A Fugitive Servant, which way gone, when returne? 

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A Fugitive Servant, which way gone, when returne?



all manner of QUESTIONS.



Judgment upon the Figure beforegoing,



The ascendant, and Mercury in Aquarius, together with Mars posited in the ascendant, did signifie the Master of the Servant, who was short of stature, corpulent, of a good complexion, and ruddy, fresh countenance; his fatnesse I conceive from the north latitude of Mercury, which was about one degree; as also, that the degrees ascending were in the Termes of Mars, in an ayery Signe, and in the Face or Decanate of Sun, now posited in a watry Signe, and in partill Trine to Moon, both in moyst Signes, which argues a flegmatick, full body, &c.


The Significator of the Servant was Mars peculiarly in this Figure, although many times Mercury shall signifie a Fugitive

Servant: The Servant was a young Fellow of about nineteen, a well set Fellow, short, big joynted, broad and full faced, dark browne haire, his teeth growing ilfavouredly, a Sun-burnt, obscure complexion, yet the skin of his body deer.


I observe that he went away from his Master the Sunday preceding, at what time the Moon was in Gemini, a Westerne Signe, and that now Mars, the Significator of the Fellow was in the same Signe; as also, that Mercury the common Significator of Servants, was in Aquarius, a Westerne Signe, but South quarter of Heaven; it is true that Gemini hath some relation to the South quarter, and Aquarius to the North.


I judged from hence that the Servant went westward at his first departing, and that at the time of the Question, he was West from the Querent’s house; and this I judged because Mars was angular, and every way as strong as the Moon, otherwayes I should have judged by the Moon: Forasmuch as Mars the Significator of the Servant, and Mercury Lord of the ascendant, were suddenly hastening to a Trine out of angles, I judged, that within a day or two he should have his Servant againe: I found the Moon in the 2nd, in her owne house; the Servant being a part of his Master’s Estate, I judged from hence also, that the Master should not lose, but recover forthwith his lost Goods; and the rather, for that the Moon was in the 2nd, and in perfect Trine of the Sun in the 11th, both of them in the Mediety ascending: the

The Resolution of



neernesse of Mars to the degree ascending, made me judge the Servant was not above three or four houses Westward from his Masters house.


The truth is, that upon Friday following betimes in the morning, he came home, and said he had been at Kingston upon Thames:

which if true, then he was full West, or a little to the South, and neer a great Water, viz the Thames, as Moon in Cancer did or might signifie.




A Dogge missing, where?




Judgment upon this preceding Figure.



Living in London where we have few or no small Cattle, as Sheep, Hogs, or the like, as in the Countrey; I cannot give example of such creatures, onely I once set the Figure preceding concerning

all manner of QUESTIONS.



a Dogge (who is in the nature of small Beasts) which Dogge was fled or missing. The Quere unto me was, What part of the City they should search, next if he should ever recover him.


The Querent was signified by the Signe ascending and the Lord thereof; and indeed in his person he was Saturnine, and vitiated according to Caudia in the Ascendant, in his stature, mind or understanding; that is, was a little deformed in body, and extream covetous in disposition, &c.


The Signe of the 6th and his Lord signifies the Dogge; so must they have done if it had been a Sheep or Sheep, Hogs, Conies, &c. or any small Cattle.


The Signe of Gemini is West and by South, the quarter of heaven is West; Mercury the Significator of the Dog, is in Libra a Westerne Signe but Southerne quarter of heaven, tending to the West; the Moon is in Virgo, a South-west Signe, and verging to the Westerne angle: the strength of the testimonies examined, I found the plurality to signifie the West, and therefore I judged, that the Dog ought to be Westward from the place where the Owner lived, which was at Temple-barre, wherefore I judged that the Dog was about Long-acre, or upper part of Drury-lane: In regard that Mercury Significator of the Beast, was in a Signe of the same Triplicity that Gemini his ascendant is, which signifies London, and did apply to a Trine of the Cusp of the 6th house, I judged the Dog was not out of the lines of Communication, but in the same quarter; of which I was more confirmed by Sun and Saturn their Trine, The Signe wherein Mercury is in, is Libra, an ayery Signe, I judged the Dog was in some chamber or upper room, kept privately, or in great secrecy: because Moon was under the Beames of the Sun, and Mercury, Moon and Sun were in the 8th house, but because the Sun on Monday following did apply by Trine Dexter to Saturn Lord of the ascendant, and Moon to Sextile of Mars, having exaltation in the ascendant; I intimated, that in my opinion he should have his Dog againe, or newes of his Dog or small Beast upon Monday following, or neer that time; which was true; for a Gentleman of the Querent’s acquaintance, sent home the Dog the very same day about ten in the morning, who by accident comming to see a Friend in Long-acre, found the Dog chained up under a table, and knowing the Dog to be the

The Resolution of



Querent’s, sent him home, as abovesaid, to my very great credit. Yet notwithstanding this, I cannot endure Questions of Fugitives or Thefts, nor ever would have done any thing, but with intention to benefit Posterity.


