The frightened trees which still remained, on advice of Brahmā, offered their daughter to the Pracetās. 

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The frightened trees which still remained, on advice of Brahmā, offered their daughter to the Pracetās.


bhītā duhitaraṁ tadā

ujjahrus te pracetobhya

upadiṣṭāḥ svayambhuvā

The frightened trees which still remained, on advice of Brahmā, offered their daughter to the Pracetās.

|| 4.30.48 ||

te ca brahmaṇa ādeśān

māriṣām upayemire

yasyāṁ mahad-avajñānād

ajany ajana-yonijaḥ

By the order of Brahmā, all the Pracetās married their daughter named Māriṣā, in whom Dakṣa later took birth because of offense to Śiva.

Māriṣā was the child raised by the trees. Ajana-yonijaḥ is Dakṣa. Dakṣa was born from Brahmā but because of great offense to Śiva, took birth (ajani) from Māriṣā, in a kṣatriyas line (by the Pracetās). Because of being born from kṣatriya blood, he had to experience the suffering of being born from a womb. It should be understood that he died twice—once by the hand of Vīrabhadra and later by time.


|| 4.30.49 ||

cākṣuṣe tv antare prāpte

prāk-sarge kāla-vidrute

yaḥ sasarja prajā iṣṭāḥ

sa dakṣo daiva-coditaḥ

He who, inspired by the Lord, created the desired progeny at the time of Cākṣuṣa Manvantara when the previous creation had been destroyed by time, is known as Dakṣa.


By pleasing Śiva through praising him, Dakṣa regained his power and body. That is described here. Prāk-sarge kāla-vidrute means “when the fifth manvantara ended, and the old creation was destroyed by the will of the Lord (kalataḥ).” He was born during Svāyambhuva Manvantara and had to perform austerities until the fifth manvantara with a desire to regain his previous powers. In the sixth manvantara his austerities bore fruit.


|| 4.30.50-51 ||

yo jāyamānaḥ sarveṣāṁ

tejas tejasvināṁ rucā

svayopādatta dākṣyāc ca

karmaṇāṁ dakṣam abruvan

taṁ prajā-sarga-rakṣāyām


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