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If a Report or common Rumour wereСодержание книги
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True or False.
In the yeer 1643, His Majesties Army being then Rampant, severall Reports were given out, that his Majesty had taken Cambridge, &c. a wel-affected person enquires of me, if the newes were true or false? Whereupon I erected the Figure ensuing, and gave Judgment, All that we heard was untruth, and that the Towne neither was, or should be taken by Him or his Forces.
A Report that C A M B R I D G E was Taken by the King’s Forces; if true?
First, I considered that the Angles were all moveable, and that Mars did vitiate the cusp of the 10th, and Saturn the cusp of the 7th, one argument the Report was false.
Secondly, I found the Moon cadent, and in Gemini, a Signe wherein she nothing delights; a second strong evidence of a false rumor.
Thirdly, I found North Node on the cusp of the Ascendant, a Signe of good to the Parliment, for the 1st house signified that honorable Society: I found Venus Lady of the Ascendant, and our Significatrix, in her Exaltation; but Mars, Lord of our Enemies Ascendant, viz. the 7th, entering his Fall, viz. Cancer, and afflicted by Square of Saturn; I saw the Moon seperating from Jupiter, placed in the 7th and transferring his light and virtue to Venus, which gave me reason to expect, that there would come all manner of QUESTIONS.
good to us or our side from this report or Rumour, and no benefit to our Enemies: I saw Mars and Saturn in a Square, which assured me our Enemies were so full of division and treason, and thwarting one anothers Designes, that no good should come unto them upon this Report; and so in short, I judged Cambridge was not taken, and what we heard of its taking were lyes.
Had this question been propounded, Whether the Querent should have Brothers or Sisters? Then you would have converted the Judgment thus:
Scorpio –The Signe of the 3rd is a fruitfull Signe. Cancer –Wherein the Lord of the 3rd is posited, is a fruitfull Signe.
Moon applies to Venus who is placed in a fruitfull Signe, as you may see page 89, where all these Signes are noted Prolifical, or Signes arguing fruitfulnesse; from hence you might have assured the Querent, he might have expected both Brothers and Sisters, or a plentifull numerous kindred; but more Sisters than Brothers, because all the Signes are Feminine, as you may see page 88, and Mars, Lord of the 3rd, is in a Feminine Signe; yet in regard the Moon who is Dispositor of Mars, is in Gemini, a Masculine Signe, and in Sextile platick with Jupiter, a Masculine Planet, Angular, and in a Masculine Signe and House, it’s an argument of the Demandant’s having a Brother or Brethern..
It was too nice a poynt in Art, to predict of the certain number, if we onely intend to satisfie our selfe in generall, leaving the disposing and determination of their certaine number to divine Providence.
The 3rd house is no wayes afflicted, or any ill aspects betwixt Venus, Significatrix of the Querent, and Mars Lord of the 3rd, both being in Signes of the same nature, and Moon Applying by a Square Dexeter in Signes of short ascensions, to Venus; Moon haveing been lately, and yet being within Orbs of the Sextile of Jupiter; there argue an agreement, concord and unity betwixt this Querent Kindred and him, and betwixt him and such Brothers or Sisters as he should in future have. The Resolution of
CHAPTER XXXII. Of the FOURTH House, and the Judgment Depending thereupon.
This is the House of Parents, of Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, Cities, Towns, Villiages, Farmes, Manours, Castles, Treasure-trove, or of any thing hid in the ground, &c.
To Find A Thing hid or mislaid.
Becareful to take your Ascendant exactly, and consider the nature of the Question, viz. whose Goods, or to whom the thing missing, or lost, or enquired after did appertaine; if the Goods be the Querents own Commodity, then see to the Lord of the 2nd; if it belong to the Brother or Sister, then have regard to the Lord of the 4th; if to the Father, the Lord of the 5th; if to the Mother, the Lord of the 11th, &c. and so in order, according to the nature of the Party who proposeth the Question.
