The History of Refrigeration 

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The History of Refrigeration


549 - 98

ISBN 966-549-182-2


Володіння однією чи кількома іноземними мовами є необхідною ознакою сучасного фахівця будь-якої галузі. Це повною мірою стосується і фахівців енергетики.

В той же час не існує ні підручників, ані посібників англійської мови для спеціалістів цього напряму.

Новизна пропонованого посібника полягає також в тому, що він поєднує навчальні матеріали професійного, ділового та побутового спілкування.

Завдяки широкому використанню штучного холоду у житті сучасного суспільства даний навчальний посібник може бути необхідним і корисним не тільки для студентів та аспірантів спеціальностей низькотемпературного профілю. Він може прислужитися і фахівцям, які займаються проектуванням, експлуатацією, ремонтом холодильних машин і установок для харчової, газової, металургійної та інших галузей промисловості, де використовується штучний холод, та зокрема тим, які працюють на суднах морського (річкового) транспорту, на флоті рибної промисловості.

Навчальний посібник складається з дванадцяти блоків, по три уроки кожний, і розрахований приблизно на 72 аудиторні години. Тексти посібника, дібрані з англійської і американської літератури за фахом, зберігають орфографію та стиль оригіналу.

У перших уроках блоків подаються тексти для вивчаючого читання, лексико-граматичного аналізу і перекладу, яким передують вправи, що призначені для розвитку коректної вимови незнайомих слів-термінів. Граматичний матеріал цих уроків відбиває граматичні явища і норми, які найбільш характерні для англійської науково-технічної літератури: пасивний стан, неособові форми дієслова та конструкції з ними, еліптичні конструкції тощо. Лексичні вправи спрямовані на вивчення нових і закріплення вже знайомих термінів та термінологічних словосполучень.

Уроки технічного перекладу знайомлять студентів з особливостями науково-технічної мови, з технікою виконання перекладу, зі способами термінотворення різного ступеня, вчать розпізнавати лексичні та граматичні конструкції. В цих уроках розвиваються навички пошукового, ознайомлювального та інших видів читання. Вправи уроків спрямовані на подолання лексичних та граматичних труднощів, що виникають при перекладі.

Уроки розвитку розмовної мови сприяють удосконаленню навичок комунікації. Тексти прфесійного (моя майбутня спеціальність, Одеська державна академія холоду), загальноосвітнього напряму (Конституція України, ООН, США та ін.) і діалоги повсякденного спілкування, такі як: знайомство, прийом гостей, призначення ділового побачення, телефонна розмова, відвідування фірми, звернення по роботу, а також вправи творчого характеру, що стимулюють дискусії на різні теми, поліпшать комунікативні можливості студентів у спілкуванні англійською мовою.

Майбутні фахівці знайдуть багато корисного для себе в роботі над такими уроками, як: написання ділових листів, анотацій та рефератів, заповнення анкет та заяв про прийом на роботу, участь у науково-технічних конференціях тощо.

До посібника додаються тести, англо-український словник, що містить понад 300 словникових одиниць. Для полегшення сприйняття матеріалу в посібнику подано таблиці, схеми та малюнки.

Навчальний посібник може використовуватися як для аудиторної, так і для самостійної роботи.



Lesson A. Text: The History of Refrigeration.

Grammar. Review of Tenses (Active Voice). The Participle. Forms and functions.

Lesson B. Translation Practice. Translation of terminological word-combinations.

Different meanings of the word as.

Text: Artificial Refrigeration in the Nineteenth Century.

Lesson C. Speech Practice. Introductions. Meeting Guests.

Lesson A

Key words: refrigeration /ri,fridʒə'reiʃn/ штучне охолодження

processing /'prousesiŋ/ обробка

transportation /,trænspɔ:¢teiʃn/ перевезення, транспортування

marketing /'ma:kitiŋ/ торгівля

accuracy /'ækjurəsi/ точність

application /,æpli'keiʃn/ вживання, використання

equipment /i'kwipmənt/ обладнання

available /ə'veilabl/ наявний

ammonia /ə'mounjə/ аміак

refrigerant /ri'fridʒərənt/ холодильний агент

limit /'limit/ обмежувати

packing /'pækiŋ/ пакування

storage /’stɔ:ridʒ/ зберігання; склад

warehouse /'wɛəhaus/ товарний склад

giant /'dʒaiənt/ велетень, гігант; гігантський

expand /iks'pænd/ поширювати

explosive /iks'plousiv/ вибуховий

precision /pri'siʒn/ точність, чіткість

manufacture /mænju'fæktʃə/ виробництво

invention /in'venʃn/ винахід

fractional /' frækʃənl/ частковий, дробовий; менш однієї

кінської сили

horsepower /'hɔ:s,pauə/ кінська сила

commercial /kə'mə:ʃl/ комерційний, торговельний

fixture(s) /fikstʃə(z)/ вітрина

preserve /pri'zə:v/ зберігати

sufficient /sə'fiʃənt/ достатній

urban /'ə:bən/ міський

house /'hauz/ вміщати

untenable /ʌn'tenəbl/ беззахисний; непридатний,


Lexical Drills

Exercise I. Find the synonyms:

1. refrigeration a) widen

2. application b) production

3. manufacture c) artificial cooling

4. accuracy d) usage

5. expand e) precision

6. preserve f) keep

Exercise II. Give the missing forms of the verbs:

Infinitive Past Indefinite (Simple) Past Participle
be ... been
... become
grow ... grown
... fed
take ...
... ... given
freeze ... frozen


Exercise III. Translate the following word-combinations and learn them:

mechanical refrigeration; food processing; storage warehouse; to take something for granted; meat packing plants; ice plants; electric motor; fractional horsepower; refrigerating unit; explosive growth; commercial fixtures; significant part; highly technical society; urban population; summer months; air conditioners.

