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duḥkhaṁ sukhaṁ vā guṇa-karma-saṅgāt
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- tasya bhrātṛṣv ātma-sāmyaṁ
- tām udvahata mā ciram
- Householders who perform acts of devotion while spending all time in discussing topics about me are not bound by household life.
- evaṁ bruvāṇaṁ puruṣārtha-bhājanaṁ
- prabhave sarva-sātvatām
- prasanno bhagavān yeṣām
- na svargaṁ nāpunar-bhavam
- bhagavān nyāsināṁ gatiḥ
- vṛṇīmahe te paritoṣaṇāya
- iti pracetobhir abhiṣṭuto hariḥ
- The frightened trees which still remained, on advice of Brahmā, offered their daughter to the Pracetās.
- yuyoja yuyuje 'nyāṁś ca
- tān nirjita-prāṇa-mano-vaco-dṛśo
- bhagavān nārado muniḥ
- vacobhiś citta-vṛttibhiḥ
- yathā taror mūla-niṣecanena
- punaś ca tasmin praviśanti kāle
- tenaikam ātmānam aśeṣa-dehināṁ
- na bhajati kumanīṣiṇāṁ sa ijyāṁ
- anyāś ca bhagavat-kathāḥ
- yatrākiñcana-go hariḥ
- puṁsāṁ bhavitum arhati
- nibodha tātedam ṛtaṁ bravīmi
- māsūyituṁ devam arhasy aprameyam
- bhavāya nāśāya ca karma kartuṁ
- duḥkhaṁ sukhaṁ vā guṇa-karma-saṅgāt
- yathānubhūtaṁ pratiyāta-nidraḥ
- gṛheṣu nirviśya yateta pūrvam
- anyasyām api jāyāyāṁ trayaḥ putrā āsann uttamas tāmaso raivata iti manvantarādhipatayaḥ.
- ye vā u ha tad-ratha-caraṇa-nemi-kṛta-parikhātās te sapta sindhava āsan yata eva kṛtāḥ sapta bhuvo dvīpāḥ.
- The troughs created by the wheels of his chariot produced seven oceans, from which seven continents were formed.
- duhitaraṁ corjasvatīṁ nāmośanase prāyacchad yasyām āsīd devayānī nāma kāvya-sutā.
- naivaṁ-vidhaḥ puruṣa-kāra urukramasya
- priyavrata-kṛtaṁ karma
- sarid-giri-vanādibhiḥ
- tad upalabhya bhagavān ādi-puruṣaḥ sadasi gāyantīṁ pūrvacittiṁ nāmāpsarasam abhiyāpayām āsa.
- kā tvaṁ cikīrṣasi ca kiṁ muni-varya śaile
- bāṇāv imau bhagavataḥ śata-patra-patrau
- kiṁ sambhṛtaṁ rucirayor dvija śṛṅgayos te
- kā vātma-vṛttir adanād dhavir aṅga vāti
- rūpaṁ tapodhana tapaś caratāṁ tapoghnaṁ
- sā sūtvātha sutān navānuvatsaraṁ gṛha evāpahāya pūrvacittir bhūya evājaṁ devam upatasthe.
- The Lord Appears Before King Nābhi
- nābhir apatya-kāmo 'prajayā merudevyā bhagavantaṁ yajña-puruṣam avahitātmāyajata.
- athānayāpi na bhavata ijyayoru-bhāra-bharayā samucitam artham ihopalabhāmahe.
- We see that you do not have any use for our elaborate worship.
- O most worshipable Lord! That you, best giver of benedictions, appeared as the object of our vision in the King’s sacrifice was our benediction.
- tata āgnīdhrīye 'ṁśa-kalayāvatariṣyāmy ātma-tulyam anupalabhamānaḥ.
- Not finding anyone equal to me, I will appear in my partial form for the King Nābhi.
- Because of his excellent body, praised by many poets, his mental and physical strength, his beauty, fame, influence and courage, he is father called him Ṛṣabha.
duḥkhaṁ sukhaṁ vā guṇa-karma-saṅgāt
āsthāya tat tad yad ayuṅkta nāthaś
cakṣuṣmatāndhā iva nīyamānāḥ
O Priyavrata! Accepting with faith whatever the master gives us, like blind men led by a man with sight, we must accept the happiness and distress given by the Lord, since it arises from our actions in the guṇas.
We are dependent even in enjoying the results of karma. O Priyavrata (aṅga)! We receive happiness and distress as given by the Lord. But this is not some fault in the Lord. It arises from our attachment to actions connected to the guṇas. Among all oxen which are equal as far as common characteristics are concerned, according to the amount of good or bad actions, their master gives them rice with milk and ghee and puts them the best stables, or gives them rough chick peas and dhal, or grass and corn. Or he may put them outside in the mud and sun without food, beat them and scold them, and feed them straw and leaves. In what manner should we accept these results? Whatever the master gives as good or bad results, only according to our good and bad qualities, we should accept (āsthāya). What fault is there in the master? We should accept this with faith. One should see this as a good quality in the Lord. An example is given. Will the blind man scold the man with vision who, while leading him on the path, takes him on the path full of burning sun instead of on the shady path because he sees thorns on the shady path? The man with sight is the well-wisher of the blind man. The person with faith will praise the Lord.
|| 5.1.16 ||
mukto 'pi tāvad bibhṛyāt sva-deham
ārabdham aśnann abhimāna-śūnyaḥ