If you find the Lord of the 2nd in any Angle, you may judge the thing lost, hid or missing, is within the house of him that demands the Question; and if the Lord of the 2nd be in the Ascendant, or in the Sign wherin the Lord of the Ascendant is, or in one of his houses, you may judge the things is in that part of the house which he himselfe most frequents, or wherein he doth most abide, or is conversant, or where he layeth his owne Commodities, or such things as he most delights in; but if the Lord of the 2nd be in the 10th house, it’s then in his Shop, if he be a Mechanick; if a Gentleman, in his Hall or Dining-room; if a Husband-man, in the ordinary common room of his house, or first room after entrance into his house: If the Lord of the 2nd be in the 7th, it’s in that part of the house where his Wife, or his Maid-servants have most to do in: If the Lord of the 2nd be
all manner of QUESTIONS.
in the 4th, it’s where the most aged of the house doth lodge, or formerly did most frequent, or in the middle of the house, or in the most ancient part of the house, where either his Father or some ancient man lodged: The nature and quality of the place is knowne by the Signes the Significators are in;for if the Signe of the 2nd be alery, or the greater number of the Significators and Signe wherein Part of Fortune is, doth concurre, the thing is his in the Eaves or top, or upper part of that house or roome where it is, or on high from the ground: and if the thing hid be in the Field, or in a Garden or Orchard, it’s higher then the ordinary ground, or upon the highest hill or part of that ground, or hangs upon some stalk of a Plant or Tree.
If the former Significators be strong, and in watry Signes, it’s in the Buttery, Dairy or Wash house, or neer Water.
If in fiery Signes, it’s neer the Chimney, or where Iron is, or in, or neer the Wals of the house.
If in earthly Signe, the thing hid is on the ground or earth, under or neer some Pavement or Floor, and if you find the thing to be mislaid out of the house in any ground, it notes neer the Bridge or Stile where people come into the ground..
If your Significator be going out of one Signe and entering another, the thing is behind something or other, or is carelesly fallen downe betwixt two rooms, or neer the Threshold, or joyning together of two rooms, and is higher or lower in the place, according to the nature of the Signe, &c.
[What Part of the House or Ground.] The Ancients have delivered many rules, and doe say, that to judge in what part of the house or ground the thing is in, you must see to the Lord of the hour, and if he be in the 10th house or 11th, you may say the thing is in the South part of the house, towards the East; and if he between the 4th house and Ascendant, then North-east: if he be between the 4th house and 7th, then North-west; If between the 10th house and the 7th, then Southwest
This is and was the opinion of the former Astrologians, however, I have not found this judgment very exact, therefore I laboured to find a more certaine manner, and a more exact way for the The Resolution of
ready discovery or finding out anything mislaid or missing in the house, and not stolen: and it was thus:
First, I considered the Signe ascending, it’s nature, the quarter of Heaven it signified. Secondly, what Signe the Lord of the Ascendant was in. The Signe of the 4th house. The Signe the Lord of the 4th was in.. What Signe the Moon was in.. The Signe of the 2nd house.
The Signe the Lord of the 2nd was in.. The Signe Part of Fortune was in. I considered the quality of the Signe, as to shew what part of the house it was in; I mean, what quarter, whether East, West, North or South, according to the greater number of testimonies: and you must know, for things lost, mislaid, or fugitives, there are the true quarters of Heaven the Signes signifie.
Ari. - East, Leo - East by North, Sag.- East by South Lib. - West, Gem.- West by East, Aqu.- West by North Can..- North, Sco. - North by East, Pis.- North by West Cap.- South, Tau.- South by East, Vir.-South by West
Having found the quarter of Heaven, the nature of the Signes showed me also the quality of the place in the house, viz.. aiery Signes, above ground; fiery Signes, neer a Wall or Partition; earthly Signes, on the Floor; watry Signes, neere a moyst place in the roome, &c. A few experiments I know may better this Judgment: I have sometimes in merriment set a present Figure, and by that discovered in what part of the house the Glove, Book or any thing else was hid, and found the rule very true.
CHAP. XXXIII. Of Buying and Selling Lands, Houses, Farmes, &c.
Give the Ascendant and Lord thereof, and Planet from whom the Moon is separated to the Querent or Buyer.
Give the 7th house the Lord thereof, and the planet to whom the Moon applyes to the Seller. all manner of QUESTIONS.
Give the 4th house, the Planet therein placed, and the Moon and the Lord of the 4th house to the House, Ground or Mannour to be bought or purchased..
Let the 10th house, a Planet or Planets posited therein, and Lord of that house signifie the Price, that is, Whether it will be sold cheap or deer.
[If Agree.] If you find the Lord of the Ascendant and Lord of the 7th in any amicable aspect, the Lord of the 7th applying to the Lord of the Ascendant, you may judge the Seller hath good will to Sell and to deale with the Querent or Buyer: and if the Significators be in any essentiall Dignities upon this their application or translation of light; or their application be by Conjunction, it’s then probable they will agree and conclude upon the Purchase with little labour: if the application or translation of light be by Square or Opposition, the two Parties will at last bargaine, but with many words and probabilities of breaking off, and after much expense of time.
