 2nd house, good hopes also; Moon in aspect to her Dispositor, good; Moon infortunate of the Lord of the 6th, 8th, or 12th house, it is in the hands of an ill person that will not depart from it, chiefly if the Infortune behold the Ascendant or his Lord.


[Restored.] Moon beholding Jupiter or Venus, it is in the hands of an honest man that will restore it againe; if Jupiter or Venus have any aspect to the ascendant, or Moon apply to the ascendant; Moon in the ascendant, it is restored with trouble or paine; or the Lord of the 12th in the 12th house, the Lord of the 7th in the 12th, the Fugitive is imprisoned. [Fugitive in restraint.]


[The Place.] The place: Moon in the 10th, it is south; in the 7th, west; in the 4th, north; in the ascendant, east, &c. the Dispositor of the Moon in a humane Signe, it is in a place where men use; in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, a place of Water or Wels; Moon in the last face of Capricorn, it is amongst Ships; this must be when things are lost neer a Harbour.


Moon In Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, in a place of fire; Moon or her Dispositor being in movable Signes, it is in a place newly broken up.


[Strayed.] Moon within 30 degrees of the Lord of the Ascendant the thing is with the Loser, or neer him; Moon more then 30 degrees from the Lord of the Ascendant, it is farre off; the Dispositor of the Moon seperating from another Planet, it is strayed; another Planet seperating from the Dispositor of the Moon, it is stolen.

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Moon Or her Dispositor applying to the Lord of the 8th, or 8th house from the Moon, it is dead or will dye shortly.


Moon In the ascendant, or Trine to the Lord of the Ascendant; Moon in Trine to Sun, found.


The Lord of the 2nd in the 10th or 9th, it is in the house of the

Querent, or in the power of a familiar friend; Sun in the

Ascendant (unlesse in Libra or Aquarius) found; the Lord of the

2nd in the 11th or 12th, farre off.


Of Beasts or Strayes.


If the Lord of the 6th be in the 6th, the Beasts be small: if the Lord of the 12th be in the 12th, the Beasts be great: if the Lord of the 6th be in the 6th or 12th, they be in a Pound; if the Lord of the 6th be in fiery Signes, they shal be under fetters and locks; if the Lord of the Ascendant and Lord of the hour be one Planet, then it is true they are in Pound; if the Moon be in common Signes, they are in rushy grounds; if in an angle, they be in Closes or Grounds, if in a succedant, they be within Closes, or about them, on the right hand of the owner; if the Moon be in a cadent house, they are in common Fields; if in Cancer, where Dennes and water-beasts be, or some little Rivolet, if Aquarius or Pisces in watry or fishing places, or neer Fish-ponds, in the last moity of Capricorn, in a place of Ships, or some Wood or Wood-yard.



[This concerns Goods immovable.]

Behold the Signe where the Moon is, if in fiery Signes, in a place where fire is, or about a fire, or where fire hath formerly been made; the Moon in watry Signes, where water is, or about waters; the Moon in ayery Signes, in a place of many windowes, or open places, as Garrets, and such like; (this has relation to Beasts strayed.) the Moon in earthly Signes, in an earthly place, where houses are made of earth, or neer mud wals or clay; the Moon, or the Lord of the house where she is, be in a movable Signe, in a place new peopled, or a house new built, or where are hils, and in other places levell grounds; the Moon in a fixed Signe, in a plaine Country or champion; the Moon in a common Signe in a place of much water, according to the nature of the place where the thing was lost or missing.

all manner of QUESTIONS.


Another Judgment


Common Signs, as Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces, do signifie within the house, if it be dead things, as rings &c. but if it be quick or living things, or Cattle, it signifieth watry grounds, Ditiches, Pits, Rushes, a Market-place; fixed Signes, the Goods are hid, or laid low by the earth, or neer it, in wals, or in hollow Trees; movable Signs, high places, Roofs, or Seeling of houses; watry Signes, in water, or under the earth, a Pavement, Foundation of houses, &c.

That the Beasts are lost.


The Lord of the 6th unfortunate by Saturn or Mars, the Beasts be lost, chiefly if the Lord of the 6th be cadent, or that the Cattle are drived away or stolen; if any Planet doe separate from the Lord of the house of the Moon, it is driven away or sold; if the Planet separate from the Lord of the 2nd, idem; if you find none of these, the Beasts are not far off.


