Прослушайте дикторскую запись приведенных ниже предложений. Постарайтесь понять, какие слова в них отсутствуют. Повторите полные предложения. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Прослушайте дикторскую запись приведенных ниже предложений. Постарайтесь понять, какие слова в них отсутствуют. Повторите полные предложения.



1. In the near future I’ll graduate from the University and become …

2. Also, I think that … is a fast developing science and I’ll always have …

3. A teacher should have … of sympathy, kindness ad an inquiring mind.

4. At the University we … various subjects.

5. Many students of our department … in scientific work.

6. I must study a lot of … and do my best to become a highly-qualified specialist in my field.

7. Научитесь читать следующие вопросительные предложения, имитируя интонацию диктора. Ответьте на вопросы.


1. Where do you study?

2. What’s your future profession?

3. Why have you chosen psychology as your future profession?

4. What makes a good teacher?

5. What qualities should a teacher have?

6. What subjects are you taught at the University?

7. When does your specialization begin?

8. Does your faculty provide all necessary conditions for developing the students’ creative activity?

9. What does the profession of a psychologist deal with?

10. Where can the graduates of your faculty work?

Разделите текст на логические части и озаглавьте их.


9. Прочитайте следующие тексты и ответьте на вопросы:

1. What is the main idea of the text?

2. Do you agree with the author’s point of view?

3. What’s your own opinion?

1. Gradually more and more patients came to see Freud, and with each patient he tried to learn something new about his work. He also tried to analyze himself. He realized that some of the ideas that affect people are unconscious – we don’t know about them though they are in our own minds. Freud said that people may do things without knowing the real reason why they are doing it.

gradually – постепенно;

affect – влиять;

unconscious – бессознательный;


2. The education of children starts as soon as they are born; girls wear pink and boys wear blue; boys play with guns and girls play with dolls. Boys are allowed to make more noise and cause more trouble, while girls are supposed to be more interested in talking to and understanding people. This kind of education prepares boys for power in the world but for little else.

3. Some doctors give names to these two personality types: Type A and type B people. Type As work very hard, worry a lot, and are often bad-tempered. Type Bs are the opposite. They don’t worry. Work’s not so important to them and they don’t get angry easily. They like to relax a lot and have fun. The doctors say it is better for your health and your heart if you are a Type B person. So what are you? Type A or type B?

4. Fear is a terrible thing. I suppose, if I asked you what you were afraid of, you would answer lions or tigers or mice, or ghosts, heights, or some other wild animal. Perhaps you would reply that you were afraid when you walked in the forest alone on a dark windy night; when you were alone in the house and the wind moved the bushes in the dark outside. Fear can take many forms, but really, most of the time, we are only slightly frightened, not terrified.

10. Расскажите:

а) о вашей специальности;

в) о роли вашей специальности в обществе.



1. Прочитайте, запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:


historian [hIs'tLrIqn] историк
to be fond of [bI 'fOnd Ov] увлекаться чем-либо
shortly before ['SLtlI bI'fL] незадолго до
make up one’s mind   [meIk 'Ap 'wAns 'maInd] принимать решение
Modern History ['mOdqn 'hIstqrI] новая история
Contemporary (History) [kqn'tempqrqrI] новейшая (история)
foresee [fL'sI:] предвидеть
precede [prI:sI:d] предшествовать
to wage (war) [weIG] вести (войну)
manage ['mxnIG] справляться
unleash [An'lJS] развязывать


Прочитайте и переведите текст.



I'm in my third year of the Humanitarian and Pedagogical Faculty at the Bratsk State University. Our faculty was founded in 1997. At present students study here. I must say that I'm very interested in the subjects which I have chosen of all humanities as my future specialty. History was my favorite subject at school. I was fond of reading historical novels describing life, culture and political events in different countries of the world. It was shortly before leaving school that I made up my mind to enter this faculty and take up History seriously as my future profession.

History (from Greek ‘historia’) is a process of developing nature and society. History as a science studies the past of mankind in all its variety and concreteness. “Historia est magistra vitae”, said an ancient philosopher.

There are many historical subjects in our programme: Ancient History, the Middle Ages, Russian and Regional History, Modern and Contemporary History, etc.

History interests me as a science because it helps people understand and explain the processes going on in various aspects of human life. It also helps people foresee the course of events in future. But it is impossible to study any particular period of history if one doesn't know a lot about what preceded it and what came after it.

Historians study and describe the historic events taking place in different epochs and in different countries. Their descriptions and analyses should be strictly objective and scientific.

If we look at the historic past we can see that the entire history of human society is that of wars and struggle for power, as well as people's revolts for better life and freedom. Wars in different times and in different countries, except just ones, were waged with the purpose of conquering other lands and peoples, with making profits on the resources of oppressed nations.

Since World War II a lot has been done by peace-loving nations to save the world from a new global catastrophe. But nobody managed to prevent local wars unleashed in different parts of the planet and taking away thousands of people's lives. Peace and peaceful co-existence remain the key problem of our epoch.