Consider also, if the Lord of the Ascendant or the Moon apply to the Lord of the 4th, or the Lord of the 4th or the Moon to the Lord of the Ascendant, and whether only the Lord of the 4th apply to the Lord of the Ascendant, and he receive him in any of his Dignities, or if the Lord of the Ascendant be in the 4th, or the Moon, or the Lord of the 4th in the Ascendant, then shall the Party enquiring buy the House or Inheritance at that time in question,
But if this dwelling in houses be not, yet if the Moon transferre the virtue or light of the Lord of the 4th to the Lord of the Ascendant, the Bargaine will be concluded, but rather by Messengers or Brokers, than by the personall treaty of the two principall Agents.
If there be no application or translation, or transferring the light of one Planet or another, it’s not like there will be any Bargaine concluded..
Of the goodnesse or badnesse of the Land or House..
[House or Land, good or ill.] If you find in the 4th house the 2 Infortunes, very potent or peregrine, or if the Lord of the 4th be Retrograde or The Resolution of
unfortunate, or in Fall or Detriment, ‘twill never continue long with your Posterity..
But if either Jupiter, Venus or North Node be in the 4th, or the Lord of the 4th in his owne house, viz. in the 4th, the Purchaser may expect good successe in the Land or House now in buying, and that it may continue a long time with his Posterity, and it’s an argument he shall have good encrease for his Money by that Bargaine.
[Quality of the ground.] If it be arrable land, and you would know the nature of it, make the ascendant the Significaton of the Tenants, Husband-men and Farmers occupying it.
The 4th house shall signifie the condition and nature of the soyl, its form and condition; or of a House or Houses, when the Question is for them.
The Angle of the West shall signifie the Herbage thereof, and the quality and quantity, but the Medium Coeli is Signifier of the Wood, Trees and Plants growing thereupon..
[Tenants, good or ill.] It an Infortune possesse the Ascendant, the Tenants or Occupants are ill, deceitfull and unwilling the goodnesse of the ground should be discovered: if a Fortune be in the Ascendant judge the contrary, viz. the Tenants are honest men, and doe give, and will give the Land lord content, and will love him besides, and are content to hold what they have already, and to occupy the Land still; but if an infortunate Planet be in the ascendant and direct, the Tenants will purloyne the Woods, or weare out the virtue of the land; but if he be Retrograde, the Tenants wil put the land upon the Landlord, or will run away or throw up their Leases.
[Wood on the ground.] If a Fortunate Planet be in the Mid-fleaven and Direct, say there is good Timber upon the ground, and good store; if the Fortune be Retrograde, judge there are many Trees, but little Timber, and those lopt, or that of late the Seller hath sold many, or made much spoyle thereof, or that the Trees are much decayed, &c.. if an Infortune be in the Medium Coeli, direct, there’s then but few Trees; if he be Retrograde, say, the Country people have stolne, or made great wast thereof,
But if no planet be in the Mid-heaven, see to the Lord of that house, if he behold it with a good aspect, and be in any of his all manner of QUESTIONS.
owne Dignities, say there is some Wood on the ground; if he does not behold the Mid-heaven, either there is little or no Wood, or it is North nothing; if the Lord of the 10th be Orientall, and behold his owne house, the Trees are young ones, or the Wood of small growth, or there are Copses: but if the Lord of the 10th be Occidentall, and in the condition beforesaid, the Trees are of more growth, and the Wood is ancient; and if the Lord of the 10th be then direct, the Trees are found, and will continue so a long time; but if Retrograde, there’s many Trunks and hollow Trees among them..
Having considered what precedes, consider the Angle of the West, or the 7th house, which will declare unto thee the state and quality of the Herbage, or smaller Plants of the ground, for if you find either Jupiter or Venus, or the Lord of the 7th in the 7th, it’s an argument the Land yeelds plenty of Grasse, Come, or what is reasonably required from it, if an Infortune be there, judge the contrary, &c.
[Quality of the ground.] In consideration of the property of the earth, have respect to the 4th house and Signe of the 4th, for if Aries, Leo or Sagittarius be on the cusp of the house, it’s hilly, mountainous, dry and hard piece of ground, or a great part of it is so; if either Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn be on the cusp of the 4th, the ground is plaine, champion, and excellent Pastorage, or good for Grazing or Tillage. If Gemini, Libra or Aquarius, it’s neither very hilly or very plaine (flat), but there is grounds of both types, and in nature part of it is good, and part not so: if Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, then there is no doubt but there is some pretty River, Rivolet, or good store of Water.
