rūpaṁ tapodhana tapaś caratāṁ tapoghnaṁ 

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rūpaṁ tapodhana tapaś caratāṁ tapoghnaṁ


The ball struck by your lotus hand which moves in all directions agitates my eyes, though I am already bewildered. Are you not aware that your hair has become unbound and that the crafty, lusty wind has taken off your garment. 

Seeing her play with a ball, he speaks. The ball disturbs my eyes, and I have already become bewildered in heart. You are not aware that your hair has become unbound. The crafty wind has blown away your garment. Are you not aware of this? In this way you are absorbed in playing with the ball.


|| 5.2.15 ||

rūpaṁ tapodhana tapaś caratāṁ tapoghnaṁ

hy etat tu kena tapasā bhavatopalabdham

cartuṁ tapo 'rhasi mayā saha mitra mahyaṁ

kiṁ vā prasīdati sa vai bhava-bhāvano me

O wealth of austerity! By what penance have you gained this beauty which destroys the vows of persons performing austerities? You should join me in performing austerities to make me happy, O friend! Or perhaps Brahmā has been merciful to fulfill my desire for a wife.

Perhaps you have been sent to join me in performing austerities. O wealth of austerity! You have gained to a high degree (upa) something which destroys others’ austerities. You should join me in performing austerities to make me happy (mahyam). Is Brahmā pleased to fulfill my desire?

|| 5.2.16 ||

na tvāṁ tyajāmi dayitaṁ dvija-deva-dattaṁ

yasmin mano dṛg api no na viyāti lagnam

māṁ cāru-śṛṅgy arhasi netum anuvrataṁ te

cittaṁ yataḥ pratisarantu śivāḥ sacivyaḥ

I will not leave you since you have been given by Brahmā. My mind and eyes cannot leave you. O woman with beautiful, raised breasts! You should lead me wherever you want. May your favorable friends follow me!

He fears that she will say, “What is the benefit for me in obeying you? I am going now.” He speaks. I will not give you up since you are given by Brahmā. My mind and eyes do not leave you. O person with beautiful horns! Woman with raised breasts! Addressing her in the feminine indicates that that his attempt to conceal his feelings has been destroyed by his lust. You should take me wherever you like. May your favorable (śivāḥ) friends follow me! 

|| 5.2.17 ||


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