tān nirjita-prāṇa-mano-vaco-dṛśo 

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tān nirjita-prāṇa-mano-vaco-dṛśo


tān nirjita-prāṇa-mano-vaco-dṛśo

jitāsanān śānta-samāna-vigrahān

pare 'male brahmaṇi yojitātmanaḥ

surāsureḍyo dadṛśe sma nāradaḥ

Nārada, who is worshipped by the devatās and demons, saw them. They had controlled their life airs, mind, speech and sight, had perfected the yoga postures, and were sitting peacefully with straight posture, concentrating their minds on the pure Supreme Lord.

The Lord was described in Śiva’s song as having a dark complexion like a rain cloud. Dadṛśe should be dadarśa


|| 4.31.4 ||

tam āgataṁ ta utthāya

praṇipatyābhinandya ca

pūjayitvā yathādeśaṁ

sukhāsīnam athābruvan

When he appeared, the Pracetās stood up, offered respects on the ground, welcomed him and worshipped him according to the rules. Seating him comfortably, they then spoke.

Yathādeśam means according to rule.

|| 4.31.5 ||

pracetasa ūcuḥ

svāgataṁ te surarṣe 'dya

diṣṭyā no darśanaṁ gataḥ

tava caṅkramaṇaṁ brahmann

abhayāya yathā raveḥ

The Pracetās said: Welcome to you! O sage of the devatās! By good fortune we can see you. O brāhmaṇa! You have come. Your movement, like that of the sun, creates fearlessness.

Just as, by seeing the sun, fear of thieves disappears, by seeing you, fear of saṁsāra disappears.

|| 4.31.6 ||

yad ādiṣṭaṁ bhagavatā

śivenādhokṣajena ca

tad gṛheṣu prasaktānāṁ

prāyaśaḥ kṣapitaṁ prabho

O master! What Śiva and Viṣṇu taught us has almost been destroyed since we were attached to household life.

|| 4.31.7 ||

tan naḥ pradyotayādhyātma-

jñānaṁ tattvārtha-darśanam

yenāñjasā tariṣyāmo

dustaraṁ bhava-sāgaram

Please enlighten us about knowledge of the jīva, which shows the highest truth, by which we can easily cross the difficult ocean of material existence.

Adhyātma-jñāna means knowledge concerning (adhi) the ātma. Enlighten us about the necessary knowledge of the jīva that we previously knew.


|| 4.31.8 ||


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