Work. Applying for a job. Робота. Звернення по роботу. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Work. Applying for a job. Робота. Звернення по роботу.


trade професія, ремесло

occupation заняття, професія

to be employed бути прийнятим на роботу

unemployed безробітний

employer /im'ploiə/ роботодавець, наймач

employee /,emploi'i:/ службовець

employment agency агентство по найму

to be between jobs тимчасово не працювати

to retire /ri'taiə/ піти на пенсію

to be discharged (fired, sacked, dismissed) бути звільненим з роботи

reduction of staff (personnel) скорочення штатів

personnel manager менеджер по кадрам

salary /'sæləri/ заробітна плата, оклад

wages /'weiʒiz/ заробітна плата, заробітки

allowance /ə'lauəns/ періодична грошова допомога,


to earn one's living /ə:n/ заробляти на життя

bonus /'bounəs/ премія

benefits /'benifit/ пільги

tax /tæks/ податок

insurance /in'∫uərəns/ страхування

to put (send) in an application подати заяву

to be appointed to the post бути призначеним на посаду

to hold the post of обіймати посаду

an advertisement /əd'vərtismənt/ оголошення, реклама

to apply for a job звертатися по роботу
CV — Curriculum Vitae /kə'rikjuləm 'vaitə/ автобіографія

resume резюме, автобіографія

single /'siŋgl/ неодружений, незаміжня

married /'mærid/ жонатий, одружений

divorced /di'vo:st/ розлучений

separated /sepəreitid/ живучий окремо

date of birth /bə:θ/ дата народження

Mr. Mister /'mistə/ містер

Mrs. Mistress /misiz/ місіс

Miss /mis/ міс (неодружена жінка)

Ms /miz, məz/ при звертанні до ділової жінки

або коли невідомий родинний стан жінки

experience /iks'piəriəns/ стаж практичної діяльності

branch /'braint∫/ філія, відділення

company /'kAmpəni/ компанія

temporary work /'tempərəri/ тимчасова робота

applicant кандидат, претендент


І. Fill in the form:


Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms...............

First name......................


Age / Date of Birth..................

Marital status..................




Education and qualifications

Sept 198.. secondary school — May 199.. … vocational school


June 199// OSAR — started as an engineer

II. Work in pairs. Make dialogues between interviewers and applicants.

Questions that can be asked at an interview:

— Why do you want to leave your present job?

— How long have you worked there?

— What are the years of experience?

— What is the name and address of your last employer?

— What languages do you speak, read and write?

— What was your last salary?

— What is the salary you would expect to receive?

— How long do you think you would stay with us if you were appointed?

— What kind of person are you?

Are you ambitious / shy / energetic / industrious?

— What is your worst and best quality?

— What do you do in your spare time?

Why do you think you would enjoy working for us?

III. Choose one of the advertised jobs and write a letter of application to accompany your


A WELL-KNOWN WESTERN COMPANY SEEKS SALES MANAGER for South Ukrainian region. Very good salary and conditions. Age between 25 and 40. Not less than 3 years previous selling experience. Good English required. Computer literacy essential. Please send your resume to Managing Director, Kyiv-25000, POBOX 1222


REFRIGERATION ENGINEERS REQUIRED Applicants must be between 22 and 30 years old. Higher education needed. Experience not essential. Apply in writing to: Personnel Manager, North Star Ltd, 33 Green Street, Lucky City, Homeland.


MAGAZINE FOR STUDENTS OF ENGLISH is looking for correspondent. Age between 18 and 25. Candidate must be fluent in English, familiar with Win.95. Applicants should fax resume to Chief Editor.


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