Dead or alive.


If the Moon apply to the Lord of the 8th, it is dead, or to the 8th house; if the Lord of the house of the Moon apply to 8th,idem; or if the Significator of the Beast be in the 8th, in Square to any infortunate in the 4th.


In Pound or not.


If the Lord of the 6th or 12th be in the 9th or 10th, then are the Beasts with some Justice or Officer, as Baily or Constable, or under Lock, or are commanded to be safe kept; for the most part Lord of the 12th or 6th in the 12th or 6th, they are kept close.


That the Cattle shall be found againe.


If the Lord of the 6th be fortunate by Jupiter or Venus, and if they be found in the 2nd, 5th or 11th houses, the Beasts will be had again; if the Lord of the Terme of the Moon, or the Lord of the Cusp of the 4th house be with the Lord of the Ascendant, idem; or if the Lord of the 6th or 12th be in Trine of Sun out of angles.


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How farre off a thing lost is from the owner.


The Moon in the same quarter with the Lord of the Ascendant if there be but one Signe between them, the lost thing is in the house, or about his house that lost it; if there be more then 30 degrees unto 70, the thing lost is in the Town, and in the same limits and bounds where the owner is; and if it be not within 90 degrees, the thing list is farre distant from the owner; for usually when the Significator of the thing lost is in the same Quadrant, or the Moon, the goods are in the same Town or Hundred where the Querent liveth.



Beasts stolen or strayed.


If the Lord of the house of the Moon, or Lord of the 2nd doe separate from their owne houses (if the goods be fixed) it is stolen; if moveable, fled of his owne accord.



In what place they are.


If the Lord of the 6th be in an angle, the Beasts be of small growth and in Pounds, Closes or houses; in cadent, in a Common, and are going way-ward; in succedant, in some Pasture neer hand.



Which way.


If the Lord of the 6th be in fiery Signes, east-ward in Woods or where Bushes, Brambles or Ferne have been burned; but in angles in fiery Signes, in Closes or Pound, or under Lock.


The Lord of the 6th in earthly Signes, South on dry lands, or grounds, but if in an angle, in a Pound, or close Pound with a thing that earth is about it, viz. a mud wall; if succedant, it is about Closes on the right hand of the Querent.


The Lord of the 6th in an ayery Signe, they are most in plaine ground, if he be in an angle, they be in Pound or housed west from the place where they were lost; In succedant, on the right hand westward; on cadent, on the left and going away-ward, viz. Straying further from their right Owner.

all manner of QUESTIONS.


If the Lord of the 6th be in watry Signes, North, in a low place; if in an angle, in Close-ground, northward; in cadent, in the Common on the left hand, where water is, or Medowes, going away-ward, or where people water their Cattle.



In what grounds they be.


If the Lord of the 6th be in movable Signes, they are in hilly ground.

If the Lord of the 6th be in fixed Signes, in plaine ground where is new building, or some grounds new plowed or turned up. Common Signes, where water is, rushy grounds, ditches.

If the Lord of the Terme of the Moon be in a fixed Signe they are in a plain ground newly taken in, or nigh a new building.

In movable, in new land, or ground full of hils.

In common Signes, in a watry place, rushy or a marshy ground, nigh ditches and pits.



The Cattle shall to Pound.


If the Moon be in the 12th, they shall be had to Pound or be pounded, what signification soever, if the Moon be unfortunate, they shall to Pound; if the Lord of the 12th and principall Significator be unfortunate, they shall to pound, or be kept obscurely in some private or close place.



Long in Pound.


If Saturn be in the 12th, or in the 1st (when the Querent comes to know of you what is become of the Cattle) or the Moon in the 12th, any of them unfortunate, than shall they be long in pound; if Mars aspect Saturn or the Moon in the 12th, with Conjunction, Square or Opposition, they will be killed in Pound, or dye there, or be very neer starving.


From hence the movable, fixed or common Signes may easily be knowne, when Sheep be stolen, whether and where they are killed

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or not? if Saturn be in the ascendant, 4th, 8th or 12th, long in pound.