You must for the perfect knowledge of the quality and nature of the soyle, observe this generall rule, That if an Infortune be in the Signe of the 4th, Retrograde, or in his Fall or Detriment, the land shall partake highly in the infelicity that Planet signifies; as if Scorpio be the cusp of the 4th, and Saturn is place therein, and is either Retrograde or afflicted by some other Misfortune, you may confidently averre, the ground is troubled with too much Water, or it’s Boggy and unwholesome, full of long rushy Grasse, &c.
And if the Land lye neer the Sea, you may feare the excursion of the Sea, or a decay in the Sea-banks, or it is subject to be overflowne with the River or Water, &c. if Saturn afflict a fiery The Resolution of
Signe in the 4th, the Land is barren, stony nungry, mountainous, yeelds no profit without infinite labour, wants water, for it’s naturally barren, produces little Grasse: If Saturn afflict the sign of Gemini, by his presence there, or any of the humane Signes, viz. Libra or Aquarius, by his retrogradation, that Signe being the cusp of the 4th, there’s yet defect in the goodnesse of the Land, and ill Husbands have formerly managed it unthriftily: If he be unfortunate in an earthly Signe, upon the Signe of the 4th, the Land is good, but the present Occupiers give it not its due Tillage, or are not in the right way in their managing it, they are idle, lazy, slothfull, penurious, and unwilling to bestow cost upon it; besides, it’s an heavy clay ground, and the Farmers understand not the nature of the Soyl, &c.
[Cheap or Dear.] This is knowne by the Lord of the 10th, for if he be Angular, Direct, and strong in essentiall Dignities, the price will be high, and the Seller will put it off at deare rates; but if the Lord of the 10th be cadent, retrograde, slow of motion, afflicted, then the price will not rise high.
If it be good to hire or take the Farme, House or Land Desired.
Give the Ascendant and his Lord to the person of him that would hire a House, or take Lands.
Let the 7th house and his Lord signifie him or her that hath the letting or selling of this House or Farme.
Let the 10th house and the Lord thereof signifie the Profit which may arise by that undertaking.
The 4th house, and Planets therein placed shall shew the end which shall ensue upon taking, or not taking the House, Land or Farme, &c. be it what it will be.
If the Lord of the Ascendant shall be in the Ascendant or Signe ascending, or shall have a Sextile or Trifle aspect unto the Signe ascending, but more properly to the degree ascending, within the moyity of his owne Orbs, or if in the Ascendant there be a Fortune, whether essentially dignified or not, or if Part Of Fortune be therein placed, and not impedited, it’s an argument or
all manner or QUESTIONS
testimony the Farmer shall take the House, Land or Farme, and is full of hope to doe good thereby, or that it will be a good Bargaine, and he obtain much profit thereby, and that he hath much liking to the thing, and is well pleased therewith.
But if an Infortune be in the Ascendant (it’s no matter which of them) if the man have taken the thing ere he come unto you, it now repents him; if he have not taken it already, he has no will thereunto; or if he does take it, he will presently post it off to some other party, for he nothing at all earns for the Bargaine.
Having considered what belongs to the party intending to buy or take a Lease, have now recourse to the 7th house, and Lord thereof, for him that shall let it: If you find the Lord of the 7th in the 7th, or casting a benevolent aspect to the cusp of the house, or find a fortunate Planet therein, the man will keep his word with you, you shall have what you bargaine with him for, but he will profit by the bargaine.
If an Infortune be in the 7th, and not Lord of the 7th, have great care of the Covenants and Conditions to be drawne betwixt you, the Landlord will be too hard for you, he minds nothing but his owne ends in dealing with you.
Consider the 10th house afterwards, and if a fortunate Planet be therein, or behold the 10th house, the parties notwithstanding some rubs, will proceed in their Bargaine, and the House, Farme or Lands will be let to the Querent.
But if you find an Unfortunate Planet in the 10th, or behold that house with an Opposition or Square aspect, there will be no house or Lands taken; and if it be Land that is in agitation to be let, it’s probable they differ about the Wood or Timber on the ground, or upon the new erecting of some houses or building upon the ground; or if it be a house, they differ upon the repaires thereof.
As to the end of the businesse, see to the 4th house, and let that signifie the end thereof; if there be a Fortune therein, or if the Lord of the 4th be there, or behold the house with Sextile or Trine, there will come a good end of the matter in hand, both parties will be pleased: but if an Infortune be there, in conclusion, the Matter, bargain or thing demised wil neither please the one party or other. The Resolution of
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