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Герундий в роли дополнения и в составе сказуемого. Три ing-формы в английском языке.


Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения, в которых дополнение вы­ражено герундием.

1. This justifies our coming here. 2. They accused him of being a friend of the Pretender. 3. They insisted on postponing the discussion. 4. We succeeded in building a flexible system. 5. He was fond of doing nothing. 6. The phenomenon deserved reconsidering. 7. We avoided using the reagent. 8. They were interested in cooperating with us. 9. We shall object to combin­ing the two approaches. 10. They are responsible for doing this work. 11. This resulted in changing the requirements.



Упражнение 2. Переведите предложения, в которых герундий играет роль смысловой части сказуемого.

1. It is no use crying over spilt milk. 2. It is better doing well than saying well. 3. Seeing is believing. 4. They continued experimenting with the substance. 5. It is worth while thinking over the effects. 6. It is no use speaking of it. 7. They could not help seeing the importance of the process. 8. The purpose of the method is determining system stability. 9. Two special cases are worth considering. 10. We cannot help enjoying beautiful things. 11. The book is worth reading. 12. The film is not worth seeing. 13. It is no use using the agent repeatedly.



Упражнение 3. Переведите предложения, содержащие в своем составе герундий в функции дополнения и сказуемого.

1. Borrowing is not much better than begging (G. Lessing). 2. Research is searching without knowing what you are going to find. 3. He objects to working on Sundays. 4. It is worthwhile reconsidering this case as well as adding another, even more impressive example. 5. Several writers succeeded in finding exact solution of the differential equation. 6. The Haber process consists in uniting two elemental gases to make a compound. 7. Today we cannot help observing a tendency in science to consider the financial aspects of all research proposals. 8. The architects' aim is using more plastics in interior decoration. 9. It may well be worthwhile considering the purpose of the investi­gation. 10. The missionaries kept coming back from the Lati­nized continent. 11. The Ministry of Social Welfare stopped paying pensions, the Ministry of Post and Telegraph stopped transmitting cables (телеграммы). 12. Peter insisted upon lay­ing aside all the ceremonial of royalty.



Упражнение 4. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Наше решение зависит от изменения требований. 2. Я настаивал на включении этой информации в нашу про­грамму. 3. Она будет возражать против поездки за границу (abroad). 4. Они были ответственными за организацию этого собрания. 5. Им удалось закончить свою работу в срок (on time). 6. Это привело к рассмотрению данной проблемы. 7. Это было результатом рассмотрения данной проблемы. 8. Мы начали экспериментирование. 9. Они продолжали слушать внимательно. 10. Они прекратили обсуждение этого вопроса.

Упражнение 5. Переведите на английский, используя словосоче­тания worth(while)стоит, cannot helpнельзя не, no use – нет смысла, после которых используется герундий.

Образец: The plan is worth changing – Этот план стоит изменить. It is worth(while) changing the plan – Стоит изменить этот план. We cannot help changing the plan – Мы не можем не изменить этот план.

1. Этот фильм стоит посмотреть. 2. Стоит посмотреть этот фильм. 3. Они не могли не использовать эту информа­цию. 4. Нет смысла использовать эту информацию. 5. Эту книгу стоит прочитать. 6. Эту информацию стоит вклю­чить в программу. 7. Мы не можем не включить эту информацию в нашу программу. 8. Стоит рассмотреть его предложение. 9. Они не могли не рассмотреть это предло­жение. 10. Нет смысла рассматривать это предложение.



Упражнение 6. Переведите предложения, определяя, какой частью речи является ing-форма: герундием, отглагольным существитель­ным или причастием

1. Everything must have a beginning. 2. The proof of the pudding is in eating. 3. Wisdom denotes the pursuing of the best end by the best means (F. Hutcheson). 4. Swallow all your learning in the morning, but digest it in company in the evening. (Ph. Chesterfield). 5. By that definition we mean the following. 6. We obtained these values in terms of the following formula. 7. The problem, however, is in not dividing the structure finely enough. 8. Before starting the engine it is necessary to test the piping for leakage (утечка). 9. The boy playing in the garden is my son. 10. Fortran became a widely accepted programming language for the coding of mathematical applications.



Урок 28.

Infinitive – неопределенная форма глагола. Инфинитив в роли подлежащего, дополнения и обстоятельства.

Практические задания

Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения, обращая особое внимание на инфинитив в отрицательной форме.