Escape the Pound.


If the Lord of the ascendant be in a movable Signe, in the 3rd, 9th or 10th, they shall escape Pound; if the Lord of the ascendant be in the 12th, though good, yet sick and ill in Pound. If the Lord of the ascendant be in the 8th, it’s probable they dye in pound.

If the principall Significator of the ascendant be Retrograde they dye in Pound.

If the Lord of the 6th behold the Lord of the ascendant with Sextile or Trine, they will be had againe; if he behold him with Square or Opposition, then they will be stopped: if he behold the Moon or the Lord of the house of the Moon, with Sextile or Trine, had againe; with Square or Opposition, stopt or staid in some Village or Towne.



Whether the Fugitive shall be taken.


Give the ascendant and his Lord and the Sun unto the Querent, and the 7th and his Lord unto the Fugitive or thing asked for, and behold what aspect is between them, and so judge; for if the Lord of the ascendant apply unto the Lord of the 7th with Conjunction, Sextile or Trine, or that the Lord of the Ascendant be in the 7th, it betokeneth the Querent shall recover the things lost or Fugitive, gone away. Also, if the Lord of the 7th be in the Ascendant, or apply to the Lord thereof, or there be any translation of light betwixt them, it sheweth the same with more facility.



Of the Moon.


For Fugitives, have respect to the Moon, being naturall Significatrix of them, by reason of her quick motion, for if she be in the Ascendant, or apply to the Lord thereof with a good aspect, or that the lord of the 7th or the Moon separate from the Fortunes, and be immediately conjoyned to the Infortunes, all


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these shew, that the Fugitive shall returne and be recovered, or shall be so hindered, that he shall come againe.


The Moon encreasing in light and number, he shall be long in search; decreasing, soon found, and with lesse labour: also, the Moon seperating from the Lord of the 7th, and joyned with the Lord of the ascendant, the Fugitive is sorry he went, and will send some to entreat for him; the Lord of the 7th Combust, signifies the Fugitive will be taken, will he, nill he; behold in what quarter the Moon is, that way the Fugitive draweth, or intendeth to goe.



Whether he shall be taken.


The Lord of the 7th joyned to an Infortune in an angle, upon good search, the Fugitive will be taken; but if both be not in an angle, he shall be detained or staid by the way, but not imprisoned; if the Lord of the ascendant behold that Infortune who afflicts the Fugitive, the Querent shall find the Fugitive detained by some one, to whom he ought to give money, or who wil demand mony before he so restore the Fugitive unto him: if the Infortune be in the 9th, he shall be staid in his journey and taken; the Lord of the 7th with a Planet stationary, in his 1st or 2nd station, in an angle or succedant, he knoweth not which way to fly but shall be taken.



If a Fugitive shall be found, or come againe.


If the Lord of the 7th be in the ascendant, the Fugitive will returne of his owne accord; Moon seperating from the Lord of the ascendant, and joyned immediately to the Lord of the 7th house, or to the 7th house, one will shortly bring newes of him; the Lord of the 7th combust, or entring combustion, the Fugitive shall be found (volens, nolens;) the Moon seperating from the Lord of the 7th, and joyned immediately to the ascendant, or Lord thereof, the Fugitive repenteth his departure, and will send some to entreat for him; Moon joyned to Infortunes, viz. Saturn, Mars or South Node, or to a Planet Retrograde, he shall be found or come againe, and hath endured much misery since his departure; the Lord of the 7th beholding and Infortune from the 7th, the

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Querent shall find him that is fled with some to whom he must give money before he can have him; Moon seperating from Jupiter or Venus, he shall quickly come back againe, or, a thing lost shall suddenly be found; Moon aspecting her owne house with Sextile or Trine, the Fugitive returneth within three dayes; for according to probability, the Querent shall hear where he is within three dayes, if the distance be not too great.





Behold the Lord of the 7th, and the Lord of the hour, and look how many degrees are between them, so many miles he is off from the place he went from.


The former rule I doe conceive not so perfect as this which followes; see what distance there is betwixt the Moon and significator, viz. their aspect and what Signes they are in; give for every degree in a movable Signe 17 houses or furlongs, at discretion; in common Signes, give for every degree 5 Furlongs or distance of five houses; in fixed Signes, for every degree give one Furlong, or one house, &c. having relation to the thing lost, and whether it be in a Town, or in the Fields.