Read and translate the text:


Functions. Функції.

означення: reacting gases — реагуючі гази a broken device — зламаний прилад
обставини: When heated up to 100°C water boils. Нагріта до 100°С вода кипить. Having realized the harmfulness of existing refrigerants scientists began to find environmentally safe substitutes. Усвідомивши згубність існуючих холодильних агентів, вчені почали шукати екологічно безпечні замінювачі. Note: У функції обставини дієприкметник часто використовується зі сполученнями when, if, while.
частина присудка(функція предика-тива) The ozone layer is constantly depleting. Озоновий шар постійно вичерпується. Montreal Protocol on Substances that deplete the ozone layer was signed by many countries. Монреальський протокол про речовини, що вичерпують озоновий шар, був підписаний багатьма країнами.


I. Define forms and functions of the Participle:

1. Men working with machines, motors, electrical materials must be careful.

2. Reading articles in English journals he used a dictionary.

3. Invented in France and accepted universally in science the Metric System has the following fundamental units: the meter, the kilogram and the second.

4. The photoelectric effect was discovered by Heinrich Hertz in 1887.

5. Galileo lived at a time when the human spirit was waking after a thousand years of sleep.

6. The importance of heat transfer and leakage discussed above is very dependent on the rotational speed of the compressor.

7. Having dried bricks in the sun, the ancient Egyptians built simple houses of four walls and a flat roof above them.

8. The volume of a gas or vapor is greatly affected by changes in pressure or temperature or both.

9. Fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) are rapidly running out.

10.Electricity can be produced from any source of energy.

11.An alternative source of energy is a source based on solar, wind, wave or tidal power.

12.Chemical elements classified by Mendeleyev were grouped according to their atomic weights.

13.Rivers connected by canals form long water-ways.

14.The heat produced is mechanically equivalent to the work done to produce it.

15.The blanks in the Periodic table stood for undiscovered elements.

II. Form all possible forms of the Participle from the following verbs. Translate them:

1) Regular: create, carry out, process, enumerate, use, cool, liquefy, divide, study, obtain, develop, found; fix; test; print.

2) Irregular: grow, give, think, become, make, rise, find, freeze, keep, feed, drive, build; send; write; learn.

Lesson В

Translation Practice

Exercise I. Translate the following word-combinations. Begin your translation with the basic words. Mind the scheme.

Л.Оn... ← Л.О2 ←Л.O1 ↔ Б.C. → П.O

Б.C. — базове слово, П.О. — праве означення, Л.О. — ліве означення

1) chill room 8) heat-operated absorption system

2) air-conditioning control system 9) heat-transfer rate

3) artificial refrigeration machine 10) air temperature difference

4) hand-operated equipment 11) hand-operated compressor

5) a water-cooled condenser 12) a weighted valve

6) a liquid cooler 13) a cold-air machine

7) an ice machine 14) a sulphuric eather machine


Exercise II. Translate the sentences with the following meanings of the word as:

"по мірі того, як", "коли", "як", "у якості";

as well as — "також як і"

1. The graduates of the Academy can work as mechanical engineers, masters, mechanics, management engineers and others.

2. The great scientist Michail Lomonosov is rightly regarded as the founder of Russian Science.

3. One of the best educated people of his time, he worked in many areas of science, as well as in history and linguistics.

4. In the field of space research such brilliant Ukrainian scientist as Yuri Kondratyuk worked.

5. In this case aerodynamic resistance is 3...5 times as much compared to the non-irrigated layer.

6. Mercury is used as a catalyst in the production of plastics and is also needed in the paper industry.

7. As each batch of data was received, it was placed into line with other batches of data which were processed one after another.

8. Frost forms on the surface of a fin tube heat exchanger such as an evaporator of domestic refrigerator freezer.

9. The Periodic Law as stated by Mendeleyev is of great importance for science.

10.Mendeleyev predicted not only the existence of undiscovered elements but their physical and chemical properties as well.

11.Frozen water is a solid known as ice.

12.Timber was referred to as the best structural material by the Greeks and Romans.

13.As a result of the research work a considerable amount of data was collected.

14.The temperature at which water freezes to ice is taken as 0°C.

15.There is some evidence that medicine was practised as early as 6,000 B.C. (before Christ).


Lesson C.


Lesson A. Text: Basic Refrigeration Cycles and Concepts.

Grammar: The Absolute Participle Construction. Review of Tenses (Passive Voice).

Lesson B. Translation Practice.

Parentheses. Fractions. Dates. Text: Elementary Vapor-Compression Refrigeration Cycle.

Lesson C. Business Letters.

