Who shall doe best in a suit of Law. 

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Who shall doe best in a suit of Law.



[This shall be more copiously handled, ere I conclude the judgements of this 7th house.]


If the Lord of the Ascendant and 7th be in angles, weither shall overcome: See which is joyned to an evil Planet in a cadent house, that Party shall be overcome: If both be joyned to Infortunes, both Parties will be undone by the Suit, or receive infinite prejudice. If the one be strong and the other weake, and he that is strong be not cadent, nor joyned to an Infortune; and he that is ill dignifyed, or in a weake quarter of Heaven or House, I say, if he be not in his owne House, or Exaltation, or with a good Planet; then the strongest in the Scheame overcomes.


He that is but meanly strong in the Figure, seems very fearfull; sometimes he hopes to win, at othertimes to loose: and observe this in Questions, concerning Warres and Kingdomes, the Fortitude of a Planet is greater in his Exaltation then in his House, in all other Questions quite contrary.



Of Partnership, Society or Fellowship betwixt two, if it

shall be, or not.


If good Planets be in the 7th and 1st, the Society shall be, and good will come of it: the continuance of it, whether for yeers, dayes, or moneths, is knowne by the Lord of the 7th. If you will know when it shall be, see if a good Planet be in the 7th, then the Society or Partnership shall be that yeere. If the Lord of the Ascendant and 7th agree in nature and quality, the Parties will agree; if not, they will disagree, and there will be perpetuall (or at least often) jangling.



Of two Partners, which shall game or doe best.


The Lord of the Ascendant and 7th are to be considered, and in what state their Lords be, and so judge; for if the Significators of the Querent be in better dignities then the Quesited, the Querent prospers; & e contra. If evill shall come on the

The Resolutionn of



businesse, then he whose Significator is in a cadent house, that party doth the worst; if any ones Significator be exalted, he gaineth.


See the 2nd and his Lord, and the 8th and his Lord, and in which of these houses the best Planet, or the Lord thereof in the best place, or joyned to the best Planet, he shall game most. The 2nd house sheweth the Querents substance, the 8th the riches of the Companion or Partner; if both be good, both shall game. If both ill, both shall lose; if one good and the other ill, he that hath the good Planet shall gaine, the other shall lose.



Of familiarity betwixt Neighbour and Neighbour.


Whether Society or Friendship shall endure, behold if a good Planet be in the 7th, then he pretendeth thee or the Querent good fellowship and meanes really, especially if the same Planet or the Lord of the 7th behold the ascendant, or the Lord thereof, with a Trine or Sextile aspect; also it shall endure so many Moneths, Dayes or Yeers, as he hath Degrees to goe in the same House, or Signe, fixed, common, or moveable.



Of removing from place to place.


Behold the 4th and 7th houses, and their Lords, and if they be good and strong, and well affected, and good Planets in the said houses, it is very good, & e contra.





The Lord of the ascendant stronger then the Lord of the 7th, abide; if not, remove; if both be evill, stay; & e contra. Moon seperating from Infortunes, goe; from Fortunes, abide. Note the ascendant is for the Journier (or the place he goeth from,) the 7th the Place whither he would goe. Also if the Lord of the ascendant separate from Infortunes and apply to Fortunes, goe; If from Fortunes, and applieth to Infortunes, stay: and if the Lord of the Ascendant and Moon agree, the judgement is more certain.

all manner of QUESTIONS.


Of removing from one place to another; or of two

Businesses, which is best.


Consider the 1st and 2nd houses, and their Lords, and the Lords of the places to which thou wouldest goe, and Lord of the substance thou thinkest for to attaine there, see the 7th and 8th houses and their Lords, which of them is best and strongest, thither goe and remove. Or see the Lord of the ascendant or the Moon, whom if thou findest to be separated from evill Planets, and joyned to Fortunes, it is better to goe then stay, and doe any businesse thou intendest. If the Lord of the ascendant be separated from fortunes, and apply to infortunes, neither move or do the businesse thou intendest; see if the planet to whom the Moon applyes be better then that she separated from, for then thou mayest remove, else not: &c.


If it be best to remove or stay in any place, whether Village,

Territory, City or House.


See the Lord of the Ascendant, 4th and 7th house; if the Lord of the 4th be in the 7th, and be a good planet, and if the Lord of the 1st and 7th be good, and with good planets, it is good to abide still: but if the Lord of the 7th be with a good planet, and the Lord of the 4th with an evill one, it is then not good to stay; for if he goe, he shall receive much dammage by abiding there.