1. Learn to write well, or not to write at all (J. Dryden). 2. His resolve is not to seem the bravest, but to be it (Aeshylus). 3. To see what is right and not to do it is want of courage (Confucius). 4. Many mathematicians, of course, prefer not to believe this. 5. Live not to eat, but eat to live.



Упражнение 2. Переведите предложения, выделяя инфинитив в роли подлежащего. Вспомогательный глагол would в 3 и 4 предложениях передает сослагательное наклонение (сказуемое с частицей бы).

1. То err is human, to forgive divine. 2. To choose the right time is to save time. 3. To do that now would make them traitors. 4. To solve this problem would justify all the costs. 5. To construct an experiment of this kind seems nearly impossi­ble. 6. It was difficult to sell my car. 7. It is nice to be with you. 8. It's pointless to go there now. 9. It's unusual to see Pete with a girl.



Упражнение 3. Переведите, выделяя инфинитив в роли дополнения.

1. Distance helps us to see similarities; nearness helps us to see differences. 2. We attempted to carry out this investigation.3. You are welcome to adopt or adapt my rules as you see fit. 4. They preferred not to change the conditions. 5. Anyone can learn to use these tools. 5. He tried to save all his money.



Упражнение 4. Переведите предложения, выделяя инфинитив в роли обстоятельства.

1. То perform this work one must have all necessary equip­ment. 2. It is too urgent a matter to postpone. 3. Specifications must be precise enough to be testable. 4. In order to demon­strate the effect we give Table 1. 5. A small computer company announced a computer small enough to set on a desktop and powerful enough to support high level language programming. 6. These conflicting views suffice to indicate the complexity of the problem. 7. The Navy was too new, too small and not experienced enough to resist the enemy's fleet.


Упражнение 5. Переведите предложения, определяя, какую роль (подлежащего или обстоятельства) играет инфинитив.

1. То do nothing is to have nothing. 2. To do something one must have something. 3. To make this method effective requires some more efforts. 4. To make a method more effective we must pay special attention to its applicability in a particular case. 5. To meet these requirements some facilities must be provided. 6. To meet all these demands requires time.


Урок 29.

Инфинитив в роли определения и вводного члена предложения. Употребление инфинитива в составе сказуемого.

Упражнение 1. Переведите, выделяя инфинитив в роли определения.

1. Old wood is best to burn, old wine to drink, old friend to trust, and old author to read (F. Bacon). 2. One must have a home to come to. 3. There are also opposing factors to consider. 4. This correspondence dealt with books published or to be published. 5. The ability to create exists in every individual in varying degree. 6. He felt that the only thing to do was to study their methods and ideas. 7. Thomas was the first to focus attention on this type of reaction. 8. He had only himself to thank.



Упражнение 2. Переведите предложения, выделяя инфинитив в роли вводного члена предложения.

1. This does, to be sure, simplify the measurement some­what. 2. To judge by the results obtained, the postulate of these workers proved correct. 3. And to conclude, he is to be highly imaginative too. 4. The first, fourth and seventh examples, to mention only a few, are of no use. 5. To put is mildly, he is wrong.



Упражнение 3. Переведите предложения, в которых в той или иной форме используется инфинитив.

1. То know everything is to know nothing. 2. Let us trust but not too much. 3. To be is to do (Socrates). 4. To do is to be (Sartre). 5. You must look into people as well as at them. 6. It must be hard to live on your salary. 7. We shall have to considerably reconstruct the programs. 8. We are to meet these requirements. 9. The important thing is to understand what you are doing, rather than (to) get the right answer. 10. They were to consider all possible alternatives. 11. It is better to under­stand a little than to misunderstand a lot (A. France).



Упражнение 4. Переведите предложения, уделяя особое внима­ние инфинитиву в разных функциях.

1. For him, however, obstacles existed only to overcome. 2. To think is to see (H. de Balzac). 3. It is easier to pull down than to build. 4. It is easy to be brave from a safe distance (Aesop). 5. It is easy to be wise after the event. 6. It is a woman's privilege to change her mind. 7. Houses are built to live in, and not to look at (F. Bacon). 8. It is a very hard undertaking to seek to please everybody (P. Syrus). 9. One of the best ways to understand something is to try to explain it to others. 10. One must take into consideration new developments in this field. 11. We were to determine all the criteria by purely economic considerations. 12. They failed to consider the possible results. 13. These approaches are too complicated to use them under these conditions. 14. Some molecules are large enough to see on the electron microscope. 15. The business of a handbook is to tell you how to translate knowledge into action.