Lesson A

Key words: cycle /'saikl/ цикл

concept /'kɔnsept/ поняття; загальне уявлення

artificial /,a:tifiʃl/ штучний

ambient /'æmbiənt/ навколишній

vapor /'veipə/ пара

centrifugal /sen'trifjugəl/

compressor /'kɔmpresə/ відцентровий компресор

adiabatic /,ædiə'bætik/ адіабатне

expansion /iks'pænʃn/ розширення

vaporization /,veipərai'zeiʃn/ випаровування, пароутворення

liquefy /'likwifai/ зріджуватися, зріджитися

engineering /,enʒi'niəriŋ/ техніка

evaporator /i'væpəreitə/ випарник

condenser /kən'densə/ конденсатор

absorption /əb'sɔ:pʃən/ абсорбція, поглинання

rejection /ri'ʒekʃən/ відмова; відхилення

to involve /in'volv/ включати, містити в собі,


fluid /'flu:id/ газ, рідина

transient /'trænziənt/ швидкоплинний; випадковий,


psychrometry /sai'krɔmetri/ психрометрія

gaseous /'geizjəs/ газовий, газоподібний

reciprocating /ri'siprəkeitiŋ/ поршневий, зворотно-


rotary /'routəri/ роторний

turbine /tə:bin/ турбіна

capacity /kə'pæsiti/ місткість, ємкість; потужність

expander /iks'pendə/ розширювач

(ir)reversible /,(i) ri'və:sibl/ (не)оборотний, (не)реверсивний

load /'loud/ навантаження

transfer /'træns'fə/ перенесення; передача

Lexical Drills

Exercise I. Translate the following word-combinations:


1) vapor-compression refrigeration; 2) production of cold; 3) low temperatures; 4) absolute zero; 5) heat transmission;   6) fluid mechanics; 7) periodic and transient heat transfer; 8) cooling load; 9) latent heat; 10) fin-tube heat-exchanger.  


Exercise II. Match the words in the first box with the corresponding words in the second box. Form terminological word-combinations.

artificial, ambient, rotary, low, absolute, cooling, thermodynamic, heat, fluid

properties, zero, load, refrigeration temperature, compressor, transmission, mechanics, transfer, cooling, production

Exercise III. Give translations of the following verbs and the corresponding nouns:

a) with suffix - ing

to cool — cooling, to measure — measuring, to boil — boiling, to make — making, to produce — producing, to heat — heating;

b) with suffix - tion

to refrigerate — refrigeration, to absorb — absorption, to apply — application, to define — definition, to invent — invention


Read and translate:

Lesson B.

Translation Practice,

Exercise I. Parentheses. Вставні слова.

Read and remember:   although though by the way furthermore hence however in addition (to) obviously on the other hand respectively thus unfortunately whereas — хоч, хоча — хоч, хоча — між тим — більш того — віднині, отже — однак — крім того, на додаток — очевидно — з іншого боку — відповідно — таким чином — на жаль — тоді як

Exercise II. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. Although there are many different nations in the world there are some things that are the same everywhere.

2. Obviously hydraulic turbine values are used for hydraulic turbines hydroelectric systems.

3. However, steel and alloy steels are required for the highest operating pressures such as 5000 psi and 1200 F steam.

4. In spite of four components, however, the heart of the vapor-compression system is the compressor.

5. On the other hand, all present-day methods for the large-scale use of molecular and nuclear energy are based on the evolution of energy as heat, and subsequent conversion of part of the heat into useful work.

6. Accordingly, the efficiency of all such processes is destined to be low (values greater than 30 percent are uncommon), despite improvements in the design of equipment.

7. A still further increase in specific speed is obtained with the propeller, or axial-flow pump. In this type there is no change in radius of a given streamline, and hence centrifugal action plays no part.

8. The use of water power involves the transformation of mechanical energy from one form to another; hence, 100 percent efficiency is theoretically possible.

9. Under SI Units, each physical quantity has only one particular unit for its measurement.

Thus, a length is only measured in meters.

Exercise III. Common and Decimal Fractions. Reading Rules:

1/2 — a half; one half

1/3 — a third; one third

1/4 — a quarter, one quarter, a fourth, one fourth

2/3 — two thirds

3/4 — three fourths

2 1/2 — two and a half

3 1/3 — three and a third

0.2 — 1) oh /ou/ point two


2) naught point two

3) zero point two

4) point two

5) nil point two

1.25 — one point two five

Exercise IV. Read the following numerals:

0.5; 2 1/4; 1.5; 1/2; 0.02; 23,000; 1/3; 3/4; 1 1/2; 0.567; 2,600,731; 4,000,000; 2,500; 0.7; Read telephone numbers: (e.g. 123-40-55 — one-two-three-four-oh-double five) 425-05-05; 322-33-44; 267-12-17; 222-89-90; 321-73-67; 722-52-52; 337-78-94; 566-81-10; 123-45-67.

Years and Dates. Remember the reading rules.

1) 7.1.98 (G.B.) — January the seventh, nineteen ninety-eight

1.7.98 (USA) — January seventh, nineteen ninety-eight

2) 15 June 1900 (G.B.) June the fifteenth, nineteen hundred

3) 16 February 1908 (USA) — February sixteenth, nineteen oh eight

4) 1 March 2000 — March the first, twenty hundred or: two thousand

5) 9 May 1945 — May the ninth, nineteen forty-five.