Of Hunting.


[Sith the Ancients have taken notice of such trifles, I must consent.]

You shall know the Lord of hunting by the ascendant, the Moon, and from the Lord of the terme of the degree of the Moon and from the Lord of the hour; for the Lord of the hour is of great force and strength, when he is in the ascendant, and the ascendant a signe of four footed beasts: in case of hunting see if the ascendant be a signe of four footed beasts, or an earthly signe, for these are good for hunting amongst mountaines, and hils; see the Lord of the ascendant, and the Lord of the hour, if they be fortunate or infortunate; and if either do behold other, or separate one from another, and if one be falling from another,

The Resolution of


note this. Consider after if the 7th be a signe of four footed beasts, and if you do finde in the same the Lord thereof, or the Lord of the hour; or the Lord of the angle fortunate, judge that the beast you seek for shall be found and taken. But if the Lord of the 7th be an Infortune, and the Moon infortunate, the good planets falling after her, after much search something shall be found, and little shall be taken, and that with wearinesse of the body; which shall be the truer, if the Lord of the ascendant be Saturn, and in the 7th or in any of the angles of the Lord of the 7th, and she be fortunate, say that he shall speed in his Hunting.


Of a Law-suit or Controversie betwixt two, who shall

speed best, or whether they shall compound, or

have the matter taken up or not

before they doe goe to Law.


Behold the ascendant, his Lord and Moon, these signifie the Querent; the 7th house and his Lord are for the Adversary.


If the Lord of the Ascendant or the Moon be joyned to the lord of the 7th, or be in Sextile or Trine aspect with mutuall Reception, the parties will easily of themselves accord, and compose all difficulties without mediation of any, or with a little entreaty.


But if one receive the other, and he that is received, receive not the other Significator, they shall agree without Suit of law, but not without intermission of a third party or more; and those that intercede, for the most part shall be his Friends or Acquaintance that did receive the other Planet.


If they, viz. the lord of the 7th and ascendant are in a Square aspect, or in Opposition, with Mutuall Reception, or in a Sextile or Trine without Reception, they will be reconciled, but first they will have one little combate at law: and you must observe, that unity shall proceed from that party whose Significator is lesse ponderous, and commits his disposition to the other; and this concord shall be the more firme, if both Significators receive one another: If the lighter Planet be joyned to the more weighty, and receive him not, but the superiour Planet receive him, it argues, he that receive would accord whether his Adversary will or not.

all manner of QUESTIONS..


Having considered the former Significators, now observe the Significator of the Judge, who is ever the lord of the 10th house, and whether he aspect either of the Significators, viz. whether the lord of the ascendant or 7th, or be in Conjunction with either of them; see if the lord of the ascendant hastens to the Conjunction of the lord of the 7th, or the lord of the 7th to him, and that the lord of the 10th house doth frustrate their Conjunction, it’s then an argument they shall not agree before they have been at law, and herein the Judge or Lawyer seems faulty, who will not permit the parties to compose their differences: see if the Moon transferre light between the lord of the ascendant and 7th; if she doe not, see if any other Planet carry their influence or light to each other; for if it be so, it’s like some or other interpose their paines, and reconcile the parties though they be in law.


See after this, whether the lord of the ascendant or 7th be strongest, for he whose Significator is most powerfull, ought to have the victory; he is strongest, who is in an angle, and in some of his essentiall Dignities; the greater his strength is, how much greater the essential Dignity is wherein he is; and if he be also received by any other Planet, it’s an argument that party is able, and that he hath the more Friends to assist him:

if you doe find that they will compound, the first mover thereunto, will be on the part of the lighter Planet, who commits his disposition to the other; for is the lord of the ascendant be more light, and the lord of the 7th more ponderous, the first motion of peace shall come from the Querent, and so E CONTRARIO: A Planet in a cadent house is more weak, if not received or assisted by the aspect of some other; if the lord of the 7th house be in the ascendant, then the Querent without doubt overcomes, and the Adversary will yeeld; the like happens to the Querent, viz. that he shall be overcome: and this happens not onely in law Suits, and for more Moneys, but also in Fights, Duels and Warre: see further if the Lord of the ascendant be retrograde, it argues the weaknesse of the Querent, and that he will not stand to it stoutly, that he will deny the truth to his Adversary nor will he beleeve that he hath any right to the thing

The Resolution of



in question; if the lord of the 7th be retrograde, it argues the same things on the Quesited’s part.