Упражнение 5. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Сделать это значит помочь ему. 2. Чтобы сделать эту работу вовремя, он должен начать ее сейчас. 3. Эта проблема слишком сложная, чтобы решить ее сразу же (at once1) 4. Нам пришлось пересмотреть эту программу. 5. Наша цель заключается в том, чтобы удовлетворить эти требова­ния. 6. Мы должны понимать друг друга (each other). 7. Для начала, давайте рассмотрим их предложение (proposition) 8. Для того чтобы понять рассматриваемую проблему, вы должны прочитать эту статью.


Урок 30.

Вопросительная форма сказуемого. Общие вопросы. Специальные вопросы: вопрос к подлежащему, вопрос к обстоятельству, вопрос к определению.


Упражнение 1. Прочитайте следующие утверждения и переведите на русский язык. Поставьте к ним общие вопросы. Дайте краткие ответы (утвердительный или отрицательный, или оба).

О б р а з е ц: Не understood the question. Did he understand the question? Yes, he did. No, he didn't.

1. They tried to answer all the questions. 2. The nature of life is to win some and to lose some. 3. We can enjoy our life continuously. 4. Hopkins was a great analyst. 5. They created their own problems. 6. He loves people. 7. We shall change the situations. 8. It will disturb other people. 9. All people know the secret of happiness. 10. He knew the situation around him. 11. It is difficult to find the right person with whom to live one's life.



Упражнение 2. Дайте утвердительный или отрицательный ответ, переведите на русский язык.

О б р а з е ц: Do you make mistakes? Yes, I do.

Is it possible to handle the daily situations in our life without worrying? No, it is not (isn't).

1. Do you know the secret of happiness? 2. Do you try to help your friends in daily situations? 3. Can you answer all the questions? 4. Is the nature of life to win some and to lose some? 5. Can we enjoy our life continuously? 6. Do you often create your own problems? 7. Is it difficult to find the right person with whom to live your life? 8. Do you often disturb people in your daily situations? 9. Are you able to free yourself from making mistakes?



Упражнение 3. Прочитайте и переведите на русский язык следующие утверждения. Поставьте вопрос к подлежащему и дайте краткий ответ. Обратите внимание на то, что вопросительные слова who и what при постановке вопроса в настоящем времени требу­ют сказуемое в З л. единственного числа (с окончани­ем -s, -es), если заранее не известно, каков будет ответ.

Образец: Who knows the answer to the question? We do. Кто знает ответ на этот вопрос? Мы (знаем).

Who came too late? He did. Кто пришел слишком поздно? Он.

1. Не tried to answer the question. 2. She won all hearts. 3. They will win the battle. 4. Their plan enabled us to arrange things properly. 5. Readers enjoyed his book. 6. I made (заставил) him do it. 7. He loves people. 8. The outside world thrusts problems upon people. 9. It will disturb other people. 10. Continuous noises disturbe me. 11. The method will enable me to free myself from many troubles. 12. The answers to many questions are in this handbook. 13. The principle is true in all situations.



Упражнение 4. Прочитайте следующие предложения. Поставьте во­просы к обстоятельствам, выделенным курсивом. Применяйте вопросительные слова, используемые в специальных вопросах

Образец: We forget because we must, and not because we will (M. Arnold).– Мы забываем потому, что мы должны (забывать), а не потому, что хотим. Why do we forget?– Почему мы забываем?

1. At night I walk down the street with my wife and children. 2. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew. 3. Since he had no time he could not come. 4. It is easy to be wise after the event. 5. We carry out scientific tests in the laboratory. 6, Our interview took place in the hotel. 7. He answered the question correctly. 8. They will soon recognize the fact. 9. We can use the method in making all our decisions. 10. He is not able to do things properly because he does not give them enough thought.


Упражнение 5. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения. Поставьте вопрос к определениям, выделенным курсивом. Не забы­вайте, что определения могут быть выражены одним словом, груп­пой слов (без глагола) и придаточным предложением (с глаголом), которые при постановке вопроса заменяются одним вопроси­тельным словом. Обратите внимание на то, что определения, выра­женные существительным с предлогом, стоят после определяе­мого слова (product of high quality). Обратите внимание на особенности порядка слов в вопросах, о которых говорится в пункте Вопрос к определению!


Образец: The book that is of great interest for students has some drawbacks – Эта книга, которая представляет большой интерес для студентов, имеет несколько недостатков. What book has some draw­backs?


