Ex. 68. You are telling a friend some news. Use the notes and write each sentence in the Present Perfect, active (has done) or passive (has been done). 

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Ex. 68. You are telling a friend some news. Use the notes and write each sentence in the Present Perfect, active (has done) or passive (has been done).


Ex. 68. You are telling a friend some news. Use the notes and write each sentence in the Present Perfect, active (has done) or passive (has been done).

1. (Someone — repair — phone box)

You know the phone box at the end of the road? It has been repaired.

2. (Trevor — leave — his wife)

Have you heard about Trevor? _______________.

3. (Someone — steal — Kate’s — new car)

You know about Kate’s new car? ____________.

4. (Parkers — buy — video camera)

You know the Parkers? They _________.

5. (An ambulance — take — Mr. Deacon — hospital)

Poor old Mr. Deacon! He _____________.

6. (Owner — sell — house)

You know the house on the corner? It ___________.

7. (Picture — win — the competition)

You remember that picture Mark painted? _____________.

8. (Company — sack — Caroline)

I feel sorry for Caroline. ______________.

9. (Something — run over — cat)

Bad news about the cat next door! ______________!


Ex. 69. Complete this conversation with verbs in a suitable tense, active or passive. Learn the dialogue by heart.

Cindy and Petra are members of a volleyball team.

C. Why wasn’t Claire at the training session?

P. Haven’t you heard? She has been (1) thrown out for stealing.

C. No! Really?

P. Yes! She __(2)__ taking money from someone’s bag in the changing room.

C Who by?

P. The sports club manager. She __(3)__ through the changing room when she __(4)__.

C. Oh, dear… That’s terrible!


P. Claire said she __(5)__ to fetch the money by Karen, but when Karen __(6)__ about it, she said she __(7)__ (not) what Claire was talking about.

C. But how stupid of Karen to leave money in the changing room!

P. Yes! She __(8)__that by the manager too.

C. She __(9)__ (not) it again, anyhow.

P. No, I guess not. What do you think Claire __(10)__ now?

C. I don’t know. This is the second club she __(11)__ to leave, isn’t it?

P. Yes. It’s hard to know what can __(12)__ for someone like Claire.


Ex. 70.


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