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Тема: Culture Corner. Languages of the World.Содержание книги
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Мета: ─ вдосконалювати навички читання та усного мовлення з даної теми; ─ формувати лексичні, граматичні та мовленнєві навички учнів; ─ виховувати позитивне ставлення до вивчення різних іноземних мов, естетичне ставлення до явищ оточуючого середовища; ─ сприяти розвитку логічного мислення, спостережливості, уяви, уваги.
Хід уроку Організація класу. Підготовка до іншомовного мовлення. Фонетична і мовленнєва зарядка. Основна частина уроку. a) Читання і переклад пізнавальної інформації про різні мови світу. b) Текст “La Familia Antes”: pupils read the text in unknown language and try to guess the meanings of separate words.
c) Hand-outs: The total number of languages in the world is from 2.500 to 5.000. The most widespread languages are Chinese, English, Spanish, Italian, Russian and many others. These languages are alive, i.e. they are in use. All these languages are called natural. The world-known non-specialized language is Esperanto. These are also programming languages which are used in computers. These are specialized languages. English is spoken as the mother tongue in Great Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Many people speak English in China, Japan, India, African and many other countries. It is studied as a foreign language in our secondary and high schools. Some people think that the language spoken in the USA should be called American instead of English. So many changes have been made in it, that they say it is no longer English. It is not surprising that American English is different from British English. In both countries the language was bound to change and the countries are 3.000 miles apart. But even though there are many differences between them, there are far more ways in which they are alike.
Principal languages of the World Number of Speakers (millions): Arabic 171 Chinese 1.000 English 415 French 112 German 118 Greek 11 Hindi 287 Italian 63 Japanese 121 Portuguese 161 Russian 282 Spanish 285 Ukrainian 42 Заключна частина уроку. Домашнє завдання: To prepare a report «Languages of the World». Підсумки уроку. Вчитель підбиває підсумки і оцінює роботу учнів. Урок 86 Тема: American Studies. Who’s Yankee? English versus Americans. British and American Synonyms. Мета: ─ формувати лексичні та мовленнєві навички учнів з даної теми; ─ вдосконалювати навички читання, аудіювання та усного мовлення; ─ розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів, елементи аналітичного та критичного мислення; ─ виховувати вміння давати суб’єктивну та об’єктивну оцінку.
Хід роботи Організація класу. Підготовка до іншомовного мовлення. Фонетична мовленнєва зарядка. Основна частина уроку. a) The word «Yankee» has several meanings. To people in other countries a Yankee is a person from the USA. In the southern US the word Yankee means a Northerner and to most Northerners it means a New Englander. To New Englanders a Yankee may mean someone from Maine.
No one knows for sure where the word came from. One theory is that it is back formation from Dutch «Jan Kees» (John Cheese), a nickname applied by the Dutch of colonial New York to English settlers in Connecticut. Another theory is that it comes from the Scottish word «yankie» (a sharp and clever woman). Others suggest that it is an Indian pronunciation of the word English or of anglais, the French word for English. b) Write down the missing British or American words: American English British English 1) bill (money) ………………….. 2) ……………. chimney 3) monkey wrench …………………. 4) …………….. handbag 5) flashlight ………………… 6) yard ………………… 7) ……………. vest 8) ……………. telegram 9) street musician ………………… 10) ……………. lamppost 11) sucker ………………… 12) ……………. holiday Answers: 1) banknote 2) smokestack 3) spanner 4) purse 5) torch 6) garden 7) undershirt 8) wire 9) busker 10) streetlight 11) lollipop 12) vacation c) “The Englishman and The American” (by A. Trollope) «The American, though he dresses like an Englishman, and eats roast beef with a silver fork – or sometimes with a steel knife – as does an Englishman, is not like an Englishman in his mind, in his aspirations, in his tastes,or in his politics. In his mind he is quicker, more universally intelligent, more ambitious of general knowledge, less indulgent of stupidity and ignorance in others, harder, sharper, brighter with the surface brightness of steel, than is an Englishman; but he is more brittle, less enduring, less malleable, and I think less capable of impressions. The mind of the Englishman has more imagination, but that of the American more incision. The American is a great observer, but he observes things material rather than things social or picturesque. He is a constant and ready speculator, but all speculations, even which come of philosophy, are with him more or less material …
Заключна частина уроку. Домашнє завдання: to find some additional information on the topic. Підсумки уроку. Вчитель підбиває підсумки і оцінює роботу учнів. Урок 87
Тема: American School Slang. Different Styles of Modern English. Мета: ─ формувати граматичні та лексичні навички учнів з даної теми; ─ вдосконалювати навички читання і непідготовленого ММ і ДМ учнів; ─ сприяти розвитку навичок критичного і логічного мислення, об’єктивної оцінки подій і явищ оточуючого середовища; ─ виховувати пізнавальний інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.