Exercise V Fill in the prepositions of time at, in, on

1) We shall graduate from the Academy … three years.

2) Students living in the hostel usually get up … six o’clock in the morning.

3) They agreed to meet … seven this evening.

4) The elections to the Parliament will be held … four years.

5) America was discovered … 1492.

6) The lectures and classes in the Academy begin … 8 o’clock.

7) The Day of Independence Americans celebrate … the 4-th of July,

8) The Constitution of Ukraine was adopted … June 28, 1996.

9) The Great Patriotic War started … 1941.

10) We celebrate the Victory Day … May, 9.


Exercise VI. Read the following sentences and translate them into Ukrainian

1. Ukraine declared its independence on 24 August 1991

2. The Second World War started in September 1939

3. The Curies shared the Nobel Prize for physics in 1903.

4. The first person flew into space on 12 April 1961.

5. J.I.Kennedy was killed on 22 November 1963.

6, Columbus reached America on 12 October 1492

7. Galileo Galilei was born in Italy in 1564.

Exercise VII. Answer the questions:

1) What is today's date? 2) What date was yesterday? 3) What is tomorrow's date? 4) What is

the date of your birth?

Translate the text:


At atmospheric pressure, liquid ammonia evaporates at -28F (saturated temperature corresponding to 14.7 pounds per square inch absolute pressure or psia), and under these conditions one pound of liquid ammonia in changing into vapor absorbs 589.3 Btu (latent heat of evaporation). Thus the simplest form of a vapor refrigeration system consists of an open vessel containing a liquid refrigerant such as ammonia. The ammonia evaporates at temperatures below those surrounding the container and in so doing absorbs heat. However, such an uncontrolled refrigeration system is uneconomical, since the refrigerant is not recovered and the evaporating temperature is limited to that corresponding to the atmospheric pressure. Such systems are therefore never used commercially.

With proper auxiliary equipment, however, the refrigerant can be recovered and reused in a cyclic process; the temperature of evaporation of the refrigerant can be controlled by controlling the pressure. Thus if liquid ammonia is maintained at a pressure of 30.42 psia, the saturation or evaporating temperature is 0 F, and the latent heat of vaporization is 568.9 Btu per pound; if the absolute pressure is 59.74 psia, the evaporating temperature is 30 F, and the latent heat of vaporization is 544.8 Btu per pound.


Lesson C.


I. The right address American
Mr. John Anderson Shipping Dept. Mind Workers Inc. or 908 West Park Avenue Rockford AL 61125 USA Mind Workers Inc. 908 West Park Avenue Rockford AL61125 USA Attention Mr. John Anderson
George Brown Esq., Export Sales Manager, Barton Industries Ltd. 55 London Rd., Boughton BN5 9 KL Great Britain Ms Alison Freeman Marketing co-ordinator United Packaging Corp. 11 East Shore Drive Green Bay Wisconsin WI 53405 USA

II. The layout of letters


The name of the sending firm (organization)

Your Ref: Our Ref:

Mr.James Green (or The Sales Manager)

Sales Manager

CCC& & Co. Ltd.

44 Park Sq.

London E6 6HG 23 December 199...

Dear Mr.Green, (or Dear Sir, Dear Sirs, Dear Jim, Dear Mrs.Brown, Dear Miss Grey) RE: Training of word processor operatives

Thank you for your letter of 17 December suggesting that we...



Please let me know if this is convenient. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes (or Best regards)

Yours sincerely,


Ms.Gillian Jones

Personnel Manager


The name of the firm and its address

Date: September 12, 199..

John L. Davis, President

Autocomp. Inc.

3100 South Jackson Street

Detroit, MI 48220

USA or

Messrs. Brown & Smith, Inc.

220 Lincoln Street,

Chicago, Illinois



Dear Mr.Davis:

(or Gentlemen:)

(Attention: Mr.John Brown)

RE: Order 230 (or Subject No. 230)

We recently purchased 250,000 of automated material-handling equipment from your company.

We look forward to doing business with your company in the future.


(or Yours very truly, Yours faithfully)

Victor Bond


Plant Manager


1. RE: (Latin: in re) — відносно

2. Per pro (Latin: per procurationem) — за умовленістю, від імені

3. #24 (USA) No.24 (GB)

4. P.T.O. — please turn over — будь ласка, перегорніть сторінку

5. do.(ditto) — стільки ж

6. Ltd. — Limited (in Britain) — товариство з обмеженою відповідальністю

7. Bros. & Co. — брати та компанія

8. Corp. (in the USA) — Corporation — корпорація

9. Stock Corporation — акціонерна корпорація

Inc. — Incorporated — зареєстрований як корпорація

9. Messrs. — from French "Messieurs" — " панове "

10. Ms. — скороч. звернення до ділової жінки

11. Esq. використовується в адресах після призвіщ осіб, займаючи вагомий суспільний стан

12. с/о — care of, the letter goes — до уваги, лист до

Attn.: — увага, до

P.O.В. — абонентська скринька

13. enc. or encl. — enclosed — до листа додається

14. asap. — as soon as possible.

15. viz. — а саме


I. Write addresses according to the British and American standards.

II. Write business letters of British and American style.



Lesson A. Text: Elementary Absorption Refrigeration Cycle.