1. Concealed talent brings no reputation. 2. Hasty love is soon hot and soon cold. 3. The science of success is defined as attaining one's purpose. 4. Two parts of this book give us « Sixtools for thinking». 5. The third part of this book shows how one may use these tools. 6. False emotional alarms deprive us of our energy, our ability to love ourselves and others. 7. Clear thinking helps you (to) predict the future. 8. Adequate thinking will serve you in your everyday life situations. 9. Great achieve­ments await those who have patience. 10. Our book contains only tested and workable tools.


Урок 31.

Специальные вопросы: вопрос к сказуемому с глаголом do, вопрос к дополнению.

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык, обращая особое внимание на предлоги в дополнениях.

1. Не addressed the meeting. 2. Could they answer all the questions? 3. This did not affect our decision. 4. Shall we approach the problem differently? 5. I shall not attend all the lectures. 6. He did not follow my example. 7. She could not influence my actions. 8. Will he mention this fact? 9. The measure acted upon the whole process. 10. We did not deal with this problem. 11. Our decision must not depend on his decision. 12. It will give rise to some problems. 13. Could you rely upon his data? 14. We always refer to this work. 15. The action resulted in the same changes. 16. The action resulted from these changes. 17. An adequate scheme resulted. 18. We shall be able to account for this phenomenon. 19. They will only touch upon the problem.



Упражнение 2. Переведите предложения, в которых использованы прямые и косвенные дополнения.

1. Our data suggested a different course for the reaction. 2. Turner revealed to his fellow islanders the beauty of the sea. 3. It gave the metal remarkable mechanical properties. 4. This gives the language clearer than usual semantics. 5. Appropriation of knowledge gives the firm a degree of monopoly power. 6. The dancer gives objectivity to her feelings. 7. The serious error affected the measurement. 8. The achievements earned the scientist great popularity among his colleagues.


Упражнение 3. Поставьте вопрос к дополнению. Используйте глаго­лы, приведенные в пункте Вопрос к дополнению.

1. We changed the plan. 2. The environment influenced my decision. 3. He will mention the fact in his article. 4. She followed him. 5. The result will depend on our choice. 6. It gave rise to the development of a new method. 7. We relied on (upon) his knowledge of the subject. 8. They referred to my work. 9. These factors affected our decision. 10. The procedure effects error correction. 11. This resulted in heating. 12. This resulted from heating. 13. This accounts for the change. 14. They provided for all these changes. 15. We listened to his speech.



Упражнение 4. Поставьте вопросы к дополнению. В случае предложного дополнения дайте два варианта вопроса: с предлогом в начале предложения и в конце. Переведите на рус­ский язык.

Образец: I did it for you. Who did you do it for? For whom did you do it? Я сделал это для вас. Для кого вы сделали это?

1. The article deals with the problem of error control. 2. Results will depend on the communication system. 3. It gave rise to the change of the situation. 4. They relied on his ability to see problems. 5. We refer in our work to his book. 6. We should call for dialectical synthesis and not analysis. 7. The idea influenced my decision. 8. The mistake resulted from inappro­priate programming. 9. Correction of errors follows detection of errors. 10. The event affected his actions. 11. The communica­tion system effects detection and correction of errors. 12. He knows the secret of happiness.



Упражнение 5. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Что находится на столе? Моя книга. 2. Что ты дела­ешь после работы? Я иду домой. 3. Тебе понравился этот фильм? Да. 4. Ему понравилась эта девушка? Нет. 5. Поче­му ты всегда опаздываешь? 6. Кто поможет ему сделать эту работу? Я не знаю. 7. Куда мы пойдем завтра? Мы пойдем в институт. 8. Сколько у тебя денег? (Сколько денег ты имеешь?) У меня мало денег. 9. Сколько книг ты прочел в прошлом году (last year)? Я прочел только одну книгу. 10. Которую (из двух) книгу ты возьмешь? Я возьму обе книги. 11. Кто сделал ошибку в этом слове? Я (сделала). 12. Кто находится в комнате? Мои друзья.



Урок 32.

Альтернативные, расчлененные вопросы. Вопросительно-отрицательные предложения.

Практические задания

Упражнение 1. Дайте ответына следующие альтернативные вопросы.

Образец: Do you live among reliable or unreliable people?.- People are different.