Of a Woman flying from her Husband.


The Sun under the earth, Venus Occidentall and Retrograde, she will returne of her owne will; Venus Orientall, she cometh, but not willingly; Lord of the ascendant, the Moon, and Lord of the 7th in Trine, she returneth, with a Square or Opposition without Reception, never; Mars in an angle, and giving the Moon strength, and the ascendant movable, they shall be contented to be separated for ever.



Of a Thief and Theft.


Haly saith, you must know that the ascendant is the Significator of the Querent, the Lord of the 2nd is Significator of the thing that is stolen or taken away, and the 7th house is the Significator of the Thiefe, if there be no Peregrine Planet in an angle or 2nd house; the 10th house is the Signifier of the King,

all manner of QUESTIONS.



and the Signe of the 4th the Signifier of the place where the thing is, that is, or was taken away; whose proper significations you must know from the Lords of those houses, whereby you may know the condition and state of what is missing, and if you find in the ascendant a Planet peregrine, put him as the Significator of the Thiefe, and especially if he be Lord of the 7th house; but if no Planet be in the Ascendant, look if there be any in the other angles, and give him to be Signifies of the Thief. [This shall be more copiously handled in some Chapter following. A most certaine rule.]


Of the S I G N I F I C A T O R of the Thiefe.


[A Planet is then peregrine when he is neither in his House, Triplicity, Terme, Exaltation or Face. I rather and more assuredly prefer the Lord of the 7th, as more rational and consentanious to reason.]

The Lord of the 7th commonly signifies the Thief, but especially if he be peregrine in the ascendant, or in any other angle; but if he be not so, then behold if any other Planet be peregrine in any of the angles, call him the Thief; if none be peregrine in any of the angles, take the Lord of the Hour, and call him the Thief, and if it happen that the Lord of the Hour be Lord of the 7th, then it is more radicall; if the Lord of the 7th be in the ascendant, the Querent is Thief; this will hold where just suspition is made of the Querent’s fidelity, or most cause above all others, whose complexion and condition is according to the Planet, Lord of the 7th, and Signe thereof.


The S I G N I F I C A T O R of the thing stolen.


[This rule is vulgar, and not of any credit.]

The Significator of the thing stolen is the Lord of the Term the Moon is in; when thou hast found the Significator of the Thief, and understandest the nature of his disposition by the significant Planet and his aspects, know that the ascendant is Signifier of the Question, or Demandant, and if thou see the Lord of the ascendant draw towards the Lord of the 7th, or to the Lord of the houre, or be in the 7th, it signifieth that the Thief shall be taken anon after, or it gives hopes of discovery of the thing lost.


Of T H E F T S.


The 1st house, which is the ascendant, is for the Querent, and

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his Lord for him that hath lost the Goods, and signifieth the place from whence the Goods was taken; the 7th house and his Lord, and the peregrine Planet in an angle, and the Lord of the hour, signifieth the Thief, or party that took away the Goods. [This is a very good judgment, and may well be trusted.]



The 2nd house and the Lord of the 2nd house and the Moon, shall signifie the Goods or thing that is lost, stolen or mist; the 4th house and his Lord shall signifie the place where it is laid, put or done, or conveyed unto, and is in at that instant of time.



The aspects of the Sun and Moon, of the Lord of the ascendant, of the Lord of the 2nd house, and of the Lord of the house of the Moon, to the Lord of the ascendant, and their application and aspects one to another, shall tell and shew whether the Goods shall be found and had againe or not: If the Lord of the 2nd and the Moon be in the 7th, in the Signe if the 7th, and the Lord of the 7th house behold them both by Trine or Sextile aspect (though long out, viz. if the aspect be by many degrees distance) then is the Goods taken away by some body. viz. they are not simply lost: if the Moon be Lady of the 2nd and in the house of the Lord of the hour, going to Conjunction of the Lord of the 7th house, then hath the party lost the thing or Goods in some place where he was, and hath forgot it, and it is neither lost or stolen, but carelesly mislaid.



