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Exercise 29. Correct the mistakes.Содержание книги
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1. I don’t can skate. 1. I would like to can travel more. 2. Peter should to work harder. 3. Could you telling me the time? 4. I must work last weekend. 5. I didn’t can sleep last night. 6. The fire spread quickly but everyone managed escape. 7. I don’t think you ought work so hard.
Exercise 30. Translate the following sentences into English using the verb can. 1. Ми можемо закінчити цю роботу сьогодні. 2. Майк вміє бігати дуже швидко. 3. Катя може добре розмовляти по-англійськи. 4. Невже він обміняв усі гроші? 5. Я не міг відповісти на друге запитання. 6. Його маленька сестра вже вміє ходити. 7. Можна мені взяти твою ручку? 8. Я не зможу прийти на збори.
Exercise 31. Translate the following sentences into English using the verb must, have to, be to or need. 1. Мені доведеться працювати у неділю. 2. Ви повинні бути обережним на вулицях. 3. Мабуть, фінансовий директор зараз зайнятий. 4. Ви повинні виконати вправу 15 на сторінці 87. 5. Тобі не треба вимикати світло. 6. Вам не треба робити цю вправу вдома. 7. Наш бухгалтер, напевно, зараз у відрядженні. 8. Ми маємо зустрітися на вокзалі.
Exercise 32. Translate the following sentences into English using the verb may. 1. Можна мені увійти? 2. Можна мені зачинити вікно? 3. Можна мені писати олівцем? 4. Можна мені ввімкнути світло? 5. Ми, можливо, поїдемо за місто у неділю. 6. У нашому інституті є спортзал, де студенти можуть займатися різними видами спорту. 7. Ви можете пообідати в їдальні. 8. Можливо, вона зараз слухає музику. Exercise 33. Read the text and try to write your own CV. CURRICULUM VITAE (CV) (Am. E.: RESUME) There are some international guidelines concerning what to put in CV, in what order. Consider two patterns of CV. The first is more detailed with the names of people giving an applicant letters of recommendation which are sometimes enclosed (attached). The second CV is briefer. Pattern I Curriculum Vitae Name Place of birth Date of birth Marital status Nationality Military service Present address Telephone number Education Qualifications Business Experience Present employer Present job (in some detail: about a paragraph) Publications (if any) Previous jobs (with dates, but few details, unless the latter are important) Languages spoken (say whether spoken fluently) Leisure activities (not too much detail) Referees (names and addresses of two people who can give confidential details about your character and ability) Pattern II Personal details Date of birth Place of birth Parents Marital status Education Business experience Notes 1. Ideally you should not need more than one or a maximum of two sides of 1. Don’t mention salary in your CV or in your letter: this must remain for the Some recommendations A general rule is to send a typed Curriculum Vitae. CV must be clean, correct and clear. A dirty, illiterate CV can create a bad effect before an interview. If you are going to include your photo, make sure it does you justice. All this is more important than you may think. Don't forget you are participating in job marketing campaign. It is your CV that helps companies to see what type of person you are. Give your CV a lot of air. It should be attractive to the eye. An interviewer, a person who has the power to interview people, may make some notes and marks on CV before seeing you and talking to you. If you had some previous jobs, give details only concerning your last one. In English-speaking countries, it is a good general rule to give the names, addresses and telephone numbers of those people who giveinformation about your ability, professional skills and character. It is good to have some authoritative people to address to and get letters of recommendation from them. Such letters are supposed to show you in a positive light and create some favourable response about you. Curriculum Vitae
Exercise 34. Get an answer asking someone the following: 1) what CV is; 1) what the difference is between CV and Personal Essay; 2) what items CV include; 5) what recommendations concerning CV writing he/she can give you; 6) if it is important to include one’s photo; 6) why it is important to give CV much air; 7) in what countries it is there a general rule to give the names of one’s referees in CV; 8) what kind of people referees are supposed to be; 9) what helps to create a favourable response about a person before an interview; 10) what provides individualised information about the applicant;
Exercise 35. Put the parts of Gloria King’s Resume (CV) in a right order. Work in pairs. One partner asks questions on each CV item, another gives answers. Change your roles. 1. Sales manager position leading to senior management 1. B. A. (Bachelor of Arts) in Marketing(2004): Memphis State University 2. During 2 years at G. В. Е. (Memphis, Tennessee)was involved in sales. Dealt with customer relations, in particular, with customer complaints 4. Gloria King, 15 April 1995 5. Peter Grossman, professor 5. Rose Grossman, History teacher 6. Single 7. Memphis, Tennessee 8. Gloria King, 25 North Road, Memphis, 525300, the USA Note: In Resume (Am. E) they stress job objective. It tells a potential employer what you expect in the future.
Exercise 36. Read and translate. LETTERS OF APPLICATION Special attention is paid to writing a letter of application for a job. Suppose, there are a lot of applicants for a particular job. Consequently, there are a lot of CVs and letters of application. A good CV and a letter may get you an interview, whereas a bad CV and a letter may be ignored. There is one common mistake many applicants make. That is they phrase their letter of application in an unusual way. Remember a straightforward letter gives more favorable impression. A letter of application must be handwritten. Do not use coloured ink. Black or dark blue is best. In many countries it is the custom to enclose a recent photograph with an application. Sometimes a photo is included in CV. Generally, there are the two types of letters of application: I. in answer to an advertisement in a newspaper, a magazine, a circular letter, etc. I. a speculative letter.
I. Letters in reply to an advertisement Dear Sir/Sirs/Madam, I should like to apply for the post of line product control manager advertised in The Times (14 July 20…). I am a first-time job seeker and have no experience.This year I have graduated from the New York University and have a relevant education background. Please find enclosed a complete curriculum vitae where I present myself. I should be pleased to attend an interview at any time convenient to you. I can be contacted at the telephone number given in my CV. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, O. Johnson. II. Speculative applications Dear Mr. Smith, I have heard from Mrs. Brown, the external auditor of the audit firm ‘Consulting’, that you are looking for an internal auditor for your firm. I go after this position in your company for I have a proper work background in the field of auditing and hope to demonstrate my abilities as an auditor working in your company. Unfortunately, due to the closure of Davidson’s I have to look for a new job. My chief, Mr. Gerow, will be pleased to give any relevant information you want about my work. Yours sincerely, Jim Harrow.
Exercise 37.Work in pairs. Student A: You have read the notice advertising the vacancy for an accountant. You telephone the Personnel Department of a firm. You want to find out: 1. Who can apply for the job. 1. How applications should be made. 2. What the pay is like, etc. Student B: You are a member of the Personnel Department. You want to find out: 1. If he/she is a first-time job seeker. 2. If he/she has a relevant education background. 2. If he/she has some work background. 3. What the experience is. 4. If he/she has a reference from his/her former employer, etc.
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