Usually I find, that all Fugitives goe by the Moon, and as she varies her Signe, so the Fugitive wavers and shifts in his flight, and declines more or lesse to East, West, North or South:

but when the Question is demanded, then without doubt you must consider the strength both of the Significator and the Moon, and judge by the stronger; if both be equivalent in Fortitudes, judge either by the Significator, if he best personate the Fugitive, or by the Moon, if she most resemble him; with relation to either of them that comes neerest in aspect to the cusp of the house, from whence signification is taken.



Of Theft.


It was the received opinion of Master Allen of Oxford, a man excellently versed in Astrologie, that the true Significator of a Thiefe is that Planet who is in an Angle or 2nd house, and beholds the 7th house: if no peregrine Planet be in an angle or the 2nd house, then the Lord of the 7th shall be Significator of the Thiefe, if he behold the 7th house: otherwayes that Planet to whom the Moon applyes, if he behold the 7th house; the rather, if the Moon separate from the Lord of the ascendant, And he saith further, that a peregrine Planet on what angle soever, shall not be Significator of the Thiefe, unlesse he behold the 7th house, or have any dignity in the degree of the 7th; yet if one and the same Planet be Lord of the hour and of the ascendant, he shall signifie the Thiefe, though he behold not the ascendant:

The truth is, I have ever found that if a peregrine Planet were in the ascendant, he was Significator of the Thiefe: next to the ascendant, I preferred the angle of the South, then the West angle, then the 4th house, last of all the 2nd: many peregrine Planets in angles, many are or may be suspected, justly if they

all manner of QUESTIONS.



are in Conjunction, Sextile or Trine; not consenting, if in Square or Opposition: ever prefer that peregrine Planet for your Significator, who is neerest to the cusp of the angle he is in.


Money lost, who stole it? if recoverable?



Judgment upon this Figure.



Scorpio here ascends, and partly represents the Querent’s person, Mars his mind and disposition, who being in Square with Mercury and Saturn gave sufficient intimation unto me of the inclination of the Querent, who was sufficiently ill conditioned, arrogant, proud, wastfull, &c.


Mars is here in the 25 degr. and 2 min. of Leo, is angular, and but two minutes enters his owne Termes, yet being in his Decanate I refused him for Significator of the Thiefe, and that justly, nor indeed was he.

The Resolution of



In the next place, although Saturn was in the angle of the West, yet did I find him in his own Terms, and Decanate; I also passed by him, In the next place, I found Mercury in 24.42.Taurus, lately separated or rather in Square of Mars, and now almost in partill Conjunction with Saturn; him I found truly peregrine, viz. having no essentiall Dignity where he is, therefore I adjudged Mercury to be Significator of the Thiefe,


But whether Mercury signified Male or Female, was the dispute, as also the corporature, quality, &c.


The angles are part Masculine, part Feminine, no certaine judgment could therefore arise from thence, the Moon was in a Masculine Sign, applied to a masculine Planet in a masculine Sign,and Mercury usually is convertible in nature, according to the nature of the Planet he is in aspect with: he is now in aspect with Mars, and in Conjunction with Saturn; hence I judged the Sex to be Male.


