I. Describe the working place of a secretary of an office, a boss of a firm, your working place at home. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


I. Describe the working place of a secretary of an office, a boss of a firm, your working place at home.


II. Work in pairs. Act as a shop-assistant and a customer at the stationer's.

Useful expressions:

What can I do for you? I'm just looking Can I have a look at...? How much does it cost? Here is the money Can I help you? I'm looking for... How much is it? Here you are. Here is your change.

III. Divide the vocabulary to this lesson into two groups: things / machines and some stuff.

Model: things/machinessome stuff

ball-point pen correcting fluid

IV. Read these definitions and name the words:

1) some liquid for a fountain-pen

2) a machine for sharpening pencils

3) some stuff for correcting typing errors

4) a machine for making holes

5) a thing for holding papers together

6) some substance for joining things (e.g. paper, wood)

7) a thing for fastening papers together


Lesson A. Text: The Compression Cycle

Grammar: The Subjunctive Mood

Lesson B. Translation Practice. Meanings of the words for, since, both... and,

neither... nor, either... or. Text for translation: System Balance.

Lesson C. Speech Practice. Visiting a Firm.

Lesson A

Key words: piston /'pistən/ поршень

cylinder /'silində/ циліндр

suction stroke /'sAk∫n 'strouk/ всмоктувальний хід поршня

valve plate /'vælv pleit/ пластинка клапану

strike /'straik/ вдаритися

clearance volume /'kliərəns 'voljum / мертвий об'єм

dead center /'ded'sentə/ мертва точка

clearance space мертвий простір

discharge stroke /dis't∫a:ə 'strouk/ випусний хід

trap /'træp/ уловлювати; уловлювач

head of the compressor кришка компресора

spring loading навантаження пружини

expansion /iks'pænSn/ розширення

suction line всмоктувальний трубопровід

bottom /'botəm/ дно; нижня частина

fill заповнювати

spring action /'spriŋ 'æk∫n/ дія, робота пружини

stroke хід поршня

hot gas line трубопровід з гарячим газом

crankshaft /'kræŋk, ∫a:ft/ колінчастий вал

plot /'plot/ наносити (дані) на графік


Lexical Drills

I. Match the synonyms:

line, revolution, balance, rate, vapor, to force, constant, to correlate

equilibrium,velocity,turn,pipe,steam,to make,to correspond to,continuous

II. What goes with what?

vapor compressor

fee refrigeration

job tuition

to put through president

refrigerant manager

elections telephone

piston boiler

liquid evaporator

money education

post-graduate business

III. How many words can you add to these two lists?

refrigerator: compressor, refrigerating coil,... compressor: crankshaft, suction valve,...



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