The profession of a historian is quite diversified. The graduates of our Faculty can work as teachers and research workers at secondary and higher schools, different museums and archives. Many of them have become scientists or have chosen public activity as their career.

Whether I shall make a good teacher or become successful in some other field of social life remains to be seen. But I'm sure that my knowledge received at the University will help me succeed in my future work.


3. Ответьте на вопросы.


1) What faculty and year are you in?

2) What period of World History do you study this year?

3) Why do wars and revolts occupy a considerable place in human society?

4) What does history as a science study?

5) Why are you interested in history and what period attracts you most?

6) Have you already chosen the theme of your diploma work?

7) What historic period will it deal with?

8) Where would you like to work after graduating from the University?


4. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих выражений:

романы, описывающие жизнь, культуру и политические события; поступать на этот факультет; будущая профессия; процесс развития; исторические события, происходящие в различные периоды времени и в различных странах; миролюбивые народы; предотвращать внутренние войны; выпускники нашего факультета; главная задача нашего времени.


Прочитайте и переведите диалоги, выучите их наизусть.


History Science

Professor: What is History?

Student: It's a science dealing with the development of human society.

Professor: When did historical thought appear?

Student: I think it goes back as far as the 4th-3rd millennium B.C.

Professor: You are quite right. Could you give me the names of the most famous ancient historians?

Student: Certainly. They are: Herodotus, who was the "father of History", Xenophon and Polybius. They all соme from Ancient Greece. As to the historians of Ancient Rome Titus, Tacitus and Plutarch are most well-known.

Professor: Тhat's right. What can be said about the first historical writings? What were they like?

Student: As far as I know they were stone inscriptions, reviews and chronicles showing various events in Egypt, Babylon, Assyria and Persia.

Professor: Exactly so. Do you know any Russian historians of the 18th or 19th century?

Student: If I am not mistaken, Russian historiography was represented by Karamzin, Granovsky, Solovyev, Kluchevsky and others.

Professor: So much for today. See you tomorrow.


Herodotus [he'rodətas] — Геpодот

Xenophon ['zenqfqn] — Кceнoфoнт

Polibius [pO'1ibiqs] — Пoлибий

Greece [gri:s] — Греция

Rome [roum] – Рим

Titus ['taitqs] — Тит

Tacitus ['txsitqs] — Тацит

Plutarch ['plHta:k] — Плутарх

Egypt ['i:GIpt] — Египет

Babylon ['bxbIlqn] – Bавилон

Assyria [q'siqriq] — Аccиpия

Persia ["pq:Sq] — Перcия

human society ['hju:man sq'saiqtI] — человеческое общество

to appear [q'pIq] — появляться

millennium [mI'lenIqm] — тысячeлетие

stone inscriptions — надписи на камнях

reviews [rI'vju:z] — обзоры

chronicles [k'rOniklz] — летописи

to deal with — рассматривать, иметь дело

to go as far back as —восходить


What were they like? —что они из себя представляли?

So much for today. — Ha сегодня достаточно.

If I am not mistaken — ecли я нe ошибаюcь

B.C. (Before Christ) — до н.э.

A.D. (Anno Domini) — н.э.

Exactly so — совершенно верно

to represent — представлять



At the University

Applicant: What department do you study at?

The 3rd year student: I'm a 3rd year student of the History Department. I've already passed my last exams and soon I'll have my museum practice.

A. I am going to take entrance exams this summer. I've chosen History - as my future profession. I hope to pass the еxam successfully but many applicants failed last year.

S. It depends on your knowledge. If you study well and if yоu're fond of History, you'll be enrolled in the University.

A. Is it difficult to study at the History Department?

S. If you work hard at all lectures, tutorials and seminars, if you read a lot of specialized literature and analyze it, then I hope you'll be a good historian.

A. What subjects did you study when you were a first-year student?

S. We studied Archaeology, Ancient History, Latin, Russian History (the period of feudalism), English and some other subjects. At the end of each term we took tests and exams. Each year we present an essay to our scientific adviser and make contributions in class and sometimes at the students' conferences on historical themes/topics.

A. It sounds attractive.

S. I'm sure you'll enjoy your studies at the University. I wish you good luck at your entrance exams.

A. Thanks a lot.

applicant – абитуриент

department – факультет, отделение, кафедра

to take (pass) an exam – держать (сдать) экзамен

to fail in (at) – провалиться нa экзамене

to be going to – собираться (намереваться) что-либо сделать

entrance exam – вступительный экзамен

success – успех

successfully – успешно

to depend on (upon) — зависеть от

to be fond of = to like

to be enrolled in — быть зачисленным в

hard – усердно

Archaeology – археология

to present an essay — представить курсовую работу

test – зачет

scientific — научный

adviser — руководитель

it sounds attractive — звучит привлекательно

to enjoy — получать удовольствие

luck — удача



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