Of Marriage, whether it shall take effect or no? 

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Of Marriage, whether it shall take effect or no?



Give unto the Querent the Lord of the Ascendant, the Moon and the Planet from whom the Moon is separated; and to the party enquired, the Lord of the 7th, and the Planet to whom the Moon doth apply; and if the Querent a Man, then adde the Sun, but if a Woman then adde Venus. Then behold what application there is between the Lord of the Ascendant and the Lord of the 7th, for if

The Resolution of


the Lord of the 7th be in the Ascendant, or apply to the Lord thereof, it will willingly be consented to by the party desired; If the Lord of the Ascendant or the Moon apply to the Lord of the 7th, or be in the 7th, the Querent shall obtaine his purpose by his owne labour; but if none of these happen, yet if there be translation of light between them, then it shall be effected by the meanes of Friends or Acquaintance; also the Moon in the 10th signifieth the same, also, the application of the Moon with Venus effecteth the matter, but by mediation of friends: also the application of the Sun and Venus, especially when Sun hath dignity in the 7th, idem: if the Lord of the 7th be in the Ascendant, or with the Lord of the Ascendant, or behold him with a good aspect, it doth give great encouragement for effecting the matter.



Of Marriage.


If a man aske, his Significators are; First, the Lord of the Ascendant: Secondly, the Moon; Thirdly, the Planet the Moon is separated from; Fourthly, Sun, the naturall significator of men.


The Significators of the Woman are; the Lord of the 7th, the Planet the Moon applieth to, the Planet in the 7th, Venus the naturall significatrix of women: the like judge for the woman if she aske the Question, (mutatis mutandis) that is, the Ascendant and other significators, and Venus; the question asked by the woman, the 7th and his Lord, the Planet the Moon applies unto; these are for the man, the Ascendant and his Lord, the Planet the Moon is separate from, the Moon and Venus, so the Querent hath three Significators, the party desired hath also three: It shall be, if the Lord of the Ascendant or Moon be in the 7th; secondly, if the Planet the Moon separates from, applies to the Planet the Moon applies to, thirdly, or the Sun and Venus apply to each other; fourthly, the Lord of the 1st in the 7th, or 7th in the first; fiftly, any translation of light from the Significators, or Reception of the Significators, or any collection by a more weighty Planet, it shall be, viz. one in Termes, the other in the Triplicity of the Significator, or the like. The signifiers in interchangeable Dignities, the Moon in

all manner of QUESTIONS.



the 7th giving vertue to the Lord of the Ascendant, or Lord of the 7th.



Which love most, or desire it most.



The Lord of the 7th in the Ascendant, the party desired loveth best: The Lord of the Ascendant in the 7th, the Querent loveth best; and so with the other significators, for those that apply argue most love, &c. The Lord of the 7th in the 7th, especially in one of his owne houses, the party desired is free from love, hath little mind to Marriage, and her Portion is knowne, or the mans.


The significators of the party desired, not beholding the Significators of the Querent, noteth the love of some other more then the Querent, or an aversnesse to the party now enquiring.


The application of the Significators frustrated, notes the Marriage to be broken off, by such person or thing as that Signifier noteth, which you may know by the house he is in & Lord of, viz. if by the Lord of the 2nd house, want of Riches; if Lord of the 3rd, by the Brother, &c. contrariwise, the Marriage being presaged by translation of light, or collection, it shall be furthered by such a one (as above mentioned) viz. if by the Lord of the 2nd, by some friend promising Dowry; 3rd, a Brother; 10th, a Mother; 5th or 11th, a Friend; 6th, an Unckle, Aunt, or a

Servant: Where note, that Marriages promised by Conjunction Square or Opposition, note performance with much adoe; Trine or Sextile, easie; with Reception, best of all.



What shall be the occasion of hindring the Marriage.


Having carefully observed, that although there seem great probability of effecting the Marriage enquired of, yet you find just cause to judge, it shall not either really be acted, or much obstruction will be before it can be done; and you are desirious to know from where the impediment shall come, the better to prevent it; consider what evill Planet it is who doth hinder the Reception of the disposition of the Significators, viz. of the man and woman, or who frustrates their aspect, or prohibits them, or interjects his Rayes betwixt the Significators; if he be the Lord of the 2nd, they break off on the Querent’s behalf, Money or

The Resolution of


Fortune being wanting on that side, or poverty objected: if it be the Lord of the 3rd, the Querent’s Kindred, Brethern or Sisters, or some untoward Neighbor, or some Journey &c. if the Lord of the 4th, the Parent will not agree, he will part with no Lands, no House, Houses or Tenements, will settle no Estate: if the Lord of the 5th, Children may be the occasion (if either party have any;) or if a Batchelour propounds, perhaps it’s objected, he either is not capable of getting a Child, or that he hath had a Bastard, or is scandalized about such a thing, or that it’s feared the party will be wanton, or given to luxury, too much to his pleasure and pastime, &c. vary your rule, and it serves if a woman propounded, &c. If it be the Lord of the 6th, either some of his Fathers Kindred, viz. some Unckle or a Servant, or the like, or some infirmity or sicknesse in the Querent may be the cause impediting.


