ye vā u ha tad-ratha-caraṇa-nemi-kṛta-parikhātās te sapta sindhava āsan yata eva kṛtāḥ sapta bhuvo dvīpāḥ. 

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ye vā u ha tad-ratha-caraṇa-nemi-kṛta-parikhātās te sapta sindhava āsan yata eva kṛtāḥ sapta bhuvo dvīpāḥ.


evam upaśamāyaneṣu sva-tanayeṣv atha jagatī-patir jagatīm arbudāny ekādaśa parivatsarāṇām avyāhatākhila-puruṣa-kāra-sāra-sambhṛta-dor-daṇḍa-yugalāpīḍita-maurvī-guṇa-stanita-viramita-dharma-pratipakṣo barhiṣmatyāś cānudinam edhamāna-pramoda-prasaraṇa-yauṣiṇya-vrīḍā-pramuṣita-hāsāvaloka-rucira-kṣvely-ādibhiḥ parābhūyamāna-viveka ivānavabudhyamāna iva mahāmanā bubhuje.

While these sons were engaged in the path of sense control, Priyavrata, with powerful mind, ruled the earth for 110,000,000 years and conquered his enemies by the mere sound of his bow drawn by two arms filled with strength arising from constant prowess, even though he seemed to have forgotten himself and to have lost his sense of discrimination by the constant, increasing joy expressed by his wife, by her actions, feminine qualities, her laughing glances restricted by her shyness, and her attractive, joking words. 

According to Śrīdhara Svāmī, an arbuda is 100 million. According to Jīva Gosvāmī an arbuda is a period 10 million years. Thus Priyavrata ruled the earth for 110,000,000 years. Among his necessary qualities of power, enjoyment and influence as a famous king, first his power is described. He conquered all opposers of dharma without even a fight, by the sound of his bow drawn by his two arms full of strength arising from his continuous prowess. Next his enjoyment is described. It seemed that his sense of discrimination was destroyed by the ever-increasing joy of his wife seeing him approach, by her rising up, changing of her ornaments and going to other places (prasaraṇa), by her feminine qualities (yauṣiṇya) such as glancing, raising her nose and scratching her ear, indicating her service attitude, by her smiling glances restricted by her shyness on seeing her husband’s boldness, and by her attractive, joking words. By these things he appeared to have lost his discrimination and forgotten his own self because of material attachment. This indicates that his conduct was difficult for ordinary people to understand, since his discrimination and intelligence actually remained intact. The reason is given. He had a great mind (mahāmanāḥ). He had an inconceivable mind because simultaneously he was attached and detached from material affairs.

|| 5.1.30 ||

yāvad avabhāsayati sura-girim anuparikrāman bhagavān ādityo vasudhā-talam ardhenaiva pratapaty ardhenāvacchādayati tadā hi bhagavad-upāsanopacitāti-puruṣa-prabhāvas tad anabhinandan samajavena rathena jyotirmayena rajanīm api dinaṁ kariṣyāmīti sapta-kṛt vastaraṇim anuparyakrāmad dvitīya iva pataṅgaḥ.

Priyavrata reigned while the sun, going around Meru, lit up half the surface of the earth while the other half was dark. Attaining super-human power by worship of the Lord, Priyavrata, discontent with this condition, thinking that he would make the night into day by his brilliant chariot which traveled at the speed of the sun, becoming like a second sun, followed the movement of the sun seven times.

This verse describes his influence. Priyavrata reigned at the time when the sun would shine, lighting up half the earth up to Lokāloka mountain as daytime, as it rotates around Meru, while covering half the surface of the earth with darkness, which experienced night. By his worship of the Lord he surpassed all humans in influence. Discontent with half the earth’s surface being covered by darkness, he followed the movement of the sun (taruṇim), so that when the sun set, he would light up that area. He followed the sun, not to compete with the sun, but to give happiness to the inhabitants of earth. Because of this arrangement also, in months like Jyeṣṭhya (hot months) the sun made by Priyavrata was cooler than the moon, and in cool months like Mārgaśīrṣa (cold months), the sun made by Priyavrata was warmer than the other sun at dawn and dusk.[28] This means that by the power of yoga of sages like Saubhari, Priyavrata had two bodies, one as the King and one as the sun.

|| 5.1.31 ||


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