Grammar. The Gerund. Forms and Functions.

Lesson B. Translation Practice. Comparative Constructions. Meanings of the words

more, much more; because, because of. Text for translation: The Vapor Absorption


Lesson C. Speech Practice. This is the USA.

Lesson A.

Key words: absorb /əb'sɔ:b/ всмоктувати; поглинати

replace /ri'pleis/ замінювати

absorber /əb'sɔ:bə/ абсорбер

operate /'ɔpereit/ діяти; управляти; керувати

essentially /i'senʃəli/ по суті

in addition to до того ж, крім того

transfer /træns'fə:/ переносити, передавати

generator /'ʒenəreitə/ генератор

drive off /draiv of/ відводити, витягати

weak /wi:k/ слабкий

coil /'kɔil/ змійовик

insulated space /,insju'leitid speis/ ізольований простір

alcohol /'ælkəhɔl/ спирт

ether /'i:θə/ ефір

supply /sə'plai/ постачати; доставляти; заміняти

flow /'flou/ потік

improvement /im'pru:vmənt/ поліпшення, удосконалення

extend /iks'tend/ розширювати, поширювати,


circuit /'sə:kit/ контур; ланцюг; схема

solution /sə'lu:ʃn/ розчин; вирішення, розв’язання

gravity /'greiviti/ сила ваги; тяжіння

pump /'pʌmp/ насос

slug /'slʌg/ слаг (технічна одиниця маси в

англійській системі мір)

seal /si:l/ печатка, пломба; щільно

закривати, герметизувати

discharge /dis'tʃa:ʒ/ випускати; розвантажувати

heat exchanger /'hi:t iks'tSeinʒə/ теплообмінник

analyzer /'ænələizə/ аналізатор



Lexical Drills

Exercise I. Read the words with the same root. Underline the suffixes. Define the part of speech. Translate the words into Ukrainian:

to absorb — absorber — absorbent,

to add — addition — additional,

to evaporate — evaporator — evaporation,

to refrigerate — refrigerator — refrigeration

— refrigerating —refrigerant,

to rely — reliable — reliability

Exercise II. Find in the text "Elementary Absorption Refrigeration Cycle" terms consisting of one word, two words and three words. Translate them into Ukrainian.

e.g. I II III

refrigerant absorbing absorption refrigeration

chamber cycle

Exercise III. Translate these word-combination into English:

1. холодильний агент

2. механічне охолодження

3. штучне охолодження

4. металообробна промисловість

5. товарний склад

6. менш однієї кінської сили; частковий

7. переробка харчових продуктів

8. кондиціювання повітря


The Gerund. Forms and Functions.

Герундій. Форми і функції


Active Voice Passive Voice

Indefinite Gerund cooling — охолодження, being cooled — охолоджувати,

охолоджувати при охолодженні

Perfect Gerund having cooled — після having been cooled — після того, як

охолодження, охолодивши був охолоджений; як тільки був


Functions Функції

1) subject (підмет) Heating the substance up was necessary in this case. У цьому випадку було необхідно нагріти речовину.

2) predicative (частина присудка) в сполученні з дієсловом to be, переводиться окремо від to be One of the effects of heat is turning a solid into liquid. Однією з дій тепла є перетворення твердої субстанції у рідину.

3) object (додаток) Thank you for coming (prepositional object). Дякую за те, що ви прийшли.

The guests enjoyed listening to the hostess playing the piano (direct object). Гості насолоджувались, слухаючи, як господиня грає на піаніно.

4) attribute (означення) The smoking room is in the end of the corridor. Кімната для паління знаходиться у кінці коридору.

A boiling point — точка кипіння; the idea of utilizing — ідея використання.

5) adverbial modifier (обставини) In designing the device new materials were used. При проектуванні пристрою були використані нові матеріали.

On reaching 100°С... При досягненні температури у 100°С... By creating... При створенні...

After (before) compressing gas... Після (до) стискання газу... Without preheating... Без запобіжного нагріву.

Note: Форми герундія збігаються з відповідними формами Present Participle і Perfect Participle. Але на відміну від дієприкметника;

1) герундій може мати перед собою прийменник тоді як перед дієприкметником може стояти тільки сполучник;

2) герундій може виконувати функції підмета і додатка, які дієприкметник не виконує;

3) перед герундієм у герундіальному звороті стоїть присвійний займенник або іменник у присвійному відмінку, а перед дієприкметником, у дієприкметниковому звороті, стоїть займенник в об'єктному відмінку або іменник у називному відмінку;

4) герундій використовується після наступних дієслів з прийменниками та словосполучень:

to succeed in — мами успіх;

to insist on — наполягати;

to be surprised at — дивуватися;

to be responsible for — відповідати (за);

to prevent from — запобігати;

to consist in — полягати (у);

to result in — призводити (до);

to be interested in — цікавитися;

to approve of — схвалювати;

to be fond of — лютити;

to be proud of — пишатися;

to depend on — залежати (від);

to object to — заперечувати;

to get used to — призвичаїтися (до).


I. Give all possible forms of the Gerund. Translate them into Ukrainian.

to absorb, to develop, to evaporate, to mix, to melt, to burn, to sell, to solve, to turn, to improve, to fall, to increase, to freeze, to leave, to keep, to send, to run, to sink, to teach, to read.