And said it was a young Youth of some fifteen or sixteen: young, because Mercury ever signifies Youth; but more young, because the Moon was so neer the Sun, and scarce separated from him, I said he was of reasonable stature, thin visaged, hanging Eyebrowes, a long Forehead, some blemish or scarres in the Face, because Mars cast his Square dexter to Mercury; bad Eye-sight because Mercury is with evill fixed Starres, of the nature of Mars and Moon; a sad Haire, because of his neernesse to Saturn; but of a scurvy countenance, one formerly a Thief or suspected for such knaveries: in regard Mercury the Youth his Significator was in Conjunction with Saturn Lord of the 3rd & 4th, I judged he was some Neighbours child; and as the Moon was in Gemini and Mercury in Taurus, I conceived he dwelt either opposite to the Querent or a little Southwest; and because Part of Fortune was in the ascendant, and disposed by Mars Lord of the ascendant in the 10th, and the Moon applyed to his Sextile aspect, and was within four degrees of the aspect: I judged he should not onely heare of, but have his Money within four dayes after the Question. He beleeved not one word I said, but would needs perswade me, that a Woman-servant signified by Mars, was one Theef, and Saturn was another; but I stood firme to the true rules of Art, and would not consent unto it, because both these Planets were essentially dignified. The event proved directly true as I had manifested, both as to the person described, and to the day of the money returned, which was within three dayes after.

all manner of QUESTIONS.




Fish Stolen.




Living in the Country 1637. I had bought at London some Fish for my provision in Lent, it came down by the Barge at Walton, on Saturday the 10. of Febr. one of the Watermen, instead of bringing my Fish home, acquainted me, their warehouse was robbed last night, and my Fish stolen: I took the exact time when I ‘first heard the report, and erected the Figure accordingly, endeavouring to give my selfe satisfaction what became of my goods, and, of possible, to recover part of all of them againe.



I first observed, there was no peregrine Planet in angle but Jupiter whom I found upon the cusp of the 7th house, the thing I lost was Fish, therefore any Gentleman would scorne such a course Commodity; I considered the signification of Jupiter in Scorpio, a moyst Signe, and the Significator of my Goods, viz. Mercury that he was in Pisces, a moyst Signe, and that Part of Fortune was in Cancer, a moyst Signe. Discretion, together with Art, assisted me to think he must be a man whose profession or calling was to live upon the Water, that had my Goods, and that they were in some rnoyst place, or in some low rooms, because Part of Fortune was in Cancer, and the Moon in Taurus an earthly Sign.

The Resolution of



I was confident I should heare of my Goods againe, because Mercury Lord of my house of Substance, was applyed unto by a Sextile of Moon, who was Lady of my Part of Fortune; and yet without hopes of recovering them, but as he was in his own Termes, and had a Trine aspect to Part of Fortune, there was hopes of some of my Goods,


There being never a Waterman in that Town of Walton neer unto the description of Jupiter in Scorpio, I examined what Fisherman there was of that complexion; and because Mars Lord of the 7th was departing the Sign Scorpio, viz. his owne, and entring another Signe, I examined if never a Fisherman of Mars and Jupiter his nature had lately sold any Land, or was leaving his proper house, and going to another habitation; such a one I discovered, and that he was much suspected of theevery, who was a good fellow, lived neer the Thames side, and was a meer Fisherman, or man conversant in water; for all Significators in watry Signes, argued, he must needs live neer the water, or a watry place, that stole the Goods, or be much conversant in waters,


The man that was the Thiefe was a Fisherman, of good stature, thick, full bodied, faire of complexion, a red or yellowish haire.


I procured a Warrent from a Justice of Peace, and reserved it privately untill Sunday the 18th of February following, and then with a Constable and the Barge-man, I searched only that one house of this Fisherman suspected; I found part of my Fish in water, part eaten, part not comsumed, all confessed. This jest happened in the search; a part of my Fish being in a bag, it happened the Thiefe stole the bag as well as the Fish; the Barge-man, whose sack it was, being in the same room where the bag was, and oft looking upon it (being clean washed) said to the woman of the house, Woman, so I may have my sack which I lost that night, I care not: the Woman answered; she had never a sack but that which her husband brought home the same night as the Fish. I am perswaded the Barge-man looked upon the sack twenty times before, and knew it not, for the woman had washed it cleane I as heavily complained to the woman for 7 Portugall Onyons which I lost; she not knowing what they were, made pottage with them, as she said, The remainder of my Fish I

all manner of QUESTIONS.



freely remitted, though the hireling Priest of Walton affirmed I had satisfaction for it, but he never hurt himselfe with a lye.


So that you see the peregrine Planet in an angle describes the Thiefe, and that neither the Sun or Moon in the ascendant, and in essentiall Dignities, gives assured hopes of discovering who it was; the application of Moon to the Lord of the 2nd, argues recovery; a full recovery, if both the Moon and the Lord of the 2nd be essentially dignified; part, if accidentally fortified; a discovery, but no recovery, if they apply and be both peregrine.






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