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Exercise 10. Explain the usage of articles.Содержание книги
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1. Computer programs are software. 2. Watching movies on the Internet needs a faster CPU and a modem. 3. Computer is a machine that takes in information or data, performs a sequence of reasonable operations on the received information and puts out _ answers. Exercise 11. Make up the following sentences negative. 1. Notebooks have a screen, not a monitor. 2. The CPU controls how fast the computer processes data, or information. 3. We measure the Random Access Memory (RAM) of the computer in megabytes (MB). Exercise 12. Make up the following sentences interrogative. 1. CD-ROM and floppy disk drives are usually inside the tower. 2. RAM controls the performance of the computer when it is working and moves data to and from the CPU. 3. Programs with a lot of graphics need a large RAM to run well. 4. We measure the size of the hard disk in gigabytes. Exercise 13. Retell the text.
Exercise 14. Prepare the story about your PC. Topic «Types of computers». Vocabulary. Grammar: Degrees of comparison of adjectives. Exercises. Exercise 1. What kinds of computers do you know? What are they used for? Exercise 2. Vocabulary to the text. Mainframe – мейнфрейм Notebook – ноутбук Laptop – лэптоп Handheld – переносной, карманный, портативный Minicomputer – миникомпьютер Palmtop – палмтоп Subnotebook – субноутбук Sound – звук Multimedia – мультимедиа Animation – анимация According to – согласно чему-либо Variety – разнообразие Purpose – цель Pocket – карман Power – сила, мощность Powerful – сильный, мощный Typewriter – пишущая машинка Amounts of data – количество данных To compute – считать, вычислять Property – свойство, особенность Digit – цифра Digital – цифровой Numerical measurements – числовые измерения Exercise 3. Read the text, translate it and answer the questions. Types of computers A computer is a device that takes in data, processes it according to a program, and then outputs the processed data in some form. There is an increasing variety of computers of different sizes and designed for different purposes. One of the most important considerations when buying a computer is deciding how it is going to be used. The modern computers are of three types called analog, digital and hybrid. An analog computer computes by using physical analogs of numerical measurements. A digital computer computes by using the numbers (digits) and yeses and noes expressed usually in 1’s and 0’s. A hybrid computer is a machine which combines some of the properties of digital and analog. Computers can be divided into three broad categories: mainframe computers, minicomputers, and microcomputers. Mainframes are large, powerful, expensive computers that are operated by a team of professionals and are designed to be used by many people at the same time. The most powerful mainframes are sometimes called supercomputers. Minicomputers are really cut-down mainframes and are no longer very common. The most common type of computer is the microcomputer. Microcomputers are sometimes called personal computers. There is an increasing variety of portable microcomputers that can be grouped according to their size. However, as computers get smaller, it becomes more difficult to use them with a keyboard. Exercise 4. Answer the questions to the text. 1. What is one of the most important considerations when buying a computer? 2. What are the three main computer types? 3. What does each of them do? 4. What are mainframes? 5. The most common type of computer is laptop, isn’t it? 6. Why is it difficult sometimes to use computers? Exercise 5. Make up the degrees of comparison of the following adjectives. portable, common, small, expensive, good, little, perfect, busy, funny, fast, light, bad, cheap, famous, thin.
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