II. Define the forms and functions of the gerund. Translate the sentences in Ukrainian:

1. Our professors like inviting young specialists to take part in research.

2. Much effort is being given to find the most efficient means of generating electricity.

3. Heating the gas increases the speed of the molecules.

4. We heard of our lecturer leaving for the international conference.

5. The investigator mentioned of having tested this material for strength.

6. Using atomic fuel for production of electricity is one of the most promising sources.

7. The range of measurement is limited between the boiling and freezing points of the liquid in use.

8. We insist on their taking part in this experiment.

9. After having checked the temperature twice he decided to change conditions of the experiment.

10.For measuring the atmospheric pressure a barometer is used.

11.Refrigerators are used for cooling foodstuff.

12.Most people like learning foreign languages.

13.Speaking foreign languages is of great importance in our age of great migrations.

14.Science requires experimenting and accurate calculating.

15.The boiling point of a liquid is the temperature at which the liquid boils.

16.At being cooled a body loses its heat.

17.After compressing gas tends to expanding.

18.On reaching 100°C water boils.

19.The idea of utilizing fire for warming houses appeared long ago.

20.By creating new projects of warming systems scientists use laws of thermodynamics.


Lesson В.

Translation practice.

Exercise I. Read the following light verse. Translate it into Ukrainian. Mind the meaning of the construction The more..., the more.... Чим більш..., тим більш.

The more we study, the more we know. The more we know, the more we forget. The more we forget, the less we know. The less we know, the less we forget. The less we forget, the more we know. Why study?

Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the word order.

1. The drier the surrounding air, the greater the rate of evaporation and the lower the wet-bulb temperature indicated.

2. The larger the surface of the evaporator, and the lower the temperature difference between the cold room air and the refrigerant, the higher the relative humidity.

3. The closer the molecules are together, the less free they are to move.

4. The more I read the book, the more I liked it.

5. The higher rose the sun, the hotter became the air.

6. The less you say, the better it is.

7. The more one has, the more one wants.

8. The more haste, the less speed.

9. The sooner you do it the better.

Exercise II. Translate these from English into Ukrainian, paying attention to the meaning of the words: a lot more, much more, far more — набагато більше; far less, much less — набагато менше; (not) as much as, (not) as many as —(не) так багато, як;

1. This book is much more interesting than that one.

2. This ship costs much more than that boat.

3. A bicycle costs much less than a bus.

4. Last year I went to the swimming pool far more often than I do this year.

5. These days I see him more often.

6. A car hasn't got as many wheels as a train.

7. There is a lot more sugar in the cupboard. Take as much as you want.

Exercise III. Mind the difference between because (тому, що; бо) and because of (через).

Translate these sentences into Ukrainian:

1. He turned on the air conditioning because it was a hot day.

2. He turned on the air-conditioner because of the heat.

3. Because of the superficial resemblance to a reaction turbine, this type is often called a turbine pump.

4. Because the function of a refrigerator is to provide cooling, the temperature must be maintained at 13 to 14°C.


Text for translation:


In 1859 the absorption system, with ammonia used as the refrigerant and water as the absorbent, was invented.

It is well known that water is a strong absorbent for ammonia vapor. If an evaporator is connected with a vessel full of water, ammonia is absorbed and the pressure of the vapor is reduced. The ammonia in the evaporator is made to boil and its enthalpy of evaporation can be taken from external objects. The solution of ammonia formed in the absorber is regenerated by raising it to a higher pressure and boiling it, at which point ammonia vapor is given off and can be condensed.

The main components of the absorption system are shown in the following figure.



Comparing the absorption system and the vapor compression system, one sees that such components as condenser, expansion valve and evaporator are thesame in each. The compressor, however, is replaced by the combination of absorber, solution pump, heat exchanger, boiler (or generator) and liquid valve. This group of components "sucks" vapor from the evaporator, and delivers high pressure vapor to the condenser Just as thecompressor does.

The absorption of ammonia by water is an exothermic process, and if there is no cooling, the temperature increases and absorption stops. Therefore the absorber must be cooled. It is usually cooled by the same water as is used to cool the condenser, and the absorber operates at about the same temperature as the condenser. The strong solution formed in the absorber is pumped to a higher pressure by the solution pump and delivered to the boiler or generator through a heat exchanger. In the generator, the strong solution is boiled by heating it.

As a result the vapor is given off. After being rectified to nearly pure ammonia, it is delivered to condenser. The weak solution is cooled to the absorber temperature and the strong solution is warmed to the generator temperature. To maintain the difference in pressures between the generator and absorber, a valve is installed in the pipe just before the weak liquid enters the absorber.

The early absorption systems were heated by coal. Later steam heating of the generator was introduced. In recent times they fire oil or natural gas.



Lesson C.

Speech Practice.


The USA (the United States of America) is a country in the central part of North America. It was formed on 4 July 1776 when the Declaration of Independence proclaimed the independence of the country from Great Britain.

The area of the USA is 9,400,000 square kilometers including Alaska and Hawaii. The population is 250,000,000 people. About 80% of the population is urban.

The United States is a federal republic consisting of 50 states. Washington D.C. is the capital of the country.

