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Unit 4 Novosibirsk state technical university (NSTU)Содержание книги
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· Focus: NovosibirskState Technical University (NSTU) · Asking the Way · Effective Presentation Techniques · Grammar focus: Present/past simple passive · Skills focus: Reading for specific information; learn to ask for directions; learn to make an effective presentation of the university where you study at. TEXT D I. Vocabulary
1. Before reading the text work in pairs and add to the following chart.
2. Read the text to see if the questions written by you in Exercise 1 are answered. NOVOSIBIRSK STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY (NSTU) MISSION STATEMENTS · To become a University of general academic excellence, meeting worldwide standards of training for engineers, managers and scientists. To develop academic programs leading to the award of bachelor, master and doctoral degrees in engineering, science and business administration. · To develop the University by expanding into other areas of study and research. · To contribute to the accelerated development of the country by offering quality services which meet the demand for the transfer and adaptation of suitable rational technologies in all areas of the national economy. Founded in 1953, NSTU gained its status of a technical university in 1992. It is one of the top ten technical universities in Russia and a large scientific and educational centre of Siberia and the Far East. NSTU trains specialists and offers additional training in 35 areas at 10 faculties: Automation and Computer Engineering, Radio Engineering, Electronics and Physics, Physical Engineering, Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Electro-mechanics, Mechanics and Technology, Aircraft, Business, Power Engineering and Humanities. The period of study is 4 - 6 years, depending on the qualification as follows: Bachelor of Science 4 years, Engineer 5 years, Master of Science
The number of students at NSTU is more than 16000 (including foreign students), 140 postgraduates and doctoral candidates. The number of academic staff is 1080, of which 697 hold Cand.Sc. or D.Sc. qualifications. They work and study in 61 departments. The direction of scientific research corresponds to the individual areas of specialization of the faculties. The university has its own schools of thought. The most famous of these deal with fundamental research in the following directions: automatic control; creating a new class of measuring facilities; software and data for expert systems; increase in stability; economy and quality of large-scale power systems; new types of electronic and radio engineering devices; hybrid methods and program complexes aimed at the strength of the design and reliability of the calculations and so on. The students actively participate in all types of scientific research. The university publishes a journal «NSTU Bulletin», scientific works, textbooks, monographs, and teaching manuals. Candidates and Doctors of Science are conferred by 11 specialist councils. A French center has recently been opened at the university. Students studying French here receive a certificate and an opportunity to continue their studies in French universities. A branch of the Goethe Institute has also been opened at NSTU. Students studying German are awarded a certificate and gain an opportunity to study in German universities. The university participates in the following international programs: TACIS, TEMPUS, INTAS, etc. It has established relations with 12 universities in Europe, Asia, and America. Authorized training centres of leading firms from the USA and Germany, e.g. Sun, DEC, Autodesk, Motorola, and AEG have been opened. The university has 8 teachings blocks. Its research laboratories are equipped with modern facilities. The campus includes 7 student hostels (dormitories), policlinics a sport centre with gyms, a swimming pool and a ski lodge and a recreation centre. The university has sports camps in the picturesque Altai Mountains and in the suburbs of Novosibirsk. 3. What do these numbers from the text refer to? 1992, 1953, 1080, 4, 6, 5, 11, 8, 4. Match the words from the text with their corresponding definitions. 1. facilities a. physical parts of the computer, machinery Magazine b. programs
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