If the Moon be Lady of the ascendant, and in the 4th, and the Lord of the 2nd in the 7th, or in the sign of the 8th house, in Opposition to the 2nd house, at a Sextile or Trine to the Moon, the thing is not stolen, but taken away in jest. If the Moon be Lady of the ascendant, and in the ascendant, not farre remote, and the Sun Lord of the 2nd in the 10th with the Lord of the 7th house, and the Lord of the 7th oppresse the Moon with a Square, then is the Goods stolen and taken away; if the Moon be in the 3rd, opprest with the Lord of the 7th house by his Square aspect, and Lord of the 2nd also being Lord of the ascendant, and in the 7th, in the Signe of the 7th, then it is stolen, but first it was taken in jest, and it will be hard to get it againe, except the Sun and Moon behold the ascendant.

all manner of QUESTIONS.


If Moon be in the 7th in the Signe of the Lord of the hour, the Lord of the hour being Lord of the 7th, then is the Goods not stolen or taken away, but overlooked and mistaken. If Moon be in the 5th house and in Capricorn, and be Lady of the hour, and Venus Lady of the 2nd in the 10th, in the Signe of the 10th, and Moon in Opposition to the Lord of the 7th, then hath the party lost the Goods as he went by the way, or was in some place where he left them: If the Moon be Lady of the hour, in Cancer, in the 8th, and Lord of the 2nd in the 5th, and neither of them behold the Lord of the 7th, but the Lord of the 7th be in the 7th, then is the Goods taken away in jest by the Master of the house, and he will deny it: If the Moon be Lady of the hour in the 4th, in Opposition to the Lord of the 7th, and the Lord of the 2nd in the 12th, in a Sextile to the Lord of the 7th, then hath somebody taken the things away in jest: If Moon be in the Signe of the Lord of the 7th, and not beholding the Lord of the 7th, but Moon in the 12th, and Lord of the 2nd in the 6th, then is the Goods taken away in jest, if the Lord of the 2nd did last separate from the Lord of the house of the Moon, then the Goods is stolen in jest, but will scant be had again. If the Moon doe separate from the Lord of the 2nd by Square, the Goods is taken where she is, then it is stolen: If the Lord of the ascendant doe separate from Jupiter, or from the Lord of the 2nd house, then did the Querent lay it downe and forget it, and so it was lost: but when the Lord of the Ascendant and Lord of the 2nd doe separate from Jupiter, it is the surer: and sometimes it fals out, that the Moon is Lady of the ascendant, and separates from Jupiter, and doth apply unto the Lord of the 2nd house, which did also last separate from Jupiter, and sometimes the Lord of the Ascendant, as Sun is also Lord of the 2nd, and doth separate from Jupiter, yet if it be so, it giveth all one judgment as aforesaid: If the Lord of the 2nd or Jupiter doe separate from the Lord of the ascendant, then did the party lose the Goods by the way as he went, or in some secret place where he was, or else it tumbled out of his pocket privily into some secret place where it is not stolen or found: But if there be none of these separations

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aforesaid, then see if the peregrine Planet or Lord of the 7th or Mercury, who is also for the Thief, doe apply to Jupiter, or the Lord of the 2nd; if they doe, then is the Goods absolutely stolen, and the Thief came with intent for to steale: If the Lord of the 2nd or Jupiter doe apply unto the peregrine Planet, or to the Lord of the 7th, or to Mercury, who is for the Thief, then the Goods or the thing lost did offer it selfe to the Thiefe, or he came easily by them without trouble; for he that stole them, came not with intent for to have stolen it, but seeing the thing did lye so open, and so carelesly, he took it and carried it away. If the Moon be Lady of the ascendant, and also lady of the 2nd, and be in Taurus, and apply by Conjunction to the Sun, within one degree, and Sun be the Lord of the 3rd house, and Mars be the peregrine Planet, and in the 10th, and Mercury apply to Mars, none of the abovesaid separations or applications impediting, or the Lord of the 7th in the 3rd, then the Querent did lose the thing by the way as he went, and it is not stolen from him.


Whether it be stolen or no.