The country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean on the east and the Pacific Ocean on the west. It borders with Canada on the north and Mexico on the south. The USA is the country of high mountains, wide prairies and rich valleys. Its climate varies from north to south and from east to west. On the south the climate is mild and warm all year round, but on the north there are long cold winters.

The territory of the USA is rich in natural resources. Ores of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, oil, lead, aluminium, gold, silver and coal are mined there. The enterprises of the country produce machinery, electronics, automobiles, textile, food and numerous consumer goods.

New York, Chicago, Boston, Washington, San-Francisco are the largest cities of the country. New York is the most populated among them. Light industry and printing arts are developed there. It is also famous for its skyscrapers. Chicago is the second largest city in the country. It is the center of ferrous metallurgy, metal working and petroleum chemistry industry. The two most famous buildings of Washington are the Capitol where the Congress holds its meetings and the White House where the President has his residence.

The USA has a federal system of government. Two main political parties the Democrates and the Republicans fight for the seats in the American Congress. The President, the head of the executive power, is elected for a four-year term. The legislative power belongs to the Congress. George Washington was the first president of the USA.

Most of Americans are descendants of the immigrants. They came to America hoping for greater social, political and economic opportunities than they had in the places they left.

The American way of life is greatly different from that of Europe. First of all, it is the rhythm of life, then habits. Americans love changes. They never live in the same house or are in the same job for 20 years. Americans often throw away things just because they are old. They don't like privacy, they prefer sociability. Many of them are terribly impressed with size. "The bigger — the better" is their motto.

Notes: D.C. — District of Columbia, the federal capital region created in 1790.

ferrous metallurgy /'ferəs me'tæləGi/ чорна металургія

non-ferrous metals — кольорові метали

consumer goods — споживчі товари

executive /ig'zekjutiv/ виконавчий

legislative /' leʒislətiv/ законодавчий

descendants нащадки

lead /led/ свинець

motto /mo'tou/ девіз

Answer the questions:

1. When was the USA formed?

2. What isthe area of the USA?

3. What do youknow about the population of the country?

4. Where is the USA situated?

5. What kind of climate is there in the USA?

6. What can you tell about the government and the political parties of the USA?

7. Can you tell about the country's industry?

8. Which are the largest cities of the USA? What do you know about them?

9. What is the capital of the USA? What does D.C. mean?


10. Who was the first President of the USA?

11. Who is the President of the USA now?

12. What kind of people are Americans?


Supplementary texts.

Text A. Read without translation:



1. New York City is situated at the mouth of the Hudson River on the East coast of the USA. It is made up of five boroughs with a combined population of over 17 million people. The heart of New York City is the island of Manhattan, where, in the Midtown and Downtown districts, the buildings scrape the sky.

2. One of these sky-scrapers is the Empire State Building on Fifth Avenue, between 33rd and 34th Street. Like the Statue of Liberty and Brooklyn Bridge, it is instantly recognized as a symbol of New York — a symbol which captures the power, energy and excitement of one's of the world's most-loved and most-hated cities.

3. When the 102-storey structure was built in 1931, it was the tallest building in the world. From the top, on a clear day, you can see over a 50-mile radius. Its towering height and distinctive Art Deco style made the Empire State Building an instant success with the public.

4. Its record as the world's tallest building has since been beaten — the World Trade Center in New York and the Sears Tower in Chicago are both taller — but the Empire State Building remains uniquely fascinating.

5. At night it is floodlit with colored lights. Some people love the lights but others complain that their favorite New York Building has been turned into biggest Christmas tree in the world.

Empire State Facts.

6. — The Empire State is "steeped" above a certain height, rather like a pyramid, to prevent it from the blocking light and from the neighboring area.

7. — There are 6,500 windows, nearly seven miles of elevator shafts and enough floor space to shelter a town of 80,000 people.

8. — The building was first cleaned in 1962. It took thirty people six months to complete the job. They were all experienced at high altitudes, including one who was a former paratrooper.

9. — In the famous film, "King Kong", the giant gorilla, King Kong has his final battle from the top of the Empire State.

Exercises to the text.

I. True or false?

1. The Empire State Building is the tallest building in the world.

2. The Empire State Building is in Manhattan.

3. This building blocks light from the neighboring houses.

4. 80,000 people attend the building every day.

5. This building has never been cleaned.

6. The Empire State Building is one of the symbols of the USA.



Lesson A. Text: Temperature of an Air-Vapor Mixture. Grammar. The Gerundial Constructions.

Lesson B. Translation Practice. Word-building. Prefixes. Text for translation: Mea­suring Temperature.

Lesson C. Speech Practice. Education in Britain.

Lesson A.

