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teṣu tad-riktha-hāreṣu


teṣu tad-riktha-hāreṣu


nirūḍhena mamatvena

He became attached to enjoyment, retinue, treasury, house and his plundering sons because of deep-rooted possessiveness.

He became attached to sons such as discrimination, who stole his treasure of pride, to his life airs (gṛha anujīviṣu) and his strength of mind and senses (koṣa anujīviṣu).


|| 4.27.11 ||

īje ca kratubhir ghorair

dīkṣitaḥ paśu-mārakaiḥ

devān pitṝn bhūta-patīn

nānā-kāmo yathā bhavān

Having many desires, he worshipped the devatās, Pitṛs, leaders of ghosts, using violent sacrifices with animal slaughter, just like you.

There is only one meaning here. I am telling a story about you. I have hidden the meaning only to make an example of you.

|| 4.27.12 ||

yukteṣv evaṁ pramattasya


āsasāda sa vai kālo

yo 'priyaḥ priya-yoṣitām

Inattentive to beneficial acts and absorbed in family life, he reached old age, which is disliked by the women.

He was inattentive to things beneficial for him, like bhakti and detachment. Kālaḥ means old age. It is disliked by the women, since it is unfavorable for enjoyment.

|| 4.27.13-14 ||

caṇḍavega iti khyāto

gandharvādhipatir nṛpa

gandharvās tasya balinaḥ


gandharvyas tādṛśīr asya

maithunyaś ca sitāsitāḥ

parivṛttyā vilumpanti


O King! Caṇḍavega, King of the Gandharvas and his 360 powerful Gandharva soldiers, paired with female Gandharvas, some of whom were white and some of whom were black, circled the city built to fulfill all desires and plundered it.

Caṇḍavega (moving strongly), which is the year, was the leader of the Gandharvas. The Gandharvas are days. The women Gandharvas are the nights. They were paired with the days. The white ones were the waxing phase of the moon, and the black one were the waning phase of the moon. They circled around the city and plundered it. This indicates that from birth, every day the life span is stolen by time.


|| 4.27.15 ||


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