1. Which book will you take, on economics, physics, history or chemistry? 2. Does he rely on my, your or my friend's help? 3. Is this tool applicable to business or personal affairs? 4. Shall we go by bus or by train? 5. Did Italy or Brazil win the World Cup? 6. Which data do you prefer to use, reliable or unreliable? 7. What is more useful, adequate presentation or inadequate presentation? 8. Are negative or positive emotions good for us? 9. Do you live in suitable or unsuitable conditions?



Упражнение 2. Дайте ответы на следующие вопросы. Пользуйтесь подсказками на русском языке.

Образец: Why don't you use his information? Because it is unreliable. Aren't negative emotions bad for us? Yes, they are.

1. Isn't her presentation good? 2. Why don't you rely on his data? (Потому что его дынные ненадежные). 3. Don't you prefer reliable friends? 4. Isn't life a wonderful thing? 5. When can an answer not be adopted? (Когда он неверен). 6 Isn't the method adaptable to this condition? 7. Aren't positive emotions good for us? 8. Why didn't you choose another language to learn? (потому что мне нравится английский язык) 9. Isn't English a nice language? 10. Did they not know about it? 11. Is it not interesting for you?



Упражнение 3. Вы­разите свое согласие или несогласие со следующими расчлененными вопросами

Образец: You did not enjoy the book, did you? Согласие: No, I did not. Несогласие Yes, I did.

1. Clear thinking helps you to predict the future, doesn't it? 2. Great achievements do not await those who have no pa­tience, do they? 3. Their book contains tested and workable methods, doesn't it? 4. Clear thinking will help us live more successful and happier lives, won't it? 5. This textbook gives you helpful information, doesn't it? 6. Love is not a simple thing, is it? 7. Life is a wonderful thing, isn't it? 8. You prefer reliable friends, don't you? 9. You cannot love all people, can you? 10. You are not able to read and write simultaneously, are you?



Упражнение 4. Переведите ответы на следующие вопросы на английский язык

1. Do you help your friends? – Да, помогаю. 2. One must not disturb other people, must he (one)? – Да, нельзя. 3. Are all situations predictable? – Нет, не все. 4. Doesn't the outside world influence your decisions? – Да, влияет. 5. Your decisions do not affect other people, do they? – Да, влияют. 6. When don't you answer a question? – Когда не знаю ответа. 7. Do you always follow advice? – Нет, не всегда. 8. Is it useful to refer to other people's experience? – Да, полезно.9. Ethical norms affect our actions, don't they? – Да, влияют. 10. What do you prefer, to speak or to listen? – Я предпочитаю слушать.11. Do you prefer to learn or to teach? – Я предпочитаю учиться. 12. What information may we rely on? – Мы можем полагаться на верную информацию. 13. On what do you base your predictions? – Я основываю прогнозы на знании фактов. 14. Are уour ideas always brilliant? – Нет, не всегда. 15. You enjoy most of your time, don't you? – Да. 16. Can we always enjoy our life? – Да, можем.17. What color do you like more, green, red, black, white or brown? – Мне больше нравятся зеленый и белый цвета. 18. Doesn't clear thinking help you predict the future? - Да, помогает. 19. Business and personal affairs differ, don't they? – Да, отличаются. 20. What does one do when one (he) does not know what to do? – Он ищет выход из ситуации.



Урок 33.

Все функции глагола to be

Практические задания

Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения, уделяя особое внимание глаголу to be.

1. Art is a manifestation of emotions. 2. The wish is father to the thought. 3. They are paid good money for their work. 4. They are paid workers. 5. Every fact is a process rather than a static entity. 6. Further we are to give up these assumptions. 7. A different method of procedure is to list all the known geometric facts. 8. Symbolism is not only of practical use but of great interest. 9. We are trying to do our best. 10. The results were computed twice. 11. The result was computed values.



Упражнение 2. Переведите предложения на русский язык

1. Pleasure is not the sole good. 2. Real live is always complicated. 3. Another type of creativity is a talent for organization. 4. Intuitive conclusions are often misleading. 5. Their failure to obtain satisfactory results in the latter case is not due to the testing table. 6. A different approach to the problem is due to Pernedo. 7. This analysis is possible due to the recourse to mathematical methods of statistics. 8. The fundamental task of system analyses is not solving problems but defining them. 9. They are to have due regard for the precision of the data. 10. Everything perceived is to be found in Nature. 11. These parame­ters are known constants.



Упражнение 3. Переведите на английский язык предложения, в которых глагол to be выступает в разных функциях.