Key words: dry bulb по сухому термометру
wet bulb temperature — температура по вологому термометру

dew point точки роси
thermocouple /,θə:mə'kʌpl/ термопара

junction /'ʒʌnkʃən/ з'єднання, сполучення, стик

moisten /mɔisn/ зволожувати, змочувати

wick /wik/ гніт; фітіль; тампон

surroundings /'sə:raundiŋz/ середовище, оточення

indicate /indi'keit/ вказувати; означати

equilibrium /,i:kwi'libriəm/ урівноваження; рівновага

rate /'reit/ швидкість

humid /'hju:mid/ вогкий, вологий

measure /'meʒə/ міряти, вимірювати

sample /'sa:mpl/ зразок; шаблон, модель

velocity /vi'lɔsiti/ швидкість

error /'erə/ помилка; огріх

conventional /kən'venʃənl/ традиційний

stem /'stem/ стебло

crusty /'krʌsti/ твердий; покритий корою

saturation /'sætʃəreiʃn/ насичення

equation /i'kweiʃn/ рівняння

curve /'kə:v/ крива

reading /ri:diŋ/ показання (приладів)

chart /’tʃa:t/ діаграма; схема

term /’tə:m/ термін (науковий чи технічний)

fpm. — feet per minute футів за хвилину

Lexical Drills

Exercise I. Match the synonyms:

1. velocity a) precise

2. error b) define

3. moistened c) gather

4. accurate d) mistake

5. determine e) rate

6. collect f) humid

7. complicated g) traditional

8. conventional h) complex

Exercise II. Find in the text of the lesson one or more suitable words to go with the

following words:

Example: temperature →low, dry-bulb, different...

Translate the found word-combinations into Ukrainian:

air, mixture, significant, pressure, ratio, vapor, error, accuracy, moisture, water, surface.

Exercise III. Translate the following word-combinations into Ukrainian:

1) psychrometric chart; 2) soft fine-mesh cotton tubing; 3) constant moisture line; 4) "dew-point depression"; 5) the conventional size thermometer bulb; 6) air-vapor mixture; 7) near-by surface; 8) the indicated dry-bulb temperature; 9) an accurate wet-bulb reading; 10) the saturation curve



присвійний займенник

чи + герундій

іменник у присвійному (або загальному) відмінку

І dislike histranslating it

Мені не подобається, як він перекладає це.

Як єдиний член речення герундіальний зворот може виконувати такі функції:

1) складного підмета

His coming here was obviously unexpected. Його прихід сюди був, очевидно, несподіваним.

2) прямого та прийменникового складного додатка Please,excuse my being late. Пробачте за моє запізнення.

Theconcept of telemetry developed with the first practical device being used just before World War І. Поняття телеметрії розвинулось з використанням першого практичного приладу якраз напередодні першої світової війни.

3) складногоозначення

The Periodic Law pointed out the possibility of chemists' discovering new elements. Закон періодичності елементів показав можливість відкриття хіміками нових елементів.

4) складної обставини

No book on atomic theory can be written without the names of the Curies being referred to. Жодна книга з атомної теорії не може бути написана без посилань на ім'я подружжя Кюрі.

Герундіальний зворот перекладається на українську мову:

1) підрядним реченням, підметом якого є присвійний займенник чи іменник у присвійному (або загальному) відмінку, а присудком — герундій:

There is no hope of their solving this complex problem so soon. Немає надії, що вони вирішать цю складну проблему дуже швидко.

2) прийменниковим зворотом з іменником:

The scientific adviser insisted on the experiment being repeated. Науковий керівник наполягав на повторенні експерименту.



Lesson В.

Translation Practice.


Temperature is a measure of the intensity of heat. It is usually expressed in degrees Centigrade (C) or, in English-speaking countries, in Fahrenheit (°F). The point on which the centigrade scale is based arethe melting point of ice (0°C) and the boiling point of water at atmospheric pressure (100 °C). The relation between °С and °F is expressed by the following formula:

°С = (°F - 32) • 5/9; °F = 1.8°C + 32

If heat is removed from a body, the temperature of the body falls until a point is reached where no more heat can be removed. This point is called absolute zero, and lies 273 degree below the zero point of the centigrade scale, that is, at -273°C (-460°F).

There are two other temperature scales, the Kelvin or absolute and Rankine. On the Rankine scale the boiling point of water is fixed at 672° and its freezing point at 492°. On the absolute scale temperature is measured in degrees Centigrade from the point at which molecular motion ceases. Absolute zero, as it was said above, is -273°C.

The thermometers are all identically made but each has a different scale. In the United States the Fahrenheit scale is commonly used in civil life, and Rankine scale is used by engineers. The Centigrade and Kelvin scales are used in all countries for scientific measurements.


Calculate the temperatures on the Fahrenheit thermometer. Comment the calculations in English. Mind the reading of mathematical symbols:

+ plus, positive

- minus, negative

x or . multiplied by,times /or — divided by

() brackets

1) the boiling point of nitrogen is -196°C

2) the melting point of nitrogen is -210°C

3) the boiling point of oxygen is -183°C

4) the melting point of oxygen is -219°C

5) the solidification point of carbon dioxide is -78.5°C

6) the boiling point of ammonia is -33°C

7) the boiling point of Freon-12 is -30°C

8) the boiling point of volatile liquid F-ll is 24°C

9) the melting point of lithium is 180°C

Lesson C.

Schooling in Britain.

The English educational system is much more complicated than in our country. In Britain boys and girls go to school from the age of five to fifteen; some go till the age of sixteen or eighteen. The children of the rich get a far better education than the children of the poorer classes. They attend expensive Public Schools, e.g. Eton or Rugby where pupils have to pay much money for their studies. Later on many of them study at Oxford or Cambridge. High political and business positions are open to them.

For children of the workers it is much more difficult to get a hi


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