Содержание книги

  1. We use the infinitive after modal verbs and a number of other verbs. The passive infinitive is to be done / to have done.
  2. Ex. 1. Find the passive verbs in this text. What tenses are they?
  3. Ex. 2. Underline all the passives.
  4. Ex.4. Put the sentences into the Passive voice.
  5. Ex. 9. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Present Progressive Passive.
  6. Ex. 13. Complete the text with expressions given below.
  7. Ex. 14. Open the brackets, using the correct form in the Passive.
  8. Ex. 18. Put the verbs in brackets into a suitable tense in the passive.
  9. Ex. 20. Rewrite these sentences in the Passive.
  10. Ex 22. Put the verb in brackets into the Past Simple, the Past Continuous and the Past Perfect in the Active or in the Passive Voice.
  11. Ex. 26. Put the sentences into the passive voice.
  12. Passive verbs with prepositional objects
  13. Ex. 31. Put the sentence with a verb + preposition/adverb combination into the passive.
  14. Ex. 33. Express in the passive the second of each of the following pairs of sentences. Do not mention the active subjects. The first two sentences are done for you.
  15. Ex. 38. Rewrite these verbs as passives, keeping them in the same tense, and removing they, we, someone, etc.
  16. Ex. 40. Rewrite the sentences, putting the underlined verbs into the Passive. Make any other changes necessary.
  17. Ex. 42. Read this information about what happened to the Watsons.
  18. Passive structures of the verbs
  19. Ex. 46. Change the structure using the Passive Voice.
  20. Ex. 49. Most of the sentences contain one mistake. Correct it of write “right”.
  21. Ex. 52. Use passive or active, in any appropriate tense, for the verbs in brackets.
  22. Ex. 53. Supply the required passive forms of the verbs in brackets.
  23. Ex. 54. Use the required passive forms.
  24. Ex. 55. Use the required active or passive tense forms.
  25. Ex. 56. Translate into English.
  26. Ex. 58. Translate into English.
  27. Ex. 62. Choose the best way of continuing after each sentence.
  28. A) Rewrite these instructions, using simple commands instead of the passive.
  29. Complete these sentences using a passive construction. Only use by if it’s natural to do so.
  30. Turn these newspapers headlines into radio news headlines. (Informal, spoken form.)
  31. Ex. 66. Practice saying these sentences and answer the questions.
  32. Ex. 68. You are telling a friend some news. Use the notes and write each sentence in the Present Perfect, active (has done) or passive (has been done).
  33. Group work. Match the two columns. Then make a sentence for each, using the passive. Look at the example first.
  34. The formation of the passive voice………………. . . 1
  35. Progressive forms……………………………………. . 11
  36. AIDS kills Freddie's 2 lovers. Star's dead lovers
  37. Phone call of terror. Gay life ended 7-year affair

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Ex. 40. Rewrite the sentences, putting the underlined verbs into the Passive. Make any other changes necessary.

Ex. 40. Rewrite the sentences, putting the underlined verbs into the Passive. Make any other changes necessary.

The company is sorry to announce that the situation has forced it to introduce a range of cost-cutting measures as from the beginning of the new year. Unfortunately, we can no longer provide free tea and coffee. Someone is going to install new coin-operated machines in every department and you can purchase a wide range of drinks from these. We will also stop overtime payments after the end of this month and we will expect all members of staff to complete their duties within their contact hours. You must no longer make personal calls from office phones and we request you to use the payphone in the basement for this purpose.


Ex. 41. Rewrite the sentences, putting the underlined verbs into the Passive. Make any other changes necessary. Reproduce the dialogues in the Reported Speech.

Jane is talking to her friend Greg about her holiday.



So, how was the holiday?

Oh, it was fantastic. They organised everything so well. As soon as we arrived at the airport, our courier met us and took us to hotel. Someone had cleaned all the rooms beautifully and put fresh flowers on the tables.













Oh, how lovely. And what about the food?

It was excellent. They freshly prepared it all in the hotel and they even made the bread in the hotel kitchen. They served bread rolls hot every morning with breakfast.

Mm, it does sound good. I must say, I'd like someone to cook my meals for me for a couple of weeks. And what about the surrounding area? Was that nice?

Oh, beautiful. There were trips every day and they showed us all the local sights. There was so much history to see, You'd love it there, honestly.


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