1. Он был студентом Московского университета. 2. В то время он находился в другом городе. 3. Это произошло из-за отсутствия (lack) информации. 4. Наша цель заключает­ся в том, чтобы сохранить (to maintain) эти условия. 5. Сделать это значит решить нашу проблему. 6. После долж­ного рассмотрения (этот) документ должен быть послан (to send) автору. 7. Лучше давать, чем брать. 8. Они (сейчас) решают проблемы, имеющие практическое значение. 9. Наша единственная задача – это сохранение должного уровня (level) понимания (данной) ситуации.



Урок 34.

Формальное подлежащее it. Оборот there + to be

Упражнение 1. Переведите на русский язык. Обратите внимание на времена сказуемых.

1. It is said that sinners go to hell. 2. It is evening. 3. It is not difficult to find happiness. 4. It was raining at 5 o’clock yesterday. 5. It is expected that they finish their work in time. 6. It is hot outside. 7. It is snowing. 8. It is believed that it is better where there are no us. 9. It is no use beating him. 10. It is clear that she is a good girl.



Упражнение 2. Переведите на английский язык:

1. В этой комнате холодно. 2. Еще совсем светло. 3. Тепло сегодня? 4. Сей­час половина шестого. 5. Шел дождь вчера? – Да. 6. Уже поздно и совсем темно. 7. Трудно говорить на иностранном языке без ошибок. 8. Отсюда очень далеко до вокзала? 9. Очень приятно купаться в море. 10. Очень трудно пере­водить такие тексты без словаря.



Упражнение 3. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. There was nobody in the room. 2. There is something interesting in his idea. 3. There will be many people at the meeting. 4. There are some grammar difficulties in this text. 5. There was somebody in the hall. 6. There were some plans to do the work. 7. There must be a way out. 8. There may be a mistake in the program.



Упражнение 4. Переведите предложения.

1. There existed a great interest in this technique. 2. There remains two ways to solve this problem. 3. There will appear a set of similar processes. 4. It is probable that there took place an inversion of the configuration. 5. There appeared a number programs in their plan. 6. There followed a tremendous battle. 7. There may exist two alternatives. 8. There remained many technical questions. 9. There will follow many days of hard work. 10. There arises two reasons to make such a decision. 11. There entered a strange figure dressed all in black.



Упражнение 5. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Существует только один способ решения этой про­блемы. 2. Будет (иметься) много вариантов этого плана. 3. Есть время подумать. 4. Существовало много проблем в нашей работе. 5. Последует изменение скорости реакции. 6. Должно существовать несколько точек зрения. 7. Появи­лось три различных плана. 8. Имелся только один выход из этой ситуации. 9. Там произошло огромное сражение. 10. Вошли четыре человека. 11. В комнате остался только один человек.


Урок 35.

Вопросительная и отрицательная формы предложений с оборотом there + to be

Практические задания


Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. There is no end to evolutionary process. 2. Is there any evidence available as to these reactions? Yes, there is. 3. There was no interest in this process at that time. 4. Was there any interest in this problem at that time? No, there was not. 5. In other words there will never be another such possibility. 6. How many solutions of the problem are there? There are three. 7. There did not exist any program. 8. Did there exist any program? No, there did not. 9. Is there any difference between the canons of deduction and induction? 10. Did there follow a battle there? Yes, there did. 11. Will there appear another form of service? No, there will not. 12. There were no mis­takes in these calculations. 13. There did not remain any technical question. 14. Did there remain any technical ques­tions? Yes, there did. 15. Is there any reason for such a decision? Yes, there is.



Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие предложе­ния.

1. There is an unexplored area as big as that explored. 2. There is an assumption underlying all moral estimates. 3. There appeared another form of service. 4. There were various reasons, internal as well as external, to account for the actions. 5. There seems to be a problem. 6. There are not many formal results concerning path testing. 7. There was not a single man who could decipher the inscription. 8. Hardly a week goes by in which somewhere in the country there does not assemble a group of people highly interested in the problem. 9. There is no need to hurry. 10. There may be another why for every answer. 11. There arises a gap between the two points of view. 12. There remain some doubts about the way of making correc­tions.



Упражнение 3. Переведите на английский язык, используя обо­рот there to be. He забывайте обстоятельства (стоящие в начале русского предложения) перенести в конец английского.

Образец: В его работе (есть) много интересных идей – There are many interesting ideas in his work.