If it be a Planet in the 7th, some other he or she Friend will impedite, or a publick Enemy, or one he or she have formerly had variance with, or a Law-suit, &c.


If it be the Lord of the 8th, it may be feared Death will bereave the Querent of Life ere the Marriage, or the quesited hath not a sufficient Portion, their Estate is disliked, it gives no content, it will not be accepted.


If the Lord of the 9th, one or other of the quesited’s Kindred or difference in Religion, or some busie-headed Priest, or by reason of some Journey to be undertaken by the querent, &c.


If the Lord of the 10th the Father of the Quesited, or Mother of the Querent, or some principall man, Officer or Magistrate.


If the Lord of the 11th, the Friends of both parties dislike the Match, or such as at first brought on the matter, will now endeavour to dissolve the match.


If the Lord of the 12th, then there is some under-hand dealing and much juggling in the businesse, the matter shall be much retarded, and the Quererit shall never know by whom; the Querent is much slandered, or some scandall privately insinuated doth much wrong, and will quite break the matter.


As you have notions whereby you may understand what may be the

all manner of QUESTIONS.


obstacle in any Marriage, so by the same rules, rightly varied, you shall find who will afflict or befriend the Querent in his suit, or will endeavour to do him good therein; I have herein dealt very candidly, and expressed the whole truth.



Whether a man shall Marry.


If the Moon behold the Sun or Venus by a good aspect, or the Lord of the Ascendant be in the 7th, or the Lord of the 7th in the Ascendant, or either of them behold other with a good aspect, it signifieth Marriage to the Querent.


I observe, if the Significators be in Prolificall Signes, or Dignities of Venus, the party enquiring doth marry.



The time of Marriage.


The degree of the application of Moon to Sun or Venus, or Lord of the Ascendant to the Lord of the 7th, or Lord of the 7th to the Lord of the Ascendant; if it be in moveable Signes, Dayes; in common Signes, Moneths; in fixed Signes, Yeers; according to that time the Marriage shall be performed.


This must be understood when you find strong testimonies of Marriage, and that the Significators are swift.



How many Husbands a woman shall have.


Behold from the degree of the 10th house to the degree of Mars, and so many Planets as you shall find between them, so many Husbands shall she have; but if Mars be in the 11th house, then look from Mars to Jupiter, and judge accordingly: some judge from Mars to the Lord of the 10th; these rules are Arabicall: plurality of Husbands is best adjudged from the Lord of the 7th and Sun, Mars being in common Signes, or many Planets in the 7th, or Sun in Sextile or Trine to many Planets in the 7th, argues plurality, or more than one.

The Resolution of


From what part one shall Marry.



If the Lord of the 7th be in the 9th, he shall marry a Stranger, &c. if the Lord of the 7th and of the Ascendant be in one quarter of Heaven, or in one house or Signe, usually the party marries one neer to the place of his own abode: consider the Signe of the 7th, the Signe and quarter of Heaven the Lord of the 7th is in, and judge by the major testimonies, from what part of Heaven the party shall live whom the Querent shall marry; as if most concurre in South testimonies, the South; mix the quarter of Heaven and Signe, preferring the Signe before the quarter: but this will be best explained upon an example.


What manner of person he or she is.


For the man, note the Planet the Moon is with; as if with Venus, say she is faire, slender and pleasant; and for the woman, judge by the Planet the Sun beholdeth; Sun in Trine or Sextile of Saturn, wife and painfull; Sun aspecting Jupiter, honest; and so of the rest; the Sun and Moon in Square or Opposition, note contention, separation and discords.



Whether man or woman be more noble.


If the Lord of the 7th be in an angle, and the Lord of the Ascendant in a succeedant house, the woman is best descended; and so if the Lord of the Ascendant be in an angle, judge accordingly; in like manner one may judge of two Companions, or any one else: A most assured way is, by observing which of the Significators is most superiour, and most potential in essentiall Dignities; if no such thing be, who is best placed in an angle, is most noble; and this will not faile.


Who shall be Master of the two.


Behold the Lord of the Ascendant and the Moon; if the Moon or the Lord of the Ascendant be received in an angle, and he that is the

all manner of QUESTIONS.


receiver be an heavy or ponderous Planet, the Querent shall be Master; and whether Significators shall be found weak, ill dignified, or in cadent houses, that party shall be subject.



Whether she be rich or not.