Хід уроку Організація класу. Підготовка до іншомовного мовлення. Фонетична мовленнєва зарядка. Основна частина уроку. a) Перевірка домашнього завдання. b) Hand-outs: dialogue in Standard English and slang: stand. A: You seem really angry. What’s the matter? slang. A: You seem really ticked off. What’s up? stand. B: Just leave me alone, all right?! slang. B: Just get out of my face, would you?! stand. A: Relax! What’s the matter with you, anyway? slang. A: Chill out! What’s eating you, anyway? sland. B: Sorry. It’s just that I think I failed the final examination and now my parents are going to get all upset. I, uh, couldn’t think of any of the answers!
slang. B: Sorry. It’s just that I think I blew the final and now my parents are going to get all bent out of shape. I like totally drew a blank on everything! stand. A: Well, now you are really going to be mad when I tell you who got 100% on it… I forgot her name … the one who always flatters the teacher. slang. A: Well, now you are really going to freak out when I tell you who aced it …… what’s her face ….. the one who always kisses up to the teacher. stand. B: Jennifer Davis? You’re kidding! I don’t like her! She’s such a moron! slang. B: Jennifer Davis? Give me a break! I can’t stand her! She’s such a dweeb!
c) Hand-outs: different styles of modern English: • «Hey, John, take your car to the headquarters to pick up the commander!» • «Hey, John, take your old horse to the HQ to pick up the chicken!» • «Hey, John, take your old crock to the pad to pick up the Old Man!» • «Hey, John, take your jalopy to the head shed to pick up the old chimp!» d) Think and guess to which styles of the English language the above mentioned examples belong: • standard English • special colloquial English • spoken English • jargonisms • slang • professionalisms
Заключна частина уроку.
Домашнє завдання: to learn about various styles of English vocabulary. Підсумки уроку. Вчитель підбиває підсумки і оцінює роботу учнів. Урок 88 Тема: About Cheating in School. What are Phraseological Units? Мета: ─ формувати лексичні та граматичні навички з даної теми; ─ вдосконалювати навички читання і непідготовленого мовлення; ─ навчити учнів правильно вирішувати завдання проблемно-пошукового характеру; ─ розвивати в учнів почуття відповідальності та об’єктивне ставлення до негативних явищ на уроках (списування).
Хід уроку Організація класу. Підготовка до іншомовного мовлення. Фонетична і мовленнєва зарядка. Основна частина уроку. a) Повторення: different styles of English vocabulary (hand-outs). b) What are your feelings about cheating in school? You are armed and dangerous – would you cheat to compete? • «I cheated on a test in history. The teacher didn’t really watch us. He was outside the room, and everyone was sharing answers. I got an A.» • «I got caught passing the answers to my friend and it brought down my report card grade. I felt awful afterward. I know I will never do it again!» • «I have cheated in class lots of times and I can’t remember ever being caught. There’s really no reason to do it except it helps to get a better grade and it’s a lot easier than studying» • «I very rarely cheat. Maybe once or twice I’ve looked over my shoulder or asked a friend for an answer.» • «No …. no way. It’s not worth the risk or the loss of my self-respect.» • «I haven`t in college but I did in high school. Sometimes it was so easy and the temptation was too great.» • «No. I feel I know as much as my peers, so there is no point to cheating. I like to depend on myself.» c) What does this mean? Read the phraseological units and their explanations: • He is as sharp as a tack. → He is very smart. • She has got bats in her belfry. → She is crazy. • His bark is worse that his bite. → His words are worse than his actions. • Did you see him blow his top? → Did you see his anger? • It’s been raining cats and dogs. → Raining very much. • You have left me in the dark. → I don’t know what are you talking about. • You hit the nail on the head. → You are absolutely right. • It’s time to hit the road. → It’s time to leave. • I have got it right on the tip of the tongue. → I can almost say it.
Заключна частина уроку.
Домашнє завдання: What do you think of cheating. Speak your mind. Revise: parts of human body. Підсумки уроку. Вчитель підбиває підсумки і оцінює роботу учнів. Урок 89
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