For this, behold if the Signifier of the Thiefe be in the ascendant, or give his vertue to the Moon or the Moon to him, it is stolen; if the Lord of the ascendant give his vertue to the Signifier of the Thiefe, it is stolen; if the Signifier behold the Lord of the ascendant by Square or Opposition, or the Moon by Conjunction, Square or Opposition, or the Lord of the house of the Moon, or the Lord of the Terme of the Moon, or the Lord of the 2nd house, or the Part of Fortune or his Lord, the thing is stolen.


And if any Planet be in the ascendant, and give his power to the Signifier of the Thiefe, or the Significator to him by Square or Opposition, it is stolen, except there be an Infortune in the ascendant or 2nd house, or the Lord of the house of the Moon, or of the Terme of the Moon is unfortunate, or the Part of Fortune or his Lord be unfortunate, or the Lord of the ascendant, or the Lord of the 2nd house be infortunate, all these signifie losse of losing.

all manner of QUESTIONS.


That the Goods are stolen.


If any Planet be in the ascendant peregrine, it is stolen; or the peregrine Planet give vertue to the Moon, or the Moon to him, it is stolen; the Lord of the ascendant peregrine, it is stolen; if the Thiefe be peregrine, that is, if he have no dignities where he is, it is stolen; if the Significator be with the Lord of the ascendant or in Square or Opposition to the Lord of the ascendant, it is stolen.


If any Planet doe separate from the Lord of the house of the Moon, it is stolen; if any Planet have respect to the Lord of the Terme of the Moon, with Conjunction, Square or Opposition, it is stolen: if any Planet be separate from the Lord of the house of Substance, it is taken away: if the Thiefe have respect unto the Lord of the house of the Moon, with Conjunction, Square or Opposition, it is taken away.



Not stolen.


If neither the Lord of the house of the Moon or Lord of the 2nd separate not themselves from one another, or any other Planet from them, then what you look for is in his owne place; if the Moon give vertue to Saturn or Mars, or to any Planet in cadent houses, or to the Lord of the 8th, not stole, but missing, or else negligently throwne aside.



It will be (or is intended to be stolen.)


If the Moon be Lady of the 7th, and give her vertue to a Planet in the 2nd, or in the 11th or 5th, having her selfe neither Sextile or Trine to the Cusps of the houses, or if any Planet in the 7th give vertue to a Planet in the 2nd, 5th or 11th, and have no Sextile or Trifle to the Planet in the 7th, it will be, or if the Lord of the 10th be in Conjunction, Square or Opposition with the Thiefe, it will be stolen.



It is Lost of Stolen.


If a Planet doe separate himselfe from the lord of the house of

The Resolution of



the Moon, or from the Lord of the 2nd, then it is taken away with hands and stolen: If the Moon be Lady of the 7th, and give vertue to the Lord of the ascendant, it is stolen: if the Lord of the ascendant give vertue to the Moon in the 7th, it is stolen.


If any Planet in the ascendant give vertue to the Signifier of the Thiefe, it is stolen, or the Thief to the Lord of the ascendant, its stolen, but the Thief gives so much of the Goods to the owner againe, according to the vertue or light that the Thief giveth to the Lord of the ascendant; if any Planet in the ascendant be peregrine, it is stolen, and the Thief shall escape.


If the peregrine Planet give vertue to the Moon, or the Moon to him, if the Thief aspect the Moon with Conjunction, Square or Opposition, or aspect the Lord of the Terme of the Moon, it is stolen.


If the Moon give vertue to Saturn or Mars, or if she give vertue to any Planet in a cadent house, or if the Moon give vertue to the Lord of the 8th, and he in a movable Signe, the things are stolen, but in fixed Signes, taken away.


[not stolen] If the Lord of the house of the Moon separate from any Planet, or the Lord of the 2nd doe separate from any Planet, stolen.


If the Lord of the house of the Moon or 2nd be in his owne house, and have vertue of Saturn or Mars, gone away by it selfe, and not stolen.


Of the age of the Thief.


The age is taken from the Planet that is Significator of the Thiefe, if he be Orientall, he is young; in the midst of his Orientality, then of middle age; if he be in the end of his Orientallity, he is old, saith Haly.


To judge by the distance of the Planets from the Sun, for by the Sun the Planets are Orientall and Occidentall, by which the signification of age is taken, after Haly, and other Writers.


