Содержание книги

  1. We use the infinitive after modal verbs and a number of other verbs. The passive infinitive is to be done / to have done.
  2. Ex. 1. Find the passive verbs in this text. What tenses are they?
  3. Ex. 2. Underline all the passives.
  4. Ex.4. Put the sentences into the Passive voice.
  5. Ex. 9. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Present Progressive Passive.
  6. Ex. 13. Complete the text with expressions given below.
  7. Ex. 14. Open the brackets, using the correct form in the Passive.
  8. Ex. 18. Put the verbs in brackets into a suitable tense in the passive.
  9. Ex. 20. Rewrite these sentences in the Passive.
  10. Ex 22. Put the verb in brackets into the Past Simple, the Past Continuous and the Past Perfect in the Active or in the Passive Voice.
  11. Ex. 26. Put the sentences into the passive voice.
  12. Passive verbs with prepositional objects
  13. Ex. 31. Put the sentence with a verb + preposition/adverb combination into the passive.
  14. Ex. 33. Express in the passive the second of each of the following pairs of sentences. Do not mention the active subjects. The first two sentences are done for you.
  15. Ex. 38. Rewrite these verbs as passives, keeping them in the same tense, and removing they, we, someone, etc.
  16. Ex. 40. Rewrite the sentences, putting the underlined verbs into the Passive. Make any other changes necessary.
  17. Ex. 42. Read this information about what happened to the Watsons.
  18. Passive structures of the verbs
  19. Ex. 46. Change the structure using the Passive Voice.
  20. Ex. 49. Most of the sentences contain one mistake. Correct it of write “right”.
  21. Ex. 52. Use passive or active, in any appropriate tense, for the verbs in brackets.
  22. Ex. 53. Supply the required passive forms of the verbs in brackets.
  23. Ex. 54. Use the required passive forms.
  24. Ex. 55. Use the required active or passive tense forms.
  25. Ex. 56. Translate into English.
  26. Ex. 58. Translate into English.
  27. Ex. 62. Choose the best way of continuing after each sentence.
  28. A) Rewrite these instructions, using simple commands instead of the passive.
  29. Complete these sentences using a passive construction. Only use by if it’s natural to do so.
  30. Turn these newspapers headlines into radio news headlines. (Informal, spoken form.)
  31. Ex. 66. Practice saying these sentences and answer the questions.
  32. Ex. 68. You are telling a friend some news. Use the notes and write each sentence in the Present Perfect, active (has done) or passive (has been done).
  33. Group work. Match the two columns. Then make a sentence for each, using the passive. Look at the example first.
  34. The formation of the passive voice………………. . . 1
  35. Progressive forms……………………………………. . 11
  36. AIDS kills Freddie's 2 lovers. Star's dead lovers
  37. Phone call of terror. Gay life ended 7-year affair

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Passive structures of the verbs



Some verbs can have two objects – an indirect object (the person receiving something) and a direct object (the thing that someone gives)


                        INDIRECT OBJECT          DIRECT OBJECT

Kate gave        me                                       this cassette.

I’ll send           my cousin                            a present.


We can say the same thing with a different pattern.


              DIRECT OBJECT              PHRASE WITH TO OR FOR

Kate gave        the cassette                to someone else.

I’ll send           a present                   to my cousin.


a) We can use the to pattern or an indirect object with the verbs of giving: give, lend, hand, pass, throw; send, post, bring, take; pay, sell; promise; show, offer; read, write, tell, teach; owe; leave (in a will).

In an active sentence, a verb of giving can have two different patterns after it. They both have the same meaning.

The Queen gave a medal to the pilot.

The Queen gavethe pilot a medal.

Verbs with two objects have two possible passive structures. Either a medal or the pilot can be the subject of a passive sentence:

A medal was given to the pilot.

The pilot was given a medal.

The first of these two sentences is about a medal, and it tells us who received it. The second is about the pilot, and it tells us what he received. We choose the structure which fits best with what comes before and after. The structure with the person as subject is probably more common.



They gave the winner a prize.

The winner was given a prize.

They gave a prize to the winner.

A prize was given to the winner.



Ex. 44. Change the structure

1. Nothing was sent to me. I was sent nothing.

2. Papers were brought to us to sign.

3. A clock was given to Henry when he retired.

4. Stories were read to the children.

5. ‡ 5,000 is owed to me.

6. A new job has been offered to me.

7. A car has been lent to me for the week.

8. A full explanation was promised to us.

9.  A lot of lies were told to me by the secretary.

10. Useful work skills are taught to our staff.

11. Company shares are offered to most employees.

12. People with initiative are given opportunities.

13. Six weeks’ holiday is allowed to all employees.

14. People moving house are given help.

15. Women who leave to have children are paid a sum of money.


b) We can use the for pattern or an indirect object with these verbs: buy, get, fetch, bring; find; leave, save; reserve, order, book; make, cook, build; pick, choose:

They found a spare ticket for me. OR They found me a spare ticket.


With these verbs practically only one passive construction is used, i. e. When the direct object becomes the subject of the Passive Construction:

A spare ticket was found for me.


Ex. 45. Change the structure using the Passive Voice (give two variants where possible).

1. Tim lent Sarah his calculator.

2. Brian sent a message to his wife.

3. I sold my bike to my brother.

4. The boss promised the workers a pay rise.

5. I’ve saved you a seat.

6. Someone passed the sugar to Dave.

7. Peter told the joke to all his friends.

8. Sam gave his flat-mate some help.

9. I am making our guests a cake.

10. Could you send me a bill?

11. I have bought a present for you.

12. My brother read the letter to me.

13. He is showing Granny his picture.

14. Tom fetched some books to Monica.

15. We owe $ 20,000 to the bank.

16. He will get some beer to me.

17. I wrote my teacher a letter of apology.

18. Sarah threw the ball to Kirsty.

19. They showed her the shortest way to the station.

20. My mother taught me English.

21. Tom has just told me a good story.

22. She will lend me this book on Tuesday.

23. My friend gave me a good piece of advice how to do this job.

24. She told us her name after we had asked her twice.

25. I sent her brother a telegram.

26. Jill had paid the money to the cashier before the shop was closed.


c) The verbs: explain, describe, dictate, repeat, mention, say, suggest, introduce, declare, deliver, present, recommend, prove, point outdo not have the indirect object first. With these verbs only one Passive Construction is used.



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