1. В комнате было много людей. 2. В этой программе есть несколько ошибок. 3. Существует только один план в нашем распоряжении (at our disposal). 4. Должен суще­ствовать выход (из этого положения). 5. На собрании будет много людей. 6. Есть ли кто-нибудь в комнате? 7. В комнате никого нет. 8. Нет (не существует) никаких инте­ресных идей в этой работе. 9. Там будет много молодых ученых. 10. Будут ли сделаны попытки исправить (этот) план? 11. Что (находится) на столе? 12. Кто (находится) в зале?



Упражнение 4. Переведите на английский язык:

1. В этом журнале есть интересные статьи по программированию. 2. Есть ли иллюстрации в этом журнале? – Нет. 3. В этой комнате будет телефон через несколько дней. 4. Телефон в комнате № 10. 5. Будет ли лекция в сегодня? – Да. 6. Библиотека на втором этаже. 7. В зале было много народу, когда я вошел. 8. Компьютер на столе у окна. 9. На этом письме нет под­писи. 10. Сколько студентов в вашей группе? – В нашей группе восемь студен­тов. 11. Сколько окон в вашей комнате? – В ней три окна. 12. Почтовое отделе­ние в конце улицы. 13. Есть ли почтовое отделение на этой улице? – Нет. 14. В вашей программе нет ошибок. 15. Пароход не вышел вчера из порта, так как была буря. 16. Когда будет поезд на Киев? 17. Есть ли иностранные книги в этой библиотеке? – Да. 18. Диск на полке. 19. Я думаю, что сегодня вечером будет гроза. 20. Никого не было дома, когда я пришел. 21. Есть поезд на Одессу, который отходит в десять часов утра. 22. В этой комнате на каждом столе должна 6ыть лампа. 23. В вашей статье должно быть больше цифр, иллюстрирующие развитие нашей промышленности. 24. В нашем университете очень хорошая библиотека.



Урок 36-37.

Усилительные конструкции

Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения, в которых для усиления отдельных членов предложения используется усилительная кон­струкция it is... that (who, which, when). Используйте Блок 19 (make).

1. It is the poor that help the poor. 2. It was this technique that failed to meet the requirement. 3. It is what one does that counts, not what one promises. 4. It is precisely this opinion that makes a person defend this approach. 5. It was not until 1980 that he published his book. 6. It is here that difficulties can occur. 7. It was late at night when he came back. 8. It was not until the beginning of this century that the problem arose. 9. It is the proposition that has nothing to do with our policy that was rejected.



Упражнение 2. Переведите предложения. Передайте значение усили­тельного глагола do лексическими средствами.

1. Не does ask a lot of question. 2. The fault did occur. 3. Do be careful with that device! 4. The problem was much more complex, but we did solve it. 5. Do ask him to do it. 6. We do need peace. 7. Do let us begin the test. 8. A good advice does help us to overcome difficulties.



Упражнение 3. Выделите напечатанные жирным шрифтом члены предложения и при­даточные предложения, применяя оборот it is... that (who). Переведите на русский язык.

Образец: The Russian scientist Ladygin invented the electric lamp. - It was the Russian scientist Ladygin who invented the electric lamp.

1. After the revolution the great Russian scientist Mitchurin was given every opportunity to put his ideas into practice 2. His brother brought me the letter an hour ago. 3. I shall discuss the matter with our legal adviser. 4. The equipment was to be delivered In Aprlt. 5 The notification of the bank was received by the seller after the steamer had left 6. The job was done on that condition. 7. The shipowners are responsible for the damage to the goods.



Упражнение 4. Переведите, обращая внимание на функцию глагола to do.

1. It doesn't do to be too curious or inquisitive. 2. Our desires for what we do not have keep us from enjoying what we do have. 3. Who marries does well, who marries not does better. 4. The book does not simply discuss what you must do, but gives you effective tools for how to do it. 5. Every force does its own job no matter how many other forces are acting. 6. It does indeed lead to problems. 7. People would agree that education has something to do with economic growth. 8. The difficulty has nothing to do with these changes. 9. More education does not necessarily mean faster growth. In general, however, it probably does. 10. The first argument relies, as it does, on these assump­tions. 11. The labour market does not work perfectly. 12. Only then did the plan work perfectly. 13. The investigation does, however, illustrate two basic approaches to the problem. 14. We do not possess any accurate understanding of cause and effect. Nor do we know how to evaluate the performance of the system. 15. These effects can be done away with the help of the new model. 16. Do be kind! 17. The approach eliminates, as it does, the problem.


Урок 38.

Сослагательное наклонение

Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения, в которых сказуемое выра­жено глаголом в сослагательном наклонении в форме Indefinite.