If together with this, you consider in what degrees of the Signe the Significator is in, you shall doe better, for a Planet Orientall and in a few degrees, denotes youth, or younger; in more degrees, more age; frame the age according to an exact mixture.

all manner of QUESTIONS.


If Saturn, Jupiter or Mars be significators, then behold the distance of them from the Sun; from their Conjunction with the Sun to the Square aspect, signifieth the age of 18 yeers, and the neerer the Sun the lesser in age, and from the Square to the Opposition signifieth the age of 36. from the Opposition to the next Square signifies the age of 45. from that last Square to the Conjunction signifieth the age of 72. and so to the end of life.


Guido Bonatus saith, the Sun being significator, and being between the ascendant and Mid-heaven or 10th house (which is all one) signifieth the thiefe to be young, and so increasing till he come to the angle of the earth.


And if Venus or Mercury be significators, the age is taken by their distance or elongation from the Sun, from their Conjunction with the Sun, being direct to the mid-way of their Conjunction in their Retrogradation, signifies the age of the thiefe to be about 18. and the neerer the Sun the younger, and from the mid-way to their Conjunction in their Retrogradation, signifieth the age of 36. or neer that age, the neerer to the Conjunction the elder, and from the Conjunction in the Retrogradation, to the mid-way of their Conjunction in direction, signifieth the age of 72. and so to the end of life; and if the Moon be signifier judge as by Saturn, Jupiter and Mars, as before is said.


The same Guido saith, Venus signifieth the thiefe to be young, a woman or a Maid, Mercury of lesse age then Venus, Mars signifieth full age, or in prime of his youth, Jupiter more of yeers then Mars, and Saturn signifieth old age or decrepit, or well in yeers, the Sun signifieth as before said; the Moon being significatrix in the beginning of the Moneth to the first quarter, signifieth to be young; and if she be neer to the full Moon, it signifieth the middle age or perfect man; and if she be in the end of the Moneth, it signifieth the Thiefe to be aged, or of greater yeers.


The age of the Thiefe.


If the Moon increases, he is young; if decrease he is old; if the significator be in the house of Saturn, or aspected by him, or in the last degree of a Signe, it signifies old age; Saturn the same; Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury from the Ascendant unto the 10th, signifie young yeers, especially if they be in the beginning of

The Resolution of


Signes: from the 10th to the 7th, middle yeers; if the Significator be a superiour Planet and direct, then he is of good yeers, if Retrograde elder or very old, and so judge of inferior Planets; for if they be Retrograde or joyned to Planets Retrograde, it augmenteth the age: thus is you mingle your signification, you may judge better. The Sun between the Ascendant and mid heaven argueth a childe, between the Meridian and Occident, accuseth a young Man, between the Occident and Septentrionall angle, a Man growne; and from the Septentrionall to Orientall, accuseth a very old Man; Lord of the ascendant in the East quarter, or Moon in the Ascendant, a young Man; Mercury alwayes signifies a Childe or a young Man, especially being in the Ascendant and Orientall: any Planet, except Saturn, Signifieth young Man; or if the signifier be joyned to Venus, Moon increasing in light, or in the first ten degrees or middle of the Signe, or the significator in the beginning of the Orientall quarter, signifies a Childe, or a young Man, or a Woman, &c.



Whether the Thiefe be a Man or Woman.


[behold the signe of the 7th and the Lord of the 7th]

Behold the Signe ascending and the Lord of the houre; if both be Masculine, the Thiefe is Masculine; and if the Lord of the houre and Ascendant be both Feminine, the Thiefe is Feminine; if the Signe Ascending be Masculine, and the Lord of the houre Feminine, it is both Masculine and Feminine, viz. there were two Theeves, both a Man and a Woman.


Also the Significator Masculine and Moon in a Masculine Sign, signifieth a Man-kinde, & e contra. If the Lord of the Ascendant and the Lord of the houre be both in the Ascendant in Masculine Signes, it is a Man; in Feminine Signes, a Woman.


If the Lord of the Ascendant and the Lord of the houre be the one in a Masculine, and the other in a Feminine Sign, both a Man and a Woman had a hand in the Theft.