Behold the Significator of the Judge who is to give sentence in the Cause, which is the lord of the 10th house, whether he be direct, and behold them, for then he will proceed according to order of law in the Cause, and will endeavour to shorten and determine it; but if he be Retrograde, it’s an argument the Judge will not goe on or proceed according to order of law, nor will he care to end it; nay it’s rather probable he will prolong it a longer time then he ought by law: judge the same if the Lord of the ascendant be separated from the Lord of the 7th, or the Lord of the 7th from the Lord of the ascendant.


See if the Lord of the ascendant be in aspect with the Sun or Moon, or either of them joyned to him, so that no other Planet hinder their aspect, beware it be not a corporall Conjunction, for that signifies an impediment, unlesse the Planet were in the heart of the Sun, for then the Planet was fortified thereby; so is he in like nature, if the Planet be in either of the houses of the Luminaries, or if the Sun and Moon be in the ascendant, these argue the potency of the Querent: if the Lord of the 7th be dignified or qualified as before I mentioned of the Lord of the ascendant, you must judge in like nature on the behalfe of the Quesited: If the Lord of the ascendant be joyned to the Lord of the 10th, he that is the Querent will aquaint the Judge himselfs, or make meanes to acquaint him with his Cause, and it may be he will endeavour to bribe the Judge, that so he may judge on his side: if the lord of the 10th receive the lord of the 2nd, the Judge will have Money for his paines; but if the lord of the 10th receive the Lord of the ascendant, the Judge hears the Querent’s importunities, otherwayes not.


If the lord of the 10th be more light then the lord of the ascendant, and joyned unto him, he will doe the Querent’s businesse, though he never speak unto him; if the lord of the 2nd be joyned to the lord of the 10th, then the Adversary makes meanes to the Judge; and if the lord of the 10th receive the lord of the 7th, he will assist him; but if he receive the Lord of the 8th, he will take his Money.


If the lord of the 10th receive both Significators the Judge will

all manner of QUESTIONS.



compose the matter ere it doe come to a full Tryall.


If the Lord of the 10th be in the 10th, in his owne house, the Judge will then doe justice, and judge the cause of his honour, unlesse that Planet he Saturn: if the Lord of the 10th be onely in his owne Termes or Triplicity, it’s true the Judge will determine the Cause, but makes no matter which way it goes, if a Planet be in the 10th house that hath no dignity, or is not in Reception with the Lord of the 10th, it argues the parties will not be content, or stand to that Sentence, they both feare that Judge, and had rather have another Judge his Sentence, with which they would be content: If Saturn be Judge, he will not judge as he ought; if at that time Jupiter, Venus, Sun, Mercury or Moon be in any aspect to Saturn but Opposition, the Judge will be ill reported of, but in a little time will be cleered, and the aspersion taken off; but if any of those be in Opposition to Saturn, there will goe a hard report on the Judge for that his Sentence, and it will continue long; the Judges defamation will be great if Mars be in Opposition to Saturn, unlesse Mars be with Saturn in Capricorn, then the scandall will be the lesse.


But to be short, in these like Judgments observe this method; the Querent is signified by the Lord of the ascendant, the Adversary by the Lord of the 7th, the Judge by the Lord of the 10th, the end of the matter from the Lord of the 4th; consider well the Lords of the houses, their Fortitudes, and whether they be in Angles, Succedants or Cadents, Fortunate or not Fortunate; for the Planet that is most strong, and best posited, is the best man, and most likely to carry the victory, and hath the best Cause.


If more Planets be in the ascendant and 2nd, the Querent shall have most Friends & sic e contario: if both Significators give their vertue to one Planet, there will be one who will intercede betwixt them: if the Signe ascending and 7th be fixed, both Querent and Quesited are resolutely bent to proceed in the Suit or Controversie; if movable Signes be there, it’s like they have no great stomack to the businesse, but will end it very shortly; if common Signes be there, they will continue the Suit long, and have the Cause out of one Court into another; on whose part you find the Infortunes, that party shall receive most prejudice, sorrow and trouble by the Contention.

The Resolution of


You are to consider in this manner of Judgment the Moon from whom she is separated, and the Planet to whom she applyes are equally significant, as the ascendant and 7th house, &c.





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