If a man ask, see the Lord of the 8th, or Planet in the 8th, for if they are strong, or Moon applying to the Lord of the 8th by a good aspect, then she is wealthy (&c., e contra, poor;) if the woman ask of the man, and of his estate, judge after the same manner. (eadem est ratio.)



Whether the MARRIAGE be Legitimate.


If the Significators of them, either of the man or woman be vitiated or joyned to Saturn or Mars, and they not Significators in the Question, or if they be with South Node, it sheweth unlawfull Marriage, viz. there hath been some wrangling or claime laid to the party by some former man or woman.



How they shall agree after Marriage.


If the Figure performe Marriage, note if the Lord of the Ascendant and Lord of the 7th aspect each other with Trine or Sextile, they agree well: Moon beholding her Dispositor, or Lord of the Exaltation of the house wherein she is, with good aspect, idem: The Lord of the 7th more weighty, and in an angle, she will be Master, or strive for it: if neither the Lord of the Ascendant, or of the 7th be in angles, then note the weightier, for that party signified by him, shall be Master; Sun impedited, worst for the man; if Venus be impedited, worst for the woman; if the Moon be impedited or unfortunate, is ill for them both.





The Lord of the Ascendant and Lord of the 7th in Square or Opposition, Lord of the Moon impedited beholding the Ascendant,

The Resolution of



or Saturn, Mars or a Retrograde or Combust Planet in the Ascendant, doth note contention ever by the Querent, &c. e contra, judge the like if the Lord of the 7th suffer the same afflictions, that then the Quesited shall be the occasion of strife: the Moon in her fall, or at Square or Opposition with Saturn or Mars, or any Retrograde Planet, if the Moon then behold the Ascendant, noteth brawling ever moved by the woman; Saturn, Mars, South Node in the Ascendant, idem., if the question be asked by the man.



Who shall be the cause of their Strife,

or the author of their Good.


If the Lord of the 3rd be that Planet who doth afflict or impedite, and he in the Ascendant or 7th house, it shall be by Brethern or Kindred; an Infortune in the 10th, notes brawling, and continuall chiding and wrangling: In the 4th, either a Divorcement or a willingnesse to it, or hinderance in Dowry; the Moon infortunate beholding the Ascendant, note brawling, separation and dishonest living: ill Planets in the 10th and 4th, ill persons make contention, or their Parents; no application between the Planet the Moon separates from, and the Planet unto whom she doth apply, notes contention alwayes: if the Moon doth aspect, or be in conjunction with Saturn or Mars, one of them shall dye quickly, or have some misfortune; if this conjunction be in the 10th or 4th, in a masculine Signe, the man shall suffer; if in a feminine Signe, the woman: The Moon in Trine or Sextile good Planets, declares gifts from Friends; Moon in Square of good Planets, by dead men; Moon in conjunction of good Planets, promises good by their owne industry and labour; if the Moon aspect Saturn or Mars, or be in the 12th or 8th, or voyd of course, they shall have both troubles, griefes and sicknesse; in angles, notes a probability of separation or long disagreements.



That the Marriage shall be broken,

and the cause thereof.


Behold the Planet who receiveth the light of the Significators, if he be a heavy Planet, and be hindered by Square or Opposition

all manner of QUESTIONS.



of an ill Planet, or be Cadent, the intended Marriage shall be broken off againe, though at present it is very feasible. Behold whether parties Significator is strongest, that party shall first marry after this dissolution.

If the ill Planet that hindereth the Marriage be Lord of the 2nd or 8th house, it is for matter of Dowrey; if Lord of the 3rd, Brother; if Lord of the 4th or 10th, it is the Father or the Mother, or such like; and so judge for the rest.

If there be an ill Planet that carries the light between the Significators, it shall be by meanes of a Messenger; describe that Planet, and you may notifie the party.

That woman who doth depart from her Husband or become a Widdow, the Moon being between the 17th degree of Sagittarius, and the 1st minute of Capricorn, shall never returne or marry. (An Arabic Aphorism, not overmuch to be credited without consent of other Significators.)

Whoso is Espoused to a Wife the Moon being in the first 12 degrees of Capricorn, shall lose her before marriage, or dye within 6 moneths, or live in discord with her.



Whether a Man or his Wife shall dye first,

and the time when.


Behold the Lord of the Ascendant and the Lord of the 7th, and see which of them goes first to Combustion, and if the Lord of the Ascendant, the Querent shall dye first; if the Lord of the 7th,

the Quesited: The Lord of the Ascendant Retrograde or Combust, or in his Fall, or neer the Lord of the 8th, the Man; the Lord of the 7th in the, like case, the Woman: Sun unfortunate, the Man; Venus unfortunate, the Woman.


Usually I observe, whose Significator is first Combust, and in what Signe; if he be Combust in Tropick Signes, as Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, it portends death in a short time; If in common Signes, viz. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, the time is longer: in Signes fixed, viz. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, it will be a longer time ere the party dye, &c.




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