The Angles of the Figure Masculine, a Man; Feminine a Woman.


Venus Significatrix aspecting Mars with Square, notes impediment in hearing, principally in the left eare.

all manner of QUESTIONS.


Venus, Mercury, Moon noteth Woman, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Sun Men; respecting the Signe and quarter wherein they be.



If one Thiefe or more.


Behold the Significator of the Thiefe; if he be in a fixed Signe, and of direct Ascensions, or a Signe of few Children, or of few shapes and likenesse; it signifies to be one and no more. If the Signe be of two bodies, viz. a common or bycorporeall Signe, it signifies more then one, and more likely if there be in the Signe many Planets peregrine: also when the Sun and Moon behold themselves by a Square in the Angles, it signifies more then one:

Signes that signifie many Children are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces; few Children are Aries, Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius. Divers shapes or formes, Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius, Aquarius: barren Signes are Gemini, Leo and Virgo; Signes of direct Ascensions Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius; Signes of oblique Ascensions are Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini. If the Moon in the houre of the Question be in the Angle of the Earth, in a common Sign, there is more then one; if she be in any of the other Angles, in a fixed Sign, there is but one Thiefe. Looke how many Planets are with the Thieves significator, so many Theeves; the Moon in a common Signe more then one. Lord of the Ascendant in a Male Signe, and Lord of the houre in a Female, Man and Woman (as aforesaid;) looke to which the Moon doth agree, viz. to whom she applies, that person is the principall actor; the Angles moveable especially the 1st and 7th, or the Significator being in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, more then one. The Sign wherein the Significator of the Thiefe is in, if it be immoveable, or a double bodied Sign, more then one. Both the Luminaries beholding one another from Angles, more then one; Moon in the Ascendant, and it a double bodied Signe, doth demonstrate there were more Thieves then one.


Of the Cloathes of the Thiefe.


You must know the colour of the Cloathing by the Planets, Signs and Degrees, and the House the Significator is in; and after the mixture the one with the other, accordingly judge the colour of

The Resolution of


their Cloathes. If there be signification of many Theeves, judge them by the Lord of the triplicity the significators are in. The Significators of the Colours of the Planets after Alcabitius are these, Saturn Blacke, Jupiter Green, Spotted, or Ashy, or such like; Mars Red; Sun Tawny or Saffron, I rather conceive an high Sandy colour. The Colours by mixing the Planets one with another are these; Saturn and Jupiter, a darke Greene, or deepe spotted with Blacke; Saturn and Mars a darke Tawney, Saturn and Sun a Blacke—yellow and shining, Saturn and Venus a White gray, Saturn and Mercury a Black Black or Blewish, Saturn and Moon a deepe Tawney, or deep Gray or Russet. Jupiter and Mars a Tawney, somewhat light spotted, Jupiter and Sun much after the mixture of the Sunne and Mars but more shining, Jupiter and Venus a Greenish-gray, Jupiter and Mercury a Spotted Green, Jupiter and Moon a somewhat high Greene. Mars and Sun a deepe Red shining, Mars and Venus a light Red or Crimson, Mars and Mercury a Red or a red Tawney, Mars and the Moon a Tawney or light Red.


[They who are conversant in judging many Theft might much perfect this judgment; I have known it hold true very many times; my greater imployments keeps me from further observations.]


You must mix the colour of the Signifier with the colour of the House he is in, and thereafter judge the colour of their Cloathes; or judge the Colour by the Signes and the Degrees the Signifier is in; as if he be in the Signe, or House, or Terme of Saturn, judge after Saturn as before; and if he be in the House of Saturn and Terme of Jupiter, judge after the mixture of Saturn and Jupiter, and so of all other as before.



For Names.


Jupiter, Sun and Mars in Angles signifie short Names and of few Sylables, and being neer the Mid-heaven doe begin with A or E: Saturn or Venus Significator, the Name is of more Syllables, as Richard or William, for the most part if the Querents Names be short, so is also the Quesited.


Names of Theeves or Men, as Astrologers write.


To know the Names by the Lord of the 7th house; or the Planet in the 7th House, or the Planet joyned with them, as followeth:

all manner of QUESTIONS.





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