1. Our method could be generalized. 2. These steps might be arbitrary. 3. I should (would) like to have the book. 4. They might be invited to take part in the discussion. 5. We could answer all the questions. 6. They would do the work much better. 7. I would choose the latter variant. 8. She might support his idea. 9.1 could agree with his point of view. 10. We could not agree with such a proposition. 11. Some day it would be necessary to create programs that could better represent the system's knowledge to itself.


Упражнение 2. Переведите предложения, в которых сказуемое выра­жено глаголом в сослагательном наклонении в форме Perfect. Под­крепите лексически нереальность действия.

1. Our method could have been generalized. 2. In this case our assumption would have been correct. 3. Without his assist­ance such an experiment would have been impossible. 4. We agreed with his proposition, otherwise it would have been necessary to change the whole plan. 5. Such a privilege would necessarily have led to competition with the merchants (торговцы, купцы). 6. The problem could have been solved long ago. 7. The work might not have been completed. 8. We might have compared the conditions to the present condition. 9. The event might not have taken place.


Упражнение 3. Замените сослагательное наклонение в форме Indefinite на перфектную форму. Переведите на русский язык

Образец: The question might be asked – The question might have been asked. Этот вопрос могли бы задать (но не задали)

1. The agreement might be signed. 2. It would be impossible to do this work. 3. Such an action could lead to disagreement. 4. We might solve the problem properly. 5. They would agree with our proposition. 6. The process would not take place. 7. He might not be invited to the conference. 8. It would take much time to make such calculations.


Урок 39.

Употребление сослагательного наклонения

Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения, в которых использова­но сослагательное наклонение в форме Indefinite и Perfect. Следует помнить, что если в предложении есть два или несколько однород­ных сказуемых в сослагательном наклонении, то только первое из них дается в полной форме, а остальные выражены только смысло­вой частью (The letter might have been written and sent – Письмо могло бы быть написано и отправлено).

1. For all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: «It might have been» (J. Whittier). 2. We could never have loved the earth so well, if we had no childhood in it (G. Eliot). 3. The book might not have been written or published. 4. A different set could have been selected and easily justified. 5. If the formal axioms did not agree more or less with the properties of physical objects, the geometry would be of little interest. 6. The facts do not always answer our questions as unmistakably as might be desirable. 7. Make exact calculations lest you should fail with your experiment. 8. It would be indeed strange if this were not the case, because the situation is clear. 9. A myriad subsystems could not have been understood without mathemat­ical analysis. 10. This fact could have been taken as a starting point to develop a complete algorithm, but there are computa­tional problems. 11. But for the lack of a reliable instrument the problem could have been solved long ago. 12. It is natural to require that final choices (альтернативы) should not be multivalued. 13. Re­viewers are usually people who would have been poets, histori­ans, biographers, etc., if they could; they have tried their talents at one or at the other, and have failed; therefore they turn critics (S. Coleridge).



Упражнение 2. Переведите на английский язык, используя сосла­гательное наклонение в форме Indefinite.

1. Я смогла бы сделать эту работу завтра. 2. Он хочет, чтобы я помогла ему. 3. Мне бы хотелось дать ему хороший совет. 4. Необходимо, чтобы мы пришли к (какому-нибудь) соглашению (to come to an agreement). 5. Важно, чтобы они достигли своей цели (to achive the aim). 6. Желательно, чтобы они обеспечили (to provide; нас необходимой инфор­мацией. 7. Они потребовали, чтобы мы проверили (to check) эти данные еще раз. 8. Прочтите (этот) текст еще раз, (так) чтобы вы могли понять его.



Упражнение 3. Переведите предложения, выделяя сослагательное на­клонение (в форме Indefinite и Perfect).

1. It is urgent that we debate the importance of such gatherings. 2. But for the good weather we should not have gone for a walk. 3. It seemed as if the fact were recognized. 4. In many cases it is essential that cell growth start simultaneously in all infected bacteria. 5. Make haste lest you be late. 6. This would be truer in some types of operations than in others. 7. He asked that they should be permitted to return to their homes. 8. They lived as if it was an imaginary world. 9. But for the data presented by the professor, the work might not have been completed. 10. The system is as though this transformation had never happened. 11. They have changed the sequence of the actions so that it fit to the situation. 12. Revise the rules lest you forget them. 13. She must have forgotten all about it otherwise she would have used it. 14. This would have given rise to economic problems. 15. It is necessary that the model adequately represent the problem situation.


Урок 40.


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