kṣaṇārdham iva rājendra 

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kṣaṇārdham iva rājendra



kṣaṇārdham iva rājendra

vyatikrāntaṁ navaṁ vayaḥ

O King! With his heart soiled by lust as he enjoyed with his wife, his youth passed away in half a moment

|| 4.27.6 ||

tasyām ajanayat putrān

purañjanyāṁ purañjanaḥ

śatāny ekādaśa virāḍ

āyuṣo 'rdham athātyagāt

King Purañjana bore a hundred and eleven sons in his wife. In this way half his life passed.

Virāṭ is the king or the jīva.  He passed fifty years in sex life and material enjoyment.

|| 4.27.7 ||

duhitṝr daśottara-śataṁ



paurañjanyaḥ prajā-pate

O Prajāpati! He begot a hundred and ten daughters. They were generous, full of good qualities and behavior, giving fame to their father and mother.

He had daughters like shame, enthusiasm and thoughtfulness. The number of sons was more, because it is considered proper in household life to have more sons. The daughters had good qualities because of their previous pious acts. Because they were his daughters, they were called paurañjanyaḥ.


|| 4.27.8 ||

sa pañcāla-patiḥ putrān


dāraiḥ saṁyojayām āsa

duhitṝḥ sadṛśair varaiḥ

King Purañjana, lord of Pañcāla, in order to increase the descendants of his paternal family, got his sons married with wives and got his daughters married with husbands.

The wives were consideration, determination etc. The grooms were humility, affection etc.

|| 4.27.9 ||

putrāṇāṁ cābhavan putrā

ekaikasya śataṁ śatam

yair vai paurañjano vaṁśaḥ

pañcāleṣu samedhitaḥ

Each son produced a hundred and one sons, by whom the dynasty of Purañjana increased in the Pañcāla states.

The sons of the sons were pious acts etc. Pañcāla refers to the sense objects such as sound.